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synced 2025-03-22 12:11:45 +01:00
(I'm gonna speak french a bit there..) Je propose dans cette pull-request un mod dont je vous ai déjà sûrement parlé, le mod fail. Fail est un petit mod, qui n'a (pour le moment) pas de but précis à part l'animation et le fun sur le serveur. Le mod permet à une petite élite, au départ, de créer des failpoints et des cookies pour les donner à des joueurs qui réussissent une action particulière, ou qui se rattent lamentablement de sorte que ce soit quelque chose de particulièrement drôle. Par exemple, si un joueur envoie : :msg Bidule J'ai trouvé du mese vers x,y,z rien que pour moi niark! Et que tout le monde (IRC compris ici) le voit, c'est un joli failpoint que le joueur recevra au lieu de ses mese diamonds/blocks! Le mod de manière générale sert juste (pour le moment) à mettre un peu plus de fun sur le serveur, mais les autres joueurs semblent l'attendre avec impatience, et si il est intégré, je me chargerai de l'intégrer dans d'autres mods, comme death_messages, pour des morts stupides dans la lave, l'acide, l'eau, etc... Si vous voulez suivre le développement seul du mod il est [ici](http://github.com/LeMagnesium/fail).
140 lines
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140 lines
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-- Fails mod By Mg <mg[dot]minetest[at]gmail[dot]com>
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"Congratulation, you win a failpoint."
-- The FailPoint mod by Mg.
-- The principal purpose of this mod is to allow FailPoints give, and the storage of them
local data = {}
data.fp_file = minetest.get_worldpath().."/failpoints"
data.failpoints = {}
data.fp_version = 0.0 -- It looks like a face, you see?
-- fp_create priv to create failpoints
minetest.register_privilege("fp_create","Is able to create FailPoints and give them to anybody else")
-- Loading failpoints
pntf = io.open(data.fp_file,"r")
if pntf == nil then
pntf = io.open(data.fp_file,"w")
local line = pntf:read()
if line == nil or line == "" then break end
data.failpoints[line:split(" ")[1]] = line:split(" ")[2]+0
until 1 == 0 -- Ok, not the best way to create a loop..
minetest.log("action","[FailPoints] Loaded")
-- Global callbacks
-- Saving failpoints
pntf = io.open(data.fp_file,"w")
for i,v in pairs(data.failpoints) do
if v ~= 0 then
pntf:write(i.." "..v.."\n")
minetest.register_chatcommand("fail", {
params = "<subcommand> <subcommandparam> | <playername>",
description = "Fail command",
privs = {shout = true},
func = function(name, parameters)
local paramlist = parameters:split(" ")
local param = paramlist[1]
local param2 = paramlist[2]
if param == "version" then
core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- Fail mod version: "..fp_version)
return true
elseif param == "help" or param == nil then
core.chat_send_player(name,"Failpoints available help :")
core.chat_send_player(name,"/fail <subcommand> | <playername>")
core.chat_send_player(name,"Available subcommands :")
core.chat_send_player(name," - help : show this help")
core.chat_send_player(name," - version : show actual fail version")
core.chat_send_player(name," - view | view <playername> : View player's failpoints amount")
elseif param == "view" then
if param2 == "" or param2 == nil then
local ownfail = 0
if data.failpoints[name] then
ownfail = data.failpoints[name]
core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- You own "..ownfail.." FailPoints.")
return true
if data.failpoints[param2] ~= nil and data.failpoints[param2] > 0 then
core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- Player "..param2.." owns "..data.failpoints[param2].." FailPoints.")
core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- Player "..param2.." doesn't seem to own any FailPoint.")
-- If not any known command
if name == param then
if minetest.get_player_privs(name)["fp_create"] == true then
minetest.log("error",name.." tried to create a failpoint by giving to himself")
core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- Congratulation, you failed. Don't try to give to yourself :p")
minetest.log("action",name.."gave himself a FailPoint")
core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- You failed: It appears the name you entered is yours")
core.chat_send_player(name,"Don't try to give yourself failpoints, it's useless :p")
return false
if param == "" then
minetest.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- You failed: Not enough parameters given, type /fail help for help")
return false
if not minetest.get_player_by_name(param) then
core.chat_send_player(name,"-FP- You failed: Sorry, "..param.." isn't online.")
return false
-- Take, or not, failpoints from name's account to give them to param
if minetest.get_player_privs(name)["fp_create"] ~= true then
if data.failpoints[name] == nil or data.failpoints[name] == 0 then
core.chat_send_player(name,"You failed: You don't have enough failpoints..")
return false
elseif data.failpoints[name] > 0 then
data.failpoints[name] = data.failpoints[name] -1
minetest.log("action","[FailPoints] "..name.." has created a FailPoint.")
-- Give/Add the failpoint to param' account
if data.failpoints[param] == nil then
data.failpoints[param] = 1
data.failpoints[param] = data.failpoints[param]+1
minetest.log("action","[FailPoints] "..name.." has given a failpoint to "..param)
minetest.log("action","[FailPoints] "..param.." now own "..data.failpoints[param].."FPs")
minetest.log("action","[FailPoints] "..name.." now own "..(data.failpoints[name] or 0).."FPs")
core.chat_send_player(param,"Congratulations "..param..", you win a failpoint.")
core.chat_send_player(name,"FP sent.")
-- Create the same things for cookies