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synced 2025-02-11 09:50:25 +01:00
Minor cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ local fmt, find, gmatch, match, sub, split, upper, lower =
string.sub, string.split, string.upper, string.lower
local min, max, floor, ceil, abs = math.min, math.max, math.floor, math.ceil, math.abs
local pairs, next, type, unpack = pairs, next, type, unpack
local pairs, next, type = pairs, next, type
local vec_add, vec_mul = vector.add, vector.multiply
local ROWS = 9
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ local PNG = {
next_hover = "craftguide_next_icon_hover.png",
local FMT = {
local FSe = {
box = "box[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s]",
label = "label[%f,%f;%s]",
image = "image[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s]",
@ -156,17 +156,6 @@ local function outdated(name)
return show_formspec(name, "craftguide", fs)
local function mul_elem(elem, n)
local fstr, elems = "", {}
for i = 1, n do
fstr = fstr .. "%s"
elems[i] = elem
return fmt(fstr, unpack(elems))
craftguide.group_stereotypes = {
dye = "dye:white",
wool = "wool:white",
@ -254,6 +243,20 @@ local function is_group(item)
return sub(item, 1, 6) == "group:"
local function FMT(elem, rep, ...)
if rep == 1 then
return fmt(FSe[elem], ...)
local t = {}
for i = 1, rep do
t[i] = FSe[elem]
return fmt(concat(t), ...)
local function clean_name(item)
if sub(item, 1, 1) == ":" then
item = sub(item, 2)
@ -949,34 +952,33 @@ local function get_output_fs(fs, rcp, shapeless, right, btn_size, _btn_size, spa
local pos_y = YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 1.55 or -0.45) + spacing
if sub(icon, 1, 18) == "craftguide_furnace" then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.animated_image,
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("animated_image", 1,
pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, PNG.furnace_anim, 8, 180)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image, pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, icon)
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1, pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, icon)
local tooltip = custom_recipe and custom_recipe.description or
shapeless and S"Shapeless" or S"Cooking"
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.tooltip, pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, ESC(tooltip))
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("tooltip", 1, pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, ESC(tooltip))
local arrow_X = right + (_btn_size or ITEM_BTN_SIZE)
local X = arrow_X + 0.9
local Y = YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 2 or 0) + spacing
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image, arrow_X, Y + 0.2, 0.9, 0.7, PNG.arrow)
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1, arrow_X, Y + 0.2, 0.9, 0.7, PNG.arrow)
if rcp.type == "fuel" then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.animated_image, X, Y,
ITEM_BTN_SIZE, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, PNG.fire_anim, 8, 180)
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("animated_image", 1,
X, Y, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, PNG.fire_anim, 8, 180)
local item = rcp.output
item = clean_name(item)
local name = match(item, "%S*")
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image, X, Y,
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1, X, Y, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, PNG.selected)
local _name = sfinv_only and name or fmt("_%s", name)
@ -1003,11 +1005,11 @@ local function get_output_fs(fs, rcp, shapeless, right, btn_size, _btn_size, spa
if infos.burntime then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image,
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1,
X + 1, YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 2 or 0.1) + spacing,
0.6, 0.4, PNG.arrow)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.animated_image,
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("animated_image", 1,
X + 1.6, YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 1.85 or 0) + spacing,
0.6, 0.6, PNG.fire_anim, 8, 180)
@ -1030,7 +1032,7 @@ local function get_grid_fs(fs, rcp, spacing)
local rows = ceil(maxn(rcp.items) / width)
if width > WH_LIMIT or rows > WH_LIMIT then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.label,
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("label", 1,
XOFFSET + (sfinv_only and -1.5 or -1.6),
YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 0.5 or spacing),
ES("Recipe's too big to be displayed (@1x@2)", width, rows))
@ -1100,12 +1102,12 @@ local function get_grid_fs(fs, rcp, spacing)
Y = Y + (sfinv_only and 2 or 0)
if not large_recipe then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image, X, Y, btn_size, btn_size, PNG.selected)
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1, X, Y, btn_size, btn_size, PNG.selected)
local btn_name = groups and fmt("group|%s|%s", groups[1], item) or item
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.item_image_button,
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("item_image_button", 1,
X, Y, btn_size, btn_size, item, btn_name, label)
local def = reg_items[name]
@ -1154,7 +1156,7 @@ local function get_rcp_lbl(fs, data, panel, spacing, rn, is_recipe)
local lbl_len = #_lbl:gsub("[\128-\191]", "") -- Count chars, not bytes in UTF-8 strings
local shift = min(0.9, abs(13 - max(13, lbl_len)) * 0.1)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.label,
