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synced 2025-03-15 09:10:30 +01:00
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@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ local function get_grid_fs(fs, data, rcp, is_recipe)
local count = item:get_count()
local X = ceil((i - 1) % width - width)
X = X + (X * 0.2) + data.xoffset + 3.9
X = X + (X * 0.2) + data.inv_width + 3.9
local Y = ceil(i / width) - min(2, rows)
Y = Y + (Y * 0.15) + data.yoffset + 1.4
@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@ local function get_grid_fs(fs, data, rcp, is_recipe)
local xi = (i - 1) % width
local yi = floor((i - 1) / width)
X = btn_size * xi + data.xoffset + 0.3 + (xi * 0.05)
X = btn_size * xi + data.inv_width + 0.3 + (xi * 0.05)
Y = btn_size * yi + data.yoffset + 0.2 + (yi * 0.05)
@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@ local function get_rcp_lbl(fs, data, panel, rn, is_recipe)
local rcp = is_recipe and panel.rcp[data.rnum] or panel.rcp[data.unum]
if rcp.custom then
fs("hypertext", data.xoffset + 4.8, data.yoffset + 0.12, 3, 0.6, "custom_rcp",
fs("hypertext", data.inv_width + 4.8, data.yoffset + 0.12, 3, 0.6, "custom_rcp",
fmt("<global size=16><right><i>%s</i></right>", ES"Custom recipe"))
@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@ local function get_rcp_lbl(fs, data, panel, rn, is_recipe)
local one = rn == 1
local y = data.yoffset + 3.3
fs("hypertext", data.xoffset + (one and 4.7 or 3.95), y, 3, 0.6, "rcp_num",
fs("hypertext", data.inv_width + (one and 4.7 or 3.95), y, 3, 0.6, "rcp_num",
fmt("<global size=16><right>%s</right>", lbl))
if not one then
@ -1615,8 +1615,8 @@ local function get_rcp_lbl(fs, data, panel, rn, is_recipe)
local next_name = fmt("next_%s", btn_suffix)
local size = 0.3
fs("image_button", data.xoffset + 7.05, y, size, size, "", prev_name, "")
fs("image_button", data.xoffset + 7.5, y, size, size, "", next_name, "")
fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 7.05, y, size, size, "", prev_name, "")
fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 7.5, y, size, size, "", next_name, "")
get_grid_fs(fs, data, rcp, is_recipe)
@ -1664,7 +1664,7 @@ local function get_model_fs(fs, data, def, model_alias)
t[#t + 1] = t[#t]
fs("model", data.xoffset + 6.6, data.yoffset + 0.05, 1.3, 1.3, "preview",
fs("model", data.inv_width + 6.6, data.yoffset + 0.05, 1.3, 1.3, "preview",
def.mesh, concat(t, ","), "0,0", "true", "true",
model_alias and model_alias.frames or "")
@ -1672,7 +1672,7 @@ end
local function get_header(fs, data)
local fav = is_fav(data.favs, data.query_item)
local nfavs = #data.favs
local star_x, star_y, star_size = data.xoffset + 0.3, data.yoffset + 0.2, 0.4
local star_x, star_y, star_size = data.inv_width + 0.3, data.yoffset + 0.2, 0.4
if nfavs < MAX_FAVS or (nfavs == MAX_FAVS and fav) then
local fav_marked = fmt("i3_fav%s.png", fav and "_off" or "")
@ -1695,7 +1695,7 @@ local function get_header(fs, data)
local desc = translate(data.lang_code, get_desc(data.query_item))
desc = ESC(desc)
local tech_name = data.query_item
local X = data.xoffset + 0.95
local X = data.inv_width + 0.95
