forked from mtcontrib/plantlife_modpack
Added experimental settings to allow for a humidity perlin layer
and to allow the spawned object to *replace* the node it would otherwise spawn on top of. Also, extended API to allow for a node to be directly named in the register_generate_plant() call.
This commit is contained in:
@ -200,6 +200,13 @@ plants_lib: spawn_on_surfaces({
-- coldness).
temp_max = num, -- Maximum temperature/lower end of the Perlin
-- range. Defaults to -1 (unlimited heat).
humidity_min = num, -- Minimum humidity for the plant to spawn in.
-- Like the temperature map, this is a Perlin
-- value where lower numbers mean more
-- humidity in the area. Defaults to +1 (0%
-- relative humidity).
humidity_max = num, -- Maximum humidity for the plant to spawn at.
-- Defaults to -1 (100% humidity).
spawn_on_side = bool, -- Set this to true to spawn the node on one
-- side of the target node rather than the
-- top. The code will search for an airspace
@ -221,6 +228,10 @@ plants_lib: spawn_on_surfaces({
-- facedir function above, the values given to
-- the facedir parameter are for regular
-- nodes, not wallmounted.
spawn_replace_node = bool -- If set to true, the target node itself is
-- replaced by the spawned object. Overrides
-- the spawn_on_bottom and spawn_on_side
-- settings.
By default, if a biome node, size, and count are not defined, the biome
@ -233,45 +244,49 @@ this function with two parameters: a table with the biome information, and
a string or table describing what to execute if the engine finds a suitable
node (see below):
plantslib:register_generate_plant(biome, function_or_treedef)
plantslib:register_generate_plant(biome, node_or_function_or_treedef)
Where "biome" is a table containing about a dozen variables.
biome = {
surface = "string", -- [*] what nodes to spawn on.
surface = "string", -- [*] what node to spawn on.
avoid_nodes = {table}, -- [*] what nodes to avoid when spawning.
avoid_radius = num, -- [*] how much distance to leave between
the object to be added and the objects
to be avoided.
rarity = num, -- how rare should this tree be in its biome?
Larger values more rare, determined by
math.random(1,100) > this
-- the object to be added and the objects
-- to be avoided. If this or the
-- avoid_nodes value is nil or omitted,
-- this check is skipped. Avoid using
-- excessively large radii.
rarity = num, -- how rare should this object be in its
-- biome? Larger values make objects more
-- rare, determined by
-- math.random(1,100) > this
seed_diff = num, -- perlin seed-diff value. Defaults to 0,
which causes the function to inherit the
global value of 329.
-- which causes the function to inherit the
-- global value of 329.
neighbors = {table}, -- What ground nodes must be right next to and
at the same elevation as the node to be
spawned on. Defaults to the value of the
"surface" string.
-- at the same elevation as the node to be
-- spawned on. Defaults to the value of the
-- "surface" string.
ncount = num, -- at least this many of the above nodes must
be next to the node to spawn on. Any value
greater than 8 will probably cause the code
to never spawn anything. Defaults to 0.
-- be next to the node to spawn on. Any value
-- greater than 8 will probably cause the code
-- to never spawn anything. Defaults to 0.
depth = num, -- how deep/thick of a layer the spawned-on
node must be. Typically used for water.
Defaults to unlimited.
-- node must be. Typically used for water.
-- Defaults to unlimited.
min_elevation = num, -- minimum elevation in meters/nodes.
Defaults to -31000 (unlimited).
-- Defaults to -31000 (unlimited).
max_elevation = num, -- maximum elevation. Defaults to +31000
-- (unlimited).
near_nodes = {table}, -- what nodes must be in the general vicinity
of the object being spawned.
-- of the object being spawned.
near_nodes_size = num, -- how wide of a search area to look for
the nodes in that list.
-- the nodes in that list.
near_nodes_vertical = num, -- How high/low of an area to search from
-- the target node.
near_nodes_count = num, -- at least this many of those nodes must be
in the area.
