Add optional Progressive Mode

The progressive mode is a Terraria-like crafting guide system that only
list the items in the crafting guide for which you already have the ingredients
in your inventory. The progressive mode is disabled by default and can be enabled with
`craftguide_progressive_mode = true` in `minetest.conf`.

Thanks to @kaeza and @Wuzzy2 for the idea.
See discussion on
This commit is contained in:
JP Guerrero 2016-12-08 02:31:04 +01:00
parent e8508e1169
commit 864b43da2c
2 changed files with 68 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
## Crafting Guide ##
##### A simple and fast Crafting Guide that doesn't suck for Minetest.
#### A simple and fast Crafting Guide that doesn't suck for Minetest. ####
##### Usable with a book named *"Crafting Guide"*. #####
#### Usable with a book named *"Crafting Guide"*. ####
#### This crafting guide features two modes : Normal and Progressive. ####
The Progressive mode is a Terraria-like crafting guide system that only
list the items in the crafting guide for which you already have the ingredients
in your inventory. The progressive mode is disabled by default and can be enabled with
`craftguide_progressive_mode = true` in `minetest.conf`.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
local craftguide, datas, npp = {}, {}, 8*3
local min, ceil = math.min, math.ceil
local min, ceil, max = math.min, math.ceil, math.max
local progressive_mode = minetest.setting_getbool("craftguide_progressive_mode")
local group_stereotypes = {
wool = "wool:white",
@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ local group_stereotypes = {
mesecon_conductor_craftable = "mesecons:wire_00000000_off",
function craftguide:get_recipe(item)
function craftguide:group_to_item(item)
if item:sub(1,6) == "group:" then
local short_itemstr = item:sub(7)
if group_stereotypes[short_itemstr] then
@ -52,8 +53,8 @@ end
function craftguide:get_formspec(player_name)
local data = datas[player_name]
data.pagenum = data.pagenum or 1
data.recipe_num = data.recipe_num or 1
data.pagenum = max(1, data.pagenum or 1)
data.pagemax = max(1, data.pagemax or 1)
local formspec = [[ size[8,6.6;]
@ -69,9 +70,13 @@ function craftguide:get_formspec(player_name)
if not next(data.items) then
formspec = formspec.."label[2.9,2;No item to show]"
local first_item = (data.pagenum - 1) * npp
for i = first_item, first_item + npp - 1 do
local name = data.items[i + 1]
local name = data.items[i+1]
if not name then break end -- last page
local X = i % 8
local Y = ((i % npp - X) / 8) + 1
@ -81,8 +86,16 @@ function craftguide:get_formspec(player_name)
if data.item and minetest.registered_items[data.item] then
local recipes = minetest.get_all_craft_recipes(data.item)
if data.recipe_num > #recipes then data.recipe_num = 1 end
data.recipe_num = data.recipe_num or 1
if progressive_mode then
local T = self:recipe_in_inv(player_name, data.item)
for i=#T, 1, -1 do
if not T[i] then table.remove(recipes, i) end
if data.recipe_num > #recipes then data.recipe_num = 1 end
if #recipes > 1 then formspec = formspec..
[[ button[0,6;2,1;alternate;Alternate]
label[0,5.5;Recipe ]]" of "..#recipes.."]"
@ -105,7 +118,7 @@ function craftguide:get_formspec(player_name)
local Y = ceil(i / width + (5 - min(2, rows)))
local groups = self:extract_groups(v)
local label = (groups and "\nG") or ""
local item = self:get_recipe(v)
local item = self:group_to_item(v)
local tooltip = self:get_tooltip(item, recipe_type, width, groups)
formspec = formspec.."item_image_button["..X..","..Y..";1,1;"..
@ -121,6 +134,29 @@ function craftguide:get_formspec(player_name)
minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "craftguide:book", formspec)
local function has_item(T)
for i=1, #T do
if T[i] then return true end
function craftguide:recipe_in_inv(player_name, item_name)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name)
local inv = player:get_inventory()
local recipes = minetest.get_all_craft_recipes(item_name) or {}
local T = {}
for i=1, #recipes do
T[i] = true
for _, item in pairs(recipes[i].items) do
if not inv:contains_item("main", self:group_to_item(item)) then
T[i] = false
return T, has_item(T)
function craftguide:get_items(player_name)
local items_list, data = {}, datas[player_name]
for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do
@ -129,9 +165,15 @@ function craftguide:get_items(player_name)
def.description and def.description ~= "" and
(, 1, true) or
def.description:lower():find(data.filter, 1, true)) then
if progressive_mode then
local _, has_item = self:recipe_in_inv(player_name, name)
if has_item then items_list[#items_list+1] = name end
items_list[#items_list+1] = name
data.items = items_list
@ -165,6 +207,10 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
else for item in pairs(fields) do
if minetest.get_craft_recipe(item).items then
if progressive_mode then
local _, has_item = craftguide:recipe_in_inv(player_name, item)
if not has_item then return end
data.item = item
data.recipe_num = 1
@ -181,7 +227,7 @@ minetest.register_craftitem("craftguide:book", {
groups = {book=1},
on_use = function(itemstack, user)
local player_name = user:get_player_name()
if not datas[player_name] then
if progressive_mode or not datas[player_name] then
datas[player_name] = {}
datas[player_name].filter = ""