forked from mtcontrib/awards
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
image: abaez/luarocks
stage: test
- luarocks install --local luacheck
- $HOME/.luarocks/bin/luacheck .
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
language: generic
sudo: false
- luarocks
- luarocks install --local luacheck
- $HOME/.luarocks/bin/luacheck --no-color .
email: false
@ -1,35 +1,40 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2013-18 rubenwardy. MIT.
-- Internationalization support.
local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname())
-- The global award namespace
awards = {
show_mode = "hud",
registered_awards = {},
registered_triggers = {},
on_unlock = {},
translator = S,
-- Internationalization support.
awards.gettext, awards.ngettext = dofile(minetest.get_modpath("awards").."/src/intllib.lua")
local S = minetest.get_translator("awards")
awards.get_translator = S
-- Load files
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()).."/src"
-- Optionally add default awards.
if minetest.settings:get_bool("awards.add_defaults", true) then
local function check_save()
minetest.after(18, check_save)
minetest.after(8 * math.random() + 10, check_save)
-- Backwards compatibility
awards.give_achievement = awards.unlock
@ -1,254 +1,259 @@
# textdomain: awards
### api_awards.lua ###
Secret Award Unlocked: @1=
Award Unlocked: @1=
Secret Award Unlocked!=
Award Unlocked!=
Award Unlocked: %s=
Secret Award Unlocked!=
Secret Award Unlocked: %s=
### awards.lua ###
Place 20 coal checkers.=Platzieren Sie 20 Kohlenschachbrettmuster.
Place 20 iron checkers.=Platzieren Sie 20 Eisenschachbrettmuster.
Sam the Trapper=Sam der Fallensteller
Place 2 trap stones.=Platzieren Sie 2 Fallensteine.
Craft 4 large bags.=Fertigen Sie 4 große Taschen.
Craft 8 times flint and steel.=Fertigen Sie 8 mal einen Feuerstein und Stahl an.
Put out 1000 fires.=Löschen Sie 1000 Flammen.
You're a witch!=
Burn to death in a fire.=
You Suck!=
Die 100 times.=
Death in the Deeps=
Die below -10000=
In space, no one can hear you scream=
Die above 10000=
Light It Up=Licht an!
Place 100 torches.=Platzieren Sie 100 Fackeln.
Well Lit=Gut ausgeleuchtet
Place 1,000 torches.=Platzieren Sie 1000 Fackeln.
Really Well Lit=Sehr gute Beleuchtung
Craft 10 mese lamps.=Fertigen Sie 10 Meselampen.
Craft 200 stone bricks.=Fertigen Sie 200 Steinziegel.
Craft 800 stone bricks.=Fertigen Sie 800 Steinziegel an.
Craft 3,200 stone bricks.=Fertigen Sie 3200 Steinziegel.
Desert Dweller=Wüstenbewohner
Craft 400 desert stone bricks.=Fertigen Sie 400 Wüstensteinziegel.
Craft 100 sandstone bricks.=Fertigen Sie 100 Sandsteinziegel.
Little Library=Kleine Bücherei
Craft 7 bookshelves.=Fertigen Sie 7 Bücherregale.
Lava and Water=Lava und Wasser
Mine your first obsidian.=Bauen Sie Ihr erstes Obsidian ab.
Obsessed with Obsidian=Von Obsidian besessen
Mine 50 obsidian.=Bauen Sie 50 Obsidian ab.
Lava Miner=Lavagräber
Mine any block while being very close to lava.=
On The Way=Auf dem Weg
Place 100 rails.=Platzieren Sie 100 Gleise.
First Day in the Woods=Erster Tag im Wald
Dig 6 tree blocks.=Bauen Sie 6 Baumblöcke ab.
Dig 36 tree blocks.=Bauen Sie 36 Baumblöcke ab.
Semi-pro Lumberjack=Fortgeschrittener Holzfäller
Dig 216 tree blocks.=Bauen Sie 216 Baumblöcke ab.
Professional Lumberjack=Profiholzfäller
Dig 1,296 tree blocks.=Bauen Sie 1296 Baumblöcke ab.
Dig 100 jungle tree blocks.=Bauen Sie 100 Dschungelbaumblöcke ab.
Dig 1,000 jungle tree blocks.=Bauen Sie 1000 Dschungelbaumblöcke ab.
First Mese Find=Erster Mesefund
Mine your first mese ore.=Bauen Sie Ihr erstes Meseerz ab.
Mese Mastery=Mesemeister
Mine a mese block.=Bauen Sie einen Meseblock ab.
You’re a copper=Du Kupfer!
Dig 1,000 copper ores.=Bauen Sie 1000 Kupfererze ab.
Mini Miner=Berganfänger
Dig 100 stone blocks.=Bauen Sie 100 Steinblöcke ab.
Hardened Miner=Abhehärteter Bergarbeiter
Dig 1,000 stone blocks.=Bauen Sie 1000 Steine ab.
Master Miner=Profibergarbeiter
Dig 10,000 stone blocks.=Bauen Sie 10000 Steine ab.
Dig 1,000 sand.=Bauen Sie 1000 Sand ab.
Crafter of Sticks=Stockmacher
Craft 100 sticks.=Fertigen Sie 100 Stöcke.
Jungle Discoverer=Dschungelerkunder
Mine your first jungle grass.=Bauen Sie Ihr erstes Dschungelgras ab.
Grasslands Discoverer=Prärieerkunder
Mine some grass.=Bauen Sie etwas Gras ab.
Savannah Discoverer=Savannenerkunder
Mine some dry grass.=Bauen Sie etwas trockenes Gras ab.
Desert Discoverer=Wüstenerkunder
Mine your first cactus.=Bauen Sie Ihren ersten Kaktus ab.
Far Lands=Ferne Lande
Mine your first dry shrub.=Bauen Sie Ihren ersten vertrockneten Strauch ab.
Glacier Discoverer=Gletschererkunder
Mine your first ice.=Bauen Sie Ihr erstes Eis ab.
Very Simple Snow Man=Sehr simpler Schneemann
Place two snow blocks.=Platzieren Sie zwei Schneeblöcke.
First Gold Find=Erster Goldfund
Mine your first gold ore.=Bauen Sie Ihr erstes Golderz ab.
Gold Rush=Goldrausch
Mine 45 gold ores.=Bauen Sie 18 Diamanterze ab.
Wow, I am Diamonds!=Wow, ich bin Diamanten!
Mine your first diamond ore.=Bauen Sie Ihr erstes Diamanterz ab.
Girl's Best Friend=Bester Freund der Mädchen
Mine 18 diamond ores.=Bauen Sie 18 Diamanterze ab.
Hardest Block on Earth=Härtester Block der Welt
Craft a diamond block.=Fertigen Sie einen Diamantblock an.
In the Dungeon=Im Verlies
Mine a mossy cobblestone.=Bauen Sie ein bemoostes Kopfsteinpflaster ab.
Craft 10 furnaces.=Fertigen Sie 10 Öfen.
Craft 15 chests.=Fertigen Sie 15 Truhen.
Craft 30 locked chests.=Fertigen Sie 30 abgeschlossene Truhen.
Craft 200 brick blocks.=Fertigen Sie 200 Ziegelblöcke.
House of Obsidian=Haus aus Obsidian
Craft 100 obsidian bricks.=Fertigen Sie 100 Obsidianziegel.
Build a Cave=Höhlenbauer
Place 100 stone.=Platzieren Sie 100 Steine.
Long Ladder=Lange Leiter
Place 400 wooden ladders.=Platzieren Sie 400 Holzleitern.
Industrial Age=Industriezeitalter
Place 40 steel ladders.=Platzieren Sie 40 Stahlleitern.
Eat 80 apples.=Essen Sie 80 Äpfel.
In the Flow=
Die in flowing lava.=
This is Sad=
Die near diamond ore.=
Die near bones.=
Craft 14 vessels shelves.=Fertigen Sie 14 Gefäßregale.
Farming Skills Acquired=Landwirtschaft erlernt
Harvest a fully grown wheat plant.=Ernten Sie eine voll ausgewachsene Getreidepflanze.
Field Worker=Feldarbeiter
Harvest 25 fully grown wheat plants.=Ernten Sie 25 voll ausgewachsene Getreidepflanzen.
Aspiring Farmer=Aufstrebender Bauer
Harvest 125 fully grown wheat plants.=Ernten Sie 125 voll ausgewachsene Getreidepflanzen.
Wheat Magnate=Getreidemagnat
Harvest 625 fully grown wheat plants.=Ernten Sie 625 voll ausgewachsene Getreidepflanzen.
Eat 10 loaves of bread.=Essen Sie 10 Brote.
Wool Over Your Eyes=Wollige Augen
Craft 250 white wool.=Fertigen Sie 250 weiße Wolle.
Craft 15 fancy beds.=Fertigen Sie 15 schicke Betten.
Filthy Rich=Stinkreich
Craft 24 gold block stairs.=Fertigen Sie 24 Goldblockstufen.
Roses Are Red=Rosen sind rot
Craft 400 red dyes.=Fertigen Sie 400 rote Farbstoffe.
Dandelions are Yellow=Löwenzahn ist gelb
Craft 400 yellow dyes.=Fertigen Sie 400 gelbe Farbstoffe.
Geraniums are Blue=Geranien sind blau
Craft 400 blue dyes.=Fertigen Sie 400 blaue Farbstoffe.
White Color Stock=Weißer Farbstoffvorrat
Craft 100 white dyes.=Fertigen Sie 100 weiße Farbstoffe.
Tasty Mushrooms=Leckere Pilze
Eat 3 brown mushrooms.=Essen Sie 3 braune Pilze.
Mushroom Lover=Pilzfreund
Eat 33 brown mushrooms.=Essen Sie 33 braune Pilze.
Underground Mushroom Farmer=Unterirdischer Pilzbauer
Eat 333 brown mushrooms.=Essen Sie 333 braune Pilze.
Master Architect=Meisterarchitekt
A Cat in a Pop-Tart?!=Eine Katze im Pop-Tart?!
Mine a nyan cat.=Bauen Sie eine Nyan Cat ab.
Item transporter=
Place 10000 tubes.=
Place 5 autocrafters.=
Electical Engineer=
Place 500 mesecon wires.=
Oil Typhoon=
Aspiring Farmer=Aufstrebender Bauer
Build a Cave=Höhlenbauer
Burn to death in a fire.=
Craft 10 furnaces.=Fertigen Sie 10 Öfen.
Craft 10 mese lamps.=Fertigen Sie 10 Meselampen.
Craft 100 obsidian bricks.=Fertigen Sie 100 Obsidianziegel.
Craft 100 sandstone bricks.=Fertigen Sie 100 Sandsteinziegel.
Craft 100 sticks.=Fertigen Sie 100 Stöcke.
Craft 100 white dyes.=Fertigen Sie 100 weiße Farbstoffe.
Craft 14 vessels shelves.=Fertigen Sie 14 Gefäßregale.
Craft 15 chests.=Fertigen Sie 15 Truhen.
Craft 15 fancy beds.=Fertigen Sie 15 schicke Betten.
Craft 200 brick blocks.=Fertigen Sie 200 Ziegelblöcke.
Craft 200 stone bricks.=Fertigen Sie 200 Steinziegel.
Craft 24 gold block stairs.=Fertigen Sie 24 Goldblockstufen.
Craft 250 white wool.=Fertigen Sie 250 weiße Wolle.
Craft 3,200 stone bricks.=Fertigen Sie 3200 Steinziegel.
Craft 30 locked chests.=Fertigen Sie 30 abgeschlossene Truhen.
Craft 4 large bags.=Fertigen Sie 4 große Taschen.
Craft 400 blue dyes.=Fertigen Sie 400 blaue Farbstoffe.
Craft 400 desert stone bricks.=Fertigen Sie 400 Wüstensteinziegel.
Craft 400 red dyes.=Fertigen Sie 400 rote Farbstoffe.
Craft 400 yellow dyes.=Fertigen Sie 400 gelbe Farbstoffe.
Craft 500 times oil extract.=
Craft 7 bookshelves.=Fertigen Sie 7 Bücherregale.
Craft 8 times flint and steel.=Fertigen Sie 8 mal einen Feuerstein und Stahl an.
Craft 800 stone bricks.=Fertigen Sie 800 Steinziegel an.
Craft a diamond block.=Fertigen Sie einen Diamantblock an.
Crafter of Sticks=Stockmacher
Dandelions are Yellow=Löwenzahn ist gelb
Death in the Deeps=
Desert Discoverer=Wüstenerkunder
Desert Dweller=Wüstenbewohner
Die 100 times.=
Die above 10000=
Die below -10000=
Die in flowing lava.=
Die near bones.=
Die near diamond ore.=
Dig 1,000 copper ores.=Bauen Sie 1000 Kupfererze ab.
Dig 1,000 jungle tree blocks.=Bauen Sie 1000 Dschungelbaumblöcke ab.
Dig 1,000 sand.=Bauen Sie 1000 Sand ab.
Dig 1,000 stone blocks.=Bauen Sie 1000 Steine ab.
Dig 1,296 tree blocks.=Bauen Sie 1296 Baumblöcke ab.
Dig 10,000 stone blocks.=Bauen Sie 10000 Steine ab.
Dig 100 jungle tree blocks.=Bauen Sie 100 Dschungelbaumblöcke ab.
Dig 100 stone blocks.=Bauen Sie 100 Steinblöcke ab.
Dig 216 tree blocks.=Bauen Sie 216 Baumblöcke ab.
Dig 36 tree blocks.=Bauen Sie 36 Baumblöcke ab.
Dig 6 tree blocks.=Bauen Sie 6 Baumblöcke ab.
Eat 10 loaves of bread.=Essen Sie 10 Brote.
Eat 3 brown mushrooms.=Essen Sie 3 braune Pilze.
Eat 33 brown mushrooms.=Essen Sie 33 braune Pilze.
Eat 333 brown mushrooms.=Essen Sie 333 braune Pilze.
Eat 80 apples.=Essen Sie 80 Äpfel.
Electical Engineer=
Far Lands=Ferne Lande
Farming Skills Acquired=Landwirtschaft erlernt
Field Worker=Feldarbeiter
Filthy Rich=Stinkreich
First Day in the Woods=Erster Tag im Wald
First Gold Find=Erster Goldfund
First Mese Find=Erster Mesefund
Geraniums are Blue=Geranien sind blau
Girl's Best Friend=Bester Freund der Mädchen
Glacier Discoverer=Gletschererkunder
Gold Rush=Goldrausch
Grasslands Discoverer=Prärieerkunder
Hardened Miner=Abhehärteter Bergarbeiter
Hardest Block on Earth=Härtester Block der Welt
Harvest 125 fully grown wheat plants.=Ernten Sie 125 voll ausgewachsene Getreidepflanzen.
Harvest 25 fully grown wheat plants.=Ernten Sie 25 voll ausgewachsene Getreidepflanzen.
Harvest 625 fully grown wheat plants.=Ernten Sie 625 voll ausgewachsene Getreidepflanzen.
