forked from mtcontrib/plantlife_modpack
various internal code improvements
better way to set default biome params, optimized-out some copypasta, thanks to thexyz for spotting these.
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,6 +53,18 @@ function plantslib:dbg(msg)
function plantslib:set_defaults(biome)
biome.seed_diff = biome.seed_diff or 0
biome.min_elevation = biome.min_elevation or -31000
biome.max_elevation = biome.max_elevation or 31000
biome.temp_min = biome.temp_min or 1
biome.temp_max = biome.temp_max or -1
biome.humidity_min = biome.humidity_min or 1
biome.humidity_max = biome.humidity_max or -1
biome.plantlife_limit = biome.plantlife_limit or 0.1
biome.near_nodes_vertical = biome.near_nodes_vertical or 1
-- Spawn plants using the map generator
function plantslib:register_generate_plant(biomedef, node_or_function_or_model)
@ -66,21 +78,14 @@ function plantslib:search_for_surfaces(minp, maxp, biomedef, node_or_function_or
return function(minp, maxp, blockseed)
local biome = biomedef
biome.neighbors = biome.neighbors or biome.surface
biome.near_nodes_size = biome.near_nodes_size or 0
biome.near_nodes_count = biome.near_nodes_count or 1
biome.rarity = biome.rarity or 50
biome.max_count = biome.max_count or 5
if not biome.seed_diff then biome.seed_diff = 0 end
if not biome.neighbors then biome.neighbors = biome.surface end
if not biome.min_elevation then biome.min_elevation = -31000 end
if not biome.max_elevation then biome.max_elevation = 31000 end
if not biome.near_nodes_size then biome.near_nodes_size = 0 end
if not biome.near_nodes_count then biome.near_nodes_count = 1 end
if not biome.temp_min then biome.temp_min = 1 end
if not biome.temp_max then biome.temp_max = -1 end
if not biome.rarity then biome.rarity = 50 end
if not biome.max_count then biome.max_count = 5 end
if not biome.plantlife_limit then biome.plantlife_limit = 0.1 end
if not biome.near_nodes_vertical then biome.near_nodes_vertical = 1 end
if not biome.humidity_min then biome.humidity_min = 1 end
if not biome.humidity_max then biome.humidity_max = -1 end
if biome.check_air ~= false then biome.check_air = true end
plantslib:dbg("Started checking generated mapblock volume...")
@ -193,20 +198,13 @@ function plantslib:spawn_on_surfaces(sd,sp,sr,sc,ss,sa)
biome = sd
if not biome.seed_diff then biome.seed_diff = 0 end
if not biome.light_min then biome.light_min = 0 end
if not biome.light_max then biome.light_max = 15 end
if not biome.depth_max then biome.depth_max = 1 end
if not biome.min_elevation then biome.min_elevation = -31000 end
if not biome.max_elevation then biome.max_elevation = 31000 end
if not biome.temp_min then biome.temp_min = 1 end
if not biome.temp_max then biome.temp_max = -1 end
if not biome.humidity_min then biome.humidity_min = 1 end
if not biome.humidity_max then biome.humidity_max = -1 end
if not biome.plantlife_limit then biome.plantlife_limit = 0.1 end
if not biome.near_nodes_vertical then biome.near_nodes_vertical = 1 end
if not biome.facedir then biome.facedir = 0 end
biome.seed_diff = biome.seed_diff or 0
biome.light_min = biome.light_min or 0
biome.light_max = biome.light_max or 15
biome.depth_max = biome.depth_max or 1
biome.facedir = biome.facedir or 0
biome.spawn_plants_count = table.getn(biome.spawn_plants)
plantslib:dbg("Registered spawning ABM:")
@ -255,28 +253,21 @@ function plantslib:spawn_on_surfaces(sd,sp,sr,sc,ss,sa)
local rnd = math.random(1, biome.spawn_plants_count)
local plant_to_spawn = biome.spawn_plants[rnd]
plantslib:dbg("Chose entry number "..rnd.." of "..biome.spawn_plants_count)
local fdir = biome.facedir
if biome.random_facedir then
fdir = math.random(biome.random_facedir[1],biome.random_facedir[2])
plantslib:dbg("Gave it a random facedir: "..fdir)
if type(spawn_plants) == "string" then
plantslib:dbg("Call function: "..spawn_plants.."("..dump(pos)..")")
