2012-01-08 18:23:44 +01:00
minetest.register_node ( " jeija:object_detector_off " , {
tile_images = { " default_steel_block.png " , " default_steel_block.png " , " jeija_object_detector_off.png " , " jeija_object_detector_off.png " , " jeija_object_detector_off.png " , " jeija_object_detector_off.png " } ,
paramtype = " light " ,
walkable = true ,
material = minetest.digprop_stonelike ( 4 ) ,
2012-01-29 11:53:43 +01:00
description = " Player Detector " ,
2012-01-08 18:23:44 +01:00
} )
minetest.register_node ( " jeija:object_detector_on " , {
tile_images = { " default_steel_block.png " , " default_steel_block.png " , " jeija_object_detector_on.png " , " jeija_object_detector_on.png " , " jeija_object_detector_on.png " , " jeija_object_detector_on.png " } ,
paramtype = " light " ,
walkable = true ,
material = minetest.digprop_stonelike ( 4 ) ,
2012-01-29 11:53:43 +01:00
drop = ' "jeija:object_detector_off" 1 ' ,
description = " Player Detector " ,
2012-01-08 18:23:44 +01:00
} )
minetest.register_craft ( {
2012-01-26 16:19:04 -05:00
output = ' "jeija:object_detector_off" 1 ' ,
2012-01-08 18:23:44 +01:00
recipe = {
2012-01-27 17:16:53 -05:00
{ " default:steelblock " , ' ' , " default:steelblock " } ,
{ " default:steelblock " , " jeija:ic " , " default:steelblock " } ,
{ " default:steelblock " , " jeija:mesecon_off " , " default:steelblock " } ,
2012-01-08 18:23:44 +01:00
} )
minetest.register_abm (
{ nodenames = { " jeija:object_detector_off " } ,
interval = 1.0 ,
chance = 1 ,
action = function ( pos , node , active_object_count , active_object_count_wider )
local objs = minetest.env : get_objects_inside_radius ( pos , 6 )
for k , obj in pairs ( objs ) do
if obj : get_entity_name ( ) ~= " jeija:piston_pusher_sticky " and obj : get_entity_name ( ) ~= " jeija:piston_pusher_normal " and obj : get_player_name ( ) ~= nil then -- Detected object is not piston pusher - will be changed if every entity has a type (like entity_type=mob)
if minetest.env : get_node ( { x = pos.x , y = pos.y - 1 , z = pos.z } ) . name == " default:sign_wall " then
if obj : get_player_name ( ) ~= minetest.env : get_meta ( { x = pos.x , y = pos.y - 1 , z = pos.z } ) : get_text ( ) then
local objpos = obj : getpos ( )
minetest.env : add_node ( pos , { name = " jeija:object_detector_on " } )
mesecon : receptor_on ( pos , " pressureplate " )
end ,
} )
minetest.register_abm (
{ nodenames = { " jeija:object_detector_on " } ,
interval = 1.0 ,
chance = 1 ,
action = function ( pos , node , active_object_count , active_object_count_wider )
local objs = minetest.env : get_objects_inside_radius ( pos , 6 )
local objectfound = 0
for k , obj in pairs ( objs ) do
if obj : get_entity_name ( ) ~= " jeija:piston_pusher_sticky " and obj : get_entity_name ( ) ~= " jeija:piston_pusher_normal " and obj ~= nil
and obj : get_player_name ( ) ~= nil then
if minetest.env : get_node ( { x = pos.x , y = pos.y - 1 , z = pos.z } ) . name == " default:sign_wall " then
if minetest.env : get_meta ( { x = pos.x , y = pos.y - 1 , z = pos.z } ) : get_text ( ) == obj : get_player_name ( ) then
objectfound = objectfound + 1
-- Detected object is not piston pusher - will be changed if every entity has a type (like entity_type=mob)
objectfound = objectfound + 1
if objectfound == 0 then
minetest.env : add_node ( pos , { name = " jeija:object_detector_off " } )
mesecon : receptor_off ( pos , " pressureplate " )
end ,
} )
minetest.register_on_dignode (
function ( pos , oldnode , digger )
if oldnode.name == " jeija:object_detector_on " then
mesecon : receptor_off ( pos , " pressureplate " )
mesecon : add_receptor_node ( " jeija:object_detector_on " )
mesecon : add_receptor_node_off ( " jeija:object_detector_off " )