mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 10:00:33 +01:00
Use MT-5 translation system for technic mod
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ mesecons?
@ -12,13 +12,8 @@ local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("technic")
technic.modpath = modpath
-- Boilerplate to support intllib
if rawget(_G, "intllib") then
technic.getter = intllib.Getter()
technic.getter = function(s,a,...)if a==nil then return s end a={a,...}return s:gsub("(@?)@(%(?)(%d+)(%)?)",function(e,o,n,c)if e==""then return a[tonumber(n)]..(o==""and c or"")else return"@"..o..n..c end end) end
local S = technic.getter
-- Translation support
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
-- Read configuration file
@ -48,6 +43,6 @@ dofile(modpath.."/tools/init.lua")
if minetest.settings:get_bool("log_mods") then
print(S("[Technic] Loaded in %f seconds"):format(os.clock() - load_start))
print(S("[Technic] Loaded in @1 seconds", string.format("%f", os.clock() - load_start)))
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
minetest.register_craftitem("technic:silicon_wafer", {
description = S("Silicon Wafer"),
inventory_image = "technic_silicon_wafer.png",
@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ for p = 0, 35 do
local block = "technic:uranium"..psuffix.."_block"
local ov = p == 7 and minetest.override_item or nil;
(ov or minetest.register_craftitem)(ingot, {
description = string.format(S("%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Ingot"), p/10),
description = S("@1%-Fissile Uranium Ingot", string.format("%.1f", p/10)),
inventory_image = "technic_uranium_ingot.png",
groups = {uranium_ingot=1, not_in_creative_inventory=nici},
@ -183,7 +182,7 @@ for p = 0, 35 do
-- a 3.5%-fissile uranium block.
local radioactivity = math.floor(math.sqrt((1+5.55*p/35) * 18 / (1+5.55*7/35)) + 0.5);
(ov or minetest.register_node)(block, {
description = string.format(S("%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Block"), p/10),
description = S("@1%-Fissile Uranium Block", string.format("%.1f", p/10)),
tiles = {"technic_uranium_block.png"},
is_ground_content = true,
groups = {uranium_block=1, not_in_creative_inventory=nici,
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
# German Translation for Technic Mod
# Deutsche Uebersetzung des Technic Mods
# by Xanthin
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in %f seconds = [Technic] ist in %f Sekunden geladen
## Items
Silicon Wafer = Siliziumscheibe
Doped Silicon Wafer = Dotierte Siliziumscheibe
Enriched Uranium = Angereichertes Uran
Uranium Fuel = Uranbrennstoff
Diamond Drill Head = Diamantbohrkopf
Blue Energy Crystal = Blauer Energiekristall
Green Energy Crystal = Gruener Energiekristall
Red Energy Crystal = Roter Energiekristall
Fine Copper Wire = Feinkupferdraht
Copper Coil = Kupferspule
Electric Motor = Elektromotor
Low Voltage Transformer = Niederspannungstransformator
Medium Voltage Transformer = Mittelspannungstransformator
High Voltage Transformer = Hochspannungstransformator
Control Logic Unit = Steuer- und Regelungseinheit
Mixed Metal Ingot = Mischmetallbarren
Composite Plate = Verbundplatte
Copper Plate = Kupferplatte
Carbon Plate = Kohlefaserplatte
Graphite = Graphit
Carbon Cloth = Kohlefasergewebe
Raw Latex = Rohlatex
Rubber Fiber = Gummifaser
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Ingot =
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Block =
## Machine misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty = Die Maschine kann nicht entfernt werden, weil sie noch nicht leer ist.
Inventory move disallowed due to protection = Das Inventar ist geschuetzt, Zugriff verweigert.
# $1: Machine name (Includes tier)
@1 Active (@2 EU) = @1 ist eingeschaltet (@2 EU)
%s Active = %s ist eingeschaltet
%s Disabled = %s ist ausgeschaltet
%s Enabled =
%s Idle = %s ist bereit
%s Improperly Placed = %s ist falsch plaziert
%s Unpowered = %s hat keine Stromversorgung
%s Out Of Fuel = %s hat keinen Brennstoff
%s Has Bad Cabling = %s ist falsch verkabelt
%s Has No Network = %s hat kein Netzwerk
%s Finished = %s ist fertig
Enable/Disable = Einschalten/Ausschalten
Range = Reichweite
Upgrade Slots = Verbesserungsfaecher
In: = Rein:
Out: = Raus:
Slot %d = Fach %d
Itemwise = Einzelstuecke
Stackwise = Ganzer Stapel
Owner: =
Unlocked =
Locked =
Radius: =
Enabled =
Disabled =
## Machine names
# $1: Tier
%s Alloy Furnace = %s Legierungsofen
%s Battery Box = %s Batteriebox
%s Cable = %s Kabel
%s Compressor = %s Kompressor
%s Extractor = %s Extraktor
%s Forcefield Emitter = %s Kraftfeld-Emitter
%s Furnace = %s Ofen
%s Grinder = %s Schleifmaschine
%s Music Player = %s Musikspieler
%s Quarry = %s Steinbruch
%s Tool Workshop = %s Werkzeugwerkstatt
Arrayed Solar %s Generator = %s Solaranlage
Fuel-Fired %s Generator = %s Kohle-Generator
Geothermal %s Generator = %s Geothermie-Generator
Hydro %s Generator = %s Wassermuehle
Nuclear %s Generator Core = %s Reaktorkern
Small Solar %s Generator = %s Solarmodul
Wind %s Generator = %s Windmuehle
Self-Contained Injector = Selbstversorger-Injektor
Constructor Mk%d = Konstruktor Modell %d
Frame = Rahmen
Frame Motor = Rahmenmotor
Template = Schablone
Template (replacing) = Schablone (ersetzend)
Template motor = Schablonenmotor
Template tool = Schablonenwerkzeug
Battery Box = Batteriebox
Supply Converter = Stromumwandler
Switching Station = Schaltanlage
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace = Kohle-Legierungsofen
Fuel-Fired Furnace = Kohle-Ofen
Wind Mill Frame = Windmuehlengeruest
Forcefield = Kraftfeld
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment = Brennstabfaecher
Administrative World Anchor =
## Machine-specific
# $1: Pruduced EU
Charge = Aufladen
Discharge = Entladen
Power level = Energiestufe
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3 = @1 Batteriebox: @2/@3
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3 = @1. Versorgung: @2 Bedarf: @3
Production at %d%% = Produktion bei %d%%
Choose Milling Program: = Waehle ein Fraesprogramm:
Slim Elements half / normal height: = Schmale Elemente von halber / normaler Hoehe:
Current track %s = Aktueller Titel %s
Stopped =
Keeping %d/%d map blocks loaded =
Digging not started =
Digging finished =
Digging %d m above machine =
Digging %d m below machine =
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name
%s Dust = %sstaub
Akalin = Akalin
Alatro = Alatro
Arol = Arol
Brass = Messing
Bronze = Bronze
Carbon Steel = Kohlenstoffstahl
Cast Iron = Gusseisen
Chromium = Chrom
Coal = Kohle
Copper = Kupfer
Gold = Gold
Mithril = Mithril
Silver = Silber
Stainless Steel = Edelstahl
Talinite = Talinite
Tin = Zinn
Wrought Iron = Schmiedeeisen
Zinc = Zink
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium =
## Tools
RE Battery = Akkubatterie
Water Can = Wasserkanister
Lava Can = Lavakanister
Chainsaw = Kettensaege
Flashlight = Taschenlampe
3 nodes deep. = 3 Bloecke tief.
3 nodes tall. = 3 Bloecke hoch.
3 nodes wide. = 3 Bloecke breit.
3x3 nodes. = 3x3 Bloecke.
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk%d modes. = Halte die Shift-Taste beim Benutzen gedrueckt, um die Funktion des Bergbaubohrers Modell %d zu aendern.
Mining Drill Mk%d Mode %d = Bergbaubohrer Modell %d Funktion %d
Mining Drill Mk%d = Bergbaubohrer Modell %d
Mining Laser Mk%d = Bergbaulaser Modell %d
Single node. = Einzelblock
Sonic Screwdriver = Schallschraubendreher
Tree Tap = Baumzapfhahn
## Craft descriptions
Alloy cooking =
Grinding =
Compressing =
Extracting =
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
# Spanish Translation for Technic Mod
# Traduccion al Español del Mod Technic
# Autor: Diego Martínez <kaeza>
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in %f seconds = [Technic] Cargado en %f segundos
## Items
Silicon Wafer = Oblea de Silicio
Doped Silicon Wafer = Oblea de Silicio Dopada
Enriched Uranium = Uranio Enriquecido
Uranium Fuel = Combustible de Uranio
Diamond Drill Head = Mecha de Taladro de Diamante
Blue Energy Crystal = Cristal de Energia Azul
Green Energy Crystal = Cristal de Energia Verde
Red Energy Crystal = Cristal de Energia Rojo
Fine Copper Wire = Cable Fino de Cobre
Copper Coil = Resorte de Cobre
Electric Motor = Motor Electrico
Low Voltage Transformer = Transformador de Bajo Voltaje
Medium Voltage Transformer = Transformador de Voltaje Medio
High Voltage Transformer = Transformador de Alto Voltaje
Control Logic Unit = Unidad Logica de Control
Mixed Metal Ingot = Lingote de Metal Mezclado
Composite Plate = Placa de Compuestos
Copper Plate = Placa de Cobre
Carbon Plate = Placa de Carbon
Graphite = Grafito
Carbon Cloth = Tela de Carbon
Raw Latex = Latex Crudo
Rubber Fiber = Fibra de Hule
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Ingot =
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Block =
## Machine misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty = La maquina no puede removerse porque no esta vacia
Inventory move disallowed due to protection =
# $1: Machine name (Includes tier)
@1 Active (@2 EU) = @1 Activo (@2 EU)
%s Active = %s Activo
%s Enabled =
%s Idle = %s Quieto
%s Unpowered = %s Sin Energia
%s Out Of Fuel = %s Sin Combustible
%s Has Bad Cabling = %s Tiene Mal Cableado
%s Has No Network = %s No Tiene Una Red
%s Finished = %s Terminado
%s Disabled = %s Deshabilitado
%s Improperly Placed = %s No Colocado Apropiadamente
Range = Alcance
Enable/Disable = Habilitar/Deshabilitar
Itemwise =
Stackwise =
Owner: =
Unlocked =
Locked =
Radius: =
Enabled =
Disabled =
## Machine names
# $1: Tier
%s Alloy Furnace = Horno de Aleacion %s
%s Battery Box = Caja de Bateria %s
%s Cable = Cable %s
%s Compressor = Compresor %s
%s Extractor = Extractor %s
%s Forcefield Emitter = Emisor de Campo de Fuerza %s
%s Furnace = Horno %s
%s Grinder = Amoladora %s
%s Music Player = Reproductor de Musica %s
%s Quarry = Cantera %s
%s Tool Workshop = Taller de Herramientas %s
Arrayed Solar %s Generator = Panel Solar %s
Fuel-Fired %s Generator = Generador a Carbon %s
Geothermal %s Generator = Generador Geotermico %s
Hydro %s Generator = Molino de Agua %s
Nuclear %s Generator Core = Nucleo de Reactor Nuclear %s
Small Solar %s Generator = Panel Solar %s
Wind %s Generator = Molino de Viento %s
Self-Contained Injector =
Constructor Mk%d =
Frame =
Frame Motor =
Template =
Template (replacing) =
Template Motor =
Template Tool =
Supply Converter = Convertidor de Alimentacion
Switching Station = Estacion de Conmutacion
Battery Box = Caja de Baterias
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace = Horno de Aleacion a Carbon
Fuel-Fired Furnace = Horno a Carbon
Forcefield = Campo de Fuerza
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment = Compartimiento para Vara de Reactor Nuclear
Wind Mill Frame = Armazon de Molino de Viento
Administrative World Anchor =
## Machine-specific
# $1: Pruduced EU
Charge = Cargar
Discharge = Descargar
Power level = Nivel de Poder
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3 = Caja de Bateria @1: @2/@3
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3 = @1. Alimentacion: @2 Demanda: @3
# $1: Production percent
Production at %d%% = Produccion en %d%%
Stopped =
Keeping %d/%d map blocks loaded =
Digging not started =
Digging finished =
Digging %d m above machine =
Digging %d m below machine =
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name
%s Dust = Polvo de %s
Akalin = Akalina
Alatro = Alatro
Arol = Arol
Brass = Laton
Bronze = Bronce
Carbon Steel = Acero al Carbono
Cast Iron = Hierro Fundido
Chromium = Cromo
Coal = Carbon
Copper = Cobre
Gold = Oro
Mithril = Mitrilo
Silver = Plata
Stainless Steel = Acero Inoxidable
Talinite = Talinita
Tin = Estanio
Wrought Iron = Hierro Forjado
Zinc = Zinc
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium =
## Tools
RE Battery =
Water Can = Bidon de Agua
Lava Can = Bidon de Lava
Chainsaw = Motosierra
Flashlight = Linterna
3 nodes deep. = 3 nodos de profundo.
3 nodes tall. = 3 nodos de alto.
3 nodes wide. = 3 nodos de ancho.
3x3 nodes. = 3x3 nodos.
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk%d modes. = Manten pulsado Mayus y Usar para cambiar el modo del Taladro de Mineria Mk%d.
Mining Drill Mk%d Mode %d = Taladro de Mineria Mk%d Modo %d
Mining Drill Mk%d = Taladro de Mineria Mk%d
Mining Laser Mk%d = Laser de Mineria Mk%d
Single node. = Nodo simple.