Harvest a fully grown wheat plant.=Ernten Sie eine voll ausgewachsene Getreidepflanze.
House of Obsidian=Haus aus Obsidian
In space, no one can hear you scream=
In the Dungeon=Im Verlies
In the Flow=
Industrial Age=Industriezeitalter
Item transporter=
Jungle Discoverer=Dschungelerkunder
Lava Miner=Lavagräber
Lava and Water=Lava und Wasser
Light It Up=Licht an!
Little Library=Kleine Bücherei
Long Ladder=Lange Leiter
Marchand De Sable=
Master Architect=Meisterarchitekt
Master Miner=Profibergarbeiter
Mese Mastery=Mesemeister
Mine 18 diamond ores.=Bauen Sie 18 Diamanterze ab.
Mine 45 gold ores.=Bauen Sie 18 Diamanterze ab.
Mine 50 obsidian.=Bauen Sie 50 Obsidian ab.
Mine a mese block.=Bauen Sie einen Meseblock ab.
Mine a mossy cobblestone.=Bauen Sie ein bemoostes Kopfsteinpflaster ab.
Mine a nyan cat.=Bauen Sie eine Nyan Cat ab.
Mine any block while being very close to lava.=Bauen Sie einen beliebigen Block ab, während Sie sehr nahe an der Lava stehen.
Mine some dry grass.=Bauen Sie etwas trockenes Gras ab.
Mine some grass.=Bauen Sie etwas Gras ab.
Mine your first cactus.=Bauen Sie Ihren ersten Kaktus ab.
Mine your first diamond ore.=Bauen Sie Ihr erstes Diamanterz ab.
Mine your first dry shrub.=Bauen Sie Ihren ersten vertrockneten Strauch ab.
Mine your first gold ore.=Bauen Sie Ihr erstes Golderz ab.
Mine your first ice.=Bauen Sie Ihr erstes Eis ab.
Mine your first jungle grass.=Bauen Sie Ihr erstes Dschungelgras ab.
Mine your first mese ore.=Bauen Sie Ihr erstes Meseerz ab.
Mine your first obsidian.=Bauen Sie Ihr erstes Obsidian ab.
Mini Miner=Berganfänger
Mushroom Lover=Pilzfreund
Obsessed with Obsidian=Von Obsidian besessen
Oil Tycoon=
On The Way=Auf dem Weg
Place 1,000 torches.=Platzieren Sie 1000 Fackeln.
Place 100 rails.=Platzieren Sie 100 Gleise.
Place 100 stone.=Platzieren Sie 100 Steine.
Place 100 torches.=Platzieren Sie 100 Fackeln.
Place 10000 tubes.=
Place 2 trap stones.=Platzieren Sie 2 Fallensteine.
Place 20 coal checkers.=Platzieren Sie 20 Kohlenschachbrettmuster.
Place 20 iron checkers.=Platzieren Sie 20 Eisenschachbrettmuster.
Place 40 steel ladders.=Platzieren Sie 40 Stahlleitern.
Place 400 wooden ladders.=Platzieren Sie 400 Holzleitern.
Place 5 autocrafters.=
Place 500 mesecon wires.=
Place two snow blocks.=Platzieren Sie zwei Schneeblöcke.
Professional Lumberjack=Profiholzfäller
Put out 1000 fires.=Löschen Sie 1000 Flammen.
Really Well Lit=Sehr gute Beleuchtung
Roses Are Red=Rosen sind rot
Sam the Trapper=Sam der Fallensteller
Savannah Discoverer=Savannenerkunder
Semi-pro Lumberjack=Fortgeschrittener Holzfäller
Tasty Mushrooms=Leckere Pilze
This is Sad=
Underground Mushroom Farmer=Unterirdischer Pilzbauer
Very Simple Snow Man=Sehr simpler Schneemann
Well Lit=Gut ausgeleuchtet
Wheat Magnate=Getreidemagnat
White Color Stock=Weißer Farbstoffvorrat
Wool Over Your Eyes=Wollige Augen
Wow, I am Diamonds!=Wow, ich bin Diamanten!
You Suck!=
You're a witch!=
You’re a copper=Du Kupfer!
### chat_commands.lua ###
Can manage awards of given player=
Show, clear, disable or enable player's awards=
You need awards_admin privilege!=
All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=
All awards and statistics of @1 have been cleared.=
Your awards are disabled.=
You have disabled awards of @1.=
Your awards are enabled.=
You have enabled awards of @1.=
<award ID>=
Show details of an award=
Award not found.=
All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=All Ihre Auszeichnugen und Statistiken wurden zurückgesetzt. Sie können nun von vorne anfangen.
Award not found.=
Get the awards statistics for the given player or yourself=
Show details of an award=
Show, clear, disable or enable your awards=
You have disabled awards.=
You have enabled awards.=
### gui.lua ###
Error: No achivements available.=
%s’s awards:=%ss Auszeichnungen:
(Secret Award)=(Geheime Auszeichnung)
Unlock this award to find out what it is.=Verdienen Sie sich diese Auszeichnung, um herauszufinden, was sie ist.
You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=
Error: No award available.=
You have not unlocked any awards.=Sie haben noch keine Auszeichnungen.
@1’s awards:=
@1 (unlocked)=
Error: No achivements available.=
Error: No award available.=
Unlock this award to find out what it is.=Verdienen Sie sich diese Auszeichnung, um herauszufinden, was sie ist.
You have not unlocked any awards.=Sie haben noch keine Auszeichnungen.
You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Sie haben die Auszeichnungen deaktiviert. Geben Sie »/awards enable« ein, um sie wieder zu aktivieren.
### triggers.lua ###
@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 Chatnachrichten
Send a chat message=
Chat @1 times=
@1/@2 joins=
Join once=
Join @1 times=
@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 Tode
Die once of @2=
Die @1 times of @2=
Die @1 time.=Sterben Sie @1 mal.
Die @1 times.=Sterben Sie @1 mal.
@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 abgebaut
Mine: @2=Bauen Sie einen Block ab: @2
Mine: @1×@2=Bauen Sie Blöcke ab: @1×@2
Mine @1 block.=Bauen Sie einen @1 Block ab.
Mine @1 blocks.=Bauen Sie @1 Blöcke ab.
@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 platziert
Place: @2=Platzieren Sie einen Block: @2
Place: @1×@2=Platzieren Sie Blöcke: @1×@2
Place @1 block.=
Place @1 blocks.=Platzieren Sie @1 Blöcke.
@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 gefertigt
Craft: @2=Fertigen Sie an: @2
Craft: @1×@2=Fertigen Sie an: @1×@2
Craft @1 item.=
Craft @1 items.=
@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 Tode
@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 abgebaut
@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 gegessen
Eat @2=
Eat @1×@2=
Eat @1 item.=
@1/@2 joins=
@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 platziert
Chat @1 times=
Craft @1 item=
Craft @1 items.=
Craft: @1×@2=
Craft: @2=
Die @1 times of @2=
Die @1 times.=
Die once of @2=
Eat @1 item=
Eat @1 items.=
Eat @1×@2=
Eat @2=
Join @1 times=
Join once=
Mine @1 block.=
Mine @1 blocks.=
Mine @1 times=
Mine: @1×@2=
Mine: @2=
Place @1 block.=
Place @1 blocks.=
Place: @1×@2=
Place: @2=
Send a chat message=
##### not used anymore #####
%s: %s=%s: %s
Secret Achievement Unlocked:=Geheime Auszeichnung erhalten:
Achievement Unlocked:=Auszeichnung erhalten:
Secret Achievement Unlocked: %s=Geheime Auszeichnung erhalten: %s
Achievement Unlocked: %s=Auszeichnung erhalten: %s
Secret Achievement Unlocked!=Geheime Auszeichnung erhalten!
Achievement Unlocked!=Auszeichnung erhalten:
Error: No awards available.=Fehler: Keine Auszeichnungen vorhanden.
%s (got)=%s (erhalten)
@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 Spielen beigetreten
Show, clear, disable or enable your achievements=Zeigen, löschen, deaktivieren oder aktivieren Sie Ihre Auszeichnungen
You have disabled your achievements.=Sie haben Ihre Auszeichnungen deaktiviert.
You have enabled your achievements.=Sie haben Ihre Auszeichnungen aktiviert.
<achievement ID>=<Auszeichnungs-ID>
Show details of an achievement=Details einer Auszeichnung anzeigen
Achievement not found.=Auszeichnung nicht gefunden.
Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Die Statistik der Auszeichnungen eines Spielers zeigen
@ -1,249 +1,259 @@
# textdomain: awards
### api_awards.lua ###
Secret Award Unlocked: @1=
Award Unlocked: @1=
Secret Award Unlocked!=
Award Unlocked!=
Award Unlocked: %s=
Secret Award Unlocked!=
Secret Award Unlocked: %s=
### awards.lua ###
Place 20 coal checkers.=Colocar 20 baldosas de ajedrez de carbón.
Place 20 iron checkers.=Colocar 20 baldosas de ajedrez de hierro.
Sam the Trapper=Sam el Atrapador
Place 2 trap stones.=Colocar 2 piedras trampa.
Craft 4 large bags.=Elaborar 4 bolsas grandes.
Craft 8 times flint and steel.=Elaborar pedernal y hierro 8 veces.
Put out 1000 fires.=Apagar 1000 incendios.
You're a witch!=
Burn to death in a fire.=
You Suck!=
Die 100 times.=
Death in the Deeps=
Die below -10000=
In space, no one can hear you scream=
Die above 10000=
Light It Up=Ilumínalo
Place 100 torches.=Colocar 100 antorchas.
Well Lit=Bien Iluminado
Place 1,000 torches.=Colocar 1.000 antorchas.
Really Well Lit=Realmente Bien Iluminado
Craft 10 mese lamps.=Elaborar 10 lámparas de MESE.
Outpost=Puesto de avanzada
Craft 200 stone bricks.=Elaborar 200 ladrillos de piedra.
Watchtower=Torre del vigía
Craft 800 stone bricks.=Elaborar 800 ladrillos de piedra.
Craft 3,200 stone bricks.=Elaborar 3.200 ladrillos de piedra.
Desert Dweller=Morador Desértico
Craft 400 desert stone bricks.=Elaborar 400 ladrillos de piedra desértica.
Craft 100 sandstone bricks.=Elaborar 200 ladrillos de arenisca.
Little Library=Pequeña Biblioteca
Craft 7 bookshelves.=Elaborar 7 libreros.
Lava and Water=Lava y Agua
Mine your first obsidian.=Excavar tu primera obsidiana.
Obsessed with Obsidian=Obsesionado con la Obsidiana
Mine 50 obsidian.=Excavar 50 obsidianas.
Lava Miner=Minero de Lava
Mine any block while being very close to lava.=Excavar un bloque cerca de lava.
On The Way=En Camino
Place 100 rails.=Colocar 100 rieles.
First Day in the Woods=Primer Día en el Bosque
Dig 6 tree blocks.=Cortar 6 árboles.
Dig 36 tree blocks.=Cortar 36 árboles.
Semi-pro Lumberjack=Leñador semi-profesional
Dig 216 tree blocks.=Cortar 216 árboles.
Professional Lumberjack=Leñador profesional
Dig 1,296 tree blocks.=Cortar 1.296 árboles.
Junglebaby=Bebé de la Selva
Dig 100 jungle tree blocks.=Cortar 100 árboles selváticos.
Jungleman=Hombre de la Selva
Dig 1,000 jungle tree blocks.=Cortar 1.000 árboles selváticos.
First Mese Find=Primer Encuentro de MESE
Mine your first mese ore.=Excava tu primer mineral de MESE.
Mese Mastery=Maestría de MESE
Mine a mese block.=Excava tu primer bloque de MESE.
You’re a copper=Eres un cobre
Dig 1,000 copper ores.=Excavar 1.000 minerales de cobre
Mini Miner=Mini Minero
Dig 100 stone blocks.=Excavar 100 bloques de piedra.
Hardened Miner=Minero Curtido
Dig 1,000 stone blocks.=Excavar 1.000 bloques de piedra.
Master Miner=Minero Maestro
Dig 10,000 stone blocks.=Excavar 10.000 bloques de piedra.
SandMan=Marchand De Sable
Dig 1,000 sand.=Cavar 1.000 bloques de arena.
Crafter of Sticks=Elaborador de Varitas
Craft 100 sticks.=Elaborar 100 varitas.
Jungle Discoverer=Descubridor de Selva
Mine your first jungle grass.=Cortar tu primer pasto de selva.
Grasslands Discoverer=Descubridor de Praderas
Mine some grass.=Cortar un poco de pasto.
Savannah Discoverer=Descubridor de Savana
Mine some dry grass.=Cortar un poco de pasto seco.
Desert Discoverer=Descubridor del Desierto
Mine your first cactus.=Cortar tu primer cácto.
Far Lands=Tierras Lejanas
Mine your first dry shrub.=Cortar tu primer arbusto seco
Glacier Discoverer=Descubridor del Glaciar
Mine your first ice.=Romper tu primer bloque de hielo.
Very Simple Snow Man=Muñeco de Nieve Muy Simple
Place two snow blocks.=Colocar dos bloques de nieve.
First Gold Find=Primer Encuentro de Oro
Mine your first gold ore.=Excavar tu primer pepita de oro.
Gold Rush=Fiebre del Oro
Mine 45 gold ores.=Excavar 45 pepitas de oro.
Wow, I am Diamonds!=¡Guau, Soy Diamantes!
Mine your first diamond ore.=Excava tu primer diamante.
Girl's Best Friend=El Mejor Amigo de Las Mujeres
Mine 18 diamond ores.=Excava 10 diamantes.
Hardest Block on Earth=El Bloque Más Duro Sobre La Tierra
Craft a diamond block.=Elaborar un bloque de diamante.
In the Dungeon=En Las Mazmorras
Mine a mossy cobblestone.=Excavar unos adoquines musgosos.
Craft 10 furnaces.=Elaborar 10 hornos.
Craft 15 chests.=Elaborar 15 cofres.
Craft 30 locked chests.=Elaborar 30 bloques cerrados.
Craft 200 brick blocks.=Elaborar 200 bloques de ladrillo.
House of Obsidian=Casa de Obsidiana
Craft 100 obsidian bricks.=Elaborar 100 ladrillos de obsidiana.
Build a Cave=Construye Una Cueva
Place 100 stone.=Coloca 100 piedras.
Long Ladder=Escalerilla Larga
Place 400 wooden ladders.=Coloca 400 escalerillas de madera.
Industrial Age=Era Industrial
Place 40 steel ladders.=Coloca 40 escalerillas de acero.
Yummy!=¡Qué Rico!
Eat 80 apples.=Come 80 manzanas.
In the Flow=
Die in flowing lava.=
This is Sad=
Die near diamond ore.=
Die near bones.=
Craft 14 vessels shelves.=Elabora 14 estanterías para botellas.
Farming Skills Acquired=Habilidades de Granja Adquiridas
Harvest a fully grown wheat plant.=Cosecha una plantas de trigo madura.
