forked from mtcontrib/homedecor_modpack
@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Automatically generated, 2017.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-03 20:37+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-14 03:47+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-13 13:26+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Wuzzy <>\n"
"Language-Team: German\n"
@ -18,148 +18,84 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.2\n"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr "Adobe"
#: ../building_blocks/alias.lua
msgid "Granite"
msgstr "Granit"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr "Dachblock"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr "Schlierenfreies Glas"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Grate"
msgstr "Rost"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr "Kamin"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr "Schlierenfreies Glas"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Wood Framed Glass"
msgstr "Holzrahmenglas"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr "Frottiertuch"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr "Adobe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr "Asphaltboden"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr "Schachbrettkacheln"
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr "Ziesterboden"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr "Kiesboden"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood"
msgstr "Hartholz"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Marmor"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass"
msgstr "Gras"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Teer"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing"
msgstr "Dachdeckung"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble stair"
msgstr "Marmortreppe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble slab"
msgstr "Marmorstufe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood stair"
msgstr "Hartholztreppe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood slab"
msgstr "Hartholzstufe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass stair"
msgstr "Grastreppe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass slab"
msgstr "Grasstufe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar stair"
msgstr "Teertreppe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar slab"
msgstr "Teerstufe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Stair"
msgstr "Rosttreppe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Slab"
msgstr "Roststufe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe stair"
msgstr "Adobetreppe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe slab"
msgstr "Adobestufe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing stair"
msgstr "Dachtreppe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing slab"
msgstr "Dachstufe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fake Grass"
msgstr "Falsches Gras"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Hardwood"
msgstr "Hartholz"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr "Dachblock"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Teer"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Marmor"
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr "Ziesterboden"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr "Kiesboden"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr "Asphaltboden"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr "Frottiertuch"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr "Schachbrettkacheln"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr "Kamin"
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Small bundle of sticks"
msgstr "Kleines Bündel Stöcke"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar base"
msgstr "Teerbase"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar Knife"
msgstr "Teermesser"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Granite"
msgstr "Granit"
#: ../chains/init.lua
msgid "Hanging chain (wrought iron)"
msgstr "Hängende Kette (Schmiedeeisen)"
@ -244,10 +180,6 @@ msgstr "Tetris-Arkadeautomat"
msgid "No room for place the Arcade!"
msgstr "Kein Platz, um den Arkadeautomaten zu platzieren!"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Fake fire"
msgstr "Falsches Feuer"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Ice fire"
msgstr "Eisfeuer"
@ -268,14 +200,6 @@ msgstr "Steinschornsteinaufsatz"
msgid "Sandstone chimney top"
msgstr "Sandsteinschornsteinaufsatz"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Flint and steel"
msgstr "Feuerstein und Stahl"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "This area is protected!"
msgstr "Dieses Gebiet ist geschützt!"
#: ../homedecor/bathroom_furniture.lua
msgid "Bathroom/kitchen tiles (dark)"
msgstr "Badezimmer-/Küchenkacheln (dunkel)"
@ -368,6 +292,30 @@ msgstr "Nachttisch mit zwei Schubladen (@1)"
msgid "Two-drawer Nightstand"
msgstr "Nachttisch mit zwei Schubladen"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr "rot"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr "grün"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "blue"
msgstr "blau"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "violet"
msgstr "violett"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "grey"
msgstr "grau"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "brown"
msgstr "braun"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "Writable Book (@1)"
msgstr "Schreibbares Buch (@1)"
@ -684,6 +632,10 @@ msgstr "Gartenbank (2. Stil)"
msgid "Deck Chair"
msgstr "Badeliege"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Deck Chair (blue striped)"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Doghouse"
msgstr "Hundehütte"
@ -726,18 +678,15 @@ msgstr "Baumschaukel"
msgid "Water well"
msgstr "Wasserbrunnen"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr "grün"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr "rot"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "yellow"
msgstr "gelb"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shrubbery (large, @1)"
msgstr "Gebüsch (@1)"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Shrubbery (@1)"
msgstr "Gebüsch (@1)"
@ -1294,13 +1243,10 @@ msgid "Metal tool cabinet and work table"
msgstr "Metallwerkzeugschrank und Arbeitstisch"
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "Picture Frame 1"
#, fuzzy
msgid "Picture Frame "
msgstr "Bilderrahmen 1"
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "Picture Frame 2"
msgstr "Bilderrahmen 2"
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "Decorative painting #@1"
msgstr "Dekoratives Gemälde Nr. @1"
@ -1485,6 +1431,11 @@ msgstr "Jalousie (dünn)"
msgid "Curtains"
msgstr "Gardinen"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Curtains (open)"
msgstr "Gardinen"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
msgid "Curtain Rod (@1)"
msgstr "Gardinenstange (@1)"
@ -1547,7 +1498,9 @@ msgstr "Jemanden gehört schon die Stelle, wo das andere Ende hingehen würde."
#: ../lrfurn/init.lua
msgid "Someone else owns the spot where the middle or far end goes!"
msgstr "Jemanden gehört schon die Stelle, wo das mittlere oder ferne Stück hingehen würde."
msgstr ""
"Jemanden gehört schon die Stelle, wo das mittlere oder ferne Stück hingehen "
#: ../lrfurn/init.lua
msgid "Someone else owns the spot where the other end goes!"