Sonic Screwdriver = Destonillador Sonico
Tree Tap = Grifo de Arbol
## Craft descriptions
Alloy cooking =
Grinding =
Compressing =
Extracting =
@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
# template.txt
# Template for translations of Technic
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in %f seconds = [Technic] Chargement en %f secondes
## Items
Silicon Wafer = Tranche de silicium
Doped Silicon Wafer = Tranche de silicium doppée
Enriched Uranium = Uranium enrichi
Uranium Fuel = Uranium 235
Diamond Drill Head = Tête de forage en diamant
Blue Energy Crystal = Cristal d'énergie bleu
Green Energy Crystal = Cristal d'énergie vert
Red Energy Crystal = Cristal d'énergie rouge
Fine Copper Wire = Fil en cuivre fin
Fine Gold Wire = Fil en or fin
Fine Silver Wire = Fil en argent fin
Copper Coil = Bobine de cuivre
Electric Motor = Moteur électrique
Low Voltage Transformer = Transformateur basse tension
Medium Voltage Transformer = Transformateur moyenne tension
High Voltage Transformer = Transformateur haute tension
Control Logic Unit = Unité de contrôle logique
Mixed Metal Ingot = Lingot de métal allié
Composite Plate = Plaque composite
Copper Plate = Plaque de cuivre
Carbon Plate = Plaque de carbone
Graphite = Graphite
Carbon Cloth = Fibre de carbone
Raw Latex = Latex brut
Rubber Fiber = Fibre de caoutchouc
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Ingot = Lingot d'uranium fissile (%.1f%%)
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Block = Bloc d'uranium fissile (%.1f%%)
## Machine misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty = La machine ne peut pas être retirée car elle n'est pas vide
Inventory move disallowed due to protection = Le mouvement d'inventaire n'est pas autorisé en raison de la protection
# $1: Machine name (Includes tier)
@1 Active (@2 EU) = @1 Active (@2 EU)
%s Active = %s actif
%s Disabled = %s désactivé
%s Enabled = %s activé
%s Idle = %s au repos
%s Improperly Placed = %s est mal placé
%s is empty = %s est vide
%s Unpowered = %s non alimenté en énergie
%s Out Of Fuel = %s plus de carburant
%s Has Bad Cabling = %s est mal cablé
%s (Slave) = %s (esclave)
%s Has No Network = %s n'a pas de réseau
%s Finished = %s a fini
Enable/Disable = Activer/Désactiver
Range = Plage
Upgrade Slots = Emplacement d'amélioration
In: = Entrée :
Out: = Sortie :
Slot %d = Emplacement %d
Itemwise = Item par Item
Stackwise = Stack par Stack
Ignoring Mesecon Signal = Ignorer le signal Mesecon
Controlled by Mesecon Signal = Contrôlé par signal Mesecon
Owner: = Propriétaire :
Unlocked = Déverrouillé
Locked = Verrouillé
Radius: = Rayon :
Enabled = Activé
Disabled = Désactivé
## Machine names
# $1: Tier
%s Alloy Furnace = Four à alliage %s
%s Battery Box = Batterie %s
%s Cable = Câble %s
%s CNC Machine = Machine-outils %s
%s Centrifuge = Centrifugeuse %s
%s Compressor = Compresseur %s
%s Extractor = Extracteur %s
%s Forcefield Emitter = Emetteur de champ de force %s
%s Furnace = Four %s
%s Grinder = Broyeur %s
%s Music Player = Grammophone %s
%s Quarry = Carrière %s
%s Tool Workshop = Atelier d'outillage %s
Arrayed Solar %s Generator = Générateur solaire %s
Fuel-Fired %s Generator = Générateur thermique %s
Geothermal %s Generator = Géénarteur géothermique %s
Hydro %s Generator = Générateur hydroélectrique %s
Nuclear %s Generator Core = Générateur nucléaire %
Small Solar %s Generator = Petit générateur solaire %s
Wind %s Generator = Générateur éolien %s
Self-Contained Injector = Injecteur autonome
Constructor Mk%d = Constructeur Mk%d
Frame = Cadre
Frame Motor = Cadre de moteur
Template = Modèle
Template (replacing) =
Template Motor =
Template Tool =
Battery Box = Compartiment à batterie
Supply Converter = Convertisseur de tension
Switching Station = Station de commutation
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace = Four à alliage à carburant
Fuel-Fired Furnace = Four à carburant
Wind Mill Frame = Cadre d'éolienne
Forcefield = Champ de force
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment = Compartiment à barres du réacteur nucléaire
Administrative World Anchor =
## Machine-specific
# $1: Pruduced EU
Charge = Charger
Discharge = Décharger
Power level = Niveau d'énergie
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3 = @1 batterie : @2/@3
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3 = @1. fournit : @2 demande : @3
Production at %d%% = Production à %d%%
Choose Milling Program: = Choisissez le programme de fraisage :
Slim Elements half / normal height: =
Current track %s = Morceau actuel %s
Stopped = Arrêté
Keeping %d/%d map blocks loaded =
Digging not started = Creusement non démarré
Digging finished = Creusement terminé
Digging %d m above machine = Creusement à %dm au dessus de la machine
Digging %d m below machine = Creusement à %dm en dessous de la machine
@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5) = @1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5)
## CNC
Cylinder =
Element Cross = Elément croisé
Element Cross Double = Elément croisé (double)
Element Edge = Elément de bordure
Element Edge Double = Elément de bordure (double)
Element End = Elément de fin
Element End Double = Elément de fin (double)
Element Straight = Elément droit
Element Straight Double = Elément droit (double)
Element T = Elément en T
Element T Double = Elément en T (double)
Horizontal Cylinder = Cylindre horizontal
One Curved Edge Block = Bloc à un bord incurvé
Pyramid = Pyramide
Slope = Pente
Slope Edge =
Slope Inner Edge =
Slope Lying =
Slope Upside Down =
Slope Upside Down Edge =
Slope Upside Down Inner Edge =
Sphere = Sphère
Spike = Pointe
Stick = Bâton
Two Curved Edge Block = Bloc à deux bords incurvés
Brick = Brique
Cobble = Pierre taillée
Dirt = Terre
Leaves = Feuilles
Sandstone = Grès
Stone = Pierre
Tree = Arbre
Wooden = Bois
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name
%s Dust = Poudre de %s
Akalin =
Alatro =
Arol =
Brass = Laiton
Bronze = Bronze
Carbon Steel = Acier au carbone
Cast Iron = Fonte
Chromium = Chrome
Coal = Charbon
Copper = Cuivre
Gold = Or
Mithril = Mithril
Silver = Argent
Stainless Steel = Acier inoxydable
Talinite = Talanite
Tin = Etain
Wrought Iron = Fer
Zinc = Zinc
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium = Uranium fissile (%.1f%%)
## Tools
RE Battery = Batterie RE
Water Can = Jerrycan d'eau
Lava Can = Jerrycan de lave
Chainsaw = Tronçonneuse
Flashlight = Lampe-torche
3 nodes deep. =
3 nodes tall. =
3 nodes wide. =
3x3 nodes. =
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk%d modes. =
Mining Drill Mk%d Mode %d = Foreuse Mk%d Mode %d
Mining Drill Mk%d = Foreuse Mk%d
Mining Laser Mk%d = Foreuse laser Mk%d
Single node. = Mode simple.
Sonic Screwdriver = Tournevis supersonique
Tree Tap = Robinet à sève
## Craft descriptions
Alloy cooking = Fonderie d'alliage
Grinding = Broyage
Compressing = Compression
Extracting = Extraction
Separating = Séparation
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in %f seconds = [Technic] caricato in %f secondi
## Items
Silicon Wafer = Wafer di silicone
Doped Silicon Wafer = Wafer di silicone dopato
Enriched Uranium = Uranio arricchito
Uranium Fuel = Uranio Combustibile
Diamond Drill Head = Trivella diamantata
Blue Energy Crystal = Cristallo energetico blu
Green Energy Crystal = Cristallo energetico verde
Red Energy Crystal = Cristallo energetico rosso
Fine Copper Wire = Filo di rame fine
Copper Coil = Bobina di rame
Electric Motor = Motore elettrico
Low Voltage Transformer = Trasformatore in bassa tensione
Medium Voltage Transformer = Trasformatore in media tensione
High Voltage Transformer = Trasformatore in alta tensione
Control Logic Unit = Unità di controllo logica
Mixed Metal Ingot = Lingotto in lega ibrida
Composite Plate = Lastra composita
Copper Plate = Lastra di rame
Carbon Plate = Lastra in carbonio
Graphite = Lastra in graffite
Carbon Cloth = Fibra di carbonio
Raw Latex = Latex grezzo
Rubber Fiber = Fibra di gomma
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Ingot = %.1f%%-Lingotto di uranio fissile
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Block = %.1f%%-Blocco di uranio fissile
## Machine misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty = La macchina non può essere rimossa perchè non è vuota
Inventory move disallowed due to protection = Impossibile muovere l'inventario a causa della protezione
# $1: Machine name (Includes tier)
@1 Active (@2 EU) = @1 Attivo (@2 EU)
%s Active = %s Attivo
%s Disabled = %s Disabilitato
%s Enabled = %s Abilitato
%s Idle = %s Inattivo
%s Improperly Placed = %s Piazzato impropiamente
%s Unpowered = %s Non alimentato
%s Out Of Fuel = %s senza carburante
%s Has Bad Cabling = %s ha un cablaggio scorretto
%s Has No Network = %s non è collegata
%s Finished = %s Finito
Enable/Disable = Abilita/Disabilita
Range = Raggio
Upgrade Slots = Alloggi di aggiornamento
In: = Ingresso:
Out: = Uscita:
Slot %d = Alloggio %d
Itemwise = Singolo elemento
Stackwise = pila completa
Owner: = Proprietario:
Unlocked = Non chiuso a chiave
Locked = Chiuso a chiave
Radius: = Raggio:
Enabled = Abilitato
Disabled = Disabilitato
## Machine names
# $1: Tier
%s Alloy Furnace = %s Fornace per leghe
%s Battery Box = %s Box batterie
%s Cable = Cavo %s
%s Compressor = Compressore %s
%s Extractor = Estrattore %s
%s Forcefield Emitter = Emettitore di campo di forza %s
%s Furnace = %s Fornace
%s Grinder = %s Tritatutto
%s Music Player = Music Player %s
%s Quarry = Cava %s
%s Tool Workshop = Officina per attrezzi %s
Arrayed Solar %s Generator = %s Pannello Solare
Fuel-Fired %s Generator = %s Generatore a carbone
Geothermal %s Generator = %s Generatore Geotermico
Hydro %s Generator = Turbina Elettrica %s
Nuclear %s Generator Core = Reattore nucleare %s
Small Solar %s Generator = %s Pannello solare
Wind %s Generator = %s Generatore eolico
Self-Contained Injector = Ignettore
Constructor Mk%d = Costruttore Mk%d
Frame = Cornice
Frame Motor = Cornice del motore
Template = Sagoma
Template (replacing) = Sagoma (di rimpiazzo)
Template Motor = Motore per sagome
Template Tool = Strumento per sagome
Battery Box = Box batterie
Supply Converter = Trasformatore
Switching Station = Stazione di controllo
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace = Fornace per leghe a carbone
Fuel-Fired Furnace = Fornace a carbone
Wind Mill Frame = Pala eolica
Forcefield = Campo di forza
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment = Compartimento combustibile nucleare
Administrative World Anchor = Ancora-mondo amministrativa
## Machine-specific
# $1: Pruduced EU
Charge = Carica
Discharge = Scarica
Power level = Livello di potenza
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3 = @1 Box Batterie: @2/@3
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3 = @1. Prodotto: @2 Consumato: @3
Production at %d%% = Produzione a %d%%
Choose Milling Program: = Scegliere un programma di Fresatura
Slim Elements half / normal height: = Metà elementi sottili / altezza normale:
Current track %s = Traccia corrente %s
Stopped = Fermato
Keeping %d/%d map blocks loaded = Mantenimento di %d/%d blocchi mappa caricati
Digging not started = Scavo non iniziato
Digging finished = Scavo finito
Digging %d m above machine = Scavo di %d m sopra la macchina
Digging %d m below machine = Scavo di %d m sotto la macchina
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name
%s Dust = Polvere di %s
Akalin = Alcalino
Alatro = Alatro
Arol = Arol
Brass = Ottone
Bronze = Bronzo
Carbon Steel = Acciaio al Carbonio
Cast Iron = Ghisa
Chromium = Cromo
Coal = Carbone
Copper = Rame
Gold = Oro
Mithril = Mithril
Silver = Argento
Stainless Steel = Acciaio Inossidabile
Talinite = Talinite
Tin = Stagno
Wrought Iron = Ferro Battuto
Zinc = Zinco
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium = %.1f%%-Uranio fissile
## Tools
RE Battery = Batteria RE
Water Can = Serbatoio d'acqua
Lava Can = Serbatoio di lava
Chainsaw = Motosega
Flashlight = Torcia
3 nodes deep. = 3 nodi in profondità.
3 nodes tall. = 3 nodi in altezza.
3 nodes wide. = 3 nodi in larghezza.
3x3 nodes. = 3x3 nodi.
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk%d modes. = Premi shift (freccia grossa) e usa per cambiare modalità nella trivella da miniera Mk%d.
Mining Drill Mk%d Mode %d = Trivella mk%d in modalità %d
Mining Drill Mk%d = Trivella da miniera mk%d
Mining Laser Mk%d = Laser da miniera mk%d
Single node. = Nodo singolo.