local Y1 = data.yoffset + 0.47
local Y2 = Y1 + 0.5
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ local function get_header(fs, data)
if def.drawtype == "mesh" or model_alias then
get_model_fs(fs, data, def, model_alias)
fs("item_image", data.xoffset + 6.8, data.yoffset + 0.17, 1.1, 1.1, data.query_item)
fs("item_image", data.inv_width + 6.8, data.yoffset + 0.17, 1.1, 1.1, data.query_item)
@ -1731,7 +1731,7 @@ local function get_export_fs(fs, data, is_recipe, is_usage, max_stacks_rcp, max_
name, fmt("%s", show_export and PNG.export_hover or PNG.export), PNG.export_hover))
fs("image_button", data.xoffset + 7.35, data.yoffset + 0.2, 0.45, 0.45, "", fmt("export_%s", name), "")
fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 7.35, data.yoffset + 0.2, 0.45, 0.45, "", fmt("export_%s", name), "")
fs(fmt("tooltip[export_%s;%s]", name, ES"Quick crafting"))
if not show_export then return end
@ -1751,8 +1751,8 @@ local function get_export_fs(fs, data, is_recipe, is_usage, max_stacks_rcp, max_
fs(fmt("style[scrbar_%s;noclip=true]", name),
fmt("scrollbaroptions[min=1;max=%u;smallstep=1]", craft_max))
fs("scrollbar", data.xoffset + 8.1, data.yoffset, 3, 0.35, "horizontal", fmt("scrbar_%s", name), stack_fs)
fs("button", data.xoffset + 8.1, data.yoffset + 0.4, 3, 0.7, fmt("craft_%s", name),
fs("scrollbar", data.inv_width + 8.1, data.yoffset, 3, 0.35, "horizontal", fmt("scrbar_%s", name), stack_fs)
fs("button", data.inv_width + 8.1, data.yoffset + 0.4, 3, 0.7, fmt("craft_%s", name),
ES("Craft (x@1)", stack_fs))
@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ local function get_rcp_extra(player, fs, data, panel, is_recipe, is_usage)
get_rcp_lbl(fs, data, panel, rn, is_recipe)
local lbl = is_recipe and ES"No recipes" or ES"No usages"
fs("button", data.xoffset + 0.1, data.yoffset + (panel.height / 2) - 0.5,
fs("button", data.inv_width + 0.1, data.yoffset + (panel.height / 2) - 0.5,
7.8, 1, "no_rcp", lbl)
@ -1802,19 +1802,19 @@ local function get_items_fs(fs, data, extend)
local ipp = rows * lines
local size = 0.85
fs(fmt("box[%f,0.2;4.05,0.6;#bababa25]", data.xoffset + 0.3),
fs(fmt("box[%f,0.2;4.05,0.6;#bababa25]", data.inv_width + 0.3),
fmt("field[%f,0.2;2.95,0.6;filter;;%s]", data.xoffset + 0.35, ESC(data.filter)),
fmt("field[%f,0.2;2.95,0.6;filter;;%s]", data.inv_width + 0.35, ESC(data.filter)),
fs("image_button", data.xoffset + 3.35, 0.35, 0.3, 0.3, "", "cancel", "")
fs("image_button", data.xoffset + 3.85, 0.32, 0.35, 0.35, "", "search", "")
fs("image_button", data.xoffset + 5.27, 0.3, 0.35, 0.35, "", "prev_page", "")
fs("image_button", data.xoffset + 7.45, 0.3, 0.35, 0.35, "", "next_page", "")
fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 3.35, 0.35, 0.3, 0.3, "", "cancel", "")
fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 3.85, 0.32, 0.35, 0.35, "", "search", "")
fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 5.27, 0.3, 0.35, 0.35, "", "prev_page", "")
fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 7.45, 0.3, 0.35, 0.35, "", "next_page", "")
data.pagemax = max(1, ceil(#data.items / ipp))
fs("button", data.xoffset + 5.6, 0.14, 1.88, 0.7, "pagenum",