@ -1577,23 +1530,77 @@ msgstr "Plasmafernseher"
msgid "Plasma TV (off)"
msgstr "Plasmafernseher (aus)"
msgid "Tumble dryer"
msgstr "Wäschetrockner"
#~ msgid "Grass"
#~ msgstr "Gras"
msgid "Ironing board"
msgstr "Bügelbrett"
#~ msgid "Roofing"
#~ msgstr "Dachdeckung"
msgid "Spiral Staircase"
msgstr "Wendeltreppe"
#~ msgid "Marble stair"
#~ msgstr "Marmortreppe"
msgid "Washing Machine"
msgstr "Waschmaschine"
#~ msgid "Marble slab"
#~ msgstr "Marmorstufe"
msgid "blue"
msgstr "blau"
#~ msgid "Hardwood stair"
#~ msgstr "Hartholztreppe"
msgid "brown"
msgstr "braun"
#~ msgid "Hardwood slab"
#~ msgstr "Hartholzstufe"
#~ msgid "Grass stair"
#~ msgstr "Grastreppe"
#~ msgid "Grass slab"
#~ msgstr "Grasstufe"
#~ msgid "Tar stair"
#~ msgstr "Teertreppe"
#~ msgid "Tar slab"
#~ msgstr "Teerstufe"
#~ msgid "Grate Stair"
#~ msgstr "Rosttreppe"
#~ msgid "Grate Slab"
#~ msgstr "Roststufe"
#~ msgid "Adobe stair"
#~ msgstr "Adobetreppe"
#~ msgid "Adobe slab"
#~ msgstr "Adobestufe"
#~ msgid "Roofing stair"
#~ msgstr "Dachtreppe"
#~ msgid "Roofing slab"
#~ msgstr "Dachstufe"
#~ msgid "Fake fire"
#~ msgstr "Falsches Feuer"
#~ msgid "Flint and steel"
#~ msgstr "Feuerstein und Stahl"
#~ msgid "This area is protected!"
#~ msgstr "Dieses Gebiet ist geschützt!"
#~ msgid "Picture Frame 2"
#~ msgstr "Bilderrahmen 2"
#~ msgid "Tumble dryer"
#~ msgstr "Wäschetrockner"
#~ msgid "Ironing board"
#~ msgstr "Bügelbrett"
#~ msgid "Spiral Staircase"
#~ msgstr "Wendeltreppe"
#~ msgid "Washing Machine"
#~ msgstr "Waschmaschine"
#~ msgid "white"
#~ msgstr "weiß"
@ -1601,12 +1608,6 @@ msgstr "braun"
#~ msgid "pink"
#~ msgstr "rosa"
msgid "violet"
msgstr "violett"
msgid "grey"
msgstr "grau"
#~ msgid "dark green"
#~ msgstr "dunkelgrün"
@ -1656,7 +1657,8 @@ msgstr "grau"
#~ msgstr "%s nimmt etwas aus dem Kuechenschrank bei %s"
#~ msgid "Not enough space above that spot to place a door! "
#~ msgstr "Es gibt nicht genug Raum ueber dieser Stelle um die Tuer zu platzieren!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Es gibt nicht genug Raum ueber dieser Stelle um die Tuer zu platzieren!"
#~ msgid "Bucket of white paint "
#~ msgstr "Eimer mit weisser Farbe"
@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Automatically generated, 2017.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-03 20:37+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-14 03:47+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-24 20:24-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Diego Martínez <>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish\n"
@ -17,150 +17,84 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr "Adobe"
#: ../building_blocks/alias.lua
msgid "Granite"
msgstr "Granito"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr "Bloque de techo"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr "Vídrio sin rayas"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Grate"
msgstr "Reja"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr "Chimenea"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr "Vídrio sin rayas"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Wood Framed Glass"
msgstr "Vídrio enmarcado en madera"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr "Toalla"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr "Adobe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr "Mezcla de asfalto"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr "Azulejos de ajedrez"
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr "Mezcla de Ladroquines"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr "Mezcla de gravilla"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood"
msgstr "Madera dura"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Mármol"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grass"
msgstr "latón"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Alquitrán"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Roofing"
msgstr "Losa de techo"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble stair"
msgstr "Escaleras de mármol"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble slab"
msgstr "Losa de mármol"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood stair"
msgstr "Escaleras de madera dura"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood slab"
msgstr "Losa de madera dura"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass stair"
msgstr "Escaleras de hierba"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass slab"
msgstr "Losa de hierba"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar stair"
msgstr "Escaleras de alquitrán"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar slab"
msgstr "Losa de alquitrán"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Stair"
msgstr "Escaleras de rejas"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Slab"
msgstr "Losa de rejas"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe stair"
msgstr "Escaleras de adobe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe slab"
msgstr "Losa de adobe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing stair"
msgstr "Escaleras de techo"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing slab"
msgstr "Losa de techo"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fake Grass"
msgstr "Hierba falsa"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Hardwood"
msgstr "Madera dura"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr "Bloque de techo"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Alquitrán"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Mármol"
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr "Mezcla de Ladroquines"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr "Mezcla de gravilla"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr "Mezcla de asfalto"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr "Toalla"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr "Azulejos de ajedrez"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr "Chimenea"
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Small bundle of sticks"
msgstr "Manojo de palitos"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar base"
msgstr "Base de alquitrán"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar Knife"
msgstr "Cuchillo de alquitrán"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Granite"
msgstr "Granito"
#: ../chains/init.lua
msgid "Hanging chain (wrought iron)"
msgstr "Cadena colgante (hierro forjado)"
@ -245,10 +179,6 @@ msgstr "Arcade Tetris"
msgid "No room for place the Arcade!"
msgstr "¡No hay lugar para colocar el arcade!"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Fake fire"
msgstr "Fuego falso"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Ice fire"
msgstr "Fuego de hielo"
@ -269,14 +199,6 @@ msgstr "Chimenea de piedra"
msgid "Sandstone chimney top"
msgstr "Chimenea de arenisca"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Flint and steel"
msgstr "Pedernal y acero"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "This area is protected!"
msgstr "¡Ésta área está protegida!"