Sonic Screwdriver = Cacciavite sonico
Tree Tap = Batti albero
## Craft descriptions
Alloy cooking = Cottura lege
Grinding = Macinazione
Compressing = Compressione
Extracting = Estrazione
@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
# Polish Translation for Technic mod
# Polskie tłumaczenie Technic mod
# by mat9117
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in %f seconds = [Technic] Wczytany w %f sekund
## Items
Silicon Wafer = Płytka krzemowa
Doped Silicon Wafer = Domieszkowana płytka krzemowa
Enriched Uranium = Wzbogacony uran
Uranium Fuel = Paliwo uranowe
Diamond Drill Head = Diamentowa głowica wiertła
Blue Energy Crystal = Niebieski kryształ energii
Green Energy Crystal = Zielony kryształ energii
Red Energy Crystal = Czerwony kryształ energii
Fine Copper Wire = Cienki miedziany drut
Copper Coil = Miedziana cewka
Electric Motor = Silnik elektryczny
Low Voltage Transformer = Transformator niskiego napięcia
Medium Voltage Transformer = Transformator średniego napięcia
High Voltage Transformer = Transformator wysokiego napięcia
Control Logic Unit = Jednostka sterująca
Mixed Metal Ingot = Sztabka zmieszanych metali
Composite Plate = Płytka kompozytowa
Copper Plate = Płytka miedziana
Carbon Plate = Płytka węglowa
Graphite = Grafit
Carbon Cloth = Włókno węglowe
Raw Latex = Lateks naturalny
Rubber Fiber = Włókno gumowe
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Ingot = %.1f%% Sztabka uranu
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Block = %.1f%% Blok uranu
## Machine misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty = Nie można usunąć maszyny, ponieważ nie jest pusta
Inventory move disallowed due to protection = Przenoszenie rzeczy z ekwipunku niemożliwe z powodu ochrony
# $1: Machine name (Includes tier)
@1 Active (@2 EU) = @1 Aktywny (@2 EU)
%s Active = %s Aktywny/a
%s Disabled = %s Wyłączony/a
%s Enabled = %s Włączony/a
%s Idle = %s Bezczynny/a
%s Improperly Placed = %s Ustawiony/a nieprawidłowo
%s is empty = %s jest pusty/a
%s Unpowered = %s brak zasilania
%s Out Of Fuel = %s brak paliwa
%s Has Bad Cabling = %s Źle podłączono kable
%s (Slave) =
%s Has No Network = %s Nie podłączony/a do sieci
%s Finished = %s Ukończony
Enable/Disable = Włącz/Wyłącz
Range = Zasięg
Upgrade Slots = Miejsca na ulepszenia
In: = Wejście
Out: = Wyjście
Slot %d = Otwór %d
Itemwise = Jeden przedmiot
Stackwise = Cały stack
Ignoring Mesecon Signal = Ignoruj sygnał Mesecon
Controlled by Mesecon Signal = Sterowany sygnałem Mesecon
Owner: = Właściciel:
Unlocked = Odblokowany/a
Locked = Zablokowany/a
Radius: = Promień:
Enabled = Włączony/a
Disabled = Wyłączony/a
## Machine names
# $1: Tier
%s Alloy Furnace = %s Piec stopowy
%s Battery Box = %s Skrzynka baterii
%s Cable = %s Przewód
%s Centrifuge = %s Centryfuga
%s Compressor = %s Kompresor
%s Extractor = %s Ekstraktor
%s Forcefield Emitter = %s Emiter pola siłowego
%s Furnace = %s Piec
%s Grinder = %s Młynek
%s Music Player = %s Odtwarzacz muzyki
%s Quarry = %s Kamieniołom
%s Tool Workshop = %s Warsztat narzędzi
Arrayed Solar %s Generator = %s Szeregowy generator słoneczny
Fuel-Fired %s Generator = %s Generator zasilany paliwem
Geothermal %s Generator = %s Generator geotermalny
Hydro %s Generator = %s Hydrogenerator
Nuclear %s Generator Core = %s Reaktor atomowy
Small Solar %s Generator = %s Mały generator słoneczny
Wind %s Generator = %s Generator wiatrowy
Self-Contained Injector = Samowystarczalny wtryskiwacz
Constructor Mk%d = Konstruktor Mk%d
Frame = Klatka
Frame Motor = Silnik klatkowy
Template = Szablon
Template (replacing) = Szablon (zastępczy)
Template Motor =Szablon silnika
Template Tool = Szablon narzędzia
Battery Box = Skrzynka baterii
Supply Converter = Konwerter zasilania
Switching Station = Rozdzielnia
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace = Piec stopowy zasilany paliwem
Fuel-Fired Furnace = Piec zasilany paliwem
Wind Mill Frame = Klatka wiatraka
Forcefield = Pole siłowe
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment = Komora rdzenia reaktora atomowego
Administrative World Anchor = Administracyjna kotwica świata
## Machine-specific
# $1: Pruduced EU
Charge = Ładuj
Discharge = Rozładuj
Power level = Poziom zasilania
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3 = @1 Skrzynka baterii: @2/@3
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3 = @1. Zapas: @2 Pobór: @3
Production at %d%% = Produkowanie w %d%%
Choose Milling Program: = Wybierz program mielenia:
Slim Elements half / normal height: = Małe elementy połowa / normalna wysokość:
Current track %s =
Stopped = Zatrzymany/a
Keeping %d/%d map blocks loaded = Ciągle ładuję %d/%d bloki mapy
Digging not started = Nie rozpoczęto kopania
Digging finished = Kopanie skończone
Digging %d m above machine = Kopię %d m nad maszyną
Digging %d m below machine = Kopię %d m pod maszyną
@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5) = @1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5)
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name
%s Dust = %s Pył
Akalin = Akalinowy
Alatro = Alatrowy
Arol = Arolowy
Brass = Mosiądzu
Bronze = Brązu
Carbon Steel = Stali węglowej
Cast Iron = Żeliwa
Chromium = Chromu
Coal = Węglowy
Copper = Miedzi
Gold = Złoty
Mithril = Mithrilu
Silver = Srebrny
Stainless Steel = Stali nierdzewnej
Talinite = Talinitu
Tin = Cyny
Wrought Iron = Kutego żelaza
Zinc = Cynku
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium = %.1f%% Uranu
## Tools
RE Battery = Bateria ładowalna
Water Can = Kanister wody
Lava Can = Kanister lawy
Chainsaw = Piła łańcuchowa
Flashlight = Latarka
3 nodes deep. = Głęboki na 3 bloki.
3 nodes tall. = Wysoki na 3 bloki.
3 nodes wide. = Szeroki na 3 bloki.
3x3 nodes. = 3x3 bloki.
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk%d modes. = Użyj podczas skradania, aby zmienić tryby wiertła górniczego Mk%d
Mining Drill Mk%d Mode %d = Tryb wiertła górniczego Mk%d
Mining Drill Mk%d = Wiertło górnicze Mk%d
Mining Laser Mk%d = Laser górniczy Mk%d
Single node. = Pojedynczy blok.
Sonic Screwdriver = Dźwiękowy śrubokręt
Tree Tap = Nacinak drzewny
## Craft descriptions
Alloy cooking = Stapianie
Grinding = Mielenie
Compressing = Kompresowanie
Extracting = Ekstrakcja
Separating = Oddzielanie
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
# Braziliam portuguese translation for technic
# Tradução portuguesa brasileira para technic
# By Sires
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in %f seconds = [Technic] Carregado em %f segundos
## Items
Silicon Wafer = Pastilha de Silício
Doped Silicon Wafer = Pastilha de Silício Dopada
Enriched Uranium = Urânio Enriquecido
Uranium Fuel = Combustivel de Urânio
Diamond Drill Head = Cabeça de Broca de Diamante
Blue Energy Crystal = Cristal de Energia Azul
Green Energy Crystal = Cristal de Energia Verde
Red Energy Crystal = Cristal de Energia Vermelho
Fine Copper Wire = Fio Fino de Cobre
Copper Coil = Bobina de Cobre
Electric Motor = Motor Elétrico
Low Voltage Transformer = Transformador de Baixa Voltagem
Medium Voltage Transformer = Transformador de Média Voltagem
High Voltage Transformer = Transformador de Alta Voltagem
Control Logic Unit = Unidade de Controle Lógico
Mixed Metal Ingot = Lingote de Metal Misturado
Composite Plate = Placa Composta
Copper Plate = Placa de Cobre
Carbon Plate = Placa de Carbono
Graphite = Grafite
Carbon Cloth = Recido de Carbono
Raw Latex = Latex bruto
Rubber Fiber = Fibra de Borracha
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Ingot = Lingote de Urânio %.1f%%-Físsil
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Block = Bloco de Urânio %.1f%%-Físsil
## Machine Misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty = A máquina não pode ser removida porque ela não está vazia
Inventory move disallowed due to protection = Movimento de inventário não permitido pela proteção
# $1: Machine name (includes tier)
@1 Active (@2 EU) = @1 Ativo (@2 EU)
%s Active = %s Ativo
%s Disabled = %s Ativado
%s Enabled = %s Desativado
%s Idle = Ócio
%s Improperly Placed = %s Colocado Inapropriadamente
%s is empty = %s está vazio
%s Unpowered = %s Sem energia
%s Out Of Fuel = %s Sem Combustível
%s Has Bad Cabling = %s Tem Cabeamento Ruim
%s (Slave) = %s (Servo)
%s Has No Network = %s Não Tem Rede
%s Finished = %s Acabou
Enable/Disable = Ativar/Desativar
Range = Alcance
Upgrade Slots = Lugares para Melhoria
In: = Entrada:
Out: = Saída:
Slot %d = Lugar %d
Itemwise = Por item
Stackwise = Por pilha
Ignoring Mesecon Signal = Ignorar Sinaal de Mesecon
Controlled by Mesecon Signal = Controlado por Sinal de Mesecon
Owner: = Dono:
Unlocked = Destravado
Locked = Travado
Radius: = Raio:
Enabled = Ativado
Disabled = Desativado
## Machine names
# $1: Tier
%s Alloy Furnace = Fornalha de Liga %s
%s Battery Box = Caixa de Bateria %s
%s Cable = Cabo %s
%s CNC Machine = Máquina CNC %s
%s Centrifuge = Centrifuga %s
%s Compressor = Compresso %s
%s Extractor = Extrator %s
%s Forcefield Emitter = Emissor de Campo de Força %s
%s Furnace = Fornalha %s
%s Grinder = Triturador %s
%s Music Player = Tocador de Música %s
%s Quarry = Pedreira %s
%s Tool Workshop = Oficina de Ferramentas %s
Arrayed Solar %s Generator = Gerador Solar Equipado %s
Fuel-Fired %s Generator = Gerador Alimentado-por-Combustível %s
Geothermal %s Generator = Gerador Geotermal %s
Hydro %s Generator = Gerador Hidráulico %s
Nuclear %s Generator Core = Núcleo de Gerador Nuclear %s
Small Solar %s Generator = Gerador Solar Pequeno %s
Wind %s Generator = Gerador de Energia Eólica %s
Self-Contained Injector = Injetor Auto-Contido
Constructor Mk%d = Construtor Nv%d
Frame = Armação
Frame Motor = Motor de Armação
Template = Modelo
Template (replacing) = Modelo (recolocando)
Template Motor = Modelo de Motor
Template Tool = Modelo de Ferramenta
Battery Box = Caixa de Bateria
Supply Converter = Conversor de Energia
Switching Station = Estação de Comutação
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace = Fornalha de Liga Alimentada-por-Combustível
Fuel-Fired Furnace = Fornalha Alimentada-por-Combustível
Wind Mill Frame = Armação de Moinho de Vento
Forcefield = Campo de Força
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment = Compartimento de Barra do Reator Nuclear
Administrative World Anchor = Âncora de Mundo Administrativa
## Machine-specific
# $1: Pruduced EU
Charge = Carregar
Discharge = Descarregar
Power level = Nível de Energia
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3 = Caixa de Baterias @1: @2/@3
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3 = @1. Suprimento: @2 Demanda: @3
Production at %d%% = Produção em %d%%
Choose Milling Program: = Escolha o Programa de Serragem:
Slim Elements half / normal height: = Metade de Elementos Finos / altura normal:
Current track %s = Música Atual %s
Stopped = Parado
Keeping %d/%d map blocks loaded = Mantendo %d/%d blocos de mapa carregados
Digging not started = Escavação não começada
Digging finished = Escavação terminada
Digging %d m above machine = Escavando %d m acima da máquina
Digging %d m below machine = Escavando %d m abaixo da máquina
@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5) = @1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5)
## CNC
Cylinder = Cilindro
Element Cross = Cruz do Elemento
Element Cross Double = Cruz Dupla do Elemento
Element Edge = Borda do Elemento
Element Edge Double = Borda Dupla do Elemento
Element End = Final do Elemento
Element End Double = Final Duplo do Elemento
Element Straight = Elemento Contínuo
Element Straight Double = Elemento Contínuo duplo
Element T = Elemento em T
Element T Double = Elemento em T Duplo
Horizontal Cylinder = Cilindro Horizontal
One Curved Edge Block = Uma Borda de Bloco Curvada
Pyramid = Pirâmide
Slope = Ladeira
Slope Edge = Canto de Ladeira
Slope Inner Edge = Canto de Dentro de Ladeira
Slope Lying = Ladeira Deitada
Slope Upside Down = Ladeira de Cabeça para Baixo
Slope Upside Down Edge = Cande de Ladeira de Cabeça para Baixo
Slope Upside Down Inner Edge = Canto de Dentro de Ladeira de Cabeça para Baixo
Sphere = Esfera
Spike = Espinho
Stick = Graveto
Two Curved Edge Block = Bloco de Duas Bordas Curvadas
Brick = Tijolo
Cobble = Pedregulho
Dirt = Terra
Leaves = Folhas
Sandstone = Arenito
Stone = Pedra
Tree = Árvore
Wooden = de Madeira
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name
%s Dust = Pó de %s
Akalin = Akalin
Alatro = Alatro
Arol = Arol
Brass = Latão
Bronze = Bronze
Carbon Steel = Aço Carbono
Cast Iron = Ferro Fundido
Chromium = Crômio
Coal = Carvão
Copper = Cobre
Gold = Ouro
Mithril = Mithril
Silver = Prata
Stainless Steel = Aço Inoxidável
Talinite = Talinite
Tin = Estanho
Wrought Iron = Ferro Forjado
Zinc = Zinco
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium = Urânio %.1f%%-Físsil
## Tools
RE Battery = Bateria RE
Water Can = Lata de Água
Lava Can = Lata de Lava
Chainsaw = Motosserra
Flashlight = Lanterna
3 nodes deep. = 3 nodes de profundidade.
3 nodes tall. = 3 nodes de altura.
3 nodes wide. = 3 nodes de largura.
3x3 nodes. = 3x3 nodes.
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk%d modes. = Use enquanto esgueirando para mudar os modos da Broca de Mineração Nv%d.
Mining Drill Mk%d Mode %d = Broca de Mineração Nv%d Modo %d
Mining Drill Mk%d = Broca de Mineração Nv%d
Mining Laser Mk%d = Laser de Mineração Nv%d
Single node. = Unico node.
Sonic Screwdriver = Chave de Fenda Sônica.
Tree Tap = Torneira de Árvore
## Craft descriptions
Alloy cooking = Cozinhando em liga
Grinding = Triturando
Compressing = Comprimindo
Extracting = Extraindo
Separating = Separando
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
# textdomain: technic
# German Translation for Technic Mod
# Deutsche Uebersetzung des Technic Mods
# by Xanthin
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in @1 seconds=[Technic] ist in @1 Sekunden geladen
## Items
Silicon Wafer=Siliziumscheibe
Doped Silicon Wafer=Dotierte Siliziumscheibe
Enriched Uranium=Angereichertes Uran
Uranium Fuel=Uranbrennstoff
Diamond Drill Head=Diamantbohrkopf
Blue Energy Crystal=Blauer Energiekristall
Green Energy Crystal=Gruener Energiekristall
Red Energy Crystal=Roter Energiekristall
Copper Coil=Kupferspule
Low Voltage Transformer=Niederspannungstransformator
Medium Voltage Transformer=Mittelspannungstransformator
High Voltage Transformer=Hochspannungstransformator
Control Logic Unit=Steuer- und Regelungseinheit
Mixed Metal Ingot=Mischmetallbarren
Composite Plate=Verbundplatte
Copper Plate=Kupferplatte
Carbon Plate=Kohlefaserplatte
Carbon Cloth=Kohlefasergewebe
Machine Casing=
@1%-Fissile Uranium Ingot=
@1%-Fissile Uranium Block=
Raw Latex=Rohlatex
Rubber Fiber=Gummifaser
## Radiation
Radiation damage=
Corium Bucket
Corium Source=
Flowing Corium=
Corium: griefing=
Chernobylite Block=
## Machine misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty=Die Maschine kann nicht entfernt werden, weil sie noch nicht leer ist.
Inventory move disallowed due to protection=Das Inventar ist geschuetzt, Zugriff verweigert.
