mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 08:40:24 +01:00
More cleaning
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ local maxn, sort, concat, copy, insert, remove =
table.maxn, table.sort, table.concat, table.copy,
table.insert, table.remove
local fmt, find, gmatch, match, sub, split, upper, lower =
local sprintf, find, gmatch, match, sub, split, upper, lower, rep =
string.format, string.find, string.gmatch, string.match,
string.sub, string.split, string.upper, string.lower
string.sub, string.split, string.upper, string.lower, string.rep
local min, max, floor, ceil, abs = math.min, math.max, math.floor, math.ceil, math.abs
local pairs, next, type = pairs, next, type
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ local PNG = {
next_hover = "craftguide_next_icon_hover.png",
local FSe = {
local fs_elements = {
box = "box[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s]",
label = "label[%f,%f;%s]",
image = "image[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s]",
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ local FSe = {
arrow = "image_button[%f,%f;0.8,0.8;%s;%s;;;false;%s]",
local styles = fmt([[
local styles = sprintf([[
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ local function get_lang_code(name)
local function outdated(name)
local fs = fmt([[
local fs = sprintf([[
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ local function err(str)
local function msg(name, str)
return chat_send(name, fmt("[craftguide] %s", str))
return chat_send(name, sprintf("[craftguide] %s", str))
local function is_str(x)
@ -243,18 +243,12 @@ local function is_group(item)
return sub(item, 1, 6) == "group:"
local function FMT(elem, rep, ...)
if rep == 1 then
return fmt(FSe[elem], ...)
local function fmt(elem, n, ...)
if n == 1 then
return sprintf(fs_elements[elem], ...)
local t = {}
for i = 1, rep do
t[i] = FSe[elem]
return fmt(concat(t), ...)
return sprintf(rep(fs_elements[elem], n), ...)
local function clean_name(item)
@ -396,7 +390,7 @@ function craftguide.register_craft(def)
if true_str(def.url) then
if not http then
return err(fmt([[craftguide.register_craft(): Unable to reach %s.
return err(sprintf([[craftguide.register_craft(): Unable to reach %s.
No HTTP support for this mod: add it to the `secure.http_mods` or
`secure.trusted_mods` setting.]], def.url))
@ -683,7 +677,7 @@ local function drop_table(name, drop)
type = rarity and "digging_chance" or "digging",
items = {name},
output = fmt("%s %u", dname, dcount),
output = sprintf("%s %u", dname, dcount),
rarity = rarity,
tools = di.tools,
@ -830,7 +824,7 @@ local function toupper(str)
local function nice_strip(str, limit)
return #str > limit and fmt("%s...", sub(str, 1, limit - 3)) or str
return #str > limit and sprintf("%s...", sub(str, 1, limit - 3)) or str
local function get_desc(item)
@ -881,7 +875,7 @@ local function get_tooltip(item, info)
local function add(str)
return fmt("%s\n%s", tooltip, str)
return sprintf("%s\n%s", tooltip, str)
if info.cooktime then
@ -922,7 +916,7 @@ local function get_tooltip(item, info)
if several then
for i = 1, #info.tools do
names = fmt("%s\t\t- %s\n",
names = sprintf("%s\t\t- %s\n",
names, clr("#ff0", get_desc(info.tools[i])))
@ -934,7 +928,7 @@ local function get_tooltip(item, info)
return fmt("tooltip[%s;%s]", item, ESC(tooltip))
return sprintf("tooltip[%s;%s]", item, ESC(tooltip))
local function get_output_fs(fs, rcp, shapeless, right, btn_size, _btn_size, spacing)
@ -945,44 +939,44 @@ local function get_output_fs(fs, rcp, shapeless, right, btn_size, _btn_size, spa
shapeless and "shapeless" or "furnace"
if not custom_recipe then
icon = fmt("craftguide_%s.png^[resize:16x16", icon)
icon = sprintf("craftguide_%s.png^[resize:16x16", icon)
local pos_x = right + btn_size + 0.1
local pos_y = YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 1.55 or -0.45) + spacing
if sub(icon, 1, 18) == "craftguide_furnace" then
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("animated_image", 1,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("animated_image", 1,
pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, PNG.furnace_anim, 8, 180)
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1, pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, icon)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("image", 1, pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, icon)
local tooltip = custom_recipe and custom_recipe.description or
shapeless and S"Shapeless" or S"Cooking"
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("tooltip", 1, pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, ESC(tooltip))
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("tooltip", 1, pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, ESC(tooltip))
local arrow_X = right + (_btn_size or ITEM_BTN_SIZE)
local X = arrow_X + 0.9
local Y = YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 2 or 0) + spacing
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1, arrow_X, Y + 0.2, 0.9, 0.7, PNG.arrow)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("image", 1, arrow_X, Y + 0.2, 0.9, 0.7, PNG.arrow)
if rcp.type == "fuel" then
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("animated_image", 1,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("animated_image", 1,
X, Y, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, PNG.fire_anim, 8, 180)
local item = rcp.output
item = clean_name(item)
local name = match(item, "%S*")
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1, X, Y, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, PNG.selected)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("image", 1, X, Y, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, PNG.selected)
local _name = sfinv_only and name or fmt("_%s", name)
