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synced 2025-03-16 01:00:26 +01:00
Update translation system to MT 5.0.0+ (#16)
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,7 +27,3 @@ stds.minetest = {
read_globals = {
@ -12,9 +12,8 @@ maptools = {}
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("maptools")
local S, NS = dofile(modpath .. "/intllib.lua")
local S = minetest.get_translator("maptools")
maptools.S = S
maptools.NS = NS
maptools.drop_msg = function(itemstack, player)
local name = player:get_player_name()
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-- Fallback functions for when `intllib` is not installed.
-- Code released under Unlicense <http://unlicense.org>.
-- Get the latest version of this file at:
-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minetest-mods/intllib/master/lib/intllib.lua
local function format(str, ...)
local args = { ... }
local function repl(escape, open, num, close)
if escape == "" then
local replacement = tostring(args[tonumber(num)])
if open == "" then
replacement = replacement..close
return replacement
return "@"..open..num..close
return (str:gsub("(@?)@(%(?)(%d+)(%)?)", repl))
local gettext, ngettext
if minetest.get_modpath("intllib") then
if intllib.make_gettext_pair then
-- New method using gettext.
gettext, ngettext = intllib.make_gettext_pair()
-- Old method using text files.
gettext = intllib.Getter()
-- Fill in missing functions.
gettext = gettext or function(msgid, ...)
return format(msgid, ...)
ngettext = ngettext or function(msgid, msgid_plural, n, ...)
return format(n==1 and msgid or msgid_plural, ...)
return gettext, ngettext
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# Translation by kaeza
[maptools] loaded. = [maptools] cargado.
Cloud = Nube
Infinite Fuel = Combustible Infinito
Admin Pickaxe = Pico de Administrador
Copper Coin = Moneda de Cobre
Silver Coin = Moneda de Plata
Gold Coin = Moneda de Oro
Super Apple = Super Manzana
Fake Ladder = Escalera Falsa
Smoke Block = Bloque de Humo
Damaging Block: %s = Bloque Dañino: %s
Kill Block = Bloque Mortal
Build Prevention = Bloqueador de Construcción
Interact Prevention = Bloqueador de Interacción
Climb Block = Bloque Escalable
Light Block = Bloqueador de Luz
Light Bulb = Lamparilla
Player Clip = Bloqueo de Jugador
Full Clip = Bloqueo Total
Unbreakable Stone = Piedra Irrompible
Unbreakable Sand = Arena Irrompible
Unbreakable Desert Stone = Piedra Desértica Irrompible
Unbreakable Desert Sand = Arena Desértica Irrompible
Unbreakable Gravel = Gravilla Irrompible
Unbreakable Dirt = Tierra Irrompible
Unbreakable Dirt with Grass = Hierba Irrompible
Unbreakable Full Grass= Bloque de Hierba Irrompible
Unbreakable Brick = Ladrillos Irrompibles
Unbreakable Wooden Planks = Planchas de Madera Irrompibles
Unbreakable Tree = Tronco de Árbol Irrompible
Unbreakable Glass = Cristal Irrompible
Unbreakable Sandstone = Arenisca Irrompible
Unbreakable Leaves = Foliaje Irrompible
Unbreakable Cobblestone = Guijarros Irrompibles
Unbreakable Mossy Cobblestone = Guijarros Enmohecidos Irrompibles
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# Translation by Calinou
[maptools] loaded. = [maptools] a été chargé.
Cloud = Nuage
Infinite Fuel = Carburant infini
Admin Pickaxe = Pioche d'administrateur
Admin Pickaxe With Drops = Pioche d'administrateur qui donne des objets
Copper Coin = Pièce de cuivre
Silver Coin = Pièce d'argent
Gold Coin = Pièce d'or
Super Apple = Super pomme
Fake Ladder = Fausse échelle
Smoke Block = Bloc de fumée
Damaging Block: %s = Bloc de dégâts : %s
Kill Block = Bloc qui tue
Build Prevention = Prévention de construction
Interact Prevention = Prévention d'interaction
Climb Block = Bloc à grimper
Light Block = Bloqueur de lumière
Light Bulb = Bloc lumineux
Player Clip = Bloque-joueurs
Player Clip Bottom Face = Face inférieure de bloque-joueurs
Player Clip Top Face = Face supérieure de bloque-joueurs
Full Clip = Bloque-tout
Full Clip Face = Face de bloque-tout
Permanent Fire = Feu permanent
Fake Fire = Faux feu
Igniter = Incendieur
Pusher: %s = Pousseur : %s
Unbreakable Stone = Pierre incassable
Unbreakable Sand = Sable incassable
Unbreakable Desert Stone = Pierre de désert incassable
Unbreakable Desert Sand = Sable de désert incassable
Unbreakable Gravel = Gravier incassable
Unbreakable Dirt = Terre incassable
Unbreakable Dirt with Grass = Herbe incassable
Unbreakable Full Grass= Bloc d'herbe incassable
Unbreakable Brick = Briques incassables
Unbreakable Wooden Planks = Planches de bois incassables
Unbreakable Tree = Tronc d'arbre incassable
Unbreakable Glass = Verre incassable
Unbreakable Sandstone = Grès incassable
Unbreakable Leaves = Feuillage incassable
Unbreakable Cobblestone = Pierre taillée incassable
Unbreakable Mossy Cobblestone = Pierre taillée mousseusse incassable
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# Translation by Emon
[maptools] loaded. = [maptools] caricato.