# $1: Machine name (Includes tier)
@1 Active (@2 EU)=@1 ist eingeschaltet (@2 EU)
@1 Active (@2%)=@1 ist eingeschaltet (@2 %)
@1 Active=@1 ist eingeschaltet
@1 Disabled=@1 ist ausgeschaltet
@1 Enabled=
@1 Idle=@1 ist bereit
@1 Improperly Placed=@1 ist falsch plaziert
@1 is empty=
@1 Unpowered=@1 hat keine Stromversorgung
@1 Out Of Fuel=@1 hat keinen Brennstoff
@1 Has Bad Cabling=@1 ist falsch verkabelt
@1 Has No Network=@1 hat kein Netzwerk
@1 Finished=@1 ist fertig
Manually taking/removing from cache by hand is not possible. If you can't wait, restart or disable the quarry to start automatic purge.=
Upgrade Slots=Verbesserungsfaecher
Slot @1=Fach @1
Stackwise=Ganzer Stapel
Ignoring Mesecon Signal=
Controlled by Mesecon Signal=
@1 Nuclear Reactor Core=
Enables or disables technic's switching station ABM=
@1 Already Present=
[TECHNIC] Warning: redundant switching station found near @1=
Machines: timeout check=
Machines: re-enable check=
You are not allowed to edit this!=
Machines: reactor melt-down check=
Machines: run power radiator=
Machines: run coal alloy furnace=
Machines: run power monitor=
Machines: run injector=
Tools: tree tap=
@1 is unpowered=
@1 is powered (@2% of maximum power)=
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3=
@1 tried to take @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=
## Machine names
Power Monitor=
@1 Alloy Furnace=@1 Legierungsofen
@1 Battery Box=@1 Batteriebox
@1 Cable=@1 Kabel
@1 Cable Plate=
@1 Centrifuge=
@1 Compressor=@1 Kompressor
@1 Extractor=@1 Extraktor
@1 Forcefield Emitter=@1 Kraftfeld-Emitter
@1 Furnace=@1 Ofen
@1 Freezer=
@1 Grinder=@1 Schleifmaschine
@1 Music Player=@1 Musikspieler
@1 Power Radiator=
@1 Quarry=@1 Steinbruch
@1 Tool Workshop=@1 Werkzeugwerkstatt
Arrayed Solar @1 Generator=@1 Solaranlage
Fuel-Fired @1 Generator=@1 Kohle-Generator
Geothermal @1 Generator=@1 Geothermie-Generator
Hydro @1 Generator=@1 Wassermuehle
Nuclear @1 Generator Core=@1 Reaktorkern
Small Solar @1 Generator=@1 Solarmodul
Wind @1 Generator=@1 Windmuehle
Constructor Mk@1=
Self-Contained Injector=Selbstversorger-Injektor
Constructor Mk@1=Konstruktor Modell @1
Frame Motor=Rahmenmotor
Template (replacing)=Schablone (ersetzend)
Template Tool=Schablonenwerkzeug
Template Motor=Schablonenmotor
Supply Converter=Stromumwandler
Switching Station=Schaltanlage
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace=Kohle-Legierungsofen
Fuel-Fired Furnace=Kohle-Ofen
Wind Mill Frame=Windmuehlengeruest
@1 Forcefield=@1 Kraftfeld
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment=Brennstabfaecher
Administrative World Anchor=
Vacuum Cleaner=
## Machine-specific
Input Power=
Digiline Channel=
edit Channel=
@1 (@2%)=
automatic Start=
Enable Digiline=
Digiline Remote Channel
A reactor melted down at @1=
Start successful=
@1 purging cache=
@1 Disabled=
Power level=Energiestufe
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3=@1 Batteriebox: @2/@3
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3=@1. Versorgung: @2 Bedarf: @3
Current track %s=Aktueller Titel %s
Keeping @1/@2 map blocks loaded=
Digging not started=
Digging finished=
Digging @1 m @2 machine=
@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5)=
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=
Yellow Glowlight (thick)=
Yellow Glowlight (thin)=
White Glowlight (thick)=
White Glowlight (thin)=
Yellow Glowlight (small cube)=
## Grinder Recipes
Common Tree=
Rubber Tree=
@1 Dust=@1staub
Carbon Steel=Kohlenstoffstahl
Cast Iron=Gusseisen
Stainless Steel=Edelstahl
Wrought Iron=Schmiedeeisen
@1%-Fissile Uranium=
## Tools
RE Battery=Akkubatterie
Allow splitting incoming 'charge' stacks from tubes=
Allow splitting incoming 'discharge' stacks=
Water Can=Wasserkanister
Lava Can=Lavakanister
River Water Can=
3 nodes deep.=3 Bloecke tief.
3 nodes tall.=3 Bloecke hoch.
3 nodes wide.=3 Bloecke breit.
3x3 nodes.=3x3 Bloecke.
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk@1 modes.=Halte die Shift-Taste beim Benutzen gedrueckt, um die Funktion des Bergbaubohrers Modell @1 zu aendern.
Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2=Bergbaubohrer Modell @1 Funktion @2
Mining Drill Mk@1=Bergbaubohrer Modell @1
Mining Laser Mk@1=Bergbaulaser Modell @1
Single node.=Einzelblock
Sonic Screwdriver (left-click rotates face, right-click rotates axis)=Schallschraubendreher
Tree Tap=Baumzapfhahn
Right-click to set target block type=
Current target:=
No target set=
May set new target:=
Set target=
No new target available=
Region cross section:=
Set region cross section:=
Region depth:=
Set region depth:=
## Craft descriptions
@1 Grinding=
[Technic] ignored registration of garbage recipe!=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
# textdomain: technic
# Spanish Translation for Technic Mod
# Traduccion al Español del Mod Technic
# Autor: Diego Martínez <kaeza>
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in @1 seconds=[Technic] Cargado en @1 segundos
## Items
Silicon Wafer=Oblea de Silicio
Doped Silicon Wafer=Oblea de Silicio Dopada
Enriched Uranium=Uranio Enriquecido
Uranium Fuel=Combustible de Uranio
Diamond Drill Head=Mecha de Taladro de Diamante
Blue Energy Crystal=Cristal de Energia Azul
Green Energy Crystal=Cristal de Energia Verde
Red Energy Crystal=Cristal de Energia Rojo
Copper Coil=Resorte de Cobre
Low Voltage Transformer=Transformador de Bajo Voltaje
Medium Voltage Transformer=Transformador de Voltaje Medio
High Voltage Transformer=Transformador de Alto Voltaje
Control Logic Unit=Unidad Logica de Control
Mixed Metal Ingot=Lingote de Metal Mezclado
Composite Plate=Placa de Compuestos
Copper Plate=Placa de Cobre
Carbon Plate=Placa de Carbon
Carbon Cloth=Tela de Carbon
Machine Casing=
@1%-Fissile Uranium Ingot =
@1%-Fissile Uranium Block =
Raw Latex=Latex Crudo
Rubber Fiber=Fibra de Hule
## Radiation
Radiation damage=
Corium Bucket
Corium Source=
Flowing Corium=
Corium: griefing=
Chernobylite Block=
## Machine misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty=La maquina no puede removerse porque no esta vacia
Inventory move disallowed due to protection=
@1 Active (@2 EU)=@1 Activo (@2 EU)
@1 Active (@2%)=@1 Activo (@2%)
@1 Active=@1 Activo
@1 Disabled=@1 Deshabilitado
@1 Idle
@1 Enabled=
@1 Idle=@1 Quieto
@1 Improperly Placed=@1 No Colocado Apropiadamente
@1 is empty=
@1 Unpowered=@1 Sin Energia
@1 Out Of Fuel=@1 Sin Combustible
@1 Has Bad Cabling=@1 Tiene Mal Cableado
@1 Has No Network=@1 No Tiene Una Red
@1 Finished=@1 Terminado
Manually taking/removing from cache by hand is not possible. If you can't wait, restart or disable the quarry to start automatic purge.=
Upgrade Slots=
Slot @1=
Ignoring Mesecon Signal=
Controlled by Mesecon Signal=
@1 Nuclear Reactor Core=
Enables or disables technic's switching station ABM=
@1 Already Present=
[TECHNIC] Warning: redundant switching station found near @1=
Machines: timeout check=
Machines: re-enable check=
You are not allowed to edit this!=
Machines: reactor melt-down check=
Machines: run power radiator=
Machines: run coal alloy furnace=
Machines: run power monitor=
Machines: run injector=
Tools: tree tap=
@1 is unpowered=
@1 is powered (@2% of maximum power)=
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3=
@1 tried to take @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=
## Machine names
Power Monitor=
@1 Alloy Furnace=Horno de Aleacion @1
@1 Battery Box=Caja de Bateria @1
@1 Cable=Cable @1
@1 Cable Plate=
@1 Centrifuge=
@1 Compressor=Compresor @1
@1 Extractor=Extractor @1
@1 Forcefield Emitter=Emisor de Campo de Fuerza @1
@1 Furnace=Horno @1
@1 Freezer=
@1 Grinder=Amoladora @1
@1 Music Player=Reproductor de Musica @1
@1 Quarry=Cantera @1
@1 Tool Workshop=Taller de Herramientas @1
Arrayed Solar @1 Generator=Panel Solar @1
Fuel-Fired @1 Generator=Generador a Carbon @1
Geothermal @1 Generator=Generador Geotermico @1
Hydro @1 Generator=Molino de Agua @1
Nuclear @1 Generator Core=Nucleo de Reactor Nuclear @1
Small Solar @1 Generator=Panel Solar @1
Wind @1 Generator=Molino de Viento @1
Self-Contained Injector=
Constructor Mk@1=
Frame Motor=
Template (replacing)=
Template Motor=
Template Tool=
Supply Converter=Convertidor de Alimentacion
Switching Station=Estacion de Conmutacion
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace=Horno de Aleacion a Carbon
Fuel-Fired Furnace=Horno a Carbon
Wind Mill Frame=Armazon de Molino de Viento
@1 Forcefield=Campo de Fuerza @1
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment=Compartimiento para Vara de Reactor Nuclear
Administrative World Anchor=
Vacuum Cleaner=
## Machine-specific
Input Power=
Digiline Channel=
edit Channel=
@1 (@2%)=
automatic Start=
Enable Digiline=
Digiline Remote Channel
A reactor melted down at @1=
Start successful=
@1 purging cache=
@1 Disabled=
Power level=Nivel de Poder
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3=Caja de Bateria @1: @2/@3
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3=@1. Alimentacion: @2 Demanda: @3
Current track @1=
Stopped =
Keeping @1/@2 map blocks loaded=
Digging not started=
Digging finished=
Digging @1 m @2 machine=
@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5)=
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=
Yellow Glowlight (thick)=
Yellow Glowlight (thin)=
White Glowlight (thick)=
White Glowlight (thin)=
Yellow Glowlight (small cube)=
## Grinder Recipes
Common Tree=
Rubber Tree=
@1 Dust = Polvo de @1
Carbon Steel=Acero al Carbono
Cast Iron=Hierro Fundido
Stainless Steel=Acero Inoxidable
Wrought Iron=Hierro Forjado
@1%-Fissile Uranium=
## Tools
RE Battery =
Allow splitting incoming 'charge' stacks from tubes=
Allow splitting incoming 'discharge' stacks=
Water Can=Bidon de Agua
Lava Can=Bidon de Lava
River Water Can=
3 nodes deep.=3 nodos de profundo.
3 nodes tall.=3 nodos de alto.
3 nodes wide.=3 nodos de ancho.
3x3 nodes.=3x3 nodos.
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk@1 modes.=Manten pulsado Mayus y Usar para cambiar el modo del Taladro de Mineria Mk@1.
Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2:=Taladro de Mineria Mk@1 Modo @2:
Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2=Taladro de Mineria Mk@1 Modo @2
Mining Drill Mk@1=Taladro de Mineria Mk@1
Mining Laser Mk@1=Laser de Mineria Mk@1
Single node.=Nodo simple.
Sonic Screwdriver (left-click rotates face, right-click rotates axis)=Destonillador Sonico
Tree Tap=Grifo de Arbol
Right-click to set target block type=
Current target:=
No target set=
May set new target:=
Set target=
No new target available=
Region cross section:=
Set region cross section:=
Region depth:=
Set region depth:=
## Craft descriptions
@1 Grinding=
[Technic] ignored registration of garbage recipe!=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
# textdomain: technic
# template.txt
# Template for translations of Technic
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in @1 seconds=[Technic] Chargement en @1 secondes
## Items
Silicon Wafer=Tranche de silicium
Doped Silicon Wafer=Tranche de silicium doppé
Enriched Uranium=Uranium enrichi
Uranium Fuel=Uranium 235
Diamond Drill Head=Tête de forage en diamant
Blue Energy Crystal=Cristal d'énergie bleu
Green Energy Crystal=Cristal d'énergie vert
Red Energy Crystal=Cristal d'énergie rouge
Copper Coil=Bobine de cuivre
Low Voltage Transformer=Transformateur basse tension
Medium Voltage Transformer=Transformateur moyenne tension
High Voltage Transformer=Transformateur haute tension
Control Logic Unit=Unité de contrôle logique
Mixed Metal Ingot=Lingot de métal allié
Composite Plate=Plaque composite
Copper Plate=Plaque de cuivre
Carbon Plate=Plaque de carbone
Carbon Cloth=Fibre de carbone
Machine Casing=Boîtier de machine
@1%-Fissile Uranium Ingot=Lingot d'uranium fissile (@1 %)
@1%-Fissile Uranium Block=Bloc d'uranium fissile (@1 %)
Raw Latex=Latex brut
Rubber Fiber=Fibre de caoutchouc
## Radiation
Radiation damage=Dommages dus aux radiations
Corium Bucket=Seau de corium
Corium Source=Source de corium
Flowing Corium=Corium liquide
Corium: griefing=Corium : griefing
Chernobylite Block=Bloc de Chernobylite
## Machine misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty=La machine ne peut pas être retirée car elle n’est pas vide
Inventory move disallowed due to protection=Le déplacement d’inventaire n’est pas autorisé en raison de la protection
@1 Active (@2 EU)=@1 actif (@2 EU)
@1 Active (@2%)=@1 actif (@2 %)
@1 Active=@1 actif
@1 Disabled=@1 désactivé
@1 Enabled=@1 activé
@1 Idle=@1 au repos
@1 Improperly Placed=@1 est mal placé
@1 is empty=@1 est vide
@1 Unpowered=@1 non alimenté en énergie
@1 Out Of Fuel=@1 n’a plus de carburant
@1 Has Bad Cabling=@1 est mal cablé
@1 Has No Network=@1 n’a pas de réseau
@1 Finished=@1 a fini
Manually taking/removing from cache by hand is not possible. If you can't wait, restart or disable the quarry to start automatic purge.=Intéragir avec le cache manuellement n’est pas possible. Si vous ne pouvez pas attendre, redémarrez ou désactivez la carrière pour commencer la purge automatique.