#: ../homedecor/bathroom_furniture.lua
msgid "Bathroom/kitchen tiles (dark)"
msgstr "Azulejo de baño/cocina (tonos oscuros)"
@ -369,8 +291,33 @@ msgstr "Mesa de luz con dos cajones (@1)"
msgid "Two-drawer Nightstand"
msgstr "Mesa de luz con dos cajones"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr "roja"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr "verde"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "Writable Book"
msgid "blue"
msgstr "azul"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "violet"
msgstr "violeta"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "grey"
msgstr "gris"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "brown"
msgstr "marrón"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Writable Book (@1)"
msgstr "Libro"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
@ -685,6 +632,10 @@ msgstr "Banco de jardín (estilo 2)"
msgid "Deck Chair"
msgstr "Tumbona"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Deck Chair (blue striped)"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Doghouse"
msgstr "Casa de perros"
@ -727,18 +678,15 @@ msgstr "Columpio"
msgid "Water well"
msgstr "Pozo de agua"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr "verde"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr "roja"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "yellow"
msgstr "amarilla"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shrubbery (large, @1)"
msgstr "Arbustos (@1)"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Shrubbery (@1)"
msgstr "Arbustos (@1)"
@ -1295,7 +1243,8 @@ msgid "Metal tool cabinet and work table"
msgstr "Mesa de trabajo y gabinete en hierro"
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "Picture Frame"
#, fuzzy
msgid "Picture Frame "
msgstr "Marco de fotografía"
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
@ -1482,6 +1431,11 @@ msgstr "Persianas (finas)"
msgid "Curtains"
msgstr "Cortinas"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Curtains (open)"
msgstr "Cortinas"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
msgid "Curtain Rod (@1)"
msgstr "Palo de cortinas (@1)"
@ -1577,8 +1531,64 @@ msgstr "Televisión de plasma"
msgid "Plasma TV (off)"
msgstr "Televisión de plasma (apagada)"
#~ msgid "blue"
#~ msgstr "azul"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Grass"
#~ msgstr "latón"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Roofing"
#~ msgstr "Losa de techo"
#~ msgid "Marble stair"
#~ msgstr "Escaleras de mármol"
#~ msgid "Marble slab"
#~ msgstr "Losa de mármol"
#~ msgid "Hardwood stair"
#~ msgstr "Escaleras de madera dura"
#~ msgid "Hardwood slab"
#~ msgstr "Losa de madera dura"
#~ msgid "Grass stair"
#~ msgstr "Escaleras de hierba"
#~ msgid "Grass slab"
#~ msgstr "Losa de hierba"
#~ msgid "Tar stair"
#~ msgstr "Escaleras de alquitrán"
#~ msgid "Tar slab"
#~ msgstr "Losa de alquitrán"
#~ msgid "Grate Stair"
#~ msgstr "Escaleras de rejas"
#~ msgid "Grate Slab"
#~ msgstr "Losa de rejas"
#~ msgid "Adobe stair"
#~ msgstr "Escaleras de adobe"
#~ msgid "Adobe slab"
#~ msgstr "Losa de adobe"
#~ msgid "Roofing stair"
#~ msgstr "Escaleras de techo"
#~ msgid "Roofing slab"
#~ msgstr "Losa de techo"
#~ msgid "Fake fire"
#~ msgstr "Fuego falso"
#~ msgid "Flint and steel"
#~ msgstr "Pedernal y acero"
#~ msgid "This area is protected!"
#~ msgstr "¡Ésta área está protegida!"
#~ msgid "white"
#~ msgstr "blanca"
@ -1586,9 +1596,6 @@ msgstr "Televisión de plasma (apagada)"
#~ msgid "pink"
#~ msgstr "rosa"
#~ msgid "violet"
#~ msgstr "violeta"
#~ msgid "plain"
#~ msgstr "liso"
@ -1598,12 +1605,6 @@ msgstr "Televisión de plasma (apagada)"
#~ msgid "Expansion placeholder (you hacker you!)"
#~ msgstr "Marcador temporal de expansión (¡Tu, hacker!)"
#~ msgid "grey"
#~ msgstr "gris"
#~ msgid "brown"
#~ msgstr "marrón"
#~ msgid "white/grey"
#~ msgstr "blanco/gris"
@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Automatically generated, 2017.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-03 20:37+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-14 03:47+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-06 07:59+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: fat115 <>\n"
"Language-Team: French\n"
@ -18,148 +18,84 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.12\n"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr "Pisé"
#: ../building_blocks/alias.lua
msgid "Granite"
msgstr "Granit"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr "Bloc de toit"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr "Verre anti-rayures"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Grate"
msgstr "Grille"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr "Cheminée"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr "Verre anti-rayures"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Wood Framed Glass"
msgstr "Verre encadré de bois"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr "Serviette éponge"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr "Pisé"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr "Tapis de goudron"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr "Dalles en échiquier"
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr "Tapis rouge"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr "Tapis de gravier"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood"
msgstr "Bois dur (feuillu)"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Marbre"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass"
msgstr "Herbe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Goudron"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing"
msgstr "Toiture"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble stair"
msgstr "Marche en marbre"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble slab"
msgstr "Dalle en marbre"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood stair"
msgstr "Marche en bois dur (feuillu)"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood slab"
msgstr "Dalle en bois dur (feuillu)"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass stair"
msgstr "Marche en herbe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass slab"
msgstr "Dalle en herbe"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar stair"
msgstr "Marche en goudron"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar slab"
msgstr "Dalle en goudron"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Stair"
msgstr "Marche en métal déployé"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Slab"
msgstr "Dalle en métal déployé"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe stair"
msgstr "Marche en pisé"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe slab"
msgstr "Dalle en pisé"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing stair"
msgstr "Marche de toiture"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing slab"
msgstr "Dalle de toiture"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fake Grass"
msgstr "Herbe synthétique"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Hardwood"
msgstr "Bois dur (feuillu)"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr "Bloc de toit"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Goudron"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Marbre"
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr "Tapis rouge"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr "Tapis de gravier"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr "Tapis de goudron"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr "Serviette éponge"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr "Dalles en échiquier"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr "Cheminée"
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Small bundle of sticks"
msgstr "Petit fagot de brindilles"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar base"
msgstr "Pâte de goudron"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar Knife"
msgstr "Couteau à goudron"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Granite"
msgstr "Granit"
#: ../chains/init.lua
msgid "Hanging chain (wrought iron)"
msgstr "Chaine suspendue (fer forgé)"
@ -244,10 +180,6 @@ msgstr "Borne Tetris"
msgid "No room for place the Arcade!"
msgstr "Pas assez de place pour placer la borne d'arcade !"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Fake fire"
msgstr "Feu illusoire"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Ice fire"
msgstr "Feu glacé"
@ -268,14 +200,6 @@ msgstr "Haut de cheminée en pierre"
msgid "Sandstone chimney top"
msgstr "Haut de cheminée en grès"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Flint and steel"
msgstr "Silex et acier"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "This area is protected!"
msgstr "Cette zone est protégée !"