-- in the area.
plantlife_limit = num, -- The value compared against the generic
-- "plants can grow here" Perlin noise layer.
-- Smaller numbers result in more abundant
@ -279,10 +294,10 @@ biome = {
-- the range of about 0 to 0.5 being most
-- useful. Defaults to 0.1.
temp_min = num, -- coldest allowable temperature for a plant
to spawn (that is, the highest Perlin
temperature map value).
-- to spawn (that is, the highest Perlin
-- temperature map value).
temp_max = num, -- warmest allowable temperature to spawn a
plant (lowest Perlin temperature value).
-- plant (lowest Perlin temperature value).
verticals_list = {table}, -- Same as with the spawn_on_surfaces
-- function.
@ -291,15 +306,21 @@ biome = {
is optional. Unless explicitly stated, all unused/unsupplied parameters
default to nil and will not affect the results of the code.
Regarding function_or_treedef, this must either be a string indicating the
name of the function that should be called if a suitable spawn location has
been found, OR a table with an L-Systems tree definition.
Regarding node_or_function_or_treedef, this must either be table with an
L-Systems tree definition, or a string with a node or function name.
If you specify a string with a function name, that function will be passed a
single position parameter (in the usual table format), indicating where the
object should be placed. If you specified an L-Systems tree definition, then
that definition will be passed directly to the spawn_tree() function along
with the position to spawn the tree on.
If you specified a string, the code will attempt to determine, as needed,
whether that string specifies a node name. If it does, that node will be
placed on top of the target position directly.
If it wasn't a node, the code will assume you meant to specify a function
name, in which case that function will be passed a single position parameter
(in the usual table format), indicating where the named function should place
the object.
If you specified a table, the code assumed this table contains an L-Systems
tree definition, then that definition will be passed directly to the
spawn_tree() function along with the position to spawn the tree on.
@ -312,7 +333,6 @@ grow_plants({list of options})
These are defined like so:
grow_plant = "string", -- Name of the node to be grown into something
-- else. This value is passed to the ABM as
-- the "nodenames" parameter, so it is the
@ -508,3 +528,15 @@ common temperatures on both the Centigrade and Fahrenheit scales. Note that
unless you're trying to model the Moon or perhaps Mercury in your mods/maps,
you probably won't need to bother with Perlin values of less than -0.56 or so.
Humidity Mapping
Like the temperature map above, Perlin values can be tested to determine the
approximate humidity of the *air* in the area. This does not check for nearby
water, just general humidity.
A value of -1 equates to 100% humidity (basically, it should be a thick fog
if it could be seen), a value of 0 is 50%, and a value of +1 is 0% (dry as a
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
plantslib = {}
local DEBUG = false --... except if you want to spam the console with debugging info :-)
local DEBUG = true --... except if you want to spam the console with debugging info :-)
plantslib.plantlife_seed_diff = 329 -- needs to be global so other mods can see it
@ -24,7 +24,10 @@ local temperature_octaves = 3
local temperature_persistence = 0.5
local temperature_scale = 150
local humidity_seeddiff = 1234
local humidity_octaves = 1
local humidity_persistence = 0.5
local humidity_scale = 150
-- Local functions
@ -47,14 +50,14 @@ end
-- Spawn plants using the map generator
function plantslib:register_generate_plant(biomedef, funct_or_model)
function plantslib:register_generate_plant(biomedef, node_or_function_or_model)
plantslib:dbg("Registered mapgen spawner:")
minetest.register_on_generated(plantslib:search_for_surfaces(minp, maxp, biomedef, funct_or_model))
minetest.register_on_generated(plantslib:search_for_surfaces(minp, maxp, biomedef, node_or_function_or_model))
function plantslib:search_for_surfaces(minp, maxp, biomedef, funct_or_model)
function plantslib:search_for_surfaces(minp, maxp, biomedef, node_or_function_or_model)
return function(minp, maxp, blockseed)
local biome = biomedef
@ -71,6 +74,8 @@ function plantslib:search_for_surfaces(minp, maxp, biomedef, funct_or_model)
if biome.max_count == nil then biome.max_count = 5 end
if biome.plantlife_limit == nil then biome.plantlife_limit = 0.1 end
if biome.near_nodes_vertical == nil then biome.near_nodes_vertical = 1 end
if biome.humidity_min == nil then biome.humidity_min = 1 end
if biome.humidity_max == nil then biome.humidity_max = -1 end
plantslib:dbg("Started checking generated mapblock volume...")