Upgrade Slots=Emplacements d'amélioration
Slot @1=Emplacement @1
Itemwise=Item par item
Stackwise=Stack par stack
Ignoring Mesecon Signal=Ignorer le signal Mesecon
Controlled by Mesecon Signal=Contrôlé par signal Mesecon
Owner: @1=Propriétaire : @1
Radius:=Rayon :
LV=faible tension
MV=moyenne tension
HV=haute tension
@1 Nuclear Reactor Core=Cœur de réacteur nucléaire @1
Enables or disables technic's switching station ABM=Active ou desactive la station de commutation de technic
@1 Already Present=@1 déja présent
[TECHNIC] Warning: redundant switching station found near @1=[TECHNIC] Avertissement : station de commutation redondante près de @1
Machines: timeout check=Machines : vérification de timeout
Machines: re-enable check=Machines : réactivation des vérifications
You are not allowed to edit this!=Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à modifier cela !
Machines: reactor melt-down check=Machines : vérification de la fusion des réacteurs
Machines: run power radiator=Machines : fonctionnement du radiateur de puissance
Machines: run coal alloy furnace=Machines : fonctionnement du four à alliages au charbon
Machines: run power monitor=Machines : fonctionnement du contrôleur de puissance
Machines: run injector= fonctionnement de l’injecteur
Tools: tree tap=Outils : Robinet à sève
@1 is unpowered=@1 est hors tension
@1 is powered (@2% of maximum power)=@1 est alimenté (@2 % de la puissance maximale)
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3=@1 a essayé de placer @2 à la position protégée @3
@1 tried to take @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=@1 a essayé de prendre @2 à la position protégée @3 avec un @4
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=@1 a essayé de placer @2 à la position protégée @3 avec un @4
## Machine names
Power Monitor=Contrôleur de puissance
@1 Alloy Furnace=Four à alliages @1
@1 Battery Box=Batterie @1
@1 Cable=Câble @1
@1 Cable Plate=Plaque de câble @1
@1 Centrifuge=Centrifugeuse @1
@1 Compressor=Compresseur @1
@1 Extractor=Extracteur @1
@1 Forcefield Emitter=Émetteur de champ de force @1
@1 Furnace=Four @1
@1 Freezer=Congélateur @1
@1 Grinder=Broyeur @1
@1 Music Player=Grammophone @1
@1 Power Radiator=Radiateur de puissance @1
@1 Quarry=Carrière @1
@1 Tool Workshop=Atelier d’outillage @1
Arrayed Solar @1 Generator=Générateur solaire @1
Fuel-Fired @1 Generator=Générateur thermique @1
Geothermal @1 Generator=Générateur géothermique @1
Hydro @1 Generator=Générateur hydroélectrique @1
Nuclear @1 Generator Core=Générateur nucléaire @1
Small Solar @1 Generator=Petit générateur solaire @1
Wind @1 Generator=Générateur éolien @1
Self-Contained Injector=Injecteur autonome
Constructor Mk@1=Constructeur Mk@1
Frame Motor=Cadre de moteur
Template (replacing)=Modèle (remplacement)
Template Tool=Modèle d’outil
Template Motor=Modèle de moteur
Supply Converter=Convertisseur de tension
Switching Station=Station de commutation
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace=Four à alliage à carburant
Fuel-Fired Furnace=Four à carburant
Wind Mill Frame=Cadre d’éolienne
@1 Forcefield=Champ de force @1
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment=Compartiment à barres du réacteur nucléaire
Administrative World Anchor=Ancre pour les administrateurs du monde
Vacuum Cleaner=Aspirateur
## Machine-specific
Input Power=Puissance d’entrée
Digiline Channel=Cannal Digiline
edit Channel=choisir le cannal
@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2 %)
automatic Start=démarrage automatic
Enable Digiline=Activer Digiline
Digiline Remote Channel=Cannal Digiline distant
A reactor melted down at @1=Un réacteur a fusionné à @1
Start successuful=Démarré avec succès
@1 purging cache=@1 purge le cache
@1 Disabled=@1 désactivé
Power level=Niveau d'énergie
#@1: Tier @2: current_charge @3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3=@1 batterie : @2/@3
# @1: Machine name @2: Supply @3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3=@1. fournit : @2 demande : @3
Current track @1=Morceau actuel @1
Keeping @1/@2 map blocks loaded=Garde @1/@2 blocs du monde chargés
Digging not started=Creusage non démarré
Digging finished=Creusage terminé
Digging @1 m @2 machine=Creusage à @1m @2 de la machine
above=au dessus
below=en dessous
@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5)=@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5)
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=Désolé, cet endroit est la propriété de @1.
Yellow Glowlight (thick)=Lumière jaune (forte)
Yellow Glowlight (thin)=Lumière jaune (faible)
White Glowlight (thick)=Lumière blanche (faible)
White Glowlight (thin)=Lumière blanche (forte)
Yellow Glowlight (small cube)=Lumière jaune (petit cube)
## Grinder Recipes
Sawdust=sciures de bois
Common Tree=arbre commun
Rubber Tree=arbre à caoutchou
@1 Dust=Poudre @1
Brass=de laiton
Bronze=de bronze
Carbon Steel=d’acier au carbone
Cast Iron=de fonte
Chernobylite=de chernobylite
Chromium=de chrome
Coal=de charbon
Copper=de cuivre
Kalite=de kalite
Lead=de plomb
Mithril=de mithril
Stainless Steel=d’acier inoxydable
Sulfur=de soufre
Stone=de pierre
Talinite=de Talanite
Wrought Iron=de fer
Zinc=de zinc
@1%-Fissile Uranium=d’uranium fissile (@1 %)
## Tools
RE Battery=Batterie RE
Allow splitting incoming 'charge' stacks from tubes=Autoriser à séparer les piles de 'charges' entrantes venant des tuyaux
Allow splitting incoming 'discharge' stacks=Autoriser à séparer les piles de 'décharges'
Water Can=Jerrican d’eau
Lava Can=Jerrican de lave
River Water Can=Jerrican d’eau de rivière
3 nodes deep.=3 blocs de profondeur.
3 nodes tall.=3 blocs de long.
3 nodes wide.=3 blocs de large.
3x3 nodes.=3×3 blocs.
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk@1 modes.=À utiliser acroupis pour changer le mode de la foreuse Mk@1.
Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2: =Foreuse Mk@1 Mode @2 :
Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2=Foreuse Mk@1 Mode @2
Mining Drill Mk@1=Foreuse Mk@1
Mining Laser Mk@1=Foreuse laser Mk@1
Single node.=Mode simple.
Sonic Screwdriver (left-click rotates face, right-click rotates axis)=Tournevis supersonique (clic gauche pour tourner l’avant, clic droit pour tourner l’axe)
Tree Tap=Robinet à sève
Right-click to set target block type=Clic droit pour définir un type de bloc cible
Current target:=Cible actuelle :
No target set=Pas de cible définie
May set new target:=Peut définir une nouvelle cible :
Set target=Définir une cible
No new target available=Pas de cible disponible
Region cross section:=Section de la zone en commun :
Set region cross section:=Définir une section en commun :
Region depth:=Profondeur de la zone :
Set region depth:=Définir la profondeur de la zone :
Accuracy:=Précision :
## Craft descriptions
Alloying=Fonderie d’alliage
@1 Grinding=Broyage d’@1
[Technic] ignored registration of garbage recipe!=[Technic] enregistrement d’une recette incohérente ignoré !
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
# textdomain: technic
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in @1 seconds=[Technic] caricato in @1 secondi
## Items
Silicon Wafer=Wafer di silicone
Doped Silicon Wafer=Wafer di silicone dopato
Enriched Uranium=Uranio arricchito
Uranium Fuel=Uranio Combustibile
Diamond Drill Head=Trivella diamantata
Blue Energy Crystal=Cristallo energetico blu
Green Energy Crystal=Cristallo energetico verde
Red Energy Crystal=Cristallo energetico rosso
Copper Coil=Bobina di rame
Low Voltage Transformer=Trasformatore in bassa tensione
Medium Voltage Transformer=Trasformatore in media tensione
High Voltage Transformer=Trasformatore in alta tensione
Control Logic Unit=Unità di controllo logica
Mixed Metal Ingot=Lingotto in lega ibrida
Composite Plate=Lastra composita
Copper Plate=Lastra di rame
Carbon Plate=Lastra in carbonio
Graphite=Lastra in graffite
Carbon Cloth=Fibra di carbonio
Machine Casing=
@1%-Fissile Uranium Ingot=@1%-Lingotto di uranio fissile
@1%-Fissile Uranium Block=@1%-Blocco di uranio fissile
Raw Latex=Latex grezzo
Rubber Fiber=Fibra di gomma
## Radiation
Radiation damage=
Corium Bucket
Corium Source=
Flowing Corium=
Corium: griefing=
Chernobylite Block=
## Machine misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty=La macchina non può essere rimossa perchè non è vuota
Inventory move disallowed due to protection=Impossibile muovere l'inventario a causa della protezione
@1 Active (@2 EU)=@1 Attivo (@2 EU)
@1 Active (@2%)=@1 Attivo (@2%)
@1 Active=@1 Attivo
@1 Disabled=@1 Disabilitato
@1 Enabled=@1 Abilitato
@1 Idle=@1 Inattivo
@1 Improperly Placed=@1 Piazzato impropiamente
@1 is empty=
@1 Unpowered=@1 Non alimentato
@1 Out Of Fuel=@1 senza carburante
@1 Has Bad Cabling=@1 ha un cablaggio scorretto
@1 Has No Network=@1 non è collegata
@1 Finished=@1 Finito
Upgrade Slots=Alloggi di aggiornamento
Slot @1=Alloggio @1
Itemwise=Singolo elemento
Stackwise=pila completa
Ignoring Mesecon Signal=
Controlled by Mesecon Signal=
Unlocked=Non chiuso a chiave
Locked=Chiuso a chiave
@1 Nuclear Reactor Core=
Enables or disables technic's switching station ABM=
@1 Already Present=
[TECHNIC] Warning: redundant switching station found near @1=
Machines: timeout check=
Machines: re-enable check=
You are not allowed to edit this!=
Machines: reactor melt-down check=
Machines: run power radiator=
Machines: run coal alloy furnace=
Machines: run power monitor=
Machines: run injector=
Tools: tree tap=
@1 is unpowered=
@1 is powered (@2% of maximum power)=
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3=
@1 tried to take @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=
## Machine names
Power Monitor=
@1 Alloy Furnace=@1 Fornace per leghe
@1 Battery Box= @1 Box batterie
@1 Cable=Cavo @1
@1 Cable Plate=
@1 Centrifuge=
@1 Compressor=Compressore @1
@1 Extractor=Estrattore @1
@1 Forcefield Emitter=Emettitore di campo di forza @1
@1 Furnace=@1 Fornace
@1 Freezer=
@1 Grinder=@1 Tritatutto
@1 Music Player=Music Player @1
@1 Quarry=Cava @1
@1 Tool Workshop=Officina per attrezzi @1
Arrayed Solar @1 Generator=@1 Pannello Solare
Fuel-Fired @1 Generator=@1 Generatore a carbone
Geothermal @1 Generator=@1 Generatore Geotermico
Hydro @1 Generator=Turbina Elettrica @1
Nuclear @1 Generator Core=Reattore nucleare @1
Small Solar @1 Generator=@1 Pannello solare
Wind @1 Generator=@1 Generatore eolico
Self-Contained Injector=Ignettore
Constructor Mk@1=Costruttore Mk@1
Frame Motor=Cornice del motore
Template (replacing)=Sagoma (di rimpiazzo)
Template Motor=Motore per sagome
Template Tool=Strumento per sagome
Supply Converter=Trasformatore
Switching Station=Stazione di controllo
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace=Fornace per leghe a carbone
Fuel-Fired Furnace=Fornace a carbone
Wind Mill Frame=Pala eolica
@1 Forcefield=Campo di forza @1
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment=Compartimento combustibile nucleare
Administrative World Anchor=Ancora-mondo amministrativa
Vacuum Cleaner=
## Machine-specific
Input Power=
Digiline Channel=
edit Channel=
@1 (@2%)=
automatic Start=
Enable Digiline=
Digiline Remote Channel
A reactor melted down at @1=
Start successful=
@1 purging cache=
@1 Disabled=
Power level=Livello di potenza
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3=@1 Box Batterie: @2/@3
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3=@1. Prodotto: @2 Consumato: @3
Current track @1=Traccia corrente @1
Keeping @1/@2 map blocks loaded=Mantenimento di @1/@2 blocchi mappa caricati
Digging not started=Scavo non iniziato
Digging finished=Scavo finito
Digging @1 m @2 machine=Scavo di @1 m @2 la macchina
@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5)=
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=
Yellow Glowlight (thick)=
Yellow Glowlight (thin)=
White Glowlight (thick)=
White Glowlight (thin)=
Yellow Glowlight (small cube)=
## Grinder Recipes
Common Tree=
Rubber Tree=
@1 Dust=Polvere di @1
Carbon Steel=Acciaio al Carbonio
Cast Iron=Ghisa
Stainless Steel=Acciaio Inossidabile
Wrought Iron=Ferro Battuto
@1%-Fissile Uranium=@1%-Uranio fissile
## Tools
RE Battery=Batteria RE
Allow splitting incoming 'charge' stacks from tubes=
Allow splitting incoming 'discharge' stacks=
Water Can=Serbatoio d'acqua
Lava Can=Serbatoio di lava
River Water Can=
3 nodes deep.=3 nodi in profondità.
3 nodes tall.=3 nodi in altezza.
3 nodes wide.=3 nodi in larghezza.
3x3 nodes.=3x3 nodi.
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk@1 modes.=Premi shift (freccia grossa) e usa per cambiare modalità nella trivella da miniera Mk@1.
Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2:=Trivella mk@1 in modalità @2:
Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2=Trivella mk@1 in modalità @2
Mining Drill Mk@1=Trivella da miniera mk@1
Mining Laser Mk@1=Laser da miniera mk@1
Single node. = Nodo singolo.