local _name = sfinv_only and name or sprintf("_%s", name)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("item_image_button[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s;%s;%s]",
fs[#fs + 1] = sprintf("item_image_button[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s;%s;%s]",
X, Y, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, item, _name, "")
local def = reg_items[name]
@ -1005,11 +999,11 @@ local function get_output_fs(fs, rcp, shapeless, right, btn_size, _btn_size, spa
if infos.burntime then
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("image", 1,
X + 1, YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 2 or 0.1) + spacing,
0.6, 0.4, PNG.arrow)
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("animated_image", 1,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("animated_image", 1,
X + 1.6, YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 1.85 or 0) + spacing,
0.6, 0.6, PNG.fire_anim, 8, 180)
@ -1032,7 +1026,7 @@ local function get_grid_fs(fs, rcp, spacing)
local rows = ceil(maxn(rcp.items) / width)
if width > WH_LIMIT or rows > WH_LIMIT then
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("label", 1,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("label", 1,
XOFFSET + (sfinv_only and -1.5 or -1.6),
YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 0.5 or spacing),
ES("Recipe's too big to be displayed (@1x@2)", width, rows))
@ -1093,7 +1087,8 @@ local function get_grid_fs(fs, rcp, spacing)
if not added then
label = fmt("%s%s\nR", label ~= "" and "\n" or "", label)
label = sprintf("%s%s\nR",
label ~= "" and "\n" or "", label)
replace.items[#replace.items + 1] = replacement[2]
@ -1102,12 +1097,12 @@ local function get_grid_fs(fs, rcp, spacing)
Y = Y + (sfinv_only and 2 or 0)
if not large_recipe then
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1, X, Y, btn_size, btn_size, PNG.selected)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("image", 1, X, Y, btn_size, btn_size, PNG.selected)
local btn_name = groups and fmt("group|%s|%s", groups[1], item) or item
local btn_name = groups and sprintf("group|%s|%s", groups[1], item) or item
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("item_image_button", 1,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("item_image_button", 1,
X, Y, btn_size, btn_size, item, btn_name, label)
local def = reg_items[name]
@ -1156,18 +1151,18 @@ local function get_rcp_lbl(fs, data, panel, spacing, rn, is_recipe)
local lbl_len = #_lbl:gsub("[\128-\191]", "") -- Count chars, not bytes in UTF-8 strings
local shift = min(0.9, abs(12 - max(12, lbl_len)) * 0.1)
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("label", 1,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("label", 1,
XOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 2.3 or 1.6) - shift,
YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 3.4 or 1.5 + spacing), lbl)
if rn > 1 then
local btn_suffix = is_recipe and "recipe" or "usage"
local prev_name = fmt("prev_%s", btn_suffix)
local next_name = fmt("next_%s", btn_suffix)
local prev_name = sprintf("prev_%s", btn_suffix)
local next_name = sprintf("next_%s", btn_suffix)
local x_arrow = XOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 1.7 or 1)
local y_arrow = YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 3.3 or 1.4 + spacing)
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("arrow", 2,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("arrow", 2,
x_arrow - shift, y_arrow, PNG.prev, prev_name, "",
x_arrow + 1.8, y_arrow, PNG.next, next_name, "")
@ -1178,39 +1173,40 @@ end
local function get_title_fs(query_item, favs, fs, spacing)
fs[#fs + 1] = "style_type[label;font=bold;font_size=+6]"
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("label", 1, 8.75,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("label", 1, 8.75,
spacing - 0.1, nice_strip(ESC(get_desc(query_item)), 45))
fs[#fs + 1] = "style_type[label;font=mono;font_size=+0]"
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("label", 1, 8.75,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("label", 1, 8.75,
spacing + 0.3, clr("#7bf", nice_strip(query_item, 35)))
fs[#fs + 1] = "style_type[label;font=normal]"
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("hypertext", 1, 13.8, spacing - 0.15, 1.1, 1.3,
fmt("<item name=%s width=64 rotate=yes>", query_item))
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("hypertext", 1, 13.8, spacing - 0.15, 1.1, 1.3,
sprintf("<item name=%s width=64 rotate=yes>", query_item))
local fav = is_fav(favs, query_item)
local nfavs = #favs
if nfavs < MAX_FAVS or (nfavs == MAX_FAVS and fav) then
local fav_marked = fmt("craftguide_fav%s.png", fav and "_off" or "")
local fav_marked = sprintf("craftguide_fav%s.png", fav and "_off" or "")
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(
fs[#fs + 1] = sprintf(
fmt("craftguide_fav%s.png", fav and "" or "_off"), fav_marked, fav_marked)
sprintf("craftguide_fav%s.png", fav and "" or "_off"),
fav_marked, fav_marked)
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image_button", 1, 8.25, spacing + 0.15, 0.5, 0.45, "", "fav", "")
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("image_button", 1, 8.25, spacing + 0.15, 0.5, 0.45, "", "fav", "")
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("tooltip[fav;%s]",
fs[#fs + 1] = sprintf("tooltip[fav;%s]",
fav and ES"Unmark this item" or ES"Mark this item")
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(
fs[#fs + 1] = sprintf(
"craftguide_fav_off.png", PNG.nothing, PNG.nothing)
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image_button", 1,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("image_button", 1,
8.25, spacing + 0.15, 0.5, 0.45, "", "fav_no", "")
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("tooltip[fav_no;%s]",
fs[#fs + 1] = sprintf("tooltip[fav_no;%s]",
ES"Cannot mark this item. Limit of bookmarks reached.")