#: ../homedecor/bathroom_furniture.lua
msgid "Bathroom/kitchen tiles (dark)"
msgstr "Carreaux de salle de bain ou cuisine (foncées)"
@ -368,8 +292,36 @@ msgstr "Meuble de chevet avec deux tiroirs (@1)"
msgid "Two-drawer Nightstand"
msgstr "Meuble de chevet avec deux tiroirs"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr "rouge"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr "vert"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "Writable Book"
#, fuzzy
msgid "blue"
msgstr "bleues"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "violet"
msgstr "violettes"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "grey"
msgstr "vertes"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "brown"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Writable Book (@1)"
msgstr "Livre inscriptible"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
@ -684,6 +636,10 @@ msgstr "Banc de jardin (style 2)"
msgid "Deck Chair"
msgstr "Chaise longue"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Deck Chair (blue striped)"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Doghouse"
msgstr "Niche"
@ -726,18 +682,15 @@ msgstr "Balançoire"
msgid "Water well"
msgstr "Puits"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr "vert"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr "rouge"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "yellow"
msgstr "jaune"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shrubbery (large, @1)"
msgstr "Arbustes (@1)"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Shrubbery (@1)"
msgstr "Arbustes (@1)"
@ -1294,7 +1247,8 @@ msgid "Metal tool cabinet and work table"
msgstr "Établi pour le travail du métal"
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "Picture Frame"
#, fuzzy
msgid "Picture Frame "
msgstr "Cadre photo"
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
@ -1481,6 +1435,11 @@ msgstr "Store (fin)"
msgid "Curtains"
msgstr "Rideaux"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Curtains (open)"
msgstr "Rideaux"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
msgid "Curtain Rod (@1)"
msgstr "Tringle à rideaux (@1)"
@ -1575,9 +1534,62 @@ msgstr "Écran TV géant"
msgid "Plasma TV (off)"
msgstr "Écran TV géant (éteint)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "blue"
#~ msgstr "bleues"
#~ msgid "Grass"
#~ msgstr "Herbe"
#~ msgid "Roofing"
#~ msgstr "Toiture"
#~ msgid "Marble stair"
#~ msgstr "Marche en marbre"
#~ msgid "Marble slab"
#~ msgstr "Dalle en marbre"
#~ msgid "Hardwood stair"
#~ msgstr "Marche en bois dur (feuillu)"
#~ msgid "Hardwood slab"
#~ msgstr "Dalle en bois dur (feuillu)"
#~ msgid "Grass stair"
#~ msgstr "Marche en herbe"
#~ msgid "Grass slab"
#~ msgstr "Dalle en herbe"
#~ msgid "Tar stair"
#~ msgstr "Marche en goudron"
#~ msgid "Tar slab"
#~ msgstr "Dalle en goudron"
#~ msgid "Grate Stair"
#~ msgstr "Marche en métal déployé"
#~ msgid "Grate Slab"
#~ msgstr "Dalle en métal déployé"
#~ msgid "Adobe stair"
#~ msgstr "Marche en pisé"
#~ msgid "Adobe slab"
#~ msgstr "Dalle en pisé"
#~ msgid "Roofing stair"
#~ msgstr "Marche de toiture"
#~ msgid "Roofing slab"
#~ msgstr "Dalle de toiture"
#~ msgid "Fake fire"
#~ msgstr "Feu illusoire"
#~ msgid "Flint and steel"
#~ msgstr "Silex et acier"
#~ msgid "This area is protected!"
#~ msgstr "Cette zone est protégée !"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "white"
@ -1587,10 +1599,6 @@ msgstr "Écran TV géant (éteint)"
#~ msgid "pink"
#~ msgstr "roses"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "violet"
#~ msgstr "violettes"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "dark green"
#~ msgstr "vertes"
@ -1615,10 +1623,6 @@ msgstr "Écran TV géant (éteint)"
#~ msgid "light blue"
#~ msgstr "droite"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "dark_grey"
#~ msgstr "vertes"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "dark_green"
#~ msgstr "vertes"
@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Automatically generated, 2017.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-03 20:37+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-14 03:47+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-25 00:03-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Emon <?>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian\n"
@ -17,150 +17,84 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe"
#: ../building_blocks/alias.lua
msgid "Granite"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Grate"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Wood Framed Glass"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fake Grass"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Hardwood"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Marble"
msgstr ""
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grass"
msgstr "Palo di ottone"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble slab"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood slab"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grass slab"
msgstr "Palo di ottone"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar slab"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Slab"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe slab"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing slab"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Fake Grass"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Small bundle of sticks"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar base"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar Knife"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Granite"
msgstr ""
#: ../chains/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hanging chain (wrought iron)"
@ -250,10 +184,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No room for place the Arcade!"