Sonic Screwdriver (left-click rotates face, right-click rotates axis)=Cacciavite sonico
Tree Tap=Batti albero
Right-click to set target block type=
Current target:=
No target set=
May set new target:=
Set target=
No new target available=
Region cross section:=
Set region cross section:=
Region depth:=
Set region depth:=
## Craft descriptions
Alloying=Cottura lege
@1 Grinding=Macinazione @1
[Technic] ignored registration of garbage recipe!=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
# textdomain: technic
# Polish Translation for Technic mod
# Polskie tłumaczenie Technic mod
# by mat9117
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in @1 seconds=[Technic] Wczytany w @1 sekund
## Items
Silicon Wafer=Płytka krzemowa
Doped Silicon Wafer=Domieszkowana płytka krzemowa
Enriched Uranium=Wzbogacony uran
Uranium Fuel=Paliwo uranowe
Diamond Drill Head=Diamentowa głowica wiertła
Blue Energy Crystal=Niebieski kryształ energii
Green Energy Crystal=Zielony kryształ energii
Red Energy Crystal=Czerwony kryształ energii
Copper Coil=Miedziana cewka
Low Voltage Transformer=Transformator niskiego napięcia
Medium Voltage Transformer=Transformator średniego napięcia
High Voltage Transformer=Transformator wysokiego napięcia
Control Logic Unit=Jednostka sterująca
Mixed Metal Ingot=Sztabka zmieszanych metali
Composite Plate=Płytka kompozytowa
Copper Plate=Płytka miedziana
Carbon Plate=Płytka węglowa
Carbon Cloth=Włókno węglowe
Machine Casing=
@1%-Fissile Uranium Ingot=@1% Sztabka uranu
@1%-Fissile Uranium Block=@1% Blok uranu
Raw Latex=Lateks naturalny
Rubber Fiber=Włókno gumowe
## Radiation
Radiation damage=
Corium Bucket
Corium Source=
Flowing Corium=
Corium: griefing=
Chernobylite Block=
## Machine misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty=Nie można usunąć maszyny, ponieważ nie jest pusta
Inventory move disallowed due to protection=Przenoszenie rzeczy z ekwipunku niemożliwe z powodu ochrony
@1 Active (@2 EU) = @1 Aktywny (@2 EU)
@1 Active (@2%) = @1 Aktywny (@2%)
@1 Active=@1 Aktywny/a
@1 Disabled=@1 Wyłączony/a
@1 Enabled=@1 Włączony/a
@1 Idle=@1 Bezczynny/a
@1 Improperly Placed=@1 Ustawiony/a nieprawidłowo
@1 is empty=@1 jest pusty/a
@1 Unpowered=@1 brak zasilania
@1 Out Of Fuel=@1 brak paliwa
@1 Has Bad Cabling=@1 Źle podłączono kable
@1 Has No Network=@1 Nie podłączony/a do sieci
@1 Finished=@1 Ukończony
Manually taking/removing from cache by hand is not possible. If you can't wait, restart or disable the quarry to start automatic purge.=
Upgrade Slots=Miejsca na ulepszenia
Slot @1=Otwór @1
Itemwise=Jeden przedmiot
Stackwise=Cały stack
Ignoring Mesecon Signal=Ignoruj sygnał Mesecon
Controlled by Mesecon Signal=Sterowany sygnałem Mesecon
@1 Nuclear Reactor Core=
Enables or disables technic's switching station ABM=
@1 Already Present=
[TECHNIC] Warning: redundant switching station found near @1=
Machines: timeout check=
Machines: re-enable check=
You are not allowed to edit this!=
Machines: reactor melt-down check=
Machines: run power radiator=
Machines: run coal alloy furnace=
Machines: run power monitor=
Machines: run injector=
Tools: tree tap=
@1 is unpowered=
@1 is powered (@2% of maximum power)=
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3=
@1 tried to take @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=
## Machine names
@1 Alloy Furnace=@1 Piec stopowy
@1 Battery Box=@1 Skrzynka baterii
@1 Cable=@1 Przewód
@1 Cable Plate=
@1 Centrifuge=@1 Centryfuga
@1 Compressor=@1 Kompresor
@1 Extractor=@1 Ekstraktor
@1 Forcefield Emitter=@1 Emiter pola siłowego
@1 Furnace=@1 Piec
@1 Freezer=
@1 Grinder=@1 Młynek
@1 Music Player=@1 Odtwarzacz muzyki
@1 Power Radiator=
@1 Quarry=@1 Kamieniołom
@1 Tool Workshop=@1 Warsztat narzędzi
Arrayed Solar @1 Generator=@1 Szeregowy generator słoneczny
Fuel-Fired @1 Generator=@1 Generator zasilany paliwem
Geothermal @1 Generator=@1 Generator geotermalny
Hydro @1 Generator=@1 Hydrogenerator
Nuclear @1 Generator Core=@1 Reaktor atomowy
Small Solar @1 Generator=@1 Mały generator słoneczny
Wind @1 Generator=@1 Generator wiatrowy
Self-Contained Injector=Samowystarczalny wtryskiwacz
Constructor Mk@1=Konstruktor Mk@1
Frame Motor=Silnik klatkowy
Template (replacing)=Szablon (zastępczy)
Template Motor =Szablon silnika
Template Tool=Szablon narzędzia
Supply Converter=Konwerter zasilania
Switching Station=Rozdzielnia
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace=Piec stopowy zasilany paliwem
Fuel-Fired Furnace=Piec zasilany paliwem
Wind Mill Frame=Klatka wiatraka
@1 Forcefield=@1 Pole siłowe
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment=Komora rdzenia reaktora atomowego
Administrative World Anchor=Administracyjna kotwica świata
Vacuum Cleaner=
## Machine-specific
Input Power=
Digiline Channel=
edit Channel=
@1 (@2%)=
automatic Start=
Enable Digiline=
Digiline Remote Channel
A reactor melted down at @1=
Start successful=
@1 purging cache=
@1 Disabled=
Power level=Poziom zasilania
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3=@1 Skrzynka baterii: @2/@3
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3=@1. Zapas: @2 Pobór: @3
Current track @1=
Keeping @1/@2 map blocks loaded=Ciągle ładuję @1/@2 bloki mapy
Digging not started=Nie rozpoczęto kopania
Digging finished=Kopanie skończone
Digging @1 m @2 machine=Kopię @1 m @2 maszyną
@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5)=@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5)
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=
Yellow Glowlight (thick)=
Yellow Glowlight (thin)=
White Glowlight (thick)=
White Glowlight (thin)=
Yellow Glowlight (small cube)=
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name
Common Tree=
Rubber Tree=
@1 Dust=@1 Pył
Carbon Steel=Stali węglowej
Cast Iron=Żeliwa
Stainless Steel=Stali nierdzewnej
Wrought Iron=Kutego żelaza
@1%-Fissile Uranium=@1% Uranu
## Tools
RE Battery=Bateria ładowalna
Allow splitting incoming 'charge' stacks from tubes=
Allow splitting incoming 'discharge' stacks=
Water Can=Kanister wody
Lava Can=Kanister lawy
River Water Can=
Chainsaw=Piła łańcuchowa
3 nodes deep.=Głęboki na 3 bloki.
3 nodes tall.=Wysoki na 3 bloki.
3 nodes wide.=Szeroki na 3 bloki.
3x3 nodes.=3x3 bloki.
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk@1 modes.=Użyj podczas skradania, aby zmienić tryby wiertła górniczego Mk@1
Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2:=Tryb wiertła górniczego Mk@1:
Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2=Tryb wiertła górniczego Mk@1
Mining Drill Mk@1=Wiertło górnicze Mk@1
Mining Laser Mk@1=Laser górniczy Mk@1
Single node.=Pojedynczy blok.
Sonic Screwdriver (left-click rotates face, right-click rotates axis)=Dźwiękowy śrubokręt
Tree Tap=Nacinak drzewny
Right-click to set target block type=
Current target:=
No target set=
May set new target:=
Set target=
No new target available=
Region cross section:=
Set region cross section:=
Region depth:=
Set region depth:=
## Craft descriptions
@1 Grinding=@1 Mielenie
[Technic] ignored registration of garbage recipe!=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
# textdomain: technic
# Braziliam portuguese translation for technic
# Tradução portuguesa brasileira para technic
# By Sires
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in @1 seconds = [Technic] Carregado em @1 segundos
## Items
Silicon Wafer=Pastilha de Silício
Doped Silicon Wafer=Pastilha de Silício Dopada
Enriched Uranium=Urânio Enriquecido
Uranium Fuel=Combustivel de Urânio
Diamond Drill Head=Cabeça de Broca de Diamante
Blue Energy Crystal=Cristal de Energia Azul
Green Energy Crystal=Cristal de Energia Verde
Red Energy Crystal=Cristal de Energia Vermelho
Copper Coil=Bobina de Cobre
Low Voltage Transformer=Transformador de Baixa Voltagem
Medium Voltage Transformer=Transformador de Média Voltagem
High Voltage Transformer=Transformador de Alta Voltagem
Control Logic Unit=Unidade de Controle Lógico
Mixed Metal Ingot=Lingote de Metal Misturado
Composite Plate=Placa Composta
Copper Plate=Placa de Cobre
Carbon Plate=Placa de Carbono
Carbon Cloth=Recido de Carbono
Machine Casing=
@1%-Fissile Uranium Ingot=Lingote de Urânio @1%-Físsil
@1%-Fissile Uranium Block=Bloco de Urânio @1%-Físsil
Raw Latex=Latex bruto
Rubber Fiber=Fibra de Borracha
## Radiation
Radiation damage=
Corium Bucket
Corium Source=
Flowing Corium=
Corium: griefing=
Chernobylite Block=
## Machine Misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty=A máquina não pode ser removida porque ela não está vazia
Inventory move disallowed due to protection=Movimento de inventário não permitido pela proteção
@1 Active (@2 EU)=@1 Ativo (@2 EU)
@1 Active (@2%)=@1 Ativo (@2%)
@1 Active=@1 Ativo
@1 Disabled=@1 Ativado
@1 Enabled=@1 Desativado
@1 Idle=Ócio
@1 Improperly Placed=@1 Colocado Inapropriadamente
@1 is empty=@1 está vazio
@1 Unpowered=@1 Sem energia
@1 Out Of Fuel=@1 Sem Combustível
@1 Has Bad Cabling=@1 Tem Cabeamento Ruim
@1 Has No Network=@1 Não Tem Rede
@1 Finished=@1 Acabou
Manually taking/removing from cache by hand is not possible. If you can't wait, restart or disable the quarry to start automatic purge.=
Range = Alcance
Upgrade Slots=Lugares para Melhoria
Slot @1=Lugar @1
Itemwise=Por item
Stackwise=Por pilha
Ignoring Mesecon Signal=Ignorar Sinaal de Mesecon
Controlled by Mesecon Signal=Controlado por Sinal de Mesecon
@1 Nuclear Reactor Core=
Enables or disables technic's switching station ABM=
@1 Already Present=
[TECHNIC] Warning: redundant switching station found near @1=
Machines: timeout check=
Machines: re-enable check=
You are not allowed to edit this!=
Machines: reactor melt-down check=
Machines: run power radiator=
Machines: run coal alloy furnace=
Machines: run power monitor=
Machines: run injector=
Tools: tree tap=
@1 is unpowered=
@1 is powered (@2% of maximum power)=
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3=
@1 tried to take @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=
## Machine names
Power Monitor=
@1 Alloy Furnace=Fornalha de Liga @1
@1 Battery Box=Caixa de Bateria @1
@1 Cable=Cabo @1
@1 Cable Plate=
@1 Centrifuge=Centrifuga @1
@1 Compressor=Compresso @1
@1 Extractor=Extrator @1
@1 Forcefield Emitter=Emissor de Campo de Força @1
@1 Furnace=Fornalha @1
@1 Freezer=
@1 Grinder=Triturador @1
@1 Music Player=Tocador de Música @1
@1 Power Radiator=
@1 Quarry=Pedreira @1
@1 Tool Workshop=Oficina de Ferramentas @1
Arrayed Solar @1 Generator=Gerador Solar Equipado @1
Fuel-Fired @1 Generator=Gerador Alimentado-por-Combustível @1
Geothermal @1 Generator=Gerador Geotermal @1
Hydro @1 Generator=Gerador Hidráulico @1
Nuclear @1 Generator Core=Núcleo de Gerador Nuclear @1
Small Solar @1 Generator=Gerador Solar Pequeno @1
Wind @1 Generator=Gerador de Energia Eólica @1
Self-Contained Injector=Injetor Auto-Contido
Constructor Mk@1=Construtor Nv@1
Frame Motor=Motor de Armação
Template (replacing)=Modelo (recolocando)
Template Motor=Modelo de Motor
Template Tool=Modelo de Ferramenta
Battery Box=Caixa de Bateria
Supply Converter=Conversor de Energia
Switching Station=Estação de Comutação
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace=Fornalha de Liga Alimentada-por-Combustível
Fuel-Fired Furnace=Fornalha Alimentada-por-Combustível
Wind Mill Frame=Armação de Moinho de Vento
@1 Forcefield=Campo de Força @1
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment=Compartimento de Barra do Reator Nuclear
Administrative World Anchor=Âncora de Mundo Administrativa
Vacuum Cleaner=
## Machine-specific
Input Power=
Digiline Channel=
edit Channel=
@1 (@2%)=
automatic Start=
Enable Digiline=
Digiline Remote Channel
A reactor melted down at @1=
Start successful=
@1 purging cache=
@1 Disabled=
Power level=Nível de Energia
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3=Caixa de Baterias @1: @2/@3
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3=@1. Suprimento: @2 Demanda: @3
Current track @1=Música Atual @1
Keeping @1/@2 map blocks loaded=Mantendo @1/@2 blocos de mapa carregados
Digging not started=Escavação não começada
Digging finished=Escavação terminada
Digging @1 m @2 machine=Escavando @1 m @2 da máquina
@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5)=@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5)
## Grinder Recipes
Common Tree=
Rubber Tree=
@1 Dust=Pó de @1
Carbon Steel=Aço Carbono
Cast Iron=Ferro Fundido
Stainless Steel=Aço Inoxidável
Wrought Iron=Ferro Forjado
@1%-Fissile Uranium=Urânio @1%-Físsil
## Tools
RE Battery=Bateria RE
Allow splitting incoming 'charge' stacks from tubes=
Allow splitting incoming 'discharge' stacks=
Water Can=Lata de Água
Lava Can=Lata de Lava
River Water Can=
3 nodes deep.=3 nodes de profundidade.
3 nodes tall.=3 nodes de altura.
3 nodes wide.=3 nodes de largura.
3x3 nodes.=3x3 nodes.
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk@1 modes.=Use enquanto esgueirando para mudar os modos da Broca de Mineração Nv@1.
Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2:=Broca de Mineração Nv@1 Modo @2:
Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2=Broca de Mineração Nv@1 Modo @2
Mining Drill Mk@1=Broca de Mineração Nv@1
Mining Laser Mk@1=Laser de Mineração Nv@1
Single node.=Unico node.
Sonic Screwdriver (left-click rotates face, right-click rotates axis)=Chave de Fenda Sônica.
