Crafting Guide
is the most comprehensive crafting guide on Minetest.
Consult the Minetest Wiki for more details.
This crafting guide is a blue book named "Crafting Guide" or a wooden sign.
This crafting guide features a progressive mode.
The progressive mode is a Terraria-like system that only shows recipes you can craft from items in inventory.
The progressive mode can be enabled with craftguide_progressive_mode = true
in minetest.conf
is also integrated in sfinv
(Minetest Game inventory) when you enable it with
craftguide_sfinv_only = true
in minetest.conf
Use the command /craft
to show the recipe(s) of the pointed node.
Custom recipes
Registering a custom crafting type
craftguide.register_craft_type("digging", {
description = "Digging",
icon = "default_tool_steelpick.png",
Registering a custom crafting recipe
type = "digging",
width = 1,
output = "default:cobble 2",
items = {"default:stone"},
Progressive mode
craftguide.add_progressive_filter(function(recipes, player))
This function adds a recipe filter when progressive mode is enabled.
The default craftguide
filter will still be used.
Example function to hide recipes for items from a mod called "secretstuff":
local filtered = {}
for _, recipe in ipairs(recipes) do
if recipe.output:sub(1,12) ~= "secretstuff:" then
filtered[#filtered + 1] = recipe
return filtered
craftguide.set_progressive_filter(function(recipes, player))
This function sets an unique recipes filter when progressive mode is enabled.
The default craftguide
progressive filter will be overridden.
This function returns all progressive filters that are applied to recipes in progressive mode.