msgstr ""
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Fake fire"
msgstr ""
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Ice fire"
msgstr ""
@ -274,14 +204,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Sandstone chimney top"
msgstr ""
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Flint and steel"
msgstr ""
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "This area is protected!"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/bathroom_furniture.lua
msgid "Bathroom/kitchen tiles (dark)"
msgstr ""
@ -384,10 +306,40 @@ msgstr "Comodino in quercia con due cassetti"
msgid "Two-drawer Nightstand"
msgstr "Comodino a doppio cassetto"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "red"
msgstr "rosso"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "green"
msgstr "verde"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "Writable Book"
#, fuzzy
msgid "blue"
msgstr "blu"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "violet"
msgstr "viola"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "grey"
msgstr "verde scuro"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "brown"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Writable Book (@1)"
msgstr "Gambe in ottone del tavolo"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "@1 has written in a book (title: \"@2\"): \"@3\" at location @4"
msgstr ""
@ -733,6 +685,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Deck Chair"
msgstr "Sedia"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Deck Chair (blue striped)"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Doghouse"
msgstr ""
@ -776,20 +732,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Water well"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "green"
msgstr "verde"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "red"
msgstr "rosso"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "yellow"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Shrubbery (large, @1)"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Shrubbery (@1)"
msgstr ""
@ -1404,7 +1354,7 @@ msgid "Metal tool cabinet and work table"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "Picture Frame"
msgid "Picture Frame "
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
@ -1610,6 +1560,11 @@ msgstr "Luce fosforescente bianca (sottile)"
msgid "Curtains"
msgstr "Tende (%s)"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Curtains (open)"
msgstr "Tende (%s)"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Curtain Rod (@1)"
@ -1709,8 +1664,12 @@ msgid "Plasma TV (off)"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "blue"
#~ msgstr "blu"
#~ msgid "Grass"
#~ msgstr "Palo di ottone"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Grass slab"
#~ msgstr "Palo di ottone"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "white"
@ -1720,10 +1679,6 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "pink"
#~ msgstr "rosa"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "violet"
#~ msgstr "viola"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "dark green"
#~ msgstr "verde scuro"
@ -1744,10 +1699,6 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "white/tan"
#~ msgstr "bianco"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "dark grey"
#~ msgstr "verde scuro"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "light blue"
#~ msgstr "destra"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# Portuguese translations for homedecor package.
# Translations distributed under CC-BY-SA license.
# Translators and reviewers (updates):
# BrunoMine <> [2017]
# Aracnus <>, 2017.
# Updated on 27/07/2017 by caiorrs <>
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-03 20:37+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-14 03:47+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-29 00:21-0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Caiorrs <>\n"
"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese\n"
@ -21,158 +21,91 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr "Argila"
#: ../building_blocks/alias.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Granite"
msgstr "Granito"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr "Bloco de telhado"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Grate"
msgstr "Grelha"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr "Vidro Sem Riscos"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate"
msgstr "Grelha"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr "Lareira"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wood Framed Glass"
msgstr "Vidro com Bordas de Madeira"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr "Toalha de Roupinha"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr "Argila"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr "Espalhamento das Estradas"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fake Grass"
msgstr "Grama Falsa"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr "Revestimento de xadrez"
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr "Calçado"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr "Espalhamento de Cascalho"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hardwood"
msgstr "Madeira"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Mármore"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr "Bloco de telhado"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grass"
msgstr "latão"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Alcatrão"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Roofing"
msgstr "Placa de telhado"
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Mármore"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble stair"
msgstr "Escada de mármore"
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr "Calçado"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble slab"
msgstr "Placa de Mármore"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr "Espalhamento de Cascalho"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood stair"
msgstr "Escada de madeira"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr "Espalhamento das Estradas"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood slab"
msgstr "Placa de madeira"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass stair"
msgstr "Escada de grama"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grass slab"
msgstr "Placa de grama"
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr "Toalha de Roupinha"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar stair"
msgstr "Escada de alcatrão"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr "Revestimento de xadrez"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar slab"
msgstr "Placa de alcatrão"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr "Lareira"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Stair"
msgstr "Escade de Grelha"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Slab"
msgstr "Placa de Grelha"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe stair"
msgstr "Escada de Argila"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe slab"
msgstr "Placa de argila"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing stair"
msgstr "Escada de telhado"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing slab"
msgstr "Placa de telhado"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Fake Grass"
msgstr "Grama Falsa"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Small bundle of sticks"
msgstr "Pequeno amontoado de gravetos"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar base"
msgstr "Base para alcatrão"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar Knife"
msgstr "Faca de Alcatrão"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Granite"
msgstr "Granito"
#: ../chains/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hanging chain (wrought iron)"
@ -262,10 +195,6 @@ msgstr "Fliperama Tetris"
msgid "No room for place the Arcade!"
msgstr "Sem espaço para colocar o Fliperama!"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Fake fire"
msgstr "Fogo falso"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Ice fire"
msgstr "Fogo de gelo"
@ -286,14 +215,6 @@ msgstr "Topo de chaminé de pedra"
msgid "Sandstone chimney top"
msgstr "Topo de chaminé de arenito"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Flint and steel"
msgstr "Pederneira e aço"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "This area is protected!"
msgstr "Esta área é protegida"
#: ../homedecor/bathroom_furniture.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bathroom/kitchen tiles (dark)"
@ -391,9 +312,33 @@ msgstr "Mesa de Cabeceira com Duas Gavetas (@1)"
msgid "Two-drawer Nightstand"
msgstr "Mesinha de Duas Gavetas"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr "vermelho"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr "verde"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "blue"
msgstr "azul"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "violet"
msgstr "violeta"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "grey"
msgstr "cinza"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "brown"
msgstr "marrom"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Writable Book"
msgid "Writable Book (@1)"
msgstr "Livro que pode ser escrito (@1)"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
@ -709,6 +654,10 @@ msgstr "Banco de Jardim (estilo 2)"
msgid "Deck Chair"
msgstr "Cadeira de Praia"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Deck Chair (blue striped)"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Doghouse"
msgstr "Casa de Cachorro"
@ -751,18 +700,15 @@ msgstr "Balancinho de árvore"
msgid "Water well"
msgstr "Poço de agua"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr "verde"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr "vermelho"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "yellow"
msgstr "amarelo"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shrubbery (large, @1)"
msgstr "Matagal (@1)"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Shrubbery (@1)"
msgstr "Matagal (@1)"
@ -1333,7 +1279,8 @@ msgid "Metal tool cabinet and work table"
msgstr "Gabinete de ferramentas metálicas e mesa de trabalho"
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "Picture Frame"
#, fuzzy
msgid "Picture Frame "
msgstr "Quadro de Foto"
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
@ -1524,6 +1471,11 @@ msgstr "Persiana (fina)"
msgid "Curtains"
msgstr "Cortinas"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Curtains (open)"
msgstr "Cortinas"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
msgid "Curtain Rod (@1)"
msgstr "Suporte de Cortina (@1)"
@ -1627,8 +1579,65 @@ msgstr "TV de Plasma"
msgid "Plasma TV (off)"
msgstr "TV de Plasma (desligada)"
#~ msgid "blue"
#~ msgstr "azul"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Grass"
#~ msgstr "latão"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Roofing"
#~ msgstr "Placa de telhado"
#~ msgid "Marble stair"
#~ msgstr "Escada de mármore"
#~ msgid "Marble slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de Mármore"
#~ msgid "Hardwood stair"
#~ msgstr "Escada de madeira"
#~ msgid "Hardwood slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de madeira"
#~ msgid "Grass stair"
#~ msgstr "Escada de grama"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Grass slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de grama"
#~ msgid "Tar stair"
#~ msgstr "Escada de alcatrão"
#~ msgid "Tar slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de alcatrão"
#~ msgid "Grate Stair"
#~ msgstr "Escade de Grelha"
#~ msgid "Grate Slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de Grelha"
#~ msgid "Adobe stair"
#~ msgstr "Escada de Argila"
#~ msgid "Adobe slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de argila"
#~ msgid "Roofing stair"
#~ msgstr "Escada de telhado"
#~ msgid "Roofing slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de telhado"
#~ msgid "Fake fire"
#~ msgstr "Fogo falso"
#~ msgid "Flint and steel"
#~ msgstr "Pederneira e aço"
#~ msgid "This area is protected!"