Field Worker=Trabajador de Campo
Harvest 25 fully grown wheat plants.=Cosecha 25 plantas de trigo maduras.
Aspiring Farmer=Aspirante a Granjero
Harvest 125 fully grown wheat plants.=Cosecha 125 plantas de trigo maduras.
Wheat Magnate=Magnate del Maíz
Harvest 625 fully grown wheat plants.=Cosecha 625 plantas de trigo maduras.
Eat 10 loaves of bread.=Come 10 rebanadas de pan.
Wool Over Your Eyes=Lana Sobre Tus Ojos
Craft 250 white wool.=Elabora 250 bloques de lana blanca.
Craft 15 fancy beds.=Elabora 15 camas de lujo.
Filthy Rich=Sucio Rico
Craft 24 gold block stairs.=Elabora 24 escaleras de bloque de oro.
Roses Are Red=Las Rosas Son Rojas
Craft 400 red dyes.=Elabora 400 colorantes rojos.
Dandelions are Yellow=Los Dientes de León Son Amarillos
Craft 400 yellow dyes.=Elabora 400 colorantes amarillos.
Geraniums are Blue=Los Geranios Son Azules
Craft 400 blue dyes.=Elabora 400 colorantes azules.
White Color Stock=Reserva de Color Blanco
Craft 100 white dyes.=Elabora 100 colorantes blancos.
Tasty Mushrooms=Ricos Hongos
Eat 3 brown mushrooms.=Come 3 hongos marrones.
Mushroom Lover=Amante de los Hongos
Eat 33 brown mushrooms.=Come 33 hongos marrones.
Underground Mushroom Farmer=Granjero de Hongos Subterráneo
Eat 333 brown mushrooms.=Come 333 hongos marrones.
Master Architect=Maestro Arquitecto
A Cat in a Pop-Tart?!=¡¿Un Gato en un Pop-Tart?!
Mine a nyan cat.=Excavar un Gato Nyan.
Item transporter=
Place 10000 tubes.=
Place 5 autocrafters.=
Electical Engineer=
Place 500 mesecon wires.=
Oil Typhoon=
Aspiring Farmer=Aspirante a Granjero
Build a Cave=Construye Una Cueva
Burn to death in a fire.=
Craft 10 furnaces.=Elaborar 10 hornos.
Craft 10 mese lamps.=Elaborar 10 lámparas de MESE.
Craft 100 obsidian bricks.=Elaborar 100 ladrillos de obsidiana.
Craft 100 sandstone bricks.=Elaborar 200 ladrillos de arenisca.
Craft 100 sticks.=Elaborar 100 varitas.
Craft 100 white dyes.=Elabora 100 colorantes blancos.
Craft 14 vessels shelves.=Elabora 14 estanterías para botellas.
Craft 15 chests.=Elaborar 15 cofres.
Craft 15 fancy beds.=Elabora 15 camas de lujo.
Craft 200 brick blocks.=Elaborar 200 bloques de ladrillo.
Craft 200 stone bricks.=Elaborar 200 ladrillos de piedra.
Craft 24 gold block stairs.=Elabora 24 escaleras de bloque de oro.
Craft 250 white wool.=Elabora 250 bloques de lana blanca.
Craft 3,200 stone bricks.=Elaborar 3.200 ladrillos de piedra.
Craft 30 locked chests.=Elaborar 30 bloques cerrados.
Craft 4 large bags.=Elaborar 4 bolsas grandes.
Craft 400 blue dyes.=Elabora 400 colorantes azules.
Craft 400 desert stone bricks.=Elaborar 400 ladrillos de piedra desértica.
Craft 400 red dyes.=Elabora 400 colorantes rojos.
Craft 400 yellow dyes.=Elabora 400 colorantes amarillos.
Craft 500 times oil extract.=
Craft 7 bookshelves.=Elaborar 7 libreros.
Craft 8 times flint and steel.=Elaborar pedernal y hierro 8 veces.
Craft 800 stone bricks.=Elaborar 800 ladrillos de piedra.
Craft a diamond block.=Elaborar un bloque de diamante.
Crafter of Sticks=Elaborador de Varitas
Dandelions are Yellow=Los Dientes de León Son Amarillos
Death in the Deeps=
Desert Discoverer=Descubridor del Desierto
Desert Dweller=Morador Desértico
Die 100 times.=
Die above 10000=
Die below -10000=
Die in flowing lava.=
Die near bones.=
Die near diamond ore.=
Dig 1,000 copper ores.=Excavar 1.000 minerales de cobre
Dig 1,000 jungle tree blocks.=Cortar 1.000 árboles selváticos.
Dig 1,000 sand.=Cavar 1.000 bloques de arena.
Dig 1,000 stone blocks.=Excavar 1.000 bloques de piedra.
Dig 1,296 tree blocks.=Cortar 1.296 árboles.
Dig 10,000 stone blocks.=Excavar 10.000 bloques de piedra.
Dig 100 jungle tree blocks.=Cortar 100 árboles selváticos.
Dig 100 stone blocks.=Excavar 100 bloques de piedra.
Dig 216 tree blocks.=Cortar 216 árboles.
Dig 36 tree blocks.=Cortar 36 árboles.
Dig 6 tree blocks.=Cortar 6 árboles.
Eat 10 loaves of bread.=Come 10 rebanadas de pan.
Eat 3 brown mushrooms.=Come 3 hongos marrones.
Eat 33 brown mushrooms.=Come 33 hongos marrones.
Eat 333 brown mushrooms.=Come 333 hongos marrones.
Eat 80 apples.=Come 80 manzanas.
Electical Engineer=
Far Lands=Tierras Lejanas
Farming Skills Acquired=Habilidades de Granja Adquiridas
Field Worker=Trabajador de Campo
Filthy Rich=Sucio Rico
First Day in the Woods=Primer Día en el Bosque
First Gold Find=Primer Encuentro de Oro
First Mese Find=Primer Encuentro de MESE
Geraniums are Blue=Los Geranios Son Azules
Girl's Best Friend=El Mejor Amigo de Las Mujeres
Glacier Discoverer=Descubridor del Glaciar
Gold Rush=Fiebre del Oro
Grasslands Discoverer=Descubridor de Praderas
Hardened Miner=Minero Curtido
Hardest Block on Earth=El Bloque Más Duro Sobre La Tierra
Harvest 125 fully grown wheat plants.=Cosecha 125 plantas de trigo maduras.
Harvest 25 fully grown wheat plants.=Cosecha 25 plantas de trigo maduras.
Harvest 625 fully grown wheat plants.=Cosecha 625 plantas de trigo maduras.
Harvest a fully grown wheat plant.=Cosecha una plantas de trigo madura.
House of Obsidian=Casa de Obsidiana
In space, no one can hear you scream=
In the Dungeon=En Las Mazmorras
In the Flow=
Industrial Age=Era Industrial
Item transporter=
Jungle Discoverer=Descubridor de Selva
Junglebaby=Bebé de la Selva
Jungleman=Hombre de la Selva
Lava Miner=Minero de Lava
Lava and Water=Lava y Agua
Light It Up=Ilumínalo
Little Library=Pequeña Biblioteca
Long Ladder=Escalerilla Larga
Marchand De Sable=Marchand De Sable
Master Architect=Maestro Arquitecto
Master Miner=Minero Maestro
Mese Mastery=Maestría de MESE
Mine 18 diamond ores.=Excava 10 diamantes.
Mine 45 gold ores.=Excavar 45 pepitas de oro.
Mine 50 obsidian.=Excavar 50 obsidianas.
Mine a mese block.=Excava tu primer bloque de MESE.
Mine a mossy cobblestone.=Excavar unos adoquines musgosos.
Mine a nyan cat.=Excavar un Gato Nyan.
Mine any block while being very close to lava.=Excavar un bloque cerca de lava.
Mine some dry grass.=Cortar un poco de pasto seco.
Mine some grass.=Cortar un poco de pasto.
Mine your first cactus.=Cortar tu primer cácto.
Mine your first diamond ore.=Excava tu primer diamante.
Mine your first dry shrub.=Cortar tu primer arbusto seco
Mine your first gold ore.=Excavar tu primer pepita de oro.
Mine your first ice.=Romper tu primer bloque de hielo.
Mine your first jungle grass.=Cortar tu primer pasto de selva.
Mine your first mese ore.=Excava tu primer mineral de MESE.
Mine your first obsidian.=Excavar tu primera obsidiana.
Mini Miner=Mini Minero
Mushroom Lover=Amante de los Hongos
Obsessed with Obsidian=Obsesionado con la Obsidiana
Oil Tycoon=
On The Way=En Camino
Outpost=Puesto de avanzada
Place 1,000 torches.=Colocar 1.000 antorchas.
Place 100 rails.=Colocar 100 rieles.
Place 100 stone.=Coloca 100 piedras.
Place 100 torches.=Colocar 100 antorchas.
Place 10000 tubes.=
Place 2 trap stones.=Colocar 2 piedras trampa.
Place 20 coal checkers.=Colocar 20 baldosas de ajedrez de carbón.
Place 20 iron checkers.=Colocar 20 baldosas de ajedrez de hierro.
Place 40 steel ladders.=Coloca 40 escalerillas de acero.
Place 400 wooden ladders.=Coloca 400 escalerillas de madera.
Place 5 autocrafters.=
Place 500 mesecon wires.=
Place two snow blocks.=Colocar dos bloques de nieve.
Professional Lumberjack=Leñador profesional
Put out 1000 fires.=Apagar 1000 incendios.
Really Well Lit=Realmente Bien Iluminado
Roses Are Red=Las Rosas Son Rojas
Sam the Trapper=Sam el Atrapador
Savannah Discoverer=Descubridor de Savana
Semi-pro Lumberjack=Leñador semi-profesional
Tasty Mushrooms=Ricos Hongos
This is Sad=
Underground Mushroom Farmer=Granjero de Hongos Subterráneo
Very Simple Snow Man=Muñeco de Nieve Muy Simple
Watchtower=Torre del vigía
Well Lit=Bien Iluminado
Wheat Magnate=Magnate del Maíz
White Color Stock=Reserva de Color Blanco
Wool Over Your Eyes=Lana Sobre Tus Ojos
Wow, I am Diamonds!=¡Guau, Soy Diamantes!
You Suck!=
You're a witch!=
You’re a copper=Eres un cobre
Yummy!=¡Qué Rico!
### chat_commands.lua ###
Can manage awards of given player=
Show, clear, disable or enable player's awards=
You need awards_admin privilege!=
All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=
All awards and statistics of @1 have been cleared.=
Your awards are disabled.=
You have disabled awards of @1.=
Your awards are enabled.=
You have enabled awards of @1.=
<award ID>=
Show details of an award=
Award not found.=
All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Todos tus logros y estadísticas han sido borrados. Puedes iniciar nuevamente.
Award not found.=
Get the awards statistics for the given player or yourself=
Show details of an award=
Show, clear, disable or enable your awards=
You have disabled awards.=
You have enabled awards.=
### gui.lua ###
Error: No achivements available.=
%s’s awards:=Logros de %s:
(Secret Award)=(Logro secreto)
Unlock this award to find out what it is.=Desbloquea éste logro para saber qué es.
You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=
Error: No award available.=
You have not unlocked any awards.=No has desbloqueado ningún logro.
@1’s awards:=
@1 (unlocked)=
Error: No achivements available.=
Error: No award available.=
Unlock this award to find out what it is.=Desbloquea éste logro para saber qué es.
You have not unlocked any awards.=No has desbloqueado ningún logro.
You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Has deshabilitado los logros. Escribe "/awards enable" para reactivar.
### triggers.lua ###
@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 conversaciones
Send a chat message=
Chat @1 times=
@1/@2 joins=
Join once=
Join @1 times=
@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 muertes
Die once of @2=
Die @1 times of @2=
Die @1 time.=Morir @1 vez.
Die @1 times.=Morir @1 veces.
@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 excavados
Mine: @2=Excavar: @2
Mine: @1×@2=Excavar: @1×@2
Mine @1 block.=Excavar un bloque.
Mine @1 blocks.=Excavar @1 bloques.
@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 colocados
Place: @2=Colocar: @2
Place: @1×@2=Colocar: @1×@2
Place @1 block.=
Place @1 blocks.=Colocar @1 bloques.
@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 elaborado
Craft: @2=Elaborar: @2
Craft: @1×@2=Elaborar: @1×@2
Craft @1 item.=
Craft @1 items.=Elaborar @1 objetos.
@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 muertes
@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 excavados
@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 comidos
Eat @2=
@1/@2 joins=
@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 colocados
Chat @1 times=
Craft @1 item=
Craft @1 items.=
Craft: @1×@2=
Craft: @2=
Die @1 times of @2=
Die @1 times.=
Die once of @2=
Eat @1 item=
Eat @1 items.=
Eat @1×@2=
Eat @1 item.=
Eat @1 items.=Comer @1 objetos.
Eat @2=
Join @1 times=
Join once=
Mine @1 block.=
Mine @1 blocks.=
Mine @1 times=
Mine: @1×@2=
Mine: @2=
Place @1 block.=
Place @1 blocks.=
Place: @1×@2=
Place: @2=
Send a chat message=
##### not used anymore #####
%s: %s=%s: %s
Secret Achievement Unlocked:=Logro secreto desbloqueado:
Achievement Unlocked:=Logro desbloqueado:
Secret Achievement Unlocked: %s=Logro secreto desbloqueado: %s
Achievement Unlocked: %s=Logro desbloqueado: %s
Secret Achievement Unlocked!=Logro secreto desbloqueado!
Achievement Unlocked!=Logro desbloqueado!
Error: No awards available.=Error: No hay logros disponibles.
%s (got)=%s (obtenido)
@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 veces unido
Show, clear, disable or enable your achievements=Mostrar, limpiar, deshabilitar o habilitar tus logros
You have disabled your achievements.=Has deshabilitado tus logros.
You have enabled your achievements.=Has habilitado tus logros.
<achievement ID>=<ID logro>
Show details of an achievement=Muestra los detalles de un logro
Achievement not found.=Logro no encontrado.
Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Obtener las estadísticas y logros del jugador dado
@ -1,248 +1,260 @@
# textdomain: awards
### api_awards.lua ###
Secret Award Unlocked: @1=Succès secret débloqué: @1
Award Unlocked: @1=Succès débloqué: @1
Secret Award Unlocked!=Succès Secrète Débloqué!
Award Unlocked!=Succès Débloqué!
Award Unlocked!=Réussite atteinte !
Award Unlocked: %s=Réussite atteinte : %s
Secret Award Unlocked!=Réussite secrète atteinte !
Secret Award Unlocked: %s=Réussite secrète atteinte : %s
### awards.lua ###
Place 20 coal checkers.=Place 20 damiers de charbon.
Place 20 iron checkers.=Place 20 damiers de fer.
Sam the Trapper=Sam le Trappeur
Place 2 trap stones.=Place 2 pièges de pierre.
Craft 4 large bags.=Confectionne 4 grands sacs
Craft 8 times flint and steel.=Fabrique 8 silex et aciers.
