Release thread For latest stable Minetest and compatible back to 0.4.3. Depends default. License WTFPL. * Meru mod is a vertical 1 dimensional realm, 1D referring to large scale structure, and can act as a vertical connector between horizontal realms, such as the ground and the floatlands. * A single spike shaped mountain is created in newly generated chunks, at a random location within a chosen area; by default this area is +/-1024 for use in a new world, to add a mountain to an existing world you need to edit these area parameters to a completely ungenerated part of your world. * For testing this mod or for cheating edit parameter COORD = true, the co-ordinates of the mountain will be printed to terminal while within the generation area. * No new nodes, the mountain is a hollow cone made of stone and desert stone, with a smooth transition across biome boundaries creating the red stripes. By default the height is 1km, but since i have increased the maximum width to 3x3 chunks the mountain can still look well proportioned when 2km. There are a few cave entrances on the surface, these 'fissure system' caves expand under the surface helping the creation of a path upwards. If the mountain generates over water you can use the central conical void to jump down the last few hundred metres. * There are many parameters for fine tuning the structure, some parameters change smoothly with height or distance from the center. Reducing noise to zero at the center creates a perfect spike as a summit. Constant noise throughout often creates floating islands at the summit. Choosing zero noise throughout creates a smooth geometric conical shape. There is a parameter CONVEX to control whether the basic conical structure bulges outwards or is pinched inwards in the middle.