#~ msgstr "Esta área é protegida"
#~ msgid "white"
#~ msgstr "branco"
@ -1636,21 +1645,12 @@ msgstr "TV de Plasma (desligada)"
#~ msgid "pink"
#~ msgstr "rosa"
#~ msgid "violet"
#~ msgstr "violeta"
#~ msgid "plain"
#~ msgstr "Sem Acabamento"
#~ msgid "dark green"
#~ msgstr "verde escuro"
#~ msgid "grey"
#~ msgstr "cinza"
#~ msgid "brown"
#~ msgstr "marrom"
#~ msgid "white/grey"
#~ msgstr "branco/cinza"
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# Portuguese translations for homedecor package.
# Translations distributed under CC-BY-SA license.
# Translators and reviewers (updates):
# BrunoMine <> [2017]
# Aracnus <>, 2017.
# Updated on 27/07/2017 by caiorrs <>
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-03 20:37+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-14 03:47+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-29 00:21-0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Caiorrs <>\n"
"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese\n"
@ -21,158 +21,91 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr "Argila"
#: ../building_blocks/alias.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Granite"
msgstr "Granito"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr "Bloco de telhado"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Grate"
msgstr "Grelha"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr "Vidro Sem Riscos"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate"
msgstr "Grelha"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr "Lareira"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wood Framed Glass"
msgstr "Vidro com Bordas de Madeira"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr "Toalha de Roupinha"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr "Argila"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr "Espalhamento das Estradas"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fake Grass"
msgstr "Grama Falsa"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr "Revestimento de xadrez"
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr "Calçado"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr "Espalhamento de Cascalho"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hardwood"
msgstr "Madeira"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Mármore"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr "Bloco de telhado"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grass"
msgstr "latão"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Alcatrão"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Roofing"
msgstr "Placa de telhado"
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Mármore"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble stair"
msgstr "Escada de mármore"
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr "Calçado"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble slab"
msgstr "Placa de Mármore"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr "Espalhamento de Cascalho"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood stair"
msgstr "Escada de madeira"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr "Espalhamento das Estradas"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood slab"
msgstr "Placa de madeira"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass stair"
msgstr "Escada de grama"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grass slab"
msgstr "Placa de grama"
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr "Toalha de Roupinha"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar stair"
msgstr "Escada de alcatrão"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr "Revestimento de xadrez"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar slab"
msgstr "Placa de alcatrão"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr "Lareira"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Stair"
msgstr "Escade de Grelha"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Slab"
msgstr "Placa de Grelha"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe stair"
msgstr "Escada de Argila"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe slab"
msgstr "Placa de argila"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing stair"
msgstr "Escada de telhado"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing slab"
msgstr "Placa de telhado"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Fake Grass"
msgstr "Grama Falsa"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Small bundle of sticks"
msgstr "Pequeno amontoado de gravetos"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar base"
msgstr "Base para alcatrão"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar Knife"
msgstr "Faca de Alcatrão"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Granite"
msgstr "Granito"
#: ../chains/init.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hanging chain (wrought iron)"
@ -262,10 +195,6 @@ msgstr "Fliperama Tetris"
msgid "No room for place the Arcade!"
msgstr "Sem espaço para colocar o Fliperama!"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Fake fire"
msgstr "Fogo falso"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Ice fire"
msgstr "Fogo de gelo"
@ -286,14 +215,6 @@ msgstr "Topo de chaminé de pedra"
msgid "Sandstone chimney top"
msgstr "Topo de chaminé de arenito"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Flint and steel"
msgstr "Pederneira e aço"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "This area is protected!"