Put out 1000 fires.=Éteint 1000 feux.
You're a witch!=Vous êtes un·e sorci·er·ère!
Burn to death in a fire.=Brûler à mort dans un feu.
You Suck!=Tu crains!
Die 100 times.=Mourir 100 fois.
Death in the Deeps=Mort dans les profondeurs
Die below -10000=Mourir en dessous de -10000
In space, no one can hear you scream=Dans l'espace, personne ne peut t'entendre crier
Die above 10000=Mourir au dessus de 10000
Light It Up=Eclairé·e
Place 100 torches.=Place 100 torches.
Well Lit=Bien Éclairé
Place 1,000 torches.=Place 1000 torches.
Really Well Lit=Vraiment Bien Éclairé
Craft 10 mese lamps.=Fabrique 10 lampes de mese.
Outpost=Poste Avancé
Craft 200 stone bricks.=Confectionne 200 briques de pierre.
Watchtower=Tour de Garde
Craft 800 stone bricks.=Confectionne 800 briques de pierre.
Craft 3,200 stone bricks.=Confectionne 3200 briques de pierre.
Desert Dweller=Habitant·e du Désert
Craft 400 desert stone bricks.=Confectionne 400 briques de pierre du désert.
Craft 100 sandstone bricks.=Confectionne 100 briques de roche de sable.
Little Library=Petite Bibliothèque
Craft 7 bookshelves.=Fabrique 7 bibliothèques.
Lava and Water=La Lave et l'Eau
Mine your first obsidian.=Mine ton premier bloc d'obsidienne.
Obsessed with Obsidian=Obsédé·e par l'obsidienne
Mine 50 obsidian.=Mine 50 pierres d'obsidienne.
Lava Miner=Mineu·r·se de lave
Mine any block while being very close to lava.=Mine n'importe quel bloc à proximité de la lave.
On The Way=Sur La Voie
Place 100 rails.=Place 100 rails.
First Day in the Woods=Premier Jour dans les Bois
Dig 6 tree blocks.=Creuse 6 blocs d'arbre.
Dig 36 tree blocks.=Creuse 36 blocs d'arbre.
Semi-pro Lumberjack=Bû Semi-Professionnel.le.
Dig 216 tree blocks.=Creuse 216 blocs d'arbre.
Professional Lumberjack=Bûcheron·ne Professionnel·le
Dig 1,296 tree blocks.=Creuse 1296 blocs d'arbre.
Junglebaby=Enfant de la Jungle
Dig 100 jungle tree blocks.=Creuse 100 blocs d'arbres de jungle.
Jungleman=Personne de la Jungle
Dig 1,000 jungle tree blocks.=Creuse 1000 blocs d'arbre de jungle.
First Mese Find=Première Pépite : Mese
Mine your first mese ore.=Mine ton premier minerai de mese.
Mese Mastery=Maîtrise de Mese
Mine a mese block.=Mine un bloc de mese.
You’re a copper=Faîtes Jouer les Cuivres
Dig 1,000 copper ores.=Creuse 1000 minerais de cuivre.
Mini Miner=Mini Mineu·r·se
Dig 100 stone blocks.=Creuse 100 blocs de pierre.
Hardened Miner=Mineu·r·se Endurci·e
Dig 1,000 stone blocks.=Creuse 1000 blocs de pierre.
Master Miner=Maître·sse Mineu·r·se
Dig 10,000 stone blocks.=Creuse 10000 blocs de pierre.
SandMan=Marchand·e de Sable
Dig 1,000 sand.=Creuse 1000 blocs de sable.
Crafter of Sticks=Fabriquant·e de Bâtons.
Craft 100 sticks.=Confectionne 100 bâtons.
Jungle Discoverer=Explorat·eur·rice de la Jungle
Mine your first jungle grass.=Ramasse ta première herbe de jungle.
Grasslands Discoverer=Découvreu·r·se de prairies
Mine some grass.=Ramasse de l'herbe.
Savannah Discoverer=Explorat·eur·rice de la Savanne
Mine some dry grass.=Ramasse de l'herbe sèche.
Desert Discoverer=Expolrat·eur·rice du Désert.
Mine your first cactus.=Mine ton premier catus.
Far Lands=Terres Lointaines
Mine your first dry shrub.=Coupe ton premier arbuste sec.
Glacier Discoverer=Découvreu·r·se de glacier
Mine your first ice.=Creuse ton premier bloc de glace.
Very Simple Snow Man=Bonhomme de Neige Rudimentaire
Place two snow blocks.=Place deux blocs de neige.
First Gold Find=Première Pépite : Or
Mine your first gold ore.=Mine ton premier minerai d'or.
Gold Rush=Ruée vers l'Or
Mine 45 gold ores.=Mine 45 minerais d'or.
Wow, I am Diamonds!=Wow, Je suis Diamants!
Mine your first diamond ore.=Mine ton premier diamant.
Girl's Best Friend=Girl's Best Friend
Mine 18 diamond ores.=Mine 18 diamants.
Hardest Block on Earth=Le Bloc le Plus Dur du Monde
Craft a diamond block.=Confectionne un bloc de diamant.
In the Dungeon=Dans le Donjon
Mine a mossy cobblestone.=Mine un bloc de pavés moussus.
Craft 10 furnaces.=Construis 10 fours.
Craft 15 chests.=Fabrique 15 coffres.
Craft 30 locked chests.=Fabrique 30 coffres Verrouillés.
Craft 200 brick blocks.=Confectionne 200 blocs de brique.
House of Obsidian=La Maison de L'Obsidienne
Craft 100 obsidian bricks.=Confectionne 100 briques d'obsidienne.
Build a Cave=Construis une grotte
Place 100 stone.=Place 100 pierres.
Long Ladder=Longue Echelle
Place 400 wooden ladders.=Place 400 échelles en bois.
Industrial Age=Âge Industriel
Place 40 steel ladders.=Place 40 échelles métalliques.
Yummy!=Miam !
Eat 80 apples.=Mange 80 pommes.
In the Flow=Dans le flux
Die in flowing lava.=Mourir dans la lave qui coule.
This is Sad=C'est triste
Die near diamond ore.=Mourir près du minerai de diamant.
Die near bones.=Mourir près des os.
Craft 14 vessels shelves.=Fabrique 14 vaisseliers.
Farming Skills Acquired=Compétences Paysannes Acquises
Harvest a fully grown wheat plant.=Récolte un plant de blé à maturité.
Field Worker=Travailleu·r·se Agricole
Harvest 25 fully grown wheat plants.=Récolte 25 plants de blé à maturité.
Aspiring Farmer=Apprenti·e Fermi·er·ère
Harvest 125 fully grown wheat plants.=Récolte 125 plants de blé à maturité.
Wheat Magnate=Magnat·e du Blé
Harvest 625 fully grown wheat plants.=Récolte 625 plants de blé à maturité.
Eat 10 loaves of bread.=Mange 10 miches de pain.
Wool Over Your Eyes=De la Laines dans Tes Yeux
Craft 250 white wool.=Confectionne 250 blocs de laine blanche.
Craft 15 fancy beds.=Construis 15 lits chics.
Filthy Rich=Richissime
Craft 24 gold block stairs.=Construis 24 escaliers en or.
Roses Are Red=Les Roses Sont Rouges
Craft 400 red dyes.=Prépare 400 teintures rouges.
Dandelions are Yellow=Les Pissenlits sont Jaunes.
Craft 400 yellow dyes.=Prépare 400 teintures jaunes.
Geraniums are Blue=Les Geraniums Sont Bleus
Craft 400 blue dyes.=Prépare 400 teintures bleues.
White Color Stock=Chaussettes Blanches
Craft 100 white dyes.=Prépare 100 teintures blanches.
Tasty Mushrooms=Délicieux Champignons
Eat 3 brown mushrooms.=Mange 3 champignons marrons.
Mushroom Lover=Adorat·eur·rice de Champignons
Eat 33 brown mushrooms.=Mange 33 champignons marrons.
Underground Mushroom Farmer=Culture de Champignons en Cave
Eat 333 brown mushrooms.=Mange 333 champignons marrons.
A Cat in a Pop-Tart?!=Un chat dans un Pop-Tart ?!
Master Architect=Maître·sse Architecte
A Cat in a Pop-Tart?!=Un Chat dans un Pop-Tart ?!
Mine a nyan cat.=Mine un nyan cat.
Item transporter=Transporteur d'objets
Place 10000 tubes.=Placez 10000 tubes.
Aspiring Farmer=Apprenti·e Agricult.eur.rice
Build a Cave=Construis une grotte
Burn to death in a fire.=Brûlé.e mort.
Craft 10 furnaces.=Construis 10 fours.
Craft 10 mese lamps.=Fabrique 10 lampes de mese.
Craft 100 obsidian bricks.=Confectionne 100 briques d'obsidienne.
Craft 100 sandstone bricks.=Confectionne 100 briques de roche de sable.
Craft 100 sticks.=Confectionne 100 bâtons.
Craft 100 white dyes.=Prépare 100 teintures blanches.
Craft 14 vessels shelves.=Fabrique 14 vaisseliers.
Craft 15 chests.=Fabrique 15 coffres.
Craft 15 fancy beds.=Construis 15 lits chics.
Craft 200 brick blocks.=Confectionne 200 blocs de brique.
Craft 200 stone bricks.=Confectionne 200 briques de pierre.
Craft 24 gold block stairs.=Construis 24 escaliers en or.
Craft 250 white wool.=Confectionne 250 blocs de laine blanche.
Craft 3,200 stone bricks.=Confectionne 3200 briques de pierre.
Craft 30 locked chests.=Fabrique 30 coffres verrouillés.
Craft 4 large bags.=Confectionne 4 grands sacs
Craft 400 blue dyes.=Prépare 400 teintures bleues.
Craft 400 desert stone bricks.=Confectionne 400 briques de pierre du désert.
Craft 400 red dyes.=Prépare 400 teintures rouges.
Craft 400 yellow dyes.=Prépare 400 teintures jaunes.
Craft 500 times oil extract.=Prépare 500 fois de l'extrait d'huile.
Craft 7 bookshelves.=Fabrique 7 bibliothèques.
Craft 8 times flint and steel.=Fabrique 8 briquets.
Craft 800 stone bricks.=Confectionne 800 briques de pierre.
Craft a diamond block.=Confectionne un bloc de diamant.
Crafter of Sticks=Fabriquant·e de bâtons.
Dandelions are Yellow=Les pissenlits sont jaunes.
Death in the Deeps=Mort.e dans les profondeurs.
Desert Discoverer=Expolrat·eur·rice du Désert.
Desert Dweller=Habitant·e du désert
Die 100 times.=Mort 100 fois.
Die above 10000=Mort.e au dessus de 10000 blocs d'altitude
Die below -10000=Mort.e plus profond que -10000 blocs.
Die in flowing lava.=Mort.e dans une coulée de lave.
Die near bones.=Mort.e près d'os.
Die near diamond ore.=Mort.e près de diamands.
Dig 1,000 copper ores.=Creuse 1000 minerais de cuivre.
Dig 1,000 jungle tree blocks.=Creuse 1000 blocs d'arbre de jungle.
Dig 1,000 sand.=Creuse 1000 blocs de sable.
Dig 1,000 stone blocks.=Creuse 1000 blocs de pierre.
Dig 1,296 tree blocks.=Creuse 1296 blocs d'arbre.
Dig 10,000 stone blocks.=Creuse 10000 blocs de pierre.
Dig 100 jungle tree blocks.=Creuse 100 blocs d'arbres de jungle.
Dig 100 stone blocks.=Creuse 100 blocs de pierre.
Dig 216 tree blocks.=Creuse 216 blocs d'arbre.
Dig 36 tree blocks.=Creuse 36 blocs d'arbre.
Dig 6 tree blocks.=Creuse 6 blocs d'arbre.
Eat 10 loaves of bread.=Mange 10 miches de pain.
Eat 3 brown mushrooms.=Mange 3 champignons marrons.
Eat 33 brown mushrooms.=Mange 33 champignons marrons.
Eat 333 brown mushrooms.=Mange 333 champignons marrons.
Eat 80 apples.=Mange 80 pommes.
Electical Engineer=Ingénieur.e électrique
Place 5 autocrafters.=Placez 5 autocrafters.
Electical Engineer=Ingénieur éléctricien
Place 500 mesecon wires.=Placez 500 mesecon wires.
Oil Typhoon=Typhon pétrolier
Craft 500 times oil extract.=Fabriquez 500 fois l'extrait d'huile.
Far Lands=Terres lointaines
Farming Skills Acquired=Compétences agricoles acquises
Field Worker=Travailleu·r·se agricole
Filthy Rich=Richissime
First Day in the Woods=Premier jour dans les bois
First Gold Find=Première pépite d'or
First Mese Find=Première pépite de mese
Geraniums are Blue=Les geraniums sont bleus
Girl's Best Friend=Girl's Best Friend
Glacier Discoverer=Découvreu·r·se de glacier
Gold Rush=Ruée vers l'or
Grasslands Discoverer=Découvreu·r·se de prairies
Hardened Miner=Mineu·r·se endurci·e
Hardest Block on Earth=Le bloc le plus dur du monde
Harvest 125 fully grown wheat plants.=Récolte 125 plants de blé à maturité.
Harvest 25 fully grown wheat plants.=Récolte 25 plants de blé à maturité.
Harvest 625 fully grown wheat plants.=Récolte 625 plants de blé à maturité.
Harvest a fully grown wheat plant.=Récolte un plant de blé à maturité.
House of Obsidian=La Maison d'obsidienne
In space, no one can hear you scream=Personne ne t'entend dans l'espace
In the Dungeon=Dans le donjon
In the Flow=Dans la coulée
Industrial Age=Âge Industriel
Item transporter=Transport automatisé
Jungle Discoverer=Explorat·eur·rice de la jungle
Junglebaby=Enfant de la jungle
Jungleman=Personne de la jungle
Lava Miner=Mineu·r·se de lave
Lava and Water=La lave et l'eau
Light It Up=Eclairé·e
Little Library=Petite bibliothèque
Long Ladder=Longue Échelle
Marchand De Sable=Marchand·e de sable
Master Architect=Maître·sse architecte
Master Miner=Maître·sse mineu·r·se
Mese Mastery=Maîtrise du mese
Mine 18 diamond ores.=Mine 18 diamants.
Mine 45 gold ores.=Mine 45 minerais d'or.
Mine 50 obsidian.=Mine 50 pierres d'obsidienne.
Mine a mese block.=Mine un bloc de mese.
Mine a mossy cobblestone.=Mine un bloc de pavés moussus.
Mine a nyan cat.=Mine un nyan cat.
Mine any block while being very close to lava.=Mine n'importe quel bloc à proximité de la lave.
Mine some dry grass.=Ramasse de l'herbe sèche.
Mine some grass.=Ramasse de l'herbe.
Mine your first cactus.=Mine ton premier catus.
Mine your first diamond ore.=Mine ton premier diamant.
