forked from mtcontrib/pipeworks
This adds a new type of Filter-Injector that waits for a digiline message on its channel and then pulls the items described by the message out of the inventory. It is basically a Stackwise Injector that, on receiving a digiline message, sets its filter to the contents of the digiline message and then activates itself. Sending the message {name="default:brick", count=2} should do the same thing as setting the filter of a Stackwise Filter-Injector to two Brick Blocks and then punching it. If no count is specified, it defaults to 1. Since this is based off of the Stackwise Injector, it might make more sense if the default were an entire stack. I can change this trivially. You can also send requests like {{name="default:brick", count=1}, {name="default:dirt", count=1}}, which acts the same as setting the filter to one Brick Block and one Dirt Block and then punching it. If you send a string "default:dirt" instead of a table {name="default:dirt"}, the string is passed to ItemStack and the name and count are extracted from the resulting ItemStack. You can also send a list of strings instead of tables: {"default:dirt", "default:brick"}, and the first item found will be pulled. Punching this or activating it with Mesecons currently does nothing. I'm not really sure what would be the right thing to do in either of those two cases, so I made it do nothing. I guess I could make it use the previously-used filter, but I can't really see any usefulness in that. The recipe is probably too cheap. The darker of the two blue texture colors could probably be better.
This mod uses nodeboxes to supply a complete set of 3D pipes and tubes, along devices that work with them. See for detailed information about usage of this mod. Unlike the previous version of this mod, these pipes are rounded, and when placed, they'll automatically join together as needed. Pipes can go vertically or horizontally, and there are enough nodes defined to allow for all possible connections. Valves and pumps can only be placed horizontally, and will automatically rotate and join with neighboring pipes as objects are added, as well as joining with each other under certain circumstances. Pipes come in two variants: one type bears one or more dark windows on each pipe, suggesting they're empty, while the other type bears green-tinted windows, as if full (the two colors should also be easy to select if you want to change them in a paint program). These windows only appear on straight lengths and on certain junctions. This mod is a work in progress. Please note that owing to the nature of this mod, I have opted to use 64px textures. Anything less just looks terrible.
Wavefront Object