msgstr "Esta área é protegida"
#: ../homedecor/bathroom_furniture.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bathroom/kitchen tiles (dark)"
@ -391,9 +312,33 @@ msgstr "Mesa de Cabeceira com Duas Gavetas (@1)"
msgid "Two-drawer Nightstand"
msgstr "Mesinha de Duas Gavetas"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr "vermelho"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr "verde"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "blue"
msgstr "azul"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "violet"
msgstr "violeta"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "grey"
msgstr "cinza"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "brown"
msgstr "marrom"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Writable Book"
msgid "Writable Book (@1)"
msgstr "Livro que pode ser escrito (@1)"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
@ -709,6 +654,10 @@ msgstr "Banco de Jardim (estilo 2)"
msgid "Deck Chair"
msgstr "Cadeira de Praia"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Deck Chair (blue striped)"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Doghouse"
msgstr "Casa de Cachorro"
@ -751,18 +700,15 @@ msgstr "Balancinho de árvore"
msgid "Water well"
msgstr "Poço de agua"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr "verde"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr "vermelho"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "yellow"
msgstr "amarelo"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shrubbery (large, @1)"
msgstr "Matagal (@1)"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Shrubbery (@1)"
msgstr "Matagal (@1)"
@ -1333,7 +1279,8 @@ msgid "Metal tool cabinet and work table"
msgstr "Gabinete de ferramentas metálicas e mesa de trabalho"
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "Picture Frame"
#, fuzzy
msgid "Picture Frame "
msgstr "Quadro de Foto"
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
@ -1524,6 +1471,11 @@ msgstr "Persiana (fina)"
msgid "Curtains"
msgstr "Cortinas"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Curtains (open)"
msgstr "Cortinas"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
msgid "Curtain Rod (@1)"
msgstr "Suporte de Cortina (@1)"
@ -1627,8 +1579,65 @@ msgstr "TV de Plasma"
msgid "Plasma TV (off)"
msgstr "TV de Plasma (desligada)"
#~ msgid "blue"
#~ msgstr "azul"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Grass"
#~ msgstr "latão"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Roofing"
#~ msgstr "Placa de telhado"
#~ msgid "Marble stair"
#~ msgstr "Escada de mármore"
#~ msgid "Marble slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de Mármore"
#~ msgid "Hardwood stair"
#~ msgstr "Escada de madeira"
#~ msgid "Hardwood slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de madeira"
#~ msgid "Grass stair"
#~ msgstr "Escada de grama"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Grass slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de grama"
#~ msgid "Tar stair"
#~ msgstr "Escada de alcatrão"
#~ msgid "Tar slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de alcatrão"
#~ msgid "Grate Stair"
#~ msgstr "Escade de Grelha"
#~ msgid "Grate Slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de Grelha"
#~ msgid "Adobe stair"
#~ msgstr "Escada de Argila"
#~ msgid "Adobe slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de argila"
#~ msgid "Roofing stair"
#~ msgstr "Escada de telhado"
#~ msgid "Roofing slab"
#~ msgstr "Placa de telhado"
#~ msgid "Fake fire"
#~ msgstr "Fogo falso"
#~ msgid "Flint and steel"
#~ msgstr "Pederneira e aço"
#~ msgid "This area is protected!"
#~ msgstr "Esta área é protegida"
#~ msgid "white"
#~ msgstr "branco"
@ -1636,21 +1645,12 @@ msgstr "TV de Plasma (desligada)"
#~ msgid "pink"
#~ msgstr "rosa"
#~ msgid "violet"
#~ msgstr "violeta"
#~ msgid "plain"
#~ msgstr "Sem Acabamento"
#~ msgid "dark green"
#~ msgstr "verde escuro"
#~ msgid "grey"
#~ msgstr "cinza"
#~ msgid "brown"
#~ msgstr "marrom"
#~ msgid "white/grey"
#~ msgstr "branco/cinza"
@ -2,164 +2,101 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-03 20:37+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-14 03:47+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-21 16:17+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: inpos <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n"
"Last-Translator: inpos <>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr "Саман"
#: ../building_blocks/alias.lua
msgid "Granite"
msgstr "Гранит"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr "Кровельный блок"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr "Стекло без стыков"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Grate"
msgstr "Каминная решётка"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr "Камин"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr "Стекло без стыков"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Wood Framed Glass"
msgstr "Деревянное окно"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr "Махровое полотенце"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr "Саман"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr "Покрытие гудронной смолой"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr "Шахматная плитка"
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr "Настил кирпичного булыжника"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr "Настил гравия"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood"
msgstr "Твёрдая древесина"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Мрамор"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass"
msgstr "Трава"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Смола"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing"
msgstr "Кровля"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble stair"
msgstr "Мраморная ступенька"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble slab"
msgstr "Мраморная блита"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood stair"
msgstr "Ступенька из твёрдой древесины"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood slab"
msgstr "Плита из твёрдой древесины"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass stair"
msgstr "Ступенька из травы"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass slab"
msgstr "Плита из травы"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar stair"
msgstr "Ступенька из смолы"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar slab"
msgstr "Плита из смолы"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Stair"
msgstr "Решётчатая ступенька"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Slab"
msgstr "Решётчатая плита"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe stair"
msgstr "Саманная ступенька"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe slab"
msgstr "Саманная плита"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing stair"
msgstr "Ступенька из кровли"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing slab"
msgstr "Плита из кровли"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fake Grass"
msgstr "Псевдо трава"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Hardwood"
msgstr "Твёрдая древесина"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr "Кровельный блок"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr "Смола"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Мрамор"
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr "Настил кирпичного булыжника"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr "Настил гравия"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr "Покрытие гудронной смолой"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr "Махровое полотенце"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr "Шахматная плитка"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr "Камин"
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Small bundle of sticks"
msgstr "Небольшая связка палок"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar base"
msgstr "Смоляная основа"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar Knife"
msgstr "Смоляной нож"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Granite"
msgstr "Гранит"
#: ../chains/init.lua
msgid "Hanging chain (wrought iron)"
msgstr "Висящая цепь (кованое железо)"
@ -244,10 +181,6 @@ msgstr "Игровой автомат Тетрис"
msgid "No room for place the Arcade!"
msgstr "Недостаточно места для размещения игрового автомата!"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Fake fire"
msgstr "Псевдо огонь"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Ice fire"
msgstr "Ледяной огонь"
@ -268,14 +201,6 @@ msgstr "Каменный дымоход на крышу"
msgid "Sandstone chimney top"
msgstr "Дымоход из песчаника на крышу"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Flint and steel"
msgstr "Кремень и сталь"
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "This area is protected!"
msgstr "Эта область защищена!"