Mine your first dry shrub.=Coupe ton premier arbuste sec.
Mine your first gold ore.=Mine ton premier minerai d'or.
Mine your first ice.=Creuse ton premier bloc de glace.
Mine your first jungle grass.=Ramasse ta première herbe de jungle.
Mine your first mese ore.=Mine ton premier minerai de mese.
Mine your first obsidian.=Mine ton premier bloc d'obsidienne.
Mini Miner=Mini Mineu·r·se
Mushroom Lover=Adorat·eur·rice de champignons
Obsessed with Obsidian=Obsédé·e par l'obsidienne
Oil Tycoon=Magnat.e de l'huile
On The Way=Sur la voie
Outpost=Poste avancé
Place 1,000 torches.=Place 1000 torches.
Place 100 rails.=Place 100 rails.
Place 100 stone.=Place 100 pierres.
Place 100 torches.=Place 100 torches.
Place 10000 tubes.=Place 10000 tubes.
Place 2 trap stones.=Place 2 pièges de pierre.
Place 20 coal checkers.=Place 20 damiers de charbon.
Place 20 iron checkers.=Place 20 damiers de fer.
Place 40 steel ladders.=Place 40 échelles métalliques.
Place 400 wooden ladders.=Place 400 échelles en bois.
Place 5 autocrafters.=Place 5 auto-constructeurs.
Place 500 mesecon wires.=Place 500 fils de mesecon.
Place two snow blocks.=Place deux blocs de neige.
Professional Lumberjack=Bûcheron·ne professionnel·le
Put out 1000 fires.=Éteint 1000 feux.
Really Well Lit=Vraiment vien éclairé
Roses Are Red=Les roses sont rouges
Sam the Trapper=Sam le trappeur
Savannah Discoverer=Explorat·eur·rice de la savanne
Semi-pro Lumberjack=Bû semi-professionnel.le.
Tasty Mushrooms=Délicieux champignons
This is Sad=Quel tristesse
Underground Mushroom Farmer=Agricult.eur.rice de champignons sous-terrain
Very Simple Snow Man=Bonhomme de neige rudimentaire
Watchtower=Tour de garde
Well Lit=Bien éclairé
Wheat Magnate=Magnat·e du blé
White Color Stock=Chaussettes blanches
Wool Over Your Eyes=De la laines dans tes yeux
Wow, I am Diamonds!=Wow, je suis diamants!
You Suck!=Tu es terrible !
You're a witch!=Tu es un.eère
You’re a copper=Faîtes jouer les cuivres
Yummy!=Miam !
### chat_commands.lua ###
Can manage awards of given player=Peut gérer les récompenses d'un joueur donné
Show, clear, disable or enable player's awards=Afficher, effacer, désactiver ou activer les récompenses des joueurs
You need awards_admin privilege!=Vous avez besoin du privilège awards_admin!
All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Tous vos succès et statistiques ont été réinitialisés. Vous pouvez recommencer à nouveau.
All awards and statistics of @1 have been cleared.=Toutes les récompenses et statistiques de @1 ont été effacées.
Your awards are disabled.=Vos succès sont désactivés.
You have disabled awards of @1.=Vous avez déactivé les succès de @1.
Your awards are enabled.=Vos succès sont activés.
You have enabled awards of @1.=Vous avez activé les succès de @1.
<award ID>=<succès ID>
Show details of an award=Afficher les détails d'une succès
Award not found.=Succès non trouvée.
<award ID>=<Numéro de réussite>
Get the awards statistics for the given player or yourself=Obtenez les statistiques des succèss d'un joueur donné ou de vous-même
All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Tous vos trophées et statistiques ont été réinitialisés. Vous pouvez recommencer à nouveau.
Award not found.=Réussite introuvable.
Get the awards statistics for the given player or yourself=Obtenir les statistiques de réussite pour un.e donné.e ou vous même
Show details of an award=Montrer les détails d'une réussite
Show, clear, disable or enable your awards=Montrer, effacer, désactiver ou activer vos réussites
You have disabled awards.=Vous avez désactivé les réussites.
You have enabled awards.=Vous avez activé les réussites.
[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|clear|disable|enable] (c|effacer|désactiver|activer)
### gui.lua ###
Error: No achivements available.=Erreur : Aucun succès disponible.
%s’s awards:=Les trophées de %s :
(Secret Award)=(Trophée Secret)
@1 (unlocked)=@1 (acquise)
Error: No achivements available.=Erreur : aucune réussite disponible.
Error: No award available.=Erreur : aucun trophée disponible.
(Secret Award)=(Succès Secret)
Unlock this award to find out what it is.=Débloque ce succès pour découvrir ce que c'est.
You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Vous avez désactivé les succès. Tapez '/awards enable' pour les réactiver.
Error: No award available.=Erreur : Aucun succès disponible.
You have not unlocked any awards.=Vous n'avez encore débloqué aucun succès.
@1’s awards:=Succès de @1:
Unlock this award to find out what it is.=Débloque ce trophée pour découvrir ce que c'est.
You have not unlocked any awards.=Vous n'avez encore débloqué aucun trophée.
You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Vous avez désactivé les trophées. Tapez '/awards enable' pour les réactiver.
### triggers.lua ###
@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 messages de chat
Send a chat message=Envoyer un message de chat
Chat @1 times=Discuter @1 fois
@1/@2 joins=@1/@2 connections
Join once=Connecte toi une fois
Join @1 times=Connecte toi @1 fois
@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 messages
@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 créé
@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 morts
Die once of @2=Mourir une fois sur @2
Die @1 times of @2=Mort·e @1 fois sur @2
Die @1 time.=Mort·e @1 fois.
Die @1 times.=Mort·e @1 fois.
@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 creusés
Mine: @2=Mine : @2
Mine: @1×@2=Mine : @1×@2
Mine @1 block.=Creuse @1 bloc.
Mine @1 blocks.=Creuse @1 blocs.
@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 mangés
@1/@2 joins=@1/@2 arrivées
@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 placés
Place: @2=Place : @2
Place: @1×@2=Place : @1×@2
Chat @1 times=@1 messages envoyés
Craft @1 item=Crée @1 item
Craft @1 items.=Crée @1 items.
Craft: @1×@2=Création : @1×@2
Craft: @2=Création : @2
Die @1 times of @2=Mort.e @1 de @2 fois
Die @1 times.=Mort.e @1 fois.
Die once of @2=Mort.e une de @2 fois
Eat @1 item=Mange @1 aliment
Eat @1 items.=Mange @1 aliments.
Eat @1×@2=Mange @1×@2
Eat @2=Mange @2
Join @1 times=Rejoindre @1 fois
Join once=Rejoindre une fois
Mine @1 block.=Mine @1 bloc.
Mine @1 blocks.=Mine @1 blocs.
Mine @1 times=Mine @1 fois
Mine: @1×@2=Mine: @1×@2
Mine: @2=Mine: @2
Place @1 block.=Place @1 bloc.
Place @1 blocks.=Place @1 blocs.
@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 craftés
Craft: @2=Fabrique : @2
Craft: @1×@2=Fabrique : @1×@2
Craft @1 item.=Confectionne @1 objet
Craft @1 items.=Confectionne @1 objets.
@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 Mangés
Eat @2=Mange @2
Eat @1×@2=Mange @1×@2
Eat @1 item.=Mange @1 aliment.
Eat @1 items.=Mange @1 aliments.
Place: @1×@2=Place: @1×@2
Place: @2=Place: @2
Send a chat message=Envoit un message
##### not used anymore #####
%s (unlocked)=%s (acquise)
%s: %s=%s : %s
Secret Achievement Unlocked:=Réussite Secrète Débloquée :
Achievement Unlocked:=Réussite Débloquée :
Secret Achievement Unlocked: %s=Réussite Secrète Débloquée : %s
Achievement Unlocked: %s=Réussite Débloquée : %s
Secret Achievement Unlocked!=Réussite Secrète Débloquée !
Achievement Unlocked!=Réussite Débloquée !
Error: No awards available.=Erreur : Aucun trophée disponible
%s (got)=%s (obtenu)
@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 connexions
Show, clear, disable or enable your achievements=Affiche, réinitialise, désactive ou active vos réussites.
You have disabled your achievements.=Vous avez désactivé vos réussites.
You have enabled your achievements.=Vous avez activé vos réussites.
<achievement ID>=<réussite ID>
Show details of an achievement=Afficher les détails d'une réussite
Achievement not found.=Réussite non trouvée.
Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Obtenez les statistiques des réussites d'un joueur donné ou de vous-même
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
# textdomain: awards
### api_awards.lua ###
Award Unlocked!=
Award Unlocked: %s=
Secret Award Unlocked!=
Secret Award Unlocked: %s=
### awards.lua ###
A Cat in a Pop-Tart?!=Kot w Pop-Tart?!
Aspiring Farmer=Ambitny rolnik
Build a Cave=Zbuduj jaskinię
Burn to death in a fire.=
Craft 10 furnaces.=Stwórz 10 pieców.
Craft 10 mese lamps.=Stwórz 10 mese lamp.
Craft 100 obsidian bricks.=Stwórz 100 obsydianowych cegieł.
Craft 100 sandstone bricks.=Stwórz 100 cegieł z piaskowca.
Craft 100 sticks.=Stwórz 100 patyków.
Craft 100 white dyes.=Stwórz 100 białych barwników.
Craft 14 vessels shelves.=Stwórz 14 półek z naczyniami.
Craft 15 chests.=Stwórz 15 skrzyń.
Craft 15 fancy beds.=Stwórz 15 fantazyjnych łóżek.
Craft 200 brick blocks.=Stwórz 200 ceglanych bloków.
Craft 200 stone bricks.=Stwórz 200 kamiennych cegieł.
Craft 24 gold block stairs.=Stwórz 24 schody z bloków złota.
Craft 250 white wool.=Stwórz 250 białej wełny.
Craft 3,200 stone bricks.=Stwórz 3200 kamiennych cegieł.
Craft 30 locked chests.=Stwórz 30 zablokowanych skrzyń.
Craft 4 large bags.=Stwórz 4 duże plecaki.
Craft 400 blue dyes.=Stwórz 400 niebieskich barwników.
Craft 400 desert stone bricks.=Stwórz 400 cegieł z pustynnego kamienia.
Craft 400 red dyes.=Stwórz 400 czerwonych barwników.
Craft 400 yellow dyes.=Stwórz 400 żółtych barwników.
Craft 500 times oil extract.=
Craft 7 bookshelves.=Stwórz 7 półek na książki.
Craft 8 times flint and steel.=Stwórz krzesiwo 8 razy.
Craft 800 stone bricks.=Stwórz 800 kamiennych cegieł.
Craft a diamond block.=Stwórz diamentowy blok.
Crafter of Sticks=Twórca patyków
Dandelions are Yellow=Mlecze są żółte
Death in the Deeps=
Desert Discoverer=Odkrywca pustyni
Desert Dweller=Mieszkaniec pustyni
Die 100 times.=
Die above 10000=
Die below -10000=
Die in flowing lava.=
Die near bones.=
Die near diamond ore.=
Dig 1,000 copper ores.=Wykop 1000 rudy miedzi.
Dig 1,000 jungle tree blocks.=Wykop 1000 bloków drzewa dżunglowego.
Dig 1,000 sand.=Wykop 1000 piasku.
Dig 1,000 stone blocks.=Wykop 1000 kamiennych bloków.
Dig 1,296 tree blocks.=Wykop 1296 bloków.
Dig 10,000 stone blocks.=Wykop 10 000 kamiennych bloków.
Dig 100 jungle tree blocks.=Wykop 100 bloków drzewa dżunglowego.
Dig 100 stone blocks.=Wykop 100 kamiennych bloków.
Dig 216 tree blocks.=Wykop 216 bloków drzewa.
Dig 36 tree blocks.=Wykop 36 bloków drzewa.
Dig 6 tree blocks.=Wykop 6 bloków drewna.
Eat 10 loaves of bread.=Zjedz 10 bochenków chleba.
Eat 3 brown mushrooms.=Zjedz 3 brązowe grzyby.
Eat 33 brown mushrooms.=Zjedz 33 brązowe grzyby.
Eat 333 brown mushrooms.=Zjedz 333 brązowe grzyby.
Eat 80 apples.=Zjedz 80 jabłek.
Electical Engineer=
Far Lands=Odległe lądy
Farming Skills Acquired=Nabyto umiejętności rolnicze
Field Worker=Pracownik na polu
Filthy Rich=Obrzydliwie bogaty
First Day in the Woods=Pierwszy dzień w lesie
First Gold Find=Pierwsze znalezione złoto
First Mese Find=Pierwsze mese
Geraniums are Blue=Gerania są niebieskie
Girl's Best Friend=Najlepszy przyjaciel kobiety
Glacier Discoverer=Odkrywca lodowca
Gold Rush=Gorączka złota
Grasslands Discoverer=Odkrywca terenów trawiastych
Hardened Miner=Zatwardziały górnik
Hardest Block on Earth=Najtwardszy blok na ziemi
Harvest 125 fully grown wheat plants.=Zbierz 125 w pełni dojrzałej pszenicy.
Harvest 25 fully grown wheat plants.=Zbierz 25 w pełni dojrzałej pszenicy.
Harvest 625 fully grown wheat plants.=Zbierz 625 w pełni dojrzałej pszenicy.
Harvest a fully grown wheat plant.=Zbierz w pełni dojrzałą pszenicę.
House of Obsidian=Dom z obsydianu
In space, no one can hear you scream=
In the Dungeon=W lochu
In the Flow=
Industrial Age=Era przemysłowa
Item transporter=
Jungle Discoverer=Odkrywca dżungli
Junglebaby=Dziecko dżungli
Jungleman=Człowiek dżungli
Lava Miner=Górnik lawy
Lava and Water=Lawa i woda
Light It Up=Roznieć to
Little Library=Mała biblioteka
Long Ladder=Długa drabina
Marchand De Sable=Piaskowy dziadek
Master Architect=Mistrz architekt
Master Miner=Mistrz górnik
Mese Mastery=Mistrzostwo mese
Mine 18 diamond ores.=Wykop 18 diamentów.
Mine 45 gold ores.=Wykop 45 rud złota.
Mine 50 obsidian.=Wykop 50 obsydianów.
Mine a mese block.=Wykop blok mese.
Mine a mossy cobblestone.=Wykop omszałą kostkę brukową.
Mine a nyan cat.=Wykop kota nyan.
Mine any block while being very close to lava.=Wykop jakikolwiek blok będąc bardzo blisko lawy.
Mine some dry grass.=Wykop trochę wysuszonej trawy.
Mine some grass.=Wykop trochę trawy.
Mine your first cactus.=Wykop pierwszego kaktusa.
Mine your first diamond ore.=Wykop pierwszy diament.
Mine your first dry shrub.=Wykop pierwszy wysuszony krzak.
Mine your first gold ore.=Wykop pierwszą rudę złota.
Mine your first ice.=Wykop pierwszy lód.
Mine your first jungle grass.=Wykop pierwszą trawę dżunglową.