local searchnodes = minetest.env:find_nodes_in_area(minp, maxp, biome.surface)
@ -81,8 +86,10 @@ function plantslib:search_for_surfaces(minp, maxp, biomedef, funct_or_model)
local p_top = { x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z }
local perlin1 = minetest.env:get_perlin(biome.seed_diff, perlin_octaves, perlin_persistence, perlin_scale)
local perlin2 = minetest.env:get_perlin(temperature_seeddiff, temperature_octaves, temperature_persistence, temperature_scale)
local perlin3 = minetest.env:get_perlin(humidity_seeddiff, humidity_octaves, humidity_persistence, humidity_scale)
local noise1 = perlin1:get2d({x=p_top.x, y=p_top.z})
local noise2 = perlin2:get2d({x=p_top.x, y=p_top.z})
local noise3 = perlin3:get2d({x=p_top.x, y=p_top.z})
if (biome.depth == nil or minetest.env:get_node({ x = pos.x, y = pos.y-biome.depth-1, z = pos.z }).name ~= biome.surface)
and minetest.env:get_node(p_top).name == "air"
and pos.y >= biome.min_elevation
@ -90,6 +97,8 @@ function plantslib:search_for_surfaces(minp, maxp, biomedef, funct_or_model)
and noise1 > biome.plantlife_limit
and noise2 <= biome.temp_min
and noise2 >= biome.temp_max
and noise3 <= biome.humidity_min
and noise3 >= biome.humidity_max
and (biome.ncount == nil or table.getn(minetest.env:find_nodes_in_area({x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-1}, {x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+1}, biome.neighbors)) > biome.ncount)
and (biome.near_nodes == nil or table.getn(minetest.env:find_nodes_in_area({x=pos.x-biome.near_nodes_size, y=pos.y-biome.near_nodes_vertical, z=pos.z-biome.near_nodes_size}, {x=pos.x+biome.near_nodes_size, y=pos.y+biome.near_nodes_vertical, z=pos.z+biome.near_nodes_size}, biome.near_nodes)) >= biome.near_nodes_count)
and math.random(1,100) > biome.rarity
@ -109,9 +118,9 @@ function plantslib:search_for_surfaces(minp, maxp, biomedef, funct_or_model)
while tries < 2 and not spawned do
local pos = in_biome_nodes[math.random(1, num_in_biome_nodes)]
local p_top = { x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z }
if minetest.env:find_node_near(p_top, biome.avoid_radius + math.random(-1.5,1.5), biome.avoid_nodes) == nil then
if not(biome.avoid_radius and biome.avoid_nodes) or not minetest.env:find_node_near(p_top, biome.avoid_radius + math.random(-1.5,1.5), biome.avoid_nodes) then
spawned = true
if type(funct_or_model) == "table" then
if type(node_or_function_or_model) == "table" then
plantslib:dbg("Spawn tree at {"..dump(pos).."}")
@ -124,10 +133,16 @@ function plantslib:search_for_surfaces(minp, maxp, biomedef, funct_or_model)
minetest.env:spawn_tree(pos, funct_or_model)
plantslib:dbg("Call function: "..funct_or_model.."("..dump(pos)..")")
