2013-09-03 10:10:07 -05:00

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Stained Glass
This mod provides luminescent stained glass blocks for Minetest 0.4.7+
[moreblocks] by Calinou
[unifieddyes] by VanessaE
Sat 04 May 2013 01:52:35 PM EDT
Copyright (C) 2013, Eli Innis
Email: doyousketch2 @
Unified Dyes was released under GNU-GPL 2.0, see LICENSE for info.
More Blocks was released under zlib/libpng for code and CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported for textures, see LICENSE.txt for info.
Additional changes by VanessaEzekowitz in July 2013 to take all items
out of creative inventory.
August 2013 -- Jeremy Anderson tries to get this working after the new color
changes, and to resurrect the craft recipes. Still GPL'd as far as I'm concerned.
August 2013 -- rewritten a bit by VanessaEzekowitz to further condense the code.
Recipe for standard colors:
super glow glass
super glow glass
super glow glass
Recipe for pastel colors:
light dye
white paint
super glow glass
super glow glass
super glow glass
Recipe for faint colors:
light dye
white paint
white paint
super glow glass
super glow glass
super glow glass
recipe for low-glow-stained-glass:
as above, but substitute 'glow glass' for super glow glass.
recipe for no-glow-stained-glass:
as regular stained glass, but substitute plain 'glass' for super glow glass
All recipes produce three stained glass blocks.
function makenode(arg)
local name=arg.blockname
local myglow=arg.glow
local myprefix=arg.prefix
local imagename=arg.imagename
local safe=arg.walkflag
local Description
local function tchelper(first, rest)
return first:upper()
end -- from
-- above function is used to turn red_violet_s50 to 'Red Violet S50'
--register item attributes
Description=string.gsub("Stained Glass - ", "_", " ")
Description=Description:gsub("(%a)([%w_']*)", tchelper)
minetest.register_node("stained_glass:", {
description = Description,
drawtype = "glasslike",
tiles = {"stained_glass_" .. imagename .. ".png"},
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
use_texture_alpha = true,
light_source = myglow,
is_ground_content = true,
walkable=safe, -- if not safe, this is trapglass
groups = {snappy=2,cracky=3,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults()
-- maybe someday, I can cleanly combine these two functions.
function stained_trapglass_define(arg)
local code=arg.colorcode
local name=arg.colorname
local rawdyename=arg.recipe
local mydye=arg.recipe
local myshadename=arg.shade
local imagename=name
local stained_glass_blocktype = { }
local stained_glass_lightlevel = { }
if stained_glass.trap_full_light then
stained_glass_lightlevel[""] = LIGHT_MAX
stained_glass_blocktype[""] = "moreblocks:trap_super_glow_glass"
end -- see settings.txt for these settings.
if stained_glass.trap_med_light then
stained_glass_lightlevel["lowglow_"] = LIGHT_MAX-3
stained_glass_blocktype["lowglow_"] = "moreblocks:trap_glow_glass"
if stained_glass.trap_no_light then
stained_glass_lightlevel["noglow_"] = 0
stained_glass_blocktype["noglow_"] = "moreblocks:trap_glass"
for myprefix,myglow in pairs(stained_glass_lightlevel) do
local glasstype = stained_glass_blocktype[myprefix]
local name="trap_" .. name
-- define myrecipe as a table, pass it in.
local myrecipe = { mydye, glasstype, glasstype, glasstype }
-- those four items will ALWAYS be there. For faint and pastel, we
-- need to add additional dyes. If you have defined a new shade, then
-- you should probably handle it here.
if myshadename == "pastel_" then
myrecipe[5] = "dye:white"
if myshadename == "faint_" then
myrecipe[5] = "dye:white"
myrecipe[6] = "dye:white"
type = "shapeless",
output = "stained_glass:"" 3",
recipe = myrecipe,
makenode{blockname=name, glow=myglow, prefix=myprefix, imagename=imagename, walkflag=false}
function stained_glass_define(arg)
local code=arg.colorcode
local name=arg.colorname
local rawdyename=arg.recipe
local mydye=arg.recipe
local myshadename=arg.shade
local imagename=name
local stained_glass_blocktype = { }
local stained_glass_lightlevel = { }
if stained_glass.full_light then
stained_glass_lightlevel[""] = LIGHT_MAX
stained_glass_blocktype[""] = "moreblocks:super_glow_glass"
end -- see settings.txt for these settings.
if stained_glass.med_light then
stained_glass_lightlevel["lowglow_"] = LIGHT_MAX-3
stained_glass_blocktype["lowglow_"] = "moreblocks:glow_glass"
if stained_glass.no_light then
stained_glass_lightlevel["noglow_"] = 0
stained_glass_blocktype["noglow_"] = "default:glass"
for myprefix,myglow in pairs(stained_glass_lightlevel) do
local glasstype = stained_glass_blocktype[myprefix]
-- define myrecipe as a table, pass it in.