Tree Tap=Torneira de Árvore
Right-click to set target block type=
Current target:=
No target set=
May set new target:=
Set target=
No new target available=
Region cross section:=
Set region cross section:=
Region depth:=
Set region depth:=
## Craft descriptions
Alloying=Cozinhando em liga
@1 Grinding=@1 Triturando
[Technic] ignored registration of garbage recipe!=
@ -1,178 +1,257 @@
# textdomain: technic
# template.txt
# Template for translations of Technic
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in %f seconds =
[Technic] Loaded in @1 seconds=
## Items
Silicon Wafer =
Doped Silicon Wafer =
Enriched Uranium =
Uranium Fuel =
Diamond Drill Head =
Blue Energy Crystal =
Green Energy Crystal =
Red Energy Crystal =
Fine Copper Wire =
Fine Gold Wire =
Fine Silver Wire =
Copper Coil =
Electric Motor =
Low Voltage Transformer =
Medium Voltage Transformer =
High Voltage Transformer =
Control Logic Unit =
Mixed Metal Ingot =
Composite Plate =
Copper Plate =
Carbon Plate =
Graphite =
Carbon Cloth =
Raw Latex =
Rubber Fiber =
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Ingot =
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Block =
Silicon Wafer=
Doped Silicon Wafer=
Enriched Uranium=
Uranium Fuel=
Diamond Drill Head=
Blue Energy Crystal=
Green Energy Crystal=
Red Energy Crystal=
Copper Coil=
Low Voltage Transformer=
Medium Voltage Transformer=
High Voltage Transformer=
Control Logic Unit=
Mixed Metal Ingot=
Composite Plate=
Copper Plate=
Carbon Plate=
Carbon Cloth=
Machine Casing=
@1%-Fissile Uranium Ingot=
@1%-Fissile Uranium Block=
Raw Latex=
Rubber Fiber=
## Radiation
Radiation damage=
Corium Bucket
Corium Source=
Flowing Corium=
Corium: griefing=
Chernobylite Block=
## Machine misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty =
Inventory move disallowed due to protection =
# $1: Machine name (Includes tier)
@1 Active (@2 EU) =
%s Active =
%s Disabled =
%s Enabled =
%s Idle =
%s Improperly Placed =
%s is empty =
%s Unpowered =
%s Out Of Fuel =
%s Has Bad Cabling =
%s (Slave) =
%s Has No Network =
%s Finished =
Enable/Disable =
Range =
Upgrade Slots =
In: =
Out: =
Slot %d =
Itemwise =
Stackwise =
Ignoring Mesecon Signal =
Controlled by Mesecon Signal =
Owner: =
Unlocked =
Locked =
Radius: =
Enabled =
Disabled =
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty=
Inventory move disallowed due to protection=
@1 Active (@2 EU)=
@1 Active (@2%)=
@1 Active=
@1 Disabled=
@1 Enabled=
@1 Idle=
@1 Improperly Placed=
@1 is empty=
@1 Unpowered=
@1 Out Of Fuel=
@1 Has Bad Cabling=
@1 Has No Network=
@1 Finished=
Manually taking/removing from cache by hand is not possible. If you can't wait, restart or disable the quarry to start automatic purge.=
Upgrade Slots=
Slot @1=
Ignoring Mesecon Signal=
Controlled by Mesecon Signal=
Owner: @1=
@1 Nuclear Reactor Core=
Enables or disables technic's switching station ABM=
@1 Already Present=
[TECHNIC] Warning: redundant switching station found near @1=
Machines: timeout check=
Machines: re-enable check=
You are not allowed to edit this!=
Machines: reactor melt-down check=
Machines: run power radiator=
Machines: run coal alloy furnace=
Machines: run power monitor=
Machines: run injector=
Tools: tree tap=
@1 is unpowered=
@1 is powered (@2% of maximum power)=
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3=
@1 tried to take @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=
@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3 with a @4=
## Machine names
# $1: Tier
%s Alloy Furnace =
%s Battery Box =
%s Cable =
%s Centrifuge =
%s Compressor =
%s Extractor =
%s Forcefield Emitter =
%s Furnace =
%s Grinder =
%s Music Player =
%s Quarry =
%s Tool Workshop =
Arrayed Solar %s Generator =
Fuel-Fired %s Generator =
Geothermal %s Generator =
Hydro %s Generator =
Nuclear %s Generator Core =
Small Solar %s Generator =
Wind %s Generator =
Self-Contained Injector =
Constructor Mk%d =
Frame =
Frame Motor =
Template =
Template (replacing) =
Template Motor =
Template Tool =
Battery Box =
Supply Converter =
Switching Station =
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace =
Fuel-Fired Furnace =
Wind Mill Frame =
Forcefield =
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment =
Administrative World Anchor =
Power Monitor=
@1 Alloy Furnace=
@1 Battery Box=
@1 Cable=
@1 Cable Plate=
@1 Centrifuge=
@1 Compressor=
@1 Extractor=
@1 Forcefield Emitter=
@1 Furnace=
@1 Freezer=
@1 Grinder=
@1 Music Player=
@1 Power Radiator=
@1 Quarry=
@1 Tool Workshop=
Arrayed Solar @1 Generator=
Fuel-Fired @1 Generator=
Geothermal @1 Generator=
Hydro @1 Generator=
Nuclear @1 Generator Core=
Small Solar @1 Generator=
Wind @1 Generator=
Self-Contained Injector=
Constructor Mk@1=
Frame Motor=
Template (replacing)=
Template Tool=
Template Motor=
Supply Converter=
Switching Station=
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace=
Fuel-Fired Furnace=
Wind Mill Frame=
@1 Forcefield=
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment=
Administrative World Anchor=
Vacuum Cleaner=
## Machine-specific
# $1: Pruduced EU
Charge =
Discharge =
Power level =
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3 =
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3 =
Production at %d%% =
Choose Milling Program: =
Slim Elements half / normal height: =
Current track %s =
Stopped =
Keeping %d/%d map blocks loaded =
Digging not started =
Digging finished =
Digging %d m above machine =
Digging %d m below machine =
@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5) =
Input Power=
Digiline Channel=
edit Channel=
@1 (@2%)=
automatic Start=
Enable Digiline=
Digiline Remote Channel
A reactor melted down at @1=
Start successful=
@1 purging cache=
@1 Disabled=
Power level=
#@1: Tier @2: current_charge @3: max_charge
@1 Battery Box: @2/@3=
#@1: Machine name @2: Supply @3: Demand
@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3=
Current track @1=
Keeping @1/@2 map blocks loaded=
Digging not started=
Digging finished=
Digging @1 m @2 machine=
@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5)=
Sorry, @1 owns that spot.=
Yellow Glowlight (thick)=
Yellow Glowlight (thin)=
White Glowlight (thick)=
White Glowlight (thin)=
Yellow Glowlight (small cube)=
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name
%s Dust =
Akalin =
Alatro =
Arol =
Brass =
Bronze =
Carbon Steel =
Cast Iron =
Chromium =
Coal =
Copper =
Gold =
Mithril =
Silver =
Stainless Steel =
Talinite =
Tin =
Wrought Iron =
Zinc =
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium =
Common Tree=
Rubber Tree=
@1 Dust=
Carbon Steel=
Cast Iron=
Stainless Steel=
Wrought Iron=
@1%-Fissile Uranium=
## Tools
RE Battery =
Water Can =
Lava Can =
Chainsaw =
Flashlight =
3 nodes deep. =
3 nodes tall. =
3 nodes wide. =
3x3 nodes. =
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk%d modes. =
Mining Drill Mk%d Mode %d =
Mining Drill Mk%d =
Mining Laser Mk%d =
Single node. =
Sonic Screwdriver =
Tree Tap =
RE Battery=
Allow splitting incoming 'charge' stacks from tubes=
Allow splitting incoming 'discharge' stacks=
Water Can=
Lava Can=
River Water Can=
3 nodes deep.=
3 nodes tall.=
3 nodes wide.=
3x3 nodes.=
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk@1 modes.=
Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2: =
Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2=
Mining Drill Mk@1=
Mining Laser Mk@1=
Single node.=
Sonic Screwdriver (left-click rotates face, right-click rotates axis)=
Tree Tap=
Right-click to set target block type=
Current target:=
No target set=
May set new target:=
Set target=
No new target available=
Region cross section:=
Set region cross section:=
Region depth:=
Set region depth:=
## Craft descriptions
Alloy cooking =
Grinding =
Compressing =
Extracting =
Separating =
@1 Grinding=
[Technic] ignored registration of garbage recipe!=
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- HV battery box
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:hv_battery_box0',
recipe = {
@ -18,5 +18,6 @@ technic.register_battery_box({
discharge_step = 40000,
upgrade = 1,
tube = 1,
tier_localized = S("HV")
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:hv_cable 3',
recipe = {
@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_cable("HV", 3/16)
technic.register_cable(S("HV"), 3/16, "hv")
@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ local digilines_path = minetest.get_modpath("digilines")
local forcefield_power_drain = 10
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local cable_entry = "^technic_cable_connection_overlay.png"
output = "technic:forcefield_emitter_off",
recipe = {
{"default:mese", "basic_materials:motor", "default:mese" },
{"default:mese", "basic_materials:motor", "default:mese" },
{"technic:deployer_off", "technic:machine_casing", "technic:deployer_off"},
{"default:mese", "technic:hv_cable", "default:mese" },
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ local function set_forcefield_formspec(meta)
local formspec
if digilines_path then
formspec = "size[5,3.25]"..
"field[0.3,3;5,1;channel;Digiline Channel;"..meta:get_string("channel").."]"
"field[0.3,3;5,1;channel;"..S("Digiline Channel")..";"..meta:get_string("channel").."]"
formspec = "size[5,2.25]"
@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ local function set_forcefield_formspec(meta)
formspec = formspec.."button[0,1;5,1;mesecon_mode_0;"..S("Controlled by Mesecon Signal").."]"
if meta:get_int("enabled") == 0 then
formspec = formspec.."button[0,1.75;5,1;enable;"..S("%s Disabled"):format(S("%s Forcefield Emitter"):format("HV")).."]"
formspec = formspec.."button[0,1.75;5,1;enable;"..S("@1 Disabled", S("@1 Forcefield Emitter", S("HV"))).."]"
formspec = formspec.."button[0,1.75;5,1;disable;"..S("%s Enabled"):format(S("%s Forcefield Emitter"):format("HV")).."]"
formspec = formspec.."button[0,1.75;5,1;disable;"..S("@1 Enabled", S("@1 Forcefield Emitter", S("HV"))).."]"
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec)
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ end
local forcefield_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
local player_name = sender:get_player_name()
if minetest.is_protected(pos, player_name) then
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "You are not allowed to edit this!")
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("You are not allowed to edit this!"))
minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, player_name)
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ local function run(pos, node)
local eu_input = meta:get_int("HV_EU_input")
local enabled = meta:get_int("enabled") ~= 0 and
(meta:get_int("mesecon_mode") == 0 or meta:get_int("mesecon_effect") ~= 0)
local machine_name = S("%s Forcefield Emitter"):format("HV")
local machine_name = S("@1 Forcefield Emitter", S("HV"))
local range = meta:get_int("range")
local power_requirement
@ -261,14 +261,14 @@ local function run(pos, node)
if node.name == "technic:forcefield_emitter_on" then
update_forcefield(pos, meta, false)
technic.swap_node(pos, "technic:forcefield_emitter_off")
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Disabled"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Disabled", machine_name))
meta:set_int("HV_EU_demand", 0)
meta:set_int("HV_EU_demand", power_requirement)
if eu_input < power_requirement then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Unpowered"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Unpowered", machine_name))
if node.name == "technic:forcefield_emitter_on" then
update_forcefield(pos, meta, false)
technic.swap_node(pos, "technic:forcefield_emitter_off")
@ -276,14 +276,14 @@ local function run(pos, node)
elseif eu_input >= power_requirement then
if node.name == "technic:forcefield_emitter_off" then
technic.swap_node(pos, "technic:forcefield_emitter_on")
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Active"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Active", machine_name))
update_forcefield(pos, meta, true)
minetest.register_node("technic:forcefield_emitter_off", {
description = S("%s Forcefield Emitter"):format("HV"),
description = S("@1 Forcefield Emitter", S("HV")),
tiles = {
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:forcefield_emitter_off", {
if digilines_path then
meta:set_string("channel", "forcefield"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Forcefield Emitter"):format("HV"))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Forcefield Emitter", S("HV")))
mesecons = mesecons,
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:forcefield_emitter_off", {
minetest.register_node("technic:forcefield_emitter_on", {
description = S("%s Forcefield Emitter"):format("HV"),
description = S("@1 Forcefield Emitter", S("HV")),
tiles = {
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:forcefield_emitter_on", {
minetest.register_node("technic:forcefield", {
description = S("%s Forcefield"):format("HV"),
description = S("@1 Forcefield", S("HV")),
sunlight_propagates = true,
drawtype = "glasslike",
groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1},
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
minetest.register_alias("hv_generator", "technic:hv_generator")
@ -9,5 +10,5 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_generator({tier="HV", tube=1, supply=1200})
technic.register_generator({tier="HV", tube=1, supply=1200, tier_localized=S("HV")})
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ local fuel_type = "technic:uranium_fuel" -- The reactor burns this
local digiline_meltdown = technic.config:get_bool("enable_nuclear_reactor_digiline_selfdestruct")
local digiline_remote_path = minetest.get_modpath("digiline_remote")
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local reactor_desc = S("@1 Nuclear Reactor Core", S("HV"))
local cable_entry = "^technic_cable_connection_overlay.png"
@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ local function make_reactor_formspec(meta)
"checkbox[5.5,2.5;autostart;automatic Start;"..meta:get_string("autostart").."]"
"checkbox[5.5,2.5;autostart;"..S("automatic Start")..";"..meta:get_string("autostart").."]"
if not digiline_remote_path then
return f
local digiline_enabled = meta:get_string("enable_digiline")
f = f.."checkbox[0.5,2.8;enable_digiline;Enable Digiline;"..digiline_enabled.."]"
f = f.."checkbox[0.5,2.8;enable_digiline;"..S("Enable Digiline")..";"..digiline_enabled.."]"
if digiline_enabled ~= "true" then
return f
return f..
"field[1,4;4,1;remote_channel;Digiline Remote Channel;${remote_channel}]"
"field[1,4;4,1;remote_channel;"..S("Digiline Remote Channel")..";${remote_channel}]"
local SS_OFF = 0
@ -211,14 +211,14 @@ end
local function melt_down_reactor(pos)
minetest.log("action", "A reactor melted down at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
minetest.log("action", S("A reactor melted down at @1", minetest.pos_to_string(pos)))
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "technic:corium_source"})
local function start_reactor(pos, meta)
local correct_fuel_count = 6
local msg_fuel_missing = "Error: You need to insert " .. correct_fuel_count .. " pieces of Uranium Fuel."
local msg_fuel_missing = S("Error: You need to insert @1 pieces of Uranium Fuel.", correct_fuel_count)
if minetest.get_node(pos).name ~= "technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core" then
return msg_fuel_missing
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ local function start_reactor(pos, meta)
-- Check that the reactor is complete
if reactor_structure_badness(pos) ~= 0 then
return "Error: The power plant seems to be built incorrectly."
return S("Error: The power plant seems to be built incorrectly.")
meta:set_int("burn_time", 1)
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ end
label = "Machines: reactor melt-down check",
label = S("Machines: reactor melt-down check"),
nodenames = {"technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core_active"},
interval = 4,
chance = 1,
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ local function run(pos, node)
meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", 0)
meta:set_int("burn_time", 0)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Idle"):format(reactor_desc))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Idle", reactor_desc))
technic.swap_node(pos, "technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core")
meta:set_int("structure_accumulated_badness", 0)
siren_clear(pos, meta)
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ local function run(pos, node)
burn_time = burn_time + 1
meta:set_int("burn_time", burn_time)
local percent = math.floor(burn_time / burn_ticks * 100)
meta:set_string("infotext", reactor_desc.." ("..percent.."%)")
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 (@2%)", reactor_desc, percent))
meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", power_supply)
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ end
local nuclear_reactor_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
local player_name = sender:get_player_name()
if minetest.is_protected(pos, player_name) then
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "You are not allowed to edit this!")