@ -1245,18 +1241,18 @@ local function get_panels(data, fs)
if sfinv_only then return end
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("background9[8.1,%f;6.6,%f;%s;false;%d]",
fs[#fs + 1] = sprintf("background9[8.1,%f;6.6,%f;%s;false;%d]",
-0.2 + spacing, panel.height, PNG.bg_full, 10)
if recipe_or_usage and not rn then
local lbl = is_recipe and ES"No recipes" or ES"No usages"
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("button", 1, 8, YOFFSET + spacing + 0.1, 6.8, 1, "", lbl)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("button", 1, 8, YOFFSET + spacing + 0.1, 6.8, 1, "", lbl)
elseif panel.name == "title" then
get_title_fs(data.query_item, data.favs, fs, spacing)
elseif panel.name == "favs" then
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("label", 1, 8.3, spacing - 0.15, ES"Bookmarks")
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("label", 1, 8.3, spacing - 0.15, ES"Bookmarks")
for i = 1, #data.favs do
local item = data.favs[i]
@ -1264,11 +1260,11 @@ local function get_panels(data, fs)
local Y = spacing + 0.4
if data.query_item == item then
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("image", 1,
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("item_image_button", 1,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("item_image_button", 1,
X, Y, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, item, item, "")
@ -1278,7 +1274,7 @@ end
local function make_fs(data)
local fs = {}
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt([[
fs[#fs + 1] = sprintf([[
@ -1286,20 +1282,20 @@ local function make_fs(data)
9 + (data.query_item and 6.7 or 0) - 1.2, LINES - 0.3)
if not sfinv_only then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("background9[-0.15,-0.2;%f,%f;%s;false;%d]",
fs[#fs + 1] = sprintf("background9[-0.15,-0.2;%f,%f;%s;false;%d]",
9 - 0.9, LINES + 0.4, PNG.bg_full, 10)
fs[#fs + 1] = styles
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt([[
fs[#fs + 1] = sprintf([[
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image_button", 2,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("image_button", 2,
2.6, -0.06, 0.85, 0.85, "", "search", "",
3.3, -0.06, 0.85, 0.85, "", "clear", "")
@ -1307,15 +1303,15 @@ local function make_fs(data)
fs[#fs + 1] = "container[0.2,0]"
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image_button", 2,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("image_button", 2,
5.35, -0.06, 0.85, 0.85, "", "prev_page", "",
7.1, -0.06, 0.85, 0.85, "", "next_page", "")
data.pagemax = max(1, ceil(#data.items / IPP))
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("button", 1,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("button", 1,
5.97, -0.06, 1.36, 0.85, "pagenum",
fmt("%s / %u", clr("#ff0", data.pagenum), data.pagemax))
sprintf("%s / %u", clr("#ff0", data.pagenum), data.pagemax))
if sfinv_only then
fs[#fs + 1] = "container_end[]"
@ -1328,7 +1324,7 @@ local function make_fs(data)
lbl = ES"Collect items to reveal more recipes"
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("button", 1, -0.25, 3, 8.3, 1, "", lbl)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("button", 1, -0.25, 3, 8.3, 1, "", lbl)
local first_item = (data.pagenum - 1) * IPP
@ -1343,10 +1339,10 @@ local function make_fs(data)
Y = Y - (Y * 0.08) - 0.15
if data.query_item == item then
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1, X, Y, 1, 1, PNG.selected)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("image", 1, X, Y, 1, 1, PNG.selected)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("item_image_button[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s;%s_inv;]",
fs[#fs + 1] = sprintf("item_image_button[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s;%s_inv;]",
X, Y, 1, 1, item, item)
@ -1403,7 +1399,7 @@ local function search(data)
local item = data.items_raw[i]
local def = reg_items[item]
local desc = lower(translate(data.lang_code, def and def.description)) or ""
local search_in = fmt("%s %s", item, desc)
local search_in = sprintf("%s %s", item, desc)
local to_add
if search_filter then
@ -2120,11 +2116,11 @@ function craftguide.show(name, item, show_usages)
if not recipes and not usages then
if not recipes_cache[item] and not usages_cache[item] then
return false, msg(name, fmt("%s: %s",
return false, msg(name, sprintf("%s: %s",
S"No recipe or usage for this item", get_desc(item)))
return false, msg(name, fmt("%s: %s",
return false, msg(name, sprintf("%s: %s",
S"You don't know a recipe or usage for this item", get_desc(item)))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user