local myrecipe = { mydye, glasstype, glasstype, glasstype }
-- those four items will ALWAYS be there. For faint and pastel, we
-- need to add additional dyes. If you have defined a new shade, then
-- you should probably handle it here.
if myshadename == "pastel_" then
myrecipe[5] = "dye:white"
if myshadename == "faint_" then
myrecipe[5] = "dye:white"
myrecipe[6] = "dye:white"
type = "shapeless",
output = "stained_glass:"" 3",
recipe = myrecipe,
makenode{blockname=name, glow=myglow, prefix=myprefix, imagename=name, walkflag=true}
if myprefix == "" then
local aliasname
minetest.register_alias( "stained_glass:" .. code, "stained_glass:" .. name)
if string.match(name,"redviolet") then
aliasname=string.gsub(name, "redviolet","red_violet") -- need to support red_violet existence, too.
minetest.register_alias( "stained_glass:" .. aliasname, "stained_glass:" .. oldname)
-- and an alias from the numeric to the named block
-- we need to keep the numeric block for all the people that used
-- pre-v1.4 blocks in their worlds.
-- no aliases for noglow- and lowglow- blocks, because they didn't
-- exist until v1.5
-- true means this color's recipe must use a direct "dye:xxxxx" item name
-- (perhaps because the related groups overlap two or more distinct colors)
-- false means the recipe uses "group:dye,unicolor_xxxxx"
stained_glass= {}
local worldpath=minetest.get_worldpath()
local modpath=minetest.get_modpath("stained_glass")
dofile(modpath .. "/settings.txt")
-- the new settings.txt file has a variety of possible settings.
-- see the file for examples. We'll access those settings where its important, in
-- the stained glass module, where we'll build up the tables to contain
-- only what we need.
stained_glass_hues = {
{ "yellow", true },
{ "lime", false },
{ "green", true },
{ "aqua", false },
{ "cyan", false },
{ "skyblue", true },
{ "blue", false },
{ "violet", false },
{ "magenta", true },
{ "redviolet", true },
{ "red", true },
{ "orange", false },
-- please note that these only apply when our shadelevel is ""
stained_glass_shades = {
{"dark_", 3 },
{"medium_", 4 },
{"", 5 }, -- full brightness
{"light_", 8 },
{"pastel_", 9 },
{"faint_", 91 }
-- note that dark_ medium_ and plain also have a half-saturation
-- equivalent automatically defined in the code
for i in ipairs(stained_glass_hues) do
local huename = stained_glass_hues[i][1]
local huenumber = i
for j in ipairs(stained_glass_shades) do
local shadename = stained_glass_shades[j][1]
local shadenumber = stained_glass_shades[j][2]
local recipevalue = nil
recipevalue = "group:dye,unicolor_"..shadename..huename
if (shadename == "" and stained_glass_hues[i][2]) then
-- print(huename .. " is set to true -- substituting dye:huename ")
recipevalue = "dye:"..huename
elseif (shadename=="pastel_" or shadename=="faint_") then
-- force light_dye for pastel and faint colors
recipevalue = "group:dye,unicolor_light_"..huename
else -- default case
recipevalue = "group:dye,unicolor_"..shadename..huename
if shadename == "dark_" or shadename == "medium_" or shadename == "" then
colorcode = huenumber.."_"..shadenumber.."_7",
colorname = shadename..huename,
recipe = recipevalue,
shade = shadename,
colorcode = huenumber.."_"..shadenumber.."_7",
colorname = shadename..huename,
recipe = recipevalue,
shade = shadename,
}) -- only defines something if the trap is enabled.
-- below is the automatic "half saturation" block
-- which was mentioned previously
-- this is unicolor only, so switch dyename
-- back to unicolor...
colorcode = huenumber.."_"..shadenumber.."_6",
colorname = shadename..huename.."_s50",
recipe = recipevalue.."_s50",
shade = shadename,
colorcode = huenumber.."_"..shadenumber.."_6",
colorname = shadename..huename.."_s50",
recipe = recipevalue.."_s50",
shade = shadename,
}) -- only defines something if the trap is enabled.
-- because we define two blocks inside this chunk of
-- code, we can't just define the relevant vars and
-- move the proc_call after the if-then loop.
elseif shadename == "light_" or shadename == "pastel_" or shadename == "faint_" then
colorcode = huenumber.."_"..shadenumber,
colorname = shadename..huename,
recipe = recipevalue,
shade = shadename,
colorcode = huenumber.."_"..shadenumber,
colorname = shadename..huename,
recipe = recipevalue,
shade = shadename,
}) -- only defines something if the trap is enabled.
print("[stained_glass] Loaded!")