Mine your first mese ore.=Wykop pierwszą rudę mese.
Mine your first obsidian.=Wykop pierwszy obsydian.
Mini Miner=Mini górnik
Mushroom Lover=Wielbiciel grzybów
Obsessed with Obsidian=Obsesja na punkcie obsydianu
Oil Tycoon=
On The Way=W drodze
Place 1,000 torches.=Postaw 1000 pochodni.
Place 100 rails.=Połóż 100 torów.
Place 100 stone.=Postaw 100 kamieni.
Place 100 torches.=Postaw 100 pochodni.
Place 10000 tubes.=
Place 2 trap stones.=Postaw 2 kamienne pułapki.
Place 20 coal checkers.=Postaw 20 szachownic węglowych.
Place 20 iron checkers.=Postaw 20 szachownic żelaznych.
Place 40 steel ladders.=Postaw 40 stalowych drabin.
Place 400 wooden ladders.=Postaw 400 drewnianych drabin.
Place 5 autocrafters.=
Place 500 mesecon wires.=
Place two snow blocks.=Postaw dwa bloki śniegu.
Professional Lumberjack=Profesjonalny drwal
Put out 1000 fires.=Zgaś 1000 pożarów.
Really Well Lit=Naprawdę dobrze oświetlone
Roses Are Red=Róże są czerwone
Sam the Trapper=Sam Myśliwy
Savannah Discoverer=Odkrywca sawanny
Semi-pro Lumberjack=Pół-profesjonalny drwal
Tasty Mushrooms=Smaczne grzyby
This is Sad=
Underground Mushroom Farmer=Hodowca podziemnych grzybów
Very Simple Snow Man=Bardzo prosty bałwan
Well Lit=Dobrze oświetlone
Wheat Magnate=Pszeniczny magnat
White Color Stock=Zapas białego koloru
Wool Over Your Eyes=Owijanie w bawełnę
Wow, I am Diamonds!=Wow, jestem diamentami!
You Suck!=
You're a witch!=
You’re a copper=Jesteś miedzią
### chat_commands.lua ###
<award ID>=
All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Wszystkie nagrody i statystyki zostały usunięte. Możesz znów zacząć od nowa.
Award not found.=
Get the awards statistics for the given player or yourself=
Show details of an award=
Show, clear, disable or enable your awards=
You have disabled awards.=
You have enabled awards.=
### gui.lua ###
%s’s awards:=%s's nagrody:
(Secret Award)=(Sekretna nagroda)
@1 (unlocked)=
Error: No achivements available.=
Error: No award available.=
Unlock this award to find out what it is.=Odblokuj tę nagrodę, aby dowiedzieć się czym jest.
You have not unlocked any awards.=Nie odblokowałeś żadnych nagród.
You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Wyłączyłeś nagrody. Wpisz /awards enable, aby je ponownie włączyć.
### triggers.lua ###
@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 wiadomości na czacie
@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 stworzono
@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 śmierci
@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 wykopano
@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 zjedzono
@1/@2 joins=
@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 postawiono
Chat @1 times=
Craft @1 item=
Craft @1 items.=
Craft: @1×@2=
Craft: @2=
Die @1 times of @2=
Die @1 times.=
Die once of @2=
Eat @1 item=
Eat @1 items.=
Eat @1×@2=
Eat @2=
Join @1 times=
Join once=
Mine @1 block.=
Mine @1 blocks.=
Mine @1 times=
Mine: @1×@2=
Mine: @2=
Place @1 block.=
Place @1 blocks.=
Place: @1×@2=
Place: @2=
Send a chat message=
##### not used anymore #####
%s: %s=%s: %s
Secret Achievement Unlocked:=Odblokowano sekretne osiągnięcie:
Achievement Unlocked:=Odblokowano osiągnięcie:
Secret Achievement Unlocked: %s=Odblokowano sekretne osiągnięcie: %s
Achievement Unlocked: %s=Odblokowano osiągnięcie: %s
Secret Achievement Unlocked!=Odblokowano sekretne osiągnięcie!
Achievement Unlocked!=Odblokowano osiągnięcie!
Error: No awards available.=Błąd: Brak dostępnych nagród.
%s (got)=%s (zdobyto)
@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 dołączeń do gry
Show, clear, disable or enable your achievements=Pokaż, usuń, wyłącz lub włącz osiągnięcia
You have disabled your achievements.=Wyłączyłeś osiągnięcia.
You have enabled your achievements.=Włączyłeś osiągnięcia.
<achievement ID>=<ID osiągnięcia>
Show details of an achievement=Pokaż szczegóły osiągnięcia
Achievement not found.=Nie znaleziono osiągnięcia.
Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Pokaż swoje statystyki lub danego gracza
@ -1,249 +1,259 @@
# textdomain: awards
### api_awards.lua ###
Secret Award Unlocked: @1=
Award Unlocked: @1=
Secret Award Unlocked!=
Award Unlocked!=
Award Unlocked: %s=
Secret Award Unlocked!=
Secret Award Unlocked: %s=
### awards.lua ###
Place 20 coal checkers.=
Place 20 iron checkers.=
Sam the Trapper=
Place 2 trap stones.=
Craft 4 large bags.=
Craft 8 times flint and steel.=Montar acendedor de Ferro e Pederneira 8 vezes.
Put out 1000 fires.=Apagar fogo 1000 vezes.
You're a witch!=
Burn to death in a fire.=
You Suck!=
Die 100 times.=
Death in the Deeps=
Die below -10000=
In space, no one can hear you scream=
Die above 10000=
Light It Up=Ilumine Isso
Place 100 torches.=Colocar 100 tochas.
Well Lit=Bem Iluminado
Place 1,000 torches.=Colocar 1.000 tochas.
Really Well Lit=Realmente Bem Iluminado
Craft 10 mese lamps.=Fazer 10 lâmpadas de mese.
Outpost=Posto Avançado
Craft 200 stone bricks.=Fazer 200 tijolos de pedra.
Craft 800 stone bricks.=Fazer 800 tijolos de pedra.
Craft 3,200 stone bricks.=Fazer 3.200 tijolos de pedra.
Desert Dweller=Morador do Deserto
Craft 400 desert stone bricks.=Fazer 400 Tijolos de pedra do deserto.
Craft 100 sandstone bricks.=Fazer 100 tijolos de arenito.
Little Library=Pequena Biblioteca
Craft 7 bookshelves.=Fazer 7 estantes de livros.
Lava and Water=Lava e Água
Mine your first obsidian.=Cavar sua primeira obsidiana.
Obsessed with Obsidian=Obcecado por Obsidiana
Mine 50 obsidian.=Minerar 50 obsidianas.
Lava Miner=Minerador de Lava
Mine any block while being very close to lava.=Minerar qualquer bloco enquanto estiver mergulhado em lava.
On The Way=No Caminho
Place 100 rails.=Colocar 100 trilhos.
First Day in the Woods=Primeiro dia na Floresta
Dig 6 tree blocks.=Cortar 6 blocos de árvore.
Dig 36 tree blocks.=Cortar 36 blocos de árvore.
Semi-pro Lumberjack=Lenhador Semi-Profissional
Dig 216 tree blocks.=Cortar 216 blocos de árvore.
Professional Lumberjack=Lenhador Profissional
Dig 1,296 tree blocks.=Cortar 1.296 blocos de árvore.
Junglebaby=Bebê Selvagem
Dig 100 jungle tree blocks.=Cortar 100 blocos de árvore selvagem.
Jungleman=Homem Selvagem
Dig 1,000 jungle tree blocks.=Cortar 1.000 blocos de árvore selvagem.
First Mese Find=Primeiro Mese
Mine your first mese ore.=Cavar seu primeiro mese.
Mese Mastery=Mestre do Mese
Mine a mese block.=Cavar um bloco de mese.
You’re a copper=Sou um Cobre
Dig 1,000 copper ores.=Minerar 1.000 cobres.
Mini Miner=Mini Minerador
Dig 100 stone blocks.=Minerar 100 blocos de pedra.
Hardened Miner=Minerador Avançado
Dig 1,000 stone blocks.=Minerar 1.000 blocos de pedra.
Master Miner=Minerador Mestre
Dig 10,000 stone blocks.=Minerar 10.000 blocos de pedra.
SandMan=Vendedor de Areia
Dig 1,000 sand.=Cavar 1.000 blocos de areia.
Crafter of Sticks=Rachador de Lenha
Craft 100 sticks.=Lenhar 100 gravetos.
Jungle Discoverer=Desbravador Selvagem
Mine your first jungle grass.=Cortar seu primeiro mato selvagem.
Grasslands Discoverer=Descobridor do Gramado
Mine some grass.=Minerar algum mato
Savannah Discoverer=Descobridor da Savana
Mine some dry grass.=Minerar algum mato seco.
Desert Discoverer=Descobridor do Deserto
Mine your first cactus.=Cortar seu primeiro cacto.
Far Lands=Terras Distantes
Mine your first dry shrub.=Minerar seu primeiro arbusto seco.
Glacier Discoverer=Descobridor Glacial
Mine your first ice.=Quebrar seu primeiro bloco de gelo.
Very Simple Snow Man=Homem de Neve Muito Simples
Place two snow blocks.=Colocar 2 blocos de neve.
First Gold Find=Achei Ouro
Mine your first gold ore.=Minerar sua primeira de ouro.
Gold Rush=Corriga do Ouro
Mine 45 gold ores.=Minerar 45 de ouro.
Wow, I am Diamonds!=Uau, Diamante!
Mine your first diamond ore.=Minerar seu primeiro diamante.
Girl's Best Friend=Melhor Amigo da Menina
Mine 18 diamond ores.=Minere 18 diamantes.
Hardest Block on Earth=O Bloco mais Duro da Terra
Craft a diamond block.=Montar um bloco de diamante.
In the Dungeon=Na Masmorra
Mine a mossy cobblestone.=Minerar um pedregulho com musgo.
Craft 10 furnaces.=Montar 10 fornos.
Craft 15 chests.=Montar 10 baús.
Craft 30 locked chests.=Montar 30 baús trancados.
Craft 200 brick blocks.=Fazer 200 blocos de tijolo.
House of Obsidian=Casa de Obsidiana
Craft 100 obsidian bricks.=Montar 100 tijolos de obsidiana.
Build a Cave=Montar uma Caverna
Place 100 stone.=Colocar 100 pedras.
Long Ladder=Longa Escadaria
Place 400 wooden ladders.=Colocar 400 escadas de madeira.
Industrial Age=Era Industrial
Place 40 steel ladders.=Colocar 40 escadas de ferro.
Eat 80 apples.=Comer 80 maçãs.
In the Flow=
Die in flowing lava.=
This is Sad=
Die near diamond ore.=
Die near bones.=
Craft 14 vessels shelves.=Montar 14 estantes de frascos.
Farming Skills Acquired=Conhecimento de Cultivo Adquirido
Harvest a fully grown wheat plant.=Colher um trigo totalmente crescido.
Field Worker=Trabalhador do Campo
Harvest 25 fully grown wheat plants.=Colher 25 plantas trigos totalmente crescidos.
Aspiring Farmer=Fazendeiro Aspirante
Harvest 125 fully grown wheat plants.=Colher 125 plantas trigos totalmente crescidos.
Wheat Magnate=Magnata do Trigo
Harvest 625 fully grown wheat plants.=Colher 625 plantas trigos totalmente crescidos.
Eat 10 loaves of bread.=Comer 10 pães.
Wool Over Your Eyes=Lã Sobre Meus Olhos
Craft 250 white wool.=Tecer 250 lãs branca.
Craft 15 fancy beds.=Montar 15 camas chiques.
Filthy Rich=Muito Rico
Craft 24 gold block stairs.=Montar 24 escadas de bloco de ouro.
Roses Are Red=Rosas São Vermelhas
Craft 400 red dyes.=Fazer 400 tintas vermelhas.
Dandelions are Yellow=Dentes-de-Leões são Amarelos
Craft 400 yellow dyes.=Fazer 400 tintas amarelas.
Geraniums are Blue=Gerânios são Azuis
Craft 400 blue dyes.=Fazer 400 tintas azuis.
White Color Stock=Estoque de Cor Branca
Craft 100 white dyes.=Fazer 100 tintas brancas.
Tasty Mushrooms=Cogumelos Deliciosos
Eat 3 brown mushrooms.=Comer 3 cogumelos marrons.
Mushroom Lover=Amante de Cogumelo
Eat 33 brown mushrooms.=Comer 33 cogumelos marrons.
Underground Mushroom Farmer=Fazendeiro Subterrâneo de Cogumelos
Eat 333 brown mushrooms.=Comer 333 cogumelos marrons.
Master Architect=Arquiteto Mestre
A Cat in a Pop-Tart?!=Um Gato em um Pop-Tart?!
Mine a nyan cat.=Capturar um gato nyan.
Item transporter=
Place 10000 tubes.=
Place 5 autocrafters.=
Electical Engineer=
Place 500 mesecon wires.=
Oil Typhoon=
Aspiring Farmer=Fazendeiro Aspirante
Build a Cave=Montar uma Caverna
Burn to death in a fire.=
Craft 10 furnaces.=Montar 10 fornos.
Craft 10 mese lamps.=Fazer 10 lâmpadas de mese.
Craft 100 obsidian bricks.=Montar 100 tijolos de obsidiana.
Craft 100 sandstone bricks.=Fazer 100 tijolos de arenito.
Craft 100 sticks.=Lenhar 100 gravetos.
Craft 100 white dyes.=Fazer 100 tintas brancas.
Craft 14 vessels shelves.=Montar 14 estantes de frascos.
Craft 15 chests.=Montar 10 baús.
Craft 15 fancy beds.=Montar 15 camas chiques.
Craft 200 brick blocks.=Fazer 200 blocos de tijolo.
Craft 200 stone bricks.=Fazer 200 tijolos de pedra.
Craft 24 gold block stairs.=Montar 24 escadas de bloco de ouro.
Craft 250 white wool.=Tecer 250 lãs branca.
Craft 3,200 stone bricks.=Fazer 3.200 tijolos de pedra.
Craft 30 locked chests.=Montar 30 baús trancados.
Craft 4 large bags.=
Craft 400 blue dyes.=Fazer 400 tintas azuis.
Craft 400 desert stone bricks.=Fazer 400 Tijolos de pedra do deserto.
Craft 400 red dyes.=Fazer 400 tintas vermelhas.
Craft 400 yellow dyes.=Fazer 400 tintas amarelas.
Craft 500 times oil extract.=
Craft 7 bookshelves.=Fazer 7 estantes de livros.
Craft 8 times flint and steel.=Montar acendedor de Ferro e Pederneira 8 vezes.
Craft 800 stone bricks.=Fazer 800 tijolos de pedra.
Craft a diamond block.=Montar um bloco de diamante.