#: ../homedecor/bathroom_furniture.lua
msgid "Bathroom/kitchen tiles (dark)"
msgstr "Плитка для ванной/кухни (тёмная)"
@ -368,8 +293,33 @@ msgstr "Тумба с двумя ящиками (@1)"
msgid "Two-drawer Nightstand"
msgstr "Тумба с двумя ящиками"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr "красный"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr "зелёный"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "Writable Book"
msgid "blue"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "violet"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "grey"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "brown"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Writable Book (@1)"
msgstr "Записная книга"
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
@ -686,6 +636,10 @@ msgstr "Садовая скамья (2й стиль)"
msgid "Deck Chair"
msgstr "Шезлонг"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Deck Chair (blue striped)"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Doghouse"
msgstr "Собачья будка"
@ -728,18 +682,15 @@ msgstr "Качели для дерева"
msgid "Water well"
msgstr "Колодец с водой"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr "зелёный"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr "красный"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "yellow"
msgstr "жёлтый"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shrubbery (large, @1)"
msgstr "Кустарник (@1)"
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Shrubbery (@1)"
msgstr "Кустарник (@1)"
@ -1296,7 +1247,8 @@ msgid "Metal tool cabinet and work table"
msgstr "Шкаф с металлическим инструментом и рабочий стол"
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "Picture Frame"
#, fuzzy
msgid "Picture Frame "
msgstr "Рамка для картины"
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
@ -1483,6 +1435,11 @@ msgstr "Жалюзи (узкие)"
msgid "Curtains"
msgstr "Шторы"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
#, fuzzy
msgid "Curtains (open)"
msgstr "Шторы"
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
msgid "Curtain Rod (@1)"
msgstr "Карниз для штор (@1)"
@ -1545,7 +1502,8 @@ msgstr "Кому-то другому принадлежит точка, где
#: ../lrfurn/init.lua
msgid "Someone else owns the spot where the middle or far end goes!"
msgstr "Кому-то другому принадлежит точка, куда выходит средний или дальний конец!"
msgstr ""
"Кому-то другому принадлежит точка, куда выходит средний или дальний конец!"
#: ../lrfurn/init.lua
msgid "Someone else owns the spot where the other end goes!"
@ -1574,3 +1532,60 @@ msgstr "Плазменный телевизор"
#: ../plasmascreen/init.lua
msgid "Plasma TV (off)"
msgstr "Плазменный телевизор (выключен)"
#~ msgid "Grass"
#~ msgstr "Трава"
#~ msgid "Roofing"
#~ msgstr "Кровля"
#~ msgid "Marble stair"
#~ msgstr "Мраморная ступенька"
#~ msgid "Marble slab"
#~ msgstr "Мраморная блита"
#~ msgid "Hardwood stair"
#~ msgstr "Ступенька из твёрдой древесины"
#~ msgid "Hardwood slab"
#~ msgstr "Плита из твёрдой древесины"
#~ msgid "Grass stair"
#~ msgstr "Ступенька из травы"
#~ msgid "Grass slab"
#~ msgstr "Плита из травы"
#~ msgid "Tar stair"
#~ msgstr "Ступенька из смолы"
#~ msgid "Tar slab"
#~ msgstr "Плита из смолы"
#~ msgid "Grate Stair"
#~ msgstr "Решётчатая ступенька"
#~ msgid "Grate Slab"
#~ msgstr "Решётчатая плита"
#~ msgid "Adobe stair"
#~ msgstr "Саманная ступенька"
#~ msgid "Adobe slab"
#~ msgstr "Саманная плита"
#~ msgid "Roofing stair"
#~ msgstr "Ступенька из кровли"
#~ msgid "Roofing slab"
#~ msgstr "Плита из кровли"
#~ msgid "Fake fire"
#~ msgstr "Псевдо огонь"
#~ msgid "Flint and steel"
#~ msgstr "Кремень и сталь"
#~ msgid "This area is protected!"
#~ msgstr "Эта область защищена!"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-03 20:37+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-14 03:47+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@ -17,148 +17,84 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe"
#: ../building_blocks/alias.lua
msgid "Granite"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Grate"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Streak Free Glass"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Wood Framed Glass"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Adobe"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fake Grass"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Hardwood"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Roof block"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tar"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Marble"
msgstr ""
#. Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble".
#. Translate however you see fit.
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Brobble Spread"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Gravel Spread"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Tarmac Spread"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Terrycloth towel"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Chess board tiling"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar"
#: ../building_blocks/node_stairs.lua
msgid "Fireplace"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Marble slab"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Hardwood slab"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grass slab"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Tar slab"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Grate Slab"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Adobe slab"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing stair"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Roofing slab"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Fake Grass"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Small bundle of sticks"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar base"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
#: ../building_blocks/others.lua
msgid "Tar Knife"
msgstr ""
#: ../building_blocks/init.lua
msgid "Granite"
msgstr ""
#: ../chains/init.lua
msgid "Hanging chain (wrought iron)"
msgstr ""
@ -243,10 +179,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No room for place the Arcade!"
msgstr ""
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Fake fire"
msgstr ""
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Ice fire"
msgstr ""
@ -267,14 +199,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Sandstone chimney top"
msgstr ""
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "Flint and steel"
msgstr ""
#: ../fake_fire/init.lua
msgid "This area is protected!"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/bathroom_furniture.lua
msgid "Bathroom/kitchen tiles (dark)"
msgstr ""
@ -367,8 +291,32 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Two-drawer Nightstand"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "Writable Book"
msgid "blue"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "violet"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "grey"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "brown"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
msgid "Writable Book (@1)"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/books.lua
@ -683,6 +631,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Deck Chair"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Deck Chair (blue striped)"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Doghouse"
msgstr ""
@ -725,18 +677,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Water well"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "green"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "red"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "yellow"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Shrubbery (large, @1)"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/exterior.lua
msgid "Shrubbery (@1)"
msgstr ""
@ -1293,7 +1241,7 @@ msgid "Metal tool cabinet and work table"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
msgid "Picture Frame"
msgid "Picture Frame "
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/misc-nodes.lua
@ -1478,6 +1426,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Curtains"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
msgid "Curtains (open)"
msgstr ""
#: ../homedecor/window_treatments.lua
msgid "Curtain Rod (@1)"
msgstr ""
Reference in New Issue
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