Cloud = Nuvola
Infinite Fuel = Combustibile infinito
Admin Pickaxe = Piccone della amministrazione
Admin Pickaxe With Drops = Piccone della amministrazione che lascia cadere a terra
Copper Coin = Moneta di rame
Silver Coin = Moneta di argento
Gold Coin = Moneta di oro
Super Apple = Super mela
Fake Ladder = Finta scala a pioli
Smoke Block = Blocco di fumo
Damaging Block: %s = Blocco che danneggia : %s
Kill Block = Blocco che uccide
Build Prevention = Impedimento alla costruzione
Interact Prevention = Impedimento alla interazione
Climb Block = Blocco su cui ci si può arrampicare
Light Block = Blocco di luce
Light Bulb = Lampadina
Player Clip = Blocca giocatori
Player Clip Bottom Face = Blocca giocatori - faccia inferiore
Player Clip Top Face = Glocca giocatori - faccia superiore
Full Clip = Blocca tutti
Full Clip Face = Faccia del blocca tutti
Permanent Fire = Fuoco eterno
Fake Fire = Fuoco finto
Igniter = Accendino
Pusher: %s = Che ha spinto : %s
Unbreakable Stone = Pietra infrangibile
Unbreakable Sand = Sabbia infrangibile
Unbreakable Desert Stone = Pietra del deserto infrangibile
Unbreakable Desert Sand = Sabbia del deserto infrangibile
Unbreakable Gravel = Ghiaia infrangibile
Unbreakable Dirt = Terra infrangibile
Unbreakable Dirt with Grass = Erba infrangibile
Unbreakable Full Grass= Blocco d'erba infrangibile
Unbreakable Brick = Mattoni infrangibile
Unbreakable Wooden Planks = Assi in legno infrangibili
Unbreakable Tree = Albero infrangibile
Unbreakable Glass = Vetro infrangibile
Unbreakable Sandstone = Arenaria infrangibile
Unbreakable Leaves = Foglie infrangibili
Unbreakable Cobblestone = Ciottolo infrangibile
Unbreakable Mossy Cobblestone = Ciottolo muschioso infrangibile
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# textdomain: maptools
[maptools] loaded.=[maptools] cargado.
Infinite Fuel=Combustible Infinito
Admin Pickaxe=Pico de Administrador
Copper Coin=Moneda de Cobre
Silver Coin=Moneda de Plata
Gold Coin=Moneda de Oro
Super Apple=Super Manzana
Fake Ladder=Escalera Falsa
Smoke Block=Bloque de Humo
Damaging Block: %s=Bloque Dañino: %s
Kill Block=Bloque Mortal
Build Prevention=Bloqueador de Construcción
Interact Prevention=Bloqueador de Interacción
Climb Block=Bloque Escalable
Light Block=Bloqueador de Luz
Light Bulb=Lamparilla
Player Clip=Bloqueo de Jugador
Full Clip=Bloqueo Total
Unbreakable Stone=Piedra Irrompible
Unbreakable Sand=Arena Irrompible
Unbreakable Desert Stone=Piedra Desértica Irrompible
Unbreakable Desert Sand=Arena Desértica Irrompible
Unbreakable Gravel=Gravilla Irrompible
Unbreakable Dirt=Tierra Irrompible
Unbreakable Dirt with Grass=Hierba Irrompible
Unbreakable Full Grass=Bloque de Hierba Irrompible
Unbreakable Brick=Ladrillos Irrompibles
Unbreakable Wooden Planks=Planchas de Madera Irrompibles
Unbreakable Tree=Tronco de Árbol Irrompible
Unbreakable Glass=Cristal Irrompible
Unbreakable Sandstone=Arenisca Irrompible
Unbreakable Leaves=Foliaje Irrompible
Unbreakable Cobblestone=Guijarros Irrompibles
Unbreakable Mossy Cobblestone=Guijarros Enmohecidos Irrompibles
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# textdomain: maptools
[maptools] loaded.=[maptools] a été chargé.