elseif not biome.spawn_on_side and not biome.spawn_on_bottom and not biome.spawn_replace_node then
local fdir = biome.facedir
if biome.random_facedir then
fdir = math.random(biome.random_facedir[1],biome.random_facedir[2])
plantslib:dbg("Gave it a random facedir: "..fdir)
if == "air" then
plantslib:dbg("Spawn: "..plant_to_spawn.." on top of ("..dump(pos)..")")
minetest.env:add_node(p_top, { name = plant_to_spawn, param2 = fdir })
elseif biome.spawn_replace_node then
local fdir = biome.facedir
if biome.random_facedir then
fdir = math.random(biome.random_facedir[1],biome.random_facedir[2])
plantslib:dbg("Gave it a random facedir: "..fdir)
plantslib:dbg("Spawn: "..plant_to_spawn.." to replace "..minetest.env:get_node(pos).name.." at ("..dump(pos)..")")
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = plant_to_spawn, param2 = fdir })
@ -286,14 +277,8 @@ function plantslib:spawn_on_surfaces(sd,sp,sr,sc,ss,sa)
plantslib:dbg("Spawn: "..plant_to_spawn.." at side of ("..dump(pos).."), facedir "..onside.facedir.."")
minetest.env:add_node(onside.newpos, { name = plant_to_spawn, param2 = onside.facedir })
elseif biome.spawn_on_bottom then
if minetest.env:get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}).name == "air" then
local fdir = biome.facedir
if biome.random_facedir then
fdir = math.random(biome.random_facedir[1],biome.random_facedir[2])
plantslib:dbg("Gave it a random facedir: "..fdir)
plantslib:dbg("Spawn: "..plant_to_spawn.." on bottom of ("..dump(pos)..")")
minetest.env:add_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}, { name = plant_to_spawn, param2 = fdir} )
@ -312,10 +297,10 @@ function plantslib:grow_plants(opts)
local options = opts
if not options.height_limit then options.height_limit = 5 end
if not options.ground_nodes then options.ground_nodes = { "default:dirt_with_grass" } end
if not options.grow_nodes then options.grow_nodes = { "default:dirt_with_grass" } end
if not options.seed_diff then options.seed_diff = 0 end
options.height_limit = options.height_limit or 5
options.ground_nodes = options.ground_nodes or { "default:dirt_with_grass" }
options.grow_nodes = options.grow_nodes or { "default:dirt_with_grass" }
options.seed_diff = options.seed_diff or 0
plantslib:dbg("Registered growing ABM:")
@ -379,13 +364,8 @@ function plantslib:replace_object(pos, replacement, grow_function, walldir, seed
elseif growtype == "nil" then
if walldir then
plantslib:dbg("Grow: place "..replacement.." at ("..dump(pos)..") on wall "..walldir)
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = replacement, param2 = walldir})
plantslib:dbg("Grow: place "..replacement.." at ("..dump(pos)..")")
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = replacement})
plantslib:dbg("Grow: place "..replacement.." at ("..dump(pos)..") on wall "..dump(walldir))
minetest.env:add_node(pos, { name = replacement, param2 = walldir})
elseif growtype ~= "nil" and growtype ~= "string" and growtype ~= "table" then
error("Invalid grow function "..dump(grow_function).." used on object at ("..dump(pos)..")")
@ -446,4 +426,6 @@ function plantslib:grow_tree(pos, node_or_function_or_model)
minetest.env:spawn_tree(pos, node_or_function_or_model)
print("[Plantlife Library] Loaded")
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