fs("button", data.inv_width + 5.6, 0.14, 1.88, 0.7, "pagenum",
fmt("%s / %u", clr("#ff0", data.pagenum), data.pagemax))
if #data.items == 0 then
@ -1824,7 +1824,7 @@ local function get_items_fs(fs, data, extend)
lbl = ES"Collect items to reveal more recipes"
fs("button", data.xoffset + 0.1, 3, 8, 1, "no_item", lbl)
fs("button", data.inv_width + 0.1, 3, 8, 1, "no_item", lbl)
local first_item = (data.pagenum - 1) * ipp
@ -1834,7 +1834,7 @@ local function get_items_fs(fs, data, extend)
if not item then break end
local X = i % rows
X = X - (X * 0.045) + data.xoffset + 0.28
X = X - (X * 0.045) + data.inv_width + 0.28
local Y = round((i % ipp - X) / rows + 1, 0)
Y = Y - (Y * (extend and 0.085 or 0.035)) + 0.95
@ -1844,11 +1844,11 @@ local function get_items_fs(fs, data, extend)
local function get_favs(fs, data)
fs("label", data.xoffset + 0.4, data.yoffset + 0.4, ES"Bookmarks")
fs("label", data.inv_width + 0.4, data.yoffset + 0.4, ES"Bookmarks")
for i = 1, #data.favs do
local item = data.favs[i]
local X = data.xoffset - 0.7 + (i * 1.2)
local X = data.inv_width - 0.7 + (i * 1.2)
local Y = data.yoffset + 0.8
if data.query_item == item then
@ -1901,7 +1901,7 @@ local function get_panels(player, data, fs, full_height)
fs("bg9", data.xoffset + 0.1, data.yoffset, 7.9, panel.height, PNG.bg_full, 10)
fs("bg9", data.inv_width + 0.1, data.yoffset, 7.9, panel.height, PNG.bg_full, 10)
local is_recipe, is_usage = panel.name == "recipes", panel.name == "usages"
@ -2186,7 +2186,7 @@ local function get_tabs_fs(player, data, fs, full_height)
selected and (btm and PNG.tab_hover or PNG.tab_hover_top) or (btm and PNG.tab or PNG.tab_top),
btm and PNG.tab_hover or PNG.tab_hover_top, selected and "#fff" or "#ddd"))
local X = (data.xoffset / 2) + (c * (tab_len + 0.1)) - ((tab_len + 0.05) * (shift / 2))
local X = (data.inv_width / 2) + (c * (tab_len + 0.1)) - ((tab_len + 0.05) * (shift / 2))
local Y = btm and full_height or -tab_hgh
@ -2207,16 +2207,16 @@ end
local function get_debug_grid(data, fs, full_height)
local spacing = 0.2
for x = 0, data.xoffset + 8, spacing do
for x = 0, data.inv_width + 8, spacing do
fs("box", x, 0, 0.01, full_height, "#ff0")
for y = 0, full_height, spacing do
fs("box", 0, y, data.xoffset + 8, 0.01, "#ff0")
fs("box", 0, y, data.inv_width + 8, 0.01, "#ff0")
fs("box", data.xoffset / 2, 0, 0.01, full_height, "#f00")
fs("box", 0, full_height / 2, data.xoffset, 0.01, "#f00")
fs("box", data.inv_width / 2, 0, 0.01, full_height, "#f00")
fs("box", 0, full_height / 2, data.inv_width, 0.01, "#f00")
local function make_fs(player, data)
@ -2235,15 +2235,15 @@ local function make_fs(player, data)
data.xoffset = 10.23
data.inv_width = 10.23
local full_height = 12
local tab = tabs[data.current_tab]
MIN_FORMSPEC_VERSION, data.xoffset + 8, full_height), styles)
MIN_FORMSPEC_VERSION, data.inv_width + 8, full_height), styles)
fs("bg9", 0, 0, data.xoffset, full_height, PNG.bg_full, 10)
fs("bg9", 0, 0, data.inv_width, full_height, PNG.bg_full, 10)
if tab then
tab.formspec(player, data, fs)
Reference in New Issue
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