2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
-- Copyright (c) 2016 tacigar. All rights reserved.
-- https://github.com/tacigar/maidroid
maidroid_tool.shared = {}
-- maidroid_tool.shared.generate_writer is a shared
-- function called for registering egg writer and core writer.
2016-12-16 18:27:33 +09:00
function maidroid_tool.register_writer(nodename, options)
2016-12-17 12:12:20 +09:00
local description = options.description
local formspec = options.formspec
2016-12-16 16:03:21 +09:00
local tiles = options.tiles
2016-12-17 12:12:20 +09:00
local node_box = options.node_box
2016-12-16 16:30:00 +09:00
local selection_box = options.selection_box
2016-12-16 16:03:21 +09:00
local duration = options.duration
local on_activate = options.on_activate
local on_deactivate = options.on_deactivate
local empty_itemname = options.empty_itemname
local dye_item_map = options.dye_item_map
local is_mainitem = options.is_mainitem
local on_metadata_inventory_put_to_main = options.on_metadata_inventory_put_to_main
local on_metadata_inventory_take_from_main = options.on_metadata_inventory_take_from_main
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
-- can_dig is a common callback.
local function can_dig(pos, player)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inventory = meta:get_inventory()
return (
inventory:is_empty("main") and
inventory:is_empty("fuel") and
-- swap_node is a helper function that swap two nodes.
local function swap_node(pos, name)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
node.name = name
minetest.swap_node(pos, node)
-- on_timer is a common callback.
local function on_timer(pos, elapsed)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inventory = meta:get_inventory()
local main_list = inventory:get_list("main")
local fuel_list = inventory:get_list("fuel")
local dye_list = inventory:get_list("dye")
local time = meta:get_float("time")
local output = meta:get_string("output")
-- if time is positive, this node is active.
if time >= 0 then
2016-12-17 12:12:20 +09:00
if time <= duration then
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
meta:set_float("time", time + 1)
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec.active(time))
meta:set_float("time", -1)
meta:set_string("output", "")
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec.inactive)
inventory:set_stack("main", 1, ItemStack(output))
swap_node(pos, nodename)
if on_deactivate ~= nil then -- call on_deactivate callback.
local main_name = main_list[1]:get_name()
if main_name == empty_itemname and (not fuel_list[1]:is_empty()) and (not dye_list[1]:is_empty()) then
2016-12-17 21:27:15 +09:00
local output = dye_item_map[dye_list[1]:get_name()]
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
meta:set_string("time", 0)
2016-12-17 21:27:15 +09:00
meta:set_string("output", output)
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
local fuel_stack = fuel_list[1]
inventory:set_stack("fuel", 1, fuel_stack)
local dye_stack = dye_list[1]
inventory:set_stack("dye", 1, dye_stack)
swap_node(pos, nodename .. "_active")
if on_activate ~= nil then -- call on_activate callback.
2016-12-17 21:27:15 +09:00
on_activate(pos, output)
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
return true -- on_timer should return boolean value.
-- allow_metadata_inventory_put is a common callback.
local function allow_metadata_inventory_put(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inventory = meta:get_inventory()
local itemname = stack:get_name()
if (listname == "fuel" and itemname == "default:coal_lump") then
return stack:get_count()
2016-12-17 12:12:20 +09:00
elseif listname == "dye" and dye_item_map[itemname] ~= nil then
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
return stack:get_count()
2016-12-17 12:12:20 +09:00
elseif listname == "main" and itemname == empty_itemname then
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
return stack:get_count()
return 0
2016-12-17 12:12:20 +09:00
-- allow_metadata_inventory_move is a common callback for the node.
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
local function allow_metadata_inventory_move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inventory = meta:get_inventory()
local stack = inventory:get_stack(from_list, from_index)
return allow_metadata_inventory_put(pos, listname, to_index, stack, player)
2016-12-17 12:12:20 +09:00
do -- register a definition of an inactive node.
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
local function on_construct(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
2016-12-17 12:12:20 +09:00
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec.inactive)
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
meta:set_string("output", "")
meta:set_string("time", -1)
local inventory = meta:get_inventory()
inventory:set_size("main", 1)
inventory:set_size("fuel", 1)
inventory:set_size("dye", 1)
local function on_metadata_inventory_put(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
if listname == "main" then
if on_metadata_inventory_put_to_main ~= nil then
on_metadata_inventory_put_to_main(pos) -- call on_metadata_inventory_put_to_main callback.
local function on_metadata_inventory_move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inventory = meta:get_inventory()
local stack = inventory:get_stack(from_list, from_index)
on_metadata_inventory_put(pos, listname, to_index, stack, player)
local function on_metadata_inventory_take(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
if listname == "main" then
if on_metadata_inventory_take_from_main ~= nil then
on_metadata_inventory_take_from_main(pos) -- call on_metadata_inventory_take_from_main callback.
local function allow_metadata_inventory_take(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
return stack:get_count() -- maybe add more.
2016-12-17 12:12:20 +09:00
minetest.register_node(nodename, {
description = description,
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
drawtype = "nodebox",
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = {cracky = 2},
is_ground_content = false,
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
2016-12-16 16:30:00 +09:00
node_box = node_box,
selection_box = selection_box,
2016-12-16 16:03:21 +09:00
tiles = tiles.inactive,
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
can_dig = can_dig,
on_timer = on_timer,
on_construct = on_construct,
on_metadata_inventory_put = on_metadata_inventory_put,
on_metadata_inventory_move = on_metadata_inventory_move,
on_metadata_inventory_take = on_metadata_inventory_take,
allow_metadata_inventory_put = allow_metadata_inventory_put,
allow_metadata_inventory_move = allow_metadata_inventory_move,
allow_metadata_inventory_take = allow_metadata_inventory_take,
end -- end register inactive node.
2016-12-17 12:12:20 +09:00
do -- register a definition of an active node.
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
local function allow_metadata_inventory_take(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
2016-12-17 12:12:20 +09:00
if listname == "main" then
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
return 0
return stack:get_count()
2016-12-17 12:12:20 +09:00
minetest.register_node(nodename .. "_active", {
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
drawtype = "nodebox",
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = {cracky = 2},
is_ground_content = false,
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
2016-12-16 16:30:00 +09:00
node_box = node_box,
selection_box = selection_box,
2016-12-16 16:03:21 +09:00
tiles = tiles.active,
2016-12-16 15:54:01 +09:00
can_dig = can_dig,
on_timer = on_timer,
allow_metadata_inventory_put = allow_metadata_inventory_put,
allow_metadata_inventory_move = allow_metadata_inventory_move,
allow_metadata_inventory_take = allow_metadata_inventory_take,
end -- end register active node.