minetest.env:spawn_tree(pos, node_or_function_or_model)
elseif type(node_or_function_or_model) == "string" then
if minetest.registered_nodes[node_or_function_or_model] == nil then
plantslib:dbg("Call function: "..node_or_function_or_model.."("..dump(pos)..")")
plantslib:dbg("Add node: "..node_or_function_or_model.." at ("..dump(p_top)..")")
minetest.env:add_node(p_top, { name = node_or_function_or_model })
tries = tries + 1
@ -168,6 +183,8 @@ function plantslib:spawn_on_surfaces(sd,sp,sr,sc,ss,sa)
if biome.max_elevation == nil then biome.max_elevation = 31000 end
if biome.temp_min == nil then biome.temp_min = 1 end
if biome.temp_max == nil then biome.temp_max = -1 end
if biome.humidity_min == nil then biome.humidity_min = 1 end
if biome.humidity_max == nil then biome.humidity_max = -1 end
if biome.plantlife_limit == nil then biome.plantlife_limit = 0.1 end
if biome.near_nodes_vertical == nil then biome.near_nodes_vertical = 1 end
if biome.facedir == nil then biome.facedir = 0 end
@ -188,11 +205,15 @@ function plantslib:spawn_on_surfaces(sd,sp,sr,sc,ss,sa)
local n_top = minetest.env:get_node(p_top)
local perlin1 = minetest.env:get_perlin(biome.seed_diff, perlin_octaves, perlin_persistence, perlin_scale)
local perlin2 = minetest.env:get_perlin(temperature_seeddiff, temperature_octaves, temperature_persistence, temperature_scale)
local perlin3 = minetest.env:get_perlin(humidity_seeddiff, humidity_octaves, humidity_persistence, humidity_scale)
local noise1 = perlin1:get2d({x=p_top.x, y=p_top.z})
local noise2 = perlin2:get2d({x=p_top.x, y=p_top.z})
local noise3 = perlin3:get2d({x=p_top.x, y=p_top.z})
if noise1 > biome.plantlife_limit
and noise2 <= biome.temp_min
and noise2 >= biome.temp_max
and noise3 <= biome.humidity_min
and noise3 >= biome.humidity_max
and plantslib:is_node_loaded(p_top) then
local n_light = minetest.env:get_node_light(p_top, nil)
if (not(biome.avoid_nodes and biome.avoid_radius) or minetest.env:find_node_near(p_top, biome.avoid_radius + math.random(-1.5,2), biome.avoid_nodes) == nil)
@ -219,7 +240,7 @@ function plantslib:spawn_on_surfaces(sd,sp,sr,sc,ss,sa)
local plant_to_spawn = biome.spawn_plants[rnd]
plantslib:dbg("Chose entry number "..rnd.." of "..biome.spawn_plants_count)
if not biome.spawn_on_side and not biome.spawn_on_bottom then
if not biome.spawn_on_side and not biome.spawn_on_bottom and not biome.spawn_replace_node then
local fdir = biome.facedir
if biome.random_facedir then
fdir = math.random(biome.random_facedir[1],biome.random_facedir[2])
@ -229,6 +250,14 @@ function plantslib:spawn_on_surfaces(sd,sp,sr,sc,ss,sa)
plantslib:dbg("Spawn: "..plant_to_spawn.." on top of ("..dump(pos)..")")
minetest.env:add_node(p_top, { name = plant_to_spawn, param2 = fdir })
elseif biome.spawn_replace_node then
local fdir = biome.facedir
if biome.random_facedir then
fdir = math.random(biome.random_facedir[1],biome.random_facedir[2])
plantslib:dbg("Gave it a random facedir: "..fdir)
plantslib:dbg("Spawn: "..plant_to_spawn.." to replace "..minetest.env:get_node(pos).name.." at ("..dump(pos)..")")
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = plant_to_spawn, param2 = fdir })
elseif biome.spawn_on_side then
local onside = plantslib:find_open_side(pos)
if onside then
Reference in New Issue
Block a user