- game.conf (MAJ OK)
- default/boat/ (MAJ OK)
- craftitems.lua (MAJ OK)
- furnace.lua (not tweaked because it’s a total rewrite from
- init.lua (petites modifs et remise du son/texte à la connexion de
nouveaux joueurs)
- player.lua (reprise des modifs de carbone sur l’animation du
- tools.lua (on remet l’ancien)
- default/doors (MAJ OK, crafts modifiés)
- default/dye (MAJ OK)
- default/fire (MAJ OK)
- default/stairs (MAJ OK)
Mg, c’est à faire :
- default/textures/ (j’ai fait une bêtise, faut remettre les textures
grass/grass_side du minetest_game, et le water/water animated de
- I hope there is no problem. I see a lot of new stuff in the vanilla
game. I keep a backup on another computer to restore the state of the
repository if there is a problem.
- Moretrees' leaves aren't walkable anymore
- Adding the snore sound in default
- Adding snore sound's play when stamina has run out (on both e and w
- I don't know why mud mods/snow/config.txt has been modified
- Removing craft recipes using/creating tools with moreores items, or from moreores items
- Changing craft recipe for default:bronze_ingot, now using copper ingot and steel ingot
Signed-off-by: LeMagnesium <mg.minetest@gmail.com>
- Add builtin_falling (by Davedevils) for an amazing bugfix
- Tweak node.lua from the subgame MFF and « sea » mod for
- Remove news.lua from _misc
- Remove _misc_me (empty now)
- Add a new mod named « news » and tweak this mod, it works now, add
texture for the news (Thank you Davedevils)