Infinite Fuel=Carburant infini
Admin Pickaxe=Pioche d'administrateur
Admin Pickaxe With Drops=Pioche d'administrateur qui donne des objets
Copper Coin=Pièce de cuivre
Silver Coin=Pièce d'argent
Gold Coin=Pièce d'or
Super Apple=Super pomme
Fake Ladder=Fausse échelle
Smoke Block=Bloc de fumée
Damaging Block: %s=Bloc de dégâts : %s
Kill Block=Bloc qui tue
Build Prevention=Prévention de construction
Interact Prevention=Prévention d'interaction
Climb Block=Bloc à grimper
Light Block=Bloqueur de lumière
Light Bulb=Bloc lumineux
Player Clip=Bloque-joueurs
Player Clip Bottom Face=Face inférieure de bloque-joueurs
Player Clip Top Face=Face supérieure de bloque-joueurs
Full Clip=Bloque-tout
Full Clip Face=Face de bloque-tout
Permanent Fire=Feu permanent
Fake Fire=Faux feu
Pusher: %s=Pousseur : %s
Unbreakable Stone=Pierre incassable
Unbreakable Sand=Sable incassable
Unbreakable Desert Stone=Pierre de désert incassable
Unbreakable Desert Sand=Sable de désert incassable
Unbreakable Gravel=Gravier incassable
Unbreakable Dirt=Terre incassable
Unbreakable Dirt with Grass=Herbe incassable
Unbreakable Full Grass=Bloc d'herbe incassable
Unbreakable Brick=Briques incassables
Unbreakable Wooden Planks=Planches de bois incassables
Unbreakable Tree=Tronc d'arbre incassable
Unbreakable Glass=Verre incassable
Unbreakable Sandstone=Grès incassable
Unbreakable Leaves=Feuillage incassable
Unbreakable Cobblestone=Pierre taillée incassable
Unbreakable Mossy Cobblestone=Pierre taillée mousseusse incassable
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# textdomain: maptools
[maptools] loaded.=[maptools] caricato.
Infinite Fuel=Combustibile infinito
Admin Pickaxe=Piccone della amministrazione
Admin Pickaxe With Drops=Piccone della amministrazione che lascia cadere a terra
Copper Coin=Moneta di rame
Silver Coin=Moneta di argento
Gold Coin=Moneta di oro
Super Apple=Super mela
Fake Ladder=Finta scala a pioli
Smoke Block=Blocco di fumo
Damaging Block: %s=Blocco che danneggia : %s
Kill Block=Blocco che uccide
Build Prevention=Impedimento alla costruzione
Interact Prevention=Impedimento alla interazione
Climb Block=Blocco su cui ci si può arrampicare
Light Block=Blocco di luce
Light Bulb=Lampadina
Player Clip=Blocca giocatori
Player Clip Bottom Face=Blocca giocatori - faccia inferiore
Player Clip Top Face=Glocca giocatori - faccia superiore
Full Clip=Blocca tutti
Full Clip Face=Faccia del blocca tutti
Permanent Fire=Fuoco eterno
Fake Fire=Fuoco finto
Pusher: %s=Che ha spinto : %s
Unbreakable Stone=Pietra infrangibile
Unbreakable Sand=Sabbia infrangibile
Unbreakable Desert Stone=Pietra del deserto infrangibile
Unbreakable Desert Sand=Sabbia del deserto infrangibile
Unbreakable Gravel=Ghiaia infrangibile
Unbreakable Dirt=Terra infrangibile
Unbreakable Dirt with Grass=Erba infrangibile
Unbreakable Full Grass=Blocco d'erba infrangibile
Unbreakable Brick=Mattoni infrangibile
Unbreakable Wooden Planks=Assi in legno infrangibili
Unbreakable Tree=Albero infrangibile
Unbreakable Glass=Vetro infrangibile
Unbreakable Sandstone=Arenaria infrangibile
Unbreakable Leaves=Foglie infrangibili
Unbreakable Cobblestone=Ciottolo infrangibile
Unbreakable Mossy Cobblestone=Ciottolo muschioso infrangibile
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# textdomain: maptools
[maptools] loaded.=
Infinite Fuel=
Admin Pickaxe=
Admin Pickaxe With Drops=
Copper Coin=
Silver Coin=
Gold Coin=
Super Apple=
Fake Ladder=
Smoke Block=
Damaging Block: %s=
Kill Block=
Build Prevention=
Interact Prevention=
Climb Block=
Light Block=
Light Bulb=
Player Clip=
Player Clip Bottom Face=
Player Clip Top Face=
Full Clip=
Full Clip Face=
Permanent Fire=
Fake Fire=
Pusher: %s=
Unbreakable Stone=
Unbreakable Sand=
Unbreakable Desert Stone=
Unbreakable Desert Sand=
Unbreakable Gravel=
Unbreakable Dirt=
Unbreakable Dirt with Grass=
Unbreakable Full Grass=
Unbreakable Brick=
Unbreakable Wooden Planks=
Unbreakable Tree=
Unbreakable Glass=
Unbreakable Sandstone=
Unbreakable Leaves=
Unbreakable Cobblestone=
Unbreakable Mossy Cobblestone=
Reference in New Issue
Block a user