switched to a binary protocol; added prepared statements

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Cosmin Apreutesei 2021-08-21 22:08:23 +03:00
parent adde594b24
commit 27382e197d
2 changed files with 704 additions and 655 deletions

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@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
## `local mysql = require'mysql_client'`
MySQL client protocol in Lua. Stolen from OpenResty and modified to work standalone.
## Status
This library is considered production ready.
MySQL client protocol in Lua.
Stolen from OpenResty and modified to work standalone.
## Example
local mysql = require'mysql_client'
local cn = assert(mysql:new())
host = '',
port = 3306,
database = 'ngx_test',
user = 'ngx_test',
password = 'ngx_test',
charset = 'utf8',
database = 'foo',
user = 'bar',
password = 'baz',
charset = 'utf8mb4',
max_packet_size = 1024 * 1024,
@ -35,21 +31,14 @@ local res = assert(cn:query('insert into cats (name) '
print(res.affected_rows, ' rows inserted into table cats ',
'(last insert id: ', res.insert_id, ')')
local res = assert(cn:query('select * from cats order by id asc', 10))
local cjson = require'cjson'
require'pp'(assert(cn:query('select * from cats order by id asc', 10)))
## API
### `mysql:new() -> cn | nil,err`
Creates a MySQL connection object.
### `cn:connect(options) -> ok | nil,err,errcode,sqlstate`
### `mysql.connect(options) -> ok | nil,err,errcode,sqlstate`
Connect to a MySQL server.
@ -129,12 +118,22 @@ You should always check if the `err` return value is `again` in case of
success because this method will only call [read_result](#read_result)
once for you.
### `cn:server_ver() -> s`
Returns the MySQL server version string, like `"5.1.64"`.
### `cn:prepare(query) -> stmt`
You should only call this method after successfully connecting to a MySQL server,
otherwise `nil` will be returned.
Prepare a statement.
### `stmt:exec(params...)`
Execute a statement. Use `cn:read_result()` to get the results.
### `stmt:free()`
Free statement.
### `cn.server_ver`
The MySQL server version string.
### `mysql.quote(s) -> s`
@ -158,7 +157,5 @@ are suppored.
* implement the MySQL binary row data packets.
* implement MySQL server prepare and execute packets.
* implement the data compression support in the protocol.