Crafter of Sticks=Rachador de Lenha
Dandelions are Yellow=Dentes-de-Leões são Amarelos
Death in the Deeps=
Desert Discoverer=Descobridor do Deserto
Desert Dweller=Morador do Deserto
Die 100 times.=
Die above 10000=
Die below -10000=
Die in flowing lava.=
Die near bones.=
Die near diamond ore.=
Dig 1,000 copper ores.=Minerar 1.000 cobres.
Dig 1,000 jungle tree blocks.=Cortar 1.000 blocos de árvore selvagem.
Dig 1,000 sand.=Cavar 1.000 blocos de areia.
Dig 1,000 stone blocks.=Minerar 1.000 blocos de pedra.
Dig 1,296 tree blocks.=Cortar 1.296 blocos de árvore.
Dig 10,000 stone blocks.=Minerar 10.000 blocos de pedra.
Dig 100 jungle tree blocks.=Cortar 100 blocos de árvore selvagem.
Dig 100 stone blocks.=Minerar 100 blocos de pedra.
Dig 216 tree blocks.=Cortar 216 blocos de árvore.
Dig 36 tree blocks.=Cortar 36 blocos de árvore.
Dig 6 tree blocks.=Cortar 6 blocos de árvore.
Eat 10 loaves of bread.=Comer 10 pães.
Eat 3 brown mushrooms.=Comer 3 cogumelos marrons.
Eat 33 brown mushrooms.=Comer 33 cogumelos marrons.
Eat 333 brown mushrooms.=Comer 333 cogumelos marrons.
Eat 80 apples.=Comer 80 maçãs.
Electical Engineer=
Far Lands=Terras Distantes
Farming Skills Acquired=Conhecimento de Cultivo Adquirido
Field Worker=Trabalhador do Campo
Filthy Rich=Muito Rico
First Day in the Woods=Primeiro dia na Floresta
First Gold Find=Achei Ouro
First Mese Find=Primeiro Mese
Geraniums are Blue=Gerânios são Azuis
Girl's Best Friend=Melhor Amigo da Menina
Glacier Discoverer=Descobridor Glacial
Gold Rush=Corriga do Ouro
Grasslands Discoverer=Descobridor do Gramado
Hardened Miner=Minerador Avançado
Hardest Block on Earth=O Bloco mais Duro da Terra
Harvest 125 fully grown wheat plants.=Colher 125 plantas trigos totalmente crescidos.
Harvest 25 fully grown wheat plants.=Colher 25 plantas trigos totalmente crescidos.
Harvest 625 fully grown wheat plants.=Colher 625 plantas trigos totalmente crescidos.
Harvest a fully grown wheat plant.=Colher um trigo totalmente crescido.
House of Obsidian=Casa de Obsidiana
In space, no one can hear you scream=
In the Dungeon=Na Masmorra
In the Flow=
Industrial Age=Era Industrial
Item transporter=
Jungle Discoverer=Desbravador Selvagem
Junglebaby=Bebê Selvagem
Jungleman=Homem Selvagem
Lava Miner=Minerador de Lava
Lava and Water=Lava e Água
Light It Up=Ilumine Isso
Little Library=Pequena Biblioteca
Long Ladder=Longa Escadaria
Marchand De Sable=Vendedor de Areia
Master Architect=Arquiteto Mestre
Master Miner=Minerador Mestre
Mese Mastery=Mestre do Mese
Mine 18 diamond ores.=Minere 18 diamantes.
Mine 45 gold ores.=Minerar 45 de ouro.
Mine 50 obsidian.=Minerar 50 obsidianas.
Mine a mese block.=Cavar um bloco de mese.
Mine a mossy cobblestone.=Minerar um pedregulho com musgo.
Mine a nyan cat.=Capturar um gato nyan.
Mine any block while being very close to lava.=Minerar qualquer bloco enquanto estiver mergulhado em lava.
Mine some dry grass.=Minerar algum mato seco.
Mine some grass.=Minerar algum mato
Mine your first cactus.=Cortar seu primeiro cacto.
Mine your first diamond ore.=Minerar seu primeiro diamante.
Mine your first dry shrub.=Minerar seu primeiro arbusto seco.
Mine your first gold ore.=Minerar sua primeira de ouro.
Mine your first ice.=Quebrar seu primeiro bloco de gelo.
Mine your first jungle grass.=Cortar seu primeiro mato selvagem.
Mine your first mese ore.=Cavar seu primeiro mese.
Mine your first obsidian.=Cavar sua primeira obsidiana.
Mini Miner=Mini Minerador
Mushroom Lover=Amante de Cogumelo
Obsessed with Obsidian=Obcecado por Obsidiana
Oil Tycoon=
On The Way=No Caminho
Outpost=Posto Avançado
Place 1,000 torches.=Colocar 1.000 tochas.
Place 100 rails.=Colocar 100 trilhos.
Place 100 stone.=Colocar 100 pedras.
Place 100 torches.=Colocar 100 tochas.
Place 10000 tubes.=
Place 2 trap stones.=
Place 20 coal checkers.=
Place 20 iron checkers.=
Place 40 steel ladders.=Colocar 40 escadas de ferro.
Place 400 wooden ladders.=Colocar 400 escadas de madeira.
Place 5 autocrafters.=
Place 500 mesecon wires.=
Place two snow blocks.=Colocar 2 blocos de neve.
Professional Lumberjack=Lenhador Profissional
Put out 1000 fires.=Apagar fogo 1000 vezes.
Really Well Lit=Realmente Bem Iluminado
Roses Are Red=Rosas São Vermelhas
Sam the Trapper=
Savannah Discoverer=Descobridor da Savana
Semi-pro Lumberjack=Lenhador Semi-Profissional
Tasty Mushrooms=Cogumelos Deliciosos
This is Sad=
Underground Mushroom Farmer=Fazendeiro Subterrâneo de Cogumelos
Very Simple Snow Man=Homem de Neve Muito Simples
Well Lit=Bem Iluminado
Wheat Magnate=Magnata do Trigo
White Color Stock=Estoque de Cor Branca
Wool Over Your Eyes=Lã Sobre Meus Olhos
Wow, I am Diamonds!=Uau, Diamante!
You Suck!=
You're a witch!=
You’re a copper=Sou um Cobre
### chat_commands.lua ###
Can manage awards of given player=
Show, clear, disable or enable player's awards=
You need awards_admin privilege!=
All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Todas as suas conquistas e estatísticas foram limpas. Agora podes iniciar novamente.
All awards and statistics of @1 have been cleared.=
Your awards are disabled.=
You have disabled awards of @1.=
Your awards are enabled.=
You have enabled awards of @1.=
<award ID>=
Show details of an award=
Award not found.=
All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Todas as suas conquistas e estatísticas foram limpas. Agora podes iniciar novamente.
Award not found.=
Get the awards statistics for the given player or yourself=
Show details of an award=
Show, clear, disable or enable your awards=
You have disabled awards.=
You have enabled awards.=
### gui.lua ###
Error: No achivements available.=
%s’s awards:=%s das conquistas:
(Secret Award)=(Conquista Secreta)
Unlock this award to find out what it is.=Desbloqueie essa conquista para descobrir o que significa.
You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Desabilitaste as conquistas. Digite /awards enable para reabilitar.
Error: No award available.=
You have not unlocked any awards.=Nenhuma conquista desbloqueada ainda.
@1’s awards:=
@1 (unlocked)=
Error: No achivements available.=
Error: No award available.=
Unlock this award to find out what it is.=Desbloqueie essa conquista para descobrir o que significa.
You have not unlocked any awards.=Nenhuma conquista desbloqueada ainda.
You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Desabilitaste as conquistas. Digite /awards enable para reabilitar.
### triggers.lua ###
@1/@2 chat messages=@1 de @2
Send a chat message=
Chat @1 times=
@1/@2 joins=
Join once=
Join @1 times=
@1/@2 deaths=@1 de @2 mortes
Die once of @2=
Die @1 times of @2=
Die @1 time.=Morrer 1 vez.
Die @1 times.=Morrer @1 vezes.
@1/@2 dug=@1 de @2 obtidos
Mine: @2=Cavar: @2
Mine: @1×@2=Minar: @1×@2
Mine @1 block.=Cavar um bloco.
Mine @1 blocks.=Cavar @1 blocos.
@1/@2 placed=@1 de @2 colocados
Place: @2=Colocar: @2
Place: @1×@2=Place: @1×@2
Place @1 block.=
Place @1 blocks.=Colocar @1 blocos.
@1/@2 crafted=@1 de @2 feitos
Craft: @2=Fazer @2
Craft: @1×@2=Montar @2 @1 vezes
Craft @1 item.=
Craft @1 items.=Fazer @1 itens.
@1/@2 deaths=@1 de @2 mortes
@1/@2 dug=@1 de @2 obtidos
@1/@2 eaten=@1 de @2 consumidos
Eat @2=
@1/@2 joins=
@1/@2 placed=@1 de @2 colocados
Chat @1 times=
Craft @1 item=
Craft @1 items.=
Craft: @1×@2=
Craft: @2=
Die @1 times of @2=
Die @1 times.=
Die once of @2=
Eat @1 item=
Eat @1 items.=
Eat @1×@2=
Eat @1 item.=
Eat @1 items.=Consumir @1 itens.
Eat @2=
Join @1 times=
Join once=
Mine @1 block.=
Mine @1 blocks.=
Mine @1 times=
Mine: @1×@2=
Mine: @2=
Place @1 block.=
Place @1 blocks.=
Place: @1×@2=
Place: @2=
Send a chat message=
##### not used anymore #####
%s: %s=%s: %s
Secret Achievement Unlocked:=Conquista Secreta Desbloqueada:
Achievement Unlocked:=Conquista Desbloqueada:
Secret Achievement Unlocked: %s=Conquista Secreta Desbloqueada: %s
Achievement Unlocked: %s=Conquista Desbloqueada: %s
Secret Achievement Unlocked!=Conquista Secreta Desbloqueada!
Achievement Unlocked!=Conquista Desbloqueada!
Error: No awards available.=Erro: Nenhuma conquista encontrada.
%s (got)=%s (obtido)
@1/@2 game joins=@1 de @2
Show, clear, disable or enable your achievements=Exibir, limpar, desabilitar ou habilitar suas conquistas
You have disabled your achievements.=Suas conquistas foram desabilitadas.
You have enabled your achievements.=Suas conquistas foram habilitadas.
<achievement ID>=<ID da conquista>
Show details of an achievement=Mostra detalhes de uma conquista
Achievement not found.=Conquista não encontrada.
Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Ver as estatísticas de conquistas de um jogador ou suas próprias
@ -1,248 +1,236 @@
# textdomain: awards
### api_awards.lua ###
Secret Award Unlocked: @1=
Award Unlocked: @1=
Secret Award Unlocked!=
Award Unlocked!=
Award Unlocked: %s=
Secret Award Unlocked!=
Secret Award Unlocked: %s=
### awards.lua ###
Place 20 coal checkers.=
Place 20 iron checkers.=
Sam the Trapper=
Place 2 trap stones.=
Craft 4 large bags.=
Craft 8 times flint and steel.=
Put out 1000 fires.=
You're a witch!=
Burn to death in a fire.=
You Suck!=
Die 100 times.=
Death in the Deeps=
Die below -10000=
In space, no one can hear you scream=
Die above 10000=
Light It Up=
Place 100 torches.=
Well Lit=
Place 1,000 torches.=
Really Well Lit=
Craft 10 mese lamps.=
Craft 200 stone bricks.=
Craft 800 stone bricks.=
Craft 3,200 stone bricks.=
Desert Dweller=
Craft 400 desert stone bricks.=
Craft 100 sandstone bricks.=
Little Library=
Craft 7 bookshelves.=
Lava and Water=
Mine your first obsidian.=
Obsessed with Obsidian=
Mine 50 obsidian.=
Lava Miner=
Mine any block while being very close to lava.=
On The Way=
Place 100 rails.=
First Day in the Woods=
Dig 6 tree blocks.=
Dig 36 tree blocks.=
Semi-pro Lumberjack=
Dig 216 tree blocks.=
Professional Lumberjack=
Dig 1,296 tree blocks.=
Dig 100 jungle tree blocks.=
Dig 1,000 jungle tree blocks.=
First Mese Find=
Mine your first mese ore.=
Mese Mastery=
Mine a mese block.=
You’re a copper=
Dig 1,000 copper ores.=
Mini Miner=
Dig 100 stone blocks.=
Hardened Miner=
Dig 1,000 stone blocks.=
Master Miner=
Dig 10,000 stone blocks.=
Dig 1,000 sand.=
Crafter of Sticks=
Craft 100 sticks.=
Jungle Discoverer=
Mine your first jungle grass.=
Grasslands Discoverer=
Mine some grass.=
Savannah Discoverer=
Mine some dry grass.=
Desert Discoverer=
Mine your first cactus.=
Far Lands=
Mine your first dry shrub.=
Glacier Discoverer=
Mine your first ice.=
Very Simple Snow Man=
Place two snow blocks.=
First Gold Find=
Mine your first gold ore.=
Gold Rush=
Mine 45 gold ores.=
Wow, I am Diamonds!=
Mine your first diamond ore.=
Girl's Best Friend=
Mine 18 diamond ores.=
Hardest Block on Earth=
Craft a diamond block.=
In the Dungeon=
Mine a mossy cobblestone.=
Craft 10 furnaces.=
Craft 15 chests.=
Craft 30 locked chests.=
Craft 200 brick blocks.=
House of Obsidian=
Craft 100 obsidian bricks.=
Build a Cave=
Place 100 stone.=
Long Ladder=
Place 400 wooden ladders.=
Industrial Age=
Place 40 steel ladders.=
Eat 80 apples.=
In the Flow=
Die in flowing lava.=
This is Sad=
Die near diamond ore.=
Die near bones.=
Craft 14 vessels shelves.=
Farming Skills Acquired=
Harvest a fully grown wheat plant.=
Field Worker=
Harvest 25 fully grown wheat plants.=
Aspiring Farmer=
Harvest 125 fully grown wheat plants.=
Wheat Magnate=
Harvest 625 fully grown wheat plants.=
Eat 10 loaves of bread.=
Wool Over Your Eyes=
Craft 250 white wool.=
Craft 15 fancy beds.=
Filthy Rich=
Craft 24 gold block stairs.=
Roses Are Red=
Craft 400 red dyes.=
Dandelions are Yellow=
Craft 400 yellow dyes.=
Geraniums are Blue=
Craft 400 blue dyes.=
White Color Stock=
Craft 100 white dyes.=
Tasty Mushrooms=
Eat 3 brown mushrooms.=
Mushroom Lover=
Eat 33 brown mushrooms.=
Underground Mushroom Farmer=
Eat 333 brown mushrooms.=
Master Architect=
A Cat in a Pop-Tart?!=
Mine a nyan cat.=
Item transporter=
Place 10000 tubes.=
Place 5 autocrafters.=
Electical Engineer=
Place 500 mesecon wires.=
Oil Typhoon=
Aspiring Farmer=
Build a Cave=
Burn to death in a fire.=
Craft 10 furnaces.=
Craft 10 mese lamps.=
Craft 100 obsidian bricks.=
Craft 100 sandstone bricks.=
Craft 100 sticks.=
Craft 100 white dyes.=
Craft 14 vessels shelves.=
Craft 15 chests.=
Craft 15 fancy beds.=
Craft 200 brick blocks.=
Craft 200 stone bricks.=
Craft 24 gold block stairs.=
Craft 250 white wool.=
Craft 3,200 stone bricks.=
Craft 30 locked chests.=
Craft 4 large bags.=
Craft 400 blue dyes.=
Craft 400 desert stone bricks.=
Craft 400 red dyes.=
Craft 400 yellow dyes.=
Craft 500 times oil extract.=
Craft 7 bookshelves.=
Craft 8 times flint and steel.=
Craft 800 stone bricks.=
Craft a diamond block.=
Crafter of Sticks=
Dandelions are Yellow=
Death in the Deeps=
Desert Discoverer=
Desert Dweller=
Die 100 times.=
Die above 10000=
Die below -10000=
Die in flowing lava.=
Die near bones.=
Die near diamond ore.=
Dig 1,000 copper ores.=
Dig 1,000 jungle tree blocks.=
Dig 1,000 sand.=
Dig 1,000 stone blocks.=
Dig 1,296 tree blocks.=
Dig 10,000 stone blocks.=
Dig 100 jungle tree blocks.=
Dig 100 stone blocks.=
Dig 216 tree blocks.=
Dig 36 tree blocks.=
Dig 6 tree blocks.=
