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API documentation for Stairs+

TODO: write new API docs

api.register_craft_schema({ output = "panel_8 6", recipe = {{"node", "node", "node"}}, })

api.register_craft_schema({ type = "shapeless", output = "micro_8 7", recipe = {"stair_inner"}, })


api.register_crafts_for_shapes({ type = "cooking", output = "default:stone", recipe = "default:cobblestone", cooktime = function(eights) return 3 * eights / 8 end, })

api.register_crafts_for_shapes({ type = "fuel", recipe = "default:coalblock", burntime = function(eights) return 370 * eights / 8 end, })

legacy API

  • stairsplus:register_all(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields) Registers a stair, slab, panel, microblock, and any other types of nodes to be added in the future. This also registers the node with the circular saw. Example:
    stairsplus:register_all("moreblocks", "wood", "default:wood", {
      description = "Wooden",
      tiles = {"default_wood.png"},
      groups = {oddly_breakabe_by_hand=1},
      sounds = moreblocks.node_sound_wood_defaults(),

need to also support legacy aliasing