refactor actionqueue.lua

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DS-Minetest 2019-12-28 17:36:48 +01:00
parent 9b58f8db29
commit b00fab6c48

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@ -1,96 +1,118 @@
mesecon.queue.actions={} -- contains all ActionQueue actions
-- localize for speed
local queue = mesecon.queue
function mesecon.queue:add_function(name, func)
mesecon.queue.funcs[name] = func
queue.actions = {} -- contains all ActionQueue actions
function queue:add_function(name, func)
queue.funcs[name] = func
-- If add_action with twice the same overwritecheck and same position are called, the first one is overwritten
-- use overwritecheck nil to never overwrite, but just add the event to the queue
-- priority specifies the order actions are executed within one globalstep, highest first
-- should be between 0 and 1
function mesecon.queue:add_action(pos, func, params, time, overwritecheck, priority)
function queue:add_action(pos, func, params, time, overwritecheck, priority)
-- Create Action Table:
time = time or 0 -- time <= 0 --> execute, time > 0 --> wait time until execution
priority = priority or 1
local action = { pos=mesecon.tablecopy(pos),
local action = {
pos = mesecon.tablecopy(pos),
func = func,
params = mesecon.tablecopy(params or {}),
time = time,
owcheck = (overwritecheck and mesecon.tablecopy(overwritecheck)) or nil,
priority = priority
local toremove = nil
-- Otherwise, add the action to the queue
if overwritecheck then -- check if old action has to be overwritten / removed:
for i, ac in ipairs(mesecon.queue.actions) do
if(vector.equals(pos, ac.pos)
and mesecon.cmpAny(overwritecheck, ac.owcheck)) then
toremove = i
-- check if old action has to be overwritten / removed:
if overwritecheck then
for i, ac in ipairs(queue.actions) do
if vector.equals(pos, ac.pos)
and mesecon.cmpAny(overwritecheck, ac.owcheck) then
-- replace the old action
queue.actions[i] = action
if (toremove ~= nil) then
table.remove(mesecon.queue.actions, toremove)
table.insert(mesecon.queue.actions, action)
-- otherwise just add to queue
table.insert(queue.actions, action)
-- execute the stored functions on a globalstep
-- if however, the pos of a function is not loaded (get_node_or_nil == nil), do NOT execute the function
-- this makes sure that resuming mesecons circuits when restarting minetest works fine
-- However, even that does not work in some cases, that's why we delay the time the globalsteps
-- start to be execute by 5 seconds
local get_highest_priority = function (actions)
local highestp = -1
local highesti
for i, ac in ipairs(actions) do
if ac.priority > highestp then
highestp = ac.priority
highesti = i
-- start to be execute by 5 (4?) seconds
local function globalstep_func(dtime)
-- sort out the actions to execute now (actions_now)
local actions_now = {}
local actions_count = #queue.actions
-- iterating downwards makes it easier to remove actions
for i = actions_count, 1, -1 do
local ac = queue.actions[i]
ac.time = ac.time - dtime
if ac.time <= 0 then
-- action ac is to be executed now
-- ~> insert into actions_now
table.insert(actions_now, ac)
-- ~> remove from queue.actions
queue.actions[i] = queue.actions[actions_count]
queue.actions[actions_count] = nil
actions_count = actions_count - 1
return highesti
-- stable-sort the executed actions after their priority
-- (some constructions might depend on the execution order for acions with delay 0)
-- note that the actions were added in inverse order because of the downwards iteration,
-- hence we first execute the actions that had a higher index in actions_now
local old_action_order = {}
for i, ac in ipairs(actions_now) do
old_action_order[ac] = i
table.sort(actions_now, function(ac1, ac2)
if ac1.priority ~= ac2.priority then
return ac1.priority > ac2.priority
return old_action_order[ac1] > old_action_order[ac2]
-- execute highest priorities first, until all are executed
for i, ac in ipairs(actions_now) do
-- delay the time the globalsteps start to be execute by 5 (4?) seconds
local m_time = 0
local resumetime = mesecon.setting("resumetime", 4)
local globalstep_func_index = #minetest.registered_globalsteps + 1
minetest.register_globalstep(function (dtime)
m_time = m_time + dtime
-- don't even try if server has not been running for XY seconds; resumetime = time to wait
-- after starting the server before processing the ActionQueue, don't set this too low
if (m_time < resumetime) then return end
local actions = mesecon.tablecopy(mesecon.queue.actions)
local actions_now={}
mesecon.queue.actions = {}
-- sort actions into two categories:
-- those toexecute now (actions_now) and those to execute later (mesecon.queue.actions)
for i, ac in ipairs(actions) do
if ac.time > 0 then
ac.time = ac.time - dtime -- executed later
table.insert(mesecon.queue.actions, ac)
table.insert(actions_now, ac)
while(#actions_now > 0) do -- execute highest priorities first, until all are executed
local hp = get_highest_priority(actions_now)
table.remove(actions_now, hp)
if m_time < resumetime then
-- replace this globalstep function
minetest.registered_globalsteps[globalstep_func_index] = globalstep_func
function mesecon.queue:execute(action)
function queue:execute(action)
-- ignore if action queue function name doesn't exist,
-- (e.g. in case the action queue savegame was written by an old mesecons version)
if mesecon.queue.funcs[action.func] then
mesecon.queue.funcs[action.func](action.pos, unpack(action.params))
if queue.funcs[action.func] then
queue.funcs[action.func](action.pos, unpack(action.params))
@ -98,8 +120,8 @@ end
-- Store and read the ActionQueue to / from a file
-- so that upcoming actions are remembered when the game
-- is restarted
mesecon.queue.actions = mesecon.file2table("mesecon_actionqueue")
queue.actions = mesecon.file2table("mesecon_actionqueue")
mesecon.table2file("mesecon_actionqueue", mesecon.queue.actions)
mesecon.table2file("mesecon_actionqueue", queue.actions)