Eat 10 loaves of bread.=
Eat 3 brown mushrooms.=
Eat 33 brown mushrooms.=
Eat 333 brown mushrooms.=
Eat 80 apples.=
Electical Engineer=
Far Lands=
Farming Skills Acquired=
Field Worker=
Filthy Rich=
First Day in the Woods=
First Gold Find=
First Mese Find=
Geraniums are Blue=
Girl's Best Friend=
Glacier Discoverer=
Gold Rush=
Grasslands Discoverer=
Hardened Miner=
Hardest Block on Earth=
Harvest 125 fully grown wheat plants.=
Harvest 25 fully grown wheat plants.=
Harvest 625 fully grown wheat plants.=
Harvest a fully grown wheat plant.=
House of Obsidian=
In space, no one can hear you scream=
In the Dungeon=
In the Flow=
Industrial Age=
Item transporter=
Jungle Discoverer=
Lava Miner=
Lava and Water=
Light It Up=
Little Library=
Long Ladder=
Marchand De Sable=
Master Architect=
Master Miner=
Mese Mastery=
Mine 18 diamond ores.=
Mine 45 gold ores.=
Mine 50 obsidian.=
Mine a mese block.=
Mine a mossy cobblestone.=
Mine a nyan cat.=
Mine any block while being very close to lava.=
Mine some dry grass.=
Mine some grass.=
Mine your first cactus.=
Mine your first diamond ore.=
Mine your first dry shrub.=
Mine your first gold ore.=
Mine your first ice.=
Mine your first jungle grass.=
Mine your first mese ore.=
Mine your first obsidian.=
Mini Miner=
Mushroom Lover=
Obsessed with Obsidian=
Oil Tycoon=
On The Way=
Place 1,000 torches.=
Place 100 rails.=
Place 100 stone.=
Place 100 torches.=
Place 10000 tubes.=
Place 2 trap stones.=
Place 20 coal checkers.=
Place 20 iron checkers.=
Place 40 steel ladders.=
Place 400 wooden ladders.=
Place 5 autocrafters.=
Place 500 mesecon wires.=
Place two snow blocks.=
Professional Lumberjack=
Put out 1000 fires.=
Really Well Lit=
Roses Are Red=
Sam the Trapper=
Savannah Discoverer=
Semi-pro Lumberjack=
Tasty Mushrooms=
This is Sad=
Underground Mushroom Farmer=
Very Simple Snow Man=
Well Lit=
Wheat Magnate=
White Color Stock=
Wool Over Your Eyes=
Wow, I am Diamonds!=
You Suck!=
You're a witch!=
You’re a copper=
### chat_commands.lua ###
Can manage awards of given player=
Show, clear, disable or enable player's awards=
You need awards_admin privilege!=
All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=
All awards and statistics of @1 have been cleared.=
Your awards are disabled.=
You have disabled awards of @1.=
Your awards are enabled.=
You have enabled awards of @1.=
<award ID>=
Show details of an award=
Award not found.=
All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=
Award not found.=
Get the awards statistics for the given player or yourself=
Show details of an award=
Show, clear, disable or enable your awards=
You have disabled awards.=
You have enabled awards.=
### gui.lua ###
Error: No achivements available.=
%s’s awards:=
(Secret Award)=
Unlock this award to find out what it is.=
You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=
Error: No award available.=
You have not unlocked any awards.=
@1’s awards:=
@1 (unlocked)=
Error: No achivements available.=
Error: No award available.=
Unlock this award to find out what it is.=
You have not unlocked any awards.=
You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=
### triggers.lua ###
@1/@2 chat messages=
Send a chat message=
Chat @1 times=
@1/@2 joins=
Join once=
Join @1 times=
@1/@2 crafted=
@1/@2 deaths=
Die once of @2=
Die @1 times of @2=
Die @1 time.=
Die @1 times.=
@1/@2 dug=
Mine: @2=
Mine: @1×@2=
@1/@2 eaten=
@1/@2 joins=
@1/@2 placed=
Chat @1 times=
Craft @1 item=
Craft @1 items.=
Craft: @1×@2=
Craft: @2=
Die @1 times of @2=
Die @1 times.=
Die once of @2=
Eat @1 item=
Eat @1 items.=
Eat @1×@2=
Eat @2=
Join @1 times=
Join once=
Mine @1 block.=
Mine @1 blocks.=
@1/@2 placed=
Place: @2=
Place: @1×@2=
Mine @1 times=
Mine: @1×@2=
Mine: @2=
Place @1 block.=
Place @1 blocks.=
@1/@2 crafted=
Craft: @2=
Craft: @1×@2=
Craft @1 item.=
Craft @1 items.=
@1/@2 eaten=
Eat @2=
Eat @1×@2=
Eat @1 item.=
Eat @1 items.=
Place: @1×@2=
Place: @2=
Send a chat message=
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ name = awards
title = Awards
author = rubenwardy
description = Adds awards to Minetest, and an API to register new ones.
optional_depends = intllib,sfinv,unified_inventory,default,stairs,farming,dye,beds,wool,vessels,moreblocks,fire,flowers,nyancat
optional_depends = sfinv,unified_inventory,default,stairs,farming,dye,beds,wool,vessels,moreblocks,fire,flowers,nyancat
license = MIT
forum =
version = 3.0.0
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2013-18 rubenwardy. MIT.
local S = awards.get_translator
local S = awards.translator
function awards.register_award(name, def)
|||| = name
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2013-18 rubenwardy. MIT.
local NS = awards.ngettext
local S = awards.get_translator
local function ngettext(msgid, msgid_plural, n, ...)
return awards.translator(n==1 and msgid or msgid_plural, ...)
local S, NS = awards.translator, ngettext
awards.on = {}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2013-18 rubenwardy and Wuzzy. MIT.
local S = awards.get_translator
local S = awards.translator
-- Saint-Maclou
@ -291,19 +291,6 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("default") then
return nil
-- On the way
awards.register_award("award_on_the_way", {
title = S("On The Way"),
description = S("Place 100 rails."),
icon = "awards_on_the_way.png",
difficulty = 0.1,
trigger = {
type = "place",
node = "default:rail",
target = 100
awards.register_award("award_lumberjack_firstday", {
title = S("First Day in the Woods"),
description = S("Dig 6 tree blocks."),
@ -311,7 +298,7 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("default") then
difficulty = 0.03,
trigger = {
type = "dig",
node = "default:tree",
node = "group:tree",
target = 6
@ -324,7 +311,7 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("default") then
difficulty = 0.03,
trigger = {
type = "dig",
node = "default:tree",
node = "group:tree",
target = 36
@ -337,7 +324,7 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("default") then
difficulty = 0.03,
trigger = {
type = "dig",
node = "default:tree",
node = "group:tree",
target = 216
@ -350,7 +337,7 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("default") then
difficulty = 0.03,
trigger = {
type = "dig",
node = "default:tree",
node = "group:tree",
target = 1296
@ -790,6 +777,21 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("default") then
if minetest.get_modpath("carts") then
-- On the way
awards.register_award("award_on_the_way", {
title = S("On The Way"),
description = S("Place 100 rails."),
icon = "awards_on_the_way.png",
difficulty = 0.1,
trigger = {
type = "place",
node = "group:rail",
target = 100
if minetest.get_modpath("bones") then
-- Die near bones
awards.register_award("award_the_stack", {
@ -1098,7 +1100,7 @@ end
if minetest.get_modpath("basic_materials") then
awards.register_award("awards_oil", {
title = S("Oil Typhoon"),
title = S("Oil Tycoon"),
description = S("Craft 500 times oil extract."),
trigger = {
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2013-18 rubenwardy. MIT.
local S = awards.get_translator
local S = awards.translator
minetest.register_privilege("awards_admin", { description = S("Can manage awards of given player") })
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2013-18 rubenwardy. MIT.
local S = awards.get_translator
local S = awards.translator
function awards.get_formspec(name, to, sid)
local formspec = ""
@ -30,13 +30,18 @@ function awards.get_formspec(name, to, sid)
if sdef and sdef.title then
title = sdef.title
local status = "%s"
local status = "@1"
if sitem.unlocked then
status = "%s ".. S("(unlocked)")
-- Don't actually use translator here. We define empty S() to fool the update_translations script
-- into extracting that string for the templates.
local function S(str)
return str
status = S("@1 (unlocked)")
formspec = formspec .. "textarea[0.5,3.1;4.8,1.45;;" ..
string.format(status, minetest.formspec_escape(title)) ..
S(status, minetest.formspec_escape(title)) ..
if sdef and sdef.icon then
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-- Fallback functions for when `intllib` is not installed.
-- Code released under Unlicense <>.
-- Get the latest version of this file at:
local function format(str, ...)
local args = { ... }
local function repl(escape, open, num, close)
if escape == "" then
local replacement = tostring(args[tonumber(num)])
if open == "" then
replacement = replacement..close
return replacement
return "@"
return (str:gsub("(@?)@(%(?)(%d+)(%)?)", repl))
local gettext, ngettext
if minetest.get_modpath("intllib") then
if intllib.make_gettext_pair then
-- New method using gettext.
gettext, ngettext = intllib.make_gettext_pair()
-- Old method using text files.
gettext = intllib.Getter()
-- Fill in missing functions.
gettext = gettext or function(msgid, ...)
return format(msgid, ...)
ngettext = ngettext or function(msgid, msgid_plural, n, ...)
return format(n==1 and msgid or msgid_plural, ...)
return gettext, ngettext
@ -14,6 +14,12 @@
-- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-- Don't actually use translator here. We define empty S() to fool the update_translations script
-- into extracting those strings for the templates. Actual translation is done in api_triggers.lua.
local S = function (str)
return str
-- Check if a player object is valid for awards.
local function player_ok(player)
return player and player.is_player and player:is_player() and not player.is_fake_player
@ -21,8 +27,8 @@ end
awards.register_trigger("chat", {
type = "counted",
progress = "@1/@2 chat messages",
auto_description = { "Send a chat message", "Chat @1 times" },
progress = S("@1/@2 chat messages"),
auto_description = { S("Send a chat message"), S("Chat @1 times") },
minetest.register_on_chat_message(function(name, message)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
@ -36,17 +42,17 @@ end)
awards.register_trigger("join", {
type = "counted",
progress = "@1/@2 joins",
auto_description = { "Join once", "Join @1 times" },
progress = S("@1/@2 joins"),
auto_description = { S("Join once"), S("Join @1 times") },
awards.register_trigger("death", {
type = "counted_key",
progress = "@1/@2 deaths",
auto_description = { "Die once of @2", "Die @1 times of @2" },
auto_description_total = { "Die @1 time.", "Die @1 times." },
progress = S("@1/@2 deaths"),
auto_description = { S("Die once of @2"), S("Die @1 times of @2") },
auto_description_total = { S("Die @1 times."), S("Mine @1 times") },
get_key = function(self, def)
return def.trigger.reason
@ -63,9 +69,9 @@ end)
awards.register_trigger("dig", {
type = "counted_key",
progress = "@1/@2 dug",
auto_description = { "Mine: @2", "Mine: @1×@2" },
auto_description_total = { "Mine @1 block.", "Mine @1 blocks." },
progress = S("@1/@2 dug"),
auto_description = { S("Mine: @2"), S("Mine: @1×@2") },
auto_description_total = { S("Mine @1 block."), S("Mine @1 blocks.") },
get_key = function(self, def)
return minetest.registered_aliases[def.trigger.node] or def.trigger.node
@ -84,9 +90,9 @@ end)
awards.register_trigger("place", {
type = "counted_key",
progress = "@1/@2 placed",
auto_description = { "Place: @2", "Place: @1×@2" },
auto_description_total = { "Place @1 block.", "Place @1 blocks." },
progress = S("@1/@2 placed"),
auto_description = { S("Place: @2"), S("Place: @1×@2") },
auto_description_total = { S("Place @1 block."), S("Place @1 blocks.") },
get_key = function(self, def)
return minetest.registered_aliases[def.trigger.node] or def.trigger.node
@ -109,9 +115,9 @@ end)
awards.register_trigger("craft", {
type = "counted_key",
progress = "@1/@2 crafted",
auto_description = { "Craft: @2", "Craft: @1×@2" },
auto_description_total = { "Craft @1 item.", "Craft @1 items." },
progress = S("@1/@2 crafted"),
auto_description = { S("Craft: @2"), S("Craft: @1×@2") },
auto_description_total = { S("Craft @1 item"), S("Craft @1 items.") },
get_key = function(self, def)
return minetest.registered_aliases[def.trigger.item] or def.trigger.item
@ -130,9 +136,9 @@ awards.register_trigger("craft", {
awards.register_trigger("eat", {
type = "counted_key",
progress = "@1/@2 eaten",
auto_description = { "Eat @2", "Eat @1×@2" },
auto_description_total = { "Eat @1 item.", "Eat @1 items." },
progress = S("@1/@2 eaten"),
auto_description = { S("Eat @2"), S("Eat @1×@2") },
auto_description_total = { S("Eat @1 item"), S("Eat @1 items.") },
get_key = function(self, def)
return minetest.registered_aliases[def.trigger.item] or def.trigger.item
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/bash
# To create a new translation:
# msginit --locale=ll_CC -o locale/ll_CC.po -i locale/template.pot
cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/..";
# Extract translatable strings.
xgettext --from-code=UTF-8 \
--keyword=S \
--keyword=NS:1,2 \
--keyword=N_ \
--add-comments='Translators:' \
--add-location=file \
-o locale/template.pot \
$(find . -name '*.lua')
# Update translations.
find locale -name '*.po' | while read -r file; do
echo $file
msgmerge --update $file locale/template.pot;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user