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("label", 1,
XOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 2.3 or 1.6) - shift,
YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 3.4 or 1.5 + spacing), lbl)
@ -1165,7 +1167,7 @@ local function get_rcp_lbl(fs, data, panel, spacing, rn, is_recipe)
local x_arrow = XOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 1.7 or 1)
local y_arrow = YOFFSET + (sfinv_only and 3.3 or 1.4 + spacing)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(mul_elem(FMT.arrow, 2),
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("arrow", 2,
x_arrow - shift, y_arrow, PNG.prev, prev_name, "",
x_arrow + 1.8, y_arrow, PNG.next, next_name, "")
@ -1176,13 +1178,14 @@ end
local function get_title_fs(query_item, favs, fs, spacing)
fs[#fs + 1] = "style_type[label;font=bold;font_size=+6]"
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.label, 8.75, spacing - 0.1, nice_strip(ESC(get_desc(query_item)), 45))
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("label", 1, 8.75,
spacing - 0.1, nice_strip(ESC(get_desc(query_item)), 45))
fs[#fs + 1] = "style_type[label;font=mono;font_size=+0]"
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.label, 8.75, spacing + 0.3, clr("#7bf", nice_strip(query_item, 35)))
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("label", 1, 8.75,
spacing + 0.3, clr("#7bf", nice_strip(query_item, 35)))
fs[#fs + 1] = "style_type[label;font=normal]"
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.hypertext,
13.8, spacing - 0.15, 1.1, 1.3,
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("hypertext", 1, 13.8, spacing - 0.15, 1.1, 1.3,
fmt("<item name=%s width=64 rotate=yes>", query_item))
local fav = is_fav(favs, query_item)
@ -1195,7 +1198,7 @@ local function get_title_fs(query_item, favs, fs, spacing)
fmt("craftguide_fav%s.png", fav and "" or "_off"), fav_marked, fav_marked)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image_button, 8.25, spacing + 0.15, 0.5, 0.45, "", "fav", "")
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image_button", 1, 8.25, spacing + 0.15, 0.5, 0.45, "", "fav", "")
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("tooltip[fav;%s]",
fav and ES"Unmark this item" or ES"Mark this item")
@ -1204,7 +1207,7 @@ local function get_title_fs(query_item, favs, fs, spacing)
"craftguide_fav_off.png", PNG.nothing, PNG.nothing)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image_button,
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image_button", 1,
8.25, spacing + 0.15, 0.5, 0.45, "", "fav_no", "")
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("tooltip[fav_no;%s]",
@ -1247,13 +1250,13 @@ local function get_panels(data, fs)
if recipe_or_usage and not rn then
local lbl = is_recipe and ES"No recipes" or ES"No usages"
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.button, 8, YOFFSET + spacing + 0.1, 6.8, 1, "", lbl)
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("button", 1, 8, YOFFSET + spacing + 0.1, 6.8, 1, "", lbl)
elseif panel.name == "title" then
get_title_fs(data.query_item, data.favs, fs, spacing)
elseif panel.name == "favs" then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.label, 8.3, spacing - 0.15, ES"Bookmarks")
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("label", 1, 8.3, spacing - 0.15, ES"Bookmarks")
for i = 1, #data.favs do
local item = data.favs[i]
@ -1261,11 +1264,11 @@ local function get_panels(data, fs)
local Y = spacing + 0.4
if data.query_item == item then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image, X, Y,
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1,
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.item_image_button,
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("item_image_button", 1,
X, Y, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, ITEM_BTN_SIZE, item, item, "")
@ -1296,7 +1299,7 @@ local function make_fs(data)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(mul_elem(FMT.image_button, 2),
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image_button", 2,
2.6, -0.06, 0.85, 0.85, "", "search", "",
3.3, -0.06, 0.85, 0.85, "", "clear", "")
@ -1304,13 +1307,13 @@ local function make_fs(data)
fs[#fs + 1] = "container[0.2,0]"
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(mul_elem(FMT.image_button, 2),
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image_button", 2,
5.35, -0.06, 0.85, 0.85, "", "prev_page", "",
7.1, -0.06, 0.85, 0.85, "", "next_page", "")
data.pagemax = max(1, ceil(#data.items / IPP))
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.button,
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("button", 1,
5.97, -0.06, 1.36, 0.85, "pagenum",
fmt("%s / %u", clr("#ff0", data.pagenum), data.pagemax))
@ -1325,7 +1328,7 @@ local function make_fs(data)
lbl = ES"Collect items to reveal more recipes"
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.button, -0.25, 3, 8.3, 1, "", lbl)
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("button", 1, -0.25, 3, 8.3, 1, "", lbl)
local first_item = (data.pagenum - 1) * IPP
@ -1340,7 +1343,7 @@ local function make_fs(data)
Y = Y - (Y * 0.08) - 0.15
if data.query_item == item then
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt(FMT.image, X, Y, 1, 1, PNG.selected)
fs[#fs + 1] = FMT("image", 1, X, Y, 1, 1, PNG.selected)
fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("item_image_button[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s;%s_inv;]",
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