do not assume a fixed chunksize when generating map

This commit is contained in:
HybridDog 2016-04-25 18:47:52 +02:00
parent 745fca1c84
commit 9d2211b0b5
1 changed files with 12 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ end
-- caching functions
local default_sidelen = (tonumber(minetest.setting_get("chunksize")) or 5)*16-1
local ws_lists = {}
local function get_ws_list(a,x)
ws_lists[a] = ws_lists[a] or {}
local v = ws_lists[a][x]
local ws_values = {}
local function get_ws_value(a, x)
local v = ws_values[a]
if v then
v = v[x]
if v then
return v
v = {}
for x = x, x + default_sidelen do
v[x] = do_ws_func(a, x)
ws_values[a] = {}
ws_lists[a][x] = v
v = do_ws_func(a, x)
ws_values[a][x] = v
return v
@ -474,18 +474,13 @@ minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, seed)
-- set snow
data[area:index(i[3], i[1]+1, i[2])] = c.snow
local wsz, wsx
for _,i in pairs(snow_tab) do
local y,z,x,test = unpack(i)
test = (test-nosmooth_rarity)/(1-nosmooth_rarity) -- /(1-0.53)
if test > 0 then
local maxh = math.floor(test*10)%10+1
if maxh ~= 1 then
if not wsz then
wsz = get_ws_list(5, z0)
wsx = get_ws_list(2, x0)
local h = math.floor(wsx[x]+wsz[z]*5)%10+1
local h = math.floor(get_ws_value(2, x) + get_ws_value(5, z)*5)%10+1
if h ~= 1 then
-- search for nearby snow
y = y+1