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("You are not allowed to edit this!"))
minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, player_name)
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ local nuclear_reactor_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
if fields.start then
local start_error_msg = start_reactor(pos, meta)
if not start_error_msg then
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "Start successful")
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("Start successful"))
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, start_error_msg)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local tube_entry = "^pipeworks_tube_connection_metallic.png"
local cable_entry = "^technic_cable_connection_overlay.png"
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ local function set_quarry_formspec(meta)
local formspec = "size[6,4.3]"..
"label[0,0.2;"..S("%s Quarry"):format("HV").."]"..
"label[0,0.2;"..S("@1 Quarry", S("HV")).."]"..
if meta:get_int("enabled") == 0 then
formspec = formspec.."button[4,1;2,1;enable;"..S("Disabled").."]"
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ local function set_quarry_formspec(meta)
nd == 0 and S("Digging not started") or
(rel_y < -quarry_max_depth and S("Digging finished") or
(meta:get_int("purge_on") == 1 and S("Purging cache") or
S("Digging %d m "..(rel_y > 0 and "above" or "below").." machine")
S("Digging @1 m @2 machine".." machine", string.format("%d", math.abs(rel_y)),
(rel_y > 0) and S("above") or S("below"))))
formspec = formspec.."button[4,2;2,1;restart;"..S("Restart").."]"
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec)
@ -46,15 +46,17 @@ end
local function set_quarry_demand(meta)
local radius = meta:get_int("size")
local diameter = radius*2 + 1
local machine_name = S("%s Quarry"):format("HV")
local machine_name = S("@1 Quarry", S("HV"))
if meta:get_int("enabled") == 0 or meta:get_int("purge_on") == 1 then
meta:set_string("infotext", S(meta:get_int("purge_on") == 1 and "%s purging cache" or "%s Disabled"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", meta:get_int("purge_on") == 1 and S("@1 purging cache", machine_name)
or S("@1 Disabled", machine_name))
meta:set_int("HV_EU_demand", 0)
elseif meta:get_int("dug") == diameter*diameter * (quarry_dig_above_nodes+1+quarry_max_depth) then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Finished"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Finished", machine_name))
meta:set_int("HV_EU_demand", 0)
meta:set_string("infotext", S(meta:get_int("HV_EU_input") >= quarry_demand and "%s Active" or "%s Unpowered"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", meta:get_int("HV_EU_input") >= quarry_demand and S("@1 Active", machine_name)
or S("@1 Unpowered", machine_name))
meta:set_int("HV_EU_demand", quarry_demand)
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ end
local function quarry_receive_fields(pos, formname, fields, sender)
local player_name = sender:get_player_name()
if minetest.is_protected(pos, player_name) then
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "You are not allowed to edit this!")
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("You are not allowed to edit this!"))
minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, player_name)
@ -215,7 +217,7 @@ local function send_move_error(player)
minetest.register_node("technic:quarry", {
description = S("%s Quarry"):format("HV"),
description = S("@1 Quarry", S("HV")),
tiles = {
@ -242,7 +244,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:quarry", {
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Quarry"):format("HV"))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Quarry", S("HV")))
meta:set_int("size", 4)
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-- The high voltage solar array is an assembly of medium voltage arrays.
-- Solar arrays are not able to store large amounts of energy.
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:solar_array_hv 1',
recipe = {
@ -10,5 +12,5 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_solar_array({tier="HV", power=100})
technic.register_solar_array({tier="HV", power=100, tier_localized=S("HV")})
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-- LV Alloy furnace
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
-- FIXME: kpoppel: I'd like to introduce an induction heating element here...
@ -10,5 +11,5 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_alloy_furnace({tier = "LV", speed = 1, demand = {300}})
technic.register_alloy_furnace({tier = "LV", speed = 1, demand = {300}, tier_localized=S("LV")})
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-- LV Battery box
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:lv_battery_box0',
@ -16,5 +17,6 @@ technic.register_battery_box({
discharge_rate = 4000,
charge_step = 500,
discharge_step = 800,
tier_localized = S("LV"),
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
minetest.register_alias("lv_cable", "technic:lv_cable")
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_cable("LV", 2/16)
technic.register_cable(S("LV"), 2/16, "lv")
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
minetest.register_alias("compressor", "technic:lv_compressor")
@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_compressor({tier = "LV", demand = {300}, speed = 1})
technic.register_compressor({tier = "LV", demand = {300}, speed = 1, tier_localized=S("LV")})
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
-- This is a faster version of the stone furnace which runs on EUs
-- FIXME: kpoppel I'd like to introduce an induction heating element here also
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:electric_furnace',
recipe = {
@ -11,6 +12,6 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_electric_furnace({tier="LV", demand={300}, speed = 2})
technic.register_electric_furnace({tier="LV", demand={300}, speed = 2, tier_localized=S("LV")})
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
minetest.register_alias("extractor", "technic:lv_extractor")
@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_extractor({tier = "LV", demand = {300}, speed = 1})
technic.register_extractor({tier = "LV", demand = {300}, speed = 1, tier_localized = S("LV")})
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
-- Inefficient and expensive in fuel (200EU per tick)
-- Also only allows for LV machinery to run.
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
minetest.register_alias("lv_generator", "technic:lv_generator")
@ -14,5 +15,5 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_generator({tier="LV", supply=200})
technic.register_generator({tier="LV", supply=200, tier_localized=S("LV")})
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
minetest.register_alias("geothermal", "technic:geothermal")
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:geothermal',
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ minetest.register_craft({
minetest.register_craftitem("technic:geothermal", {
description = S("Geothermal %s Generator"):format("LV"),
description = S("Geothermal @1 Generator", S("LV")),
local check_node_around = function(pos)
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ local run = function(pos, node)
S("Geothermal %s Generator"):format("LV").." ("..production_level.."%)")
S("@1 (@2%)", S("Geothermal @1 Generator", S("LV")), production_level))
if production_level > 0 and minetest.get_node(pos).name == "technic:geothermal" then
technic.swap_node (pos, "technic:geothermal_active")
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ local run = function(pos, node)
minetest.register_node("technic:geothermal", {
description = S("Geothermal %s Generator"):format("LV"),
description = S("Geothermal @1 Generator", S("LV")),
tiles = {"technic_geothermal_top.png", "technic_machine_bottom.png", "technic_geothermal_side.png",
"technic_geothermal_side.png", "technic_geothermal_side.png", "technic_geothermal_side.png"},
groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,
@ -93,14 +93,14 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:geothermal", {
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Geothermal %s Generator"):format("LV"))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Geothermal @1 Generator", S("LV")))
meta:set_int("LV_EU_supply", 0)
technic_run = run,
minetest.register_node("technic:geothermal_active", {
description = S("Geothermal %s Generator"):format("LV"),
description = S("Geothermal @1 Generator", S("LV")),
tiles = {"technic_geothermal_top_active.png", "technic_machine_bottom.png", "technic_geothermal_side.png",
"technic_geothermal_side.png", "technic_geothermal_side.png", "technic_geothermal_side.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
minetest.register_alias("grinder", "technic:lv_grinder")
output = 'technic:lv_grinder',
@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_grinder({tier="LV", demand={200}, speed=1})
technic.register_grinder({tier="LV", demand={200}, speed=1, tier_localized=S("LV")})
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- LV Music player.
-- The player can play music. But it is high ampage!
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
minetest.register_alias("music_player", "technic:music_player")
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ end
local run = function(pos, node)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local eu_input = meta:get_int("LV_EU_input")
local machine_name = S("%s Music Player"):format("LV")
local machine_name = S("@1 Music Player", S("LV"))
local demand = 150
local current_track = meta:get_int("current_track")
@ -38,19 +38,19 @@ local run = function(pos, node)
if meta:get_int("active") == 0 then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Idle"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Idle", machine_name))
meta:set_int("LV_EU_demand", 0)
if eu_input < demand then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Unpowered"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Unpowered", machine_name))
if music_handle then
music_handle = nil
elseif eu_input >= demand then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Active"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Active", machine_name))
if not music_handle then
music_handle = play_track(pos, current_track)
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ local function set_display(meta)
"label[1,0;"..S("%s Music Player"):format("LV").."]"..
"label[1,0;"..S("@1 Music Player", S("LV")).."]"..
@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ local function set_display(meta)
meta:get_int("active") == 0 and
S("Stopped") or
S("Current track %s"):format(meta:get_int("current_track"))).."]")
S("Current track @1", meta:get_int("current_track"))).."]")
minetest.register_node("technic:music_player", {
description = S("%s Music Player"):format("LV"),
description = S("@1 Music Player", S("LV")),
tiles = {"technic_music_player_top.png", "technic_machine_bottom.png", "technic_music_player_side.png",
"technic_music_player_side.png", "technic_music_player_side.png", "technic_music_player_side.png"},
groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:music_player", {
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Music Player"):format("LV"))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Music Player", S("LV")))
on_receive_fields = function(pos, formanme, fields, sender)
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
-- Solar arrays are not able to store large amounts of energy.
-- The LV arrays are used to make medium voltage arrays.
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:solar_array_lv 1',
recipe = {
@ -14,5 +15,5 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_solar_array({tier="LV", power=10})
technic.register_solar_array({tier="LV", power=10, tier_localized=S("LV")})
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
-- They can however also be used separately but with reduced efficiency due to the missing transformer.
-- Individual panels are less efficient than when the panels are combined into full arrays.
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ local run = function(pos, node)
-- To take care of some of it solar panels do not work outside daylight hours or if
-- built below 0m
local pos1 = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}
local machine_name = S("Small Solar %s Generator"):format("LV")
local machine_name = S("Small Solar @1 Generator", S("LV"))
local light = minetest.get_node_light(pos1, nil)
local time_of_day = minetest.get_timeofday()
@ -35,11 +36,11 @@ local run = function(pos, node)
local charge_to_give = math.floor((light + pos1.y) * 3)
charge_to_give = math.max(charge_to_give, 0)
charge_to_give = math.min(charge_to_give, 200)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Active (@2)", machine_name,
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Active (@2 EU)", machine_name,
meta:set_int("LV_EU_supply", charge_to_give)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Idle"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Idle", machine_name))
meta:set_int("LV_EU_supply", 0)
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:solar_panel", {
technic_machine=1, technic_lv=1},
connect_sides = {"bottom"},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
description = S("Small Solar %s Generator"):format("LV"),
description = S("Small Solar @1 Generator", S("LV")),
active = false,
drawtype = "nodebox",
paramtype = "light",
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:solar_panel", {
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_int("LV_EU_supply", 0)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Small Solar %s Generator"):format("LV"))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Small Solar @1 Generator", S("LV")))
technic_run = run,
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
-- It is a LV EU supplier and fairly low yield (max 180EUs)
-- It is a little over half as good as the thermal generator.
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local cable_entry = "^technic_cable_connection_overlay.png"
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ local run = function(pos, node)
meta:set_int("LV_EU_supply", eu_supply)
S("Hydro %s Generator"):format("LV").." ("..production_level.."%)")
S("@1 (@2%)", S("Hydro @1 Generator", S("LV")), production_level))
if production_level > 0 and
minetest.get_node(pos).name == "technic:water_mill" then
@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ local run = function(pos, node)
minetest.register_node("technic:water_mill", {
description = S("Hydro %s Generator"):format("LV"),
description = S("Hydro @1 Generator", S("LV")),
tiles = {
@ -83,14 +84,14 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:water_mill", {
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Hydro %s Generator"):format("LV"))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Hydro @1 Generator", S("LV")))
meta:set_int("LV_EU_supply", 0)
technic_run = run,
minetest.register_node("technic:water_mill_active", {
description = S("Hydro %s Generator"):format("LV"),
description = S("Hydro @1 Generator", S("LV")),
tiles = {"technic_water_mill_top_active.png", "technic_machine_bottom.png",
"technic_water_mill_side.png", "technic_water_mill_side.png",
"technic_water_mill_side.png", "technic_water_mill_side.png"},
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-- MV alloy furnace
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:mv_alloy_furnace',
@ -10,5 +11,5 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_alloy_furnace({tier = "MV", speed = 1.5, upgrade = 1, tube = 1, demand = {3000, 2000, 1000}})
technic.register_alloy_furnace({tier = "MV", speed = 1.5, upgrade = 1, tube = 1, demand = {3000, 2000, 1000}, tier_localized=S("MV")})
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-- MV Battery box
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:mv_battery_box0',
recipe = {
@ -18,5 +20,6 @@ technic.register_battery_box({
discharge_step = 8000,
upgrade = 1,
tube = 1,
tier_localized = S("MV"),
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
minetest.register_alias("mv_cable", "technic:mv_cable")
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_cable("MV", 2.5/16)
technic.register_cable(S("MV"), 2.5/16, "mv")
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = "technic:mv_centrifuge",
recipe = {
@ -13,4 +15,5 @@ technic.register_centrifuge({
speed = 2,
upgrade = 1,
tube = 1,
tier_localized = S("MV"),
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- MV compressor
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:mv_compressor',
recipe = {
@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_compressor({tier = "MV", demand = {800, 600, 400}, speed = 2, upgrade = 1, tube = 1})
technic.register_compressor({tier = "MV", demand = {800, 600, 400}, speed = 2, upgrade = 1, tube = 1, tier_localized=S("MV")})
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
-- Also in addition this furnace can be attached to the pipe system from the pipeworks mod.
-- FIXME: kpoppel I'd like to introduce an induction heating element here also
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:mv_electric_furnace',
recipe = {
@ -14,5 +16,5 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_electric_furnace({tier="MV", upgrade=1, tube=1, demand={2000, 1000, 500}, speed=4})
technic.register_electric_furnace({tier="MV", upgrade=1, tube=1, demand={2000, 1000, 500}, speed=4, tier_localized=S("MV")})
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-- MV extractor
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:mv_extractor',
@ -9,4 +11,4 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_extractor({tier = "MV", demand = {800, 600, 400}, speed = 2, upgrade = 1, tube = 1})
technic.register_extractor({tier = "MV", demand = {800, 600, 400}, speed = 2, upgrade = 1, tube = 1, tier_localized=S("MV")})
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-- MV freezer
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:mv_freezer',
@ -9,4 +11,4 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_freezer({tier = "MV", demand = {800, 600, 400}, speed = 0.5, upgrade = 1, tube = 1})
technic.register_freezer({tier = "MV", demand = {800, 600, 400}, speed = 0.5, upgrade = 1, tube = 1, tier_localized=S("MV")})
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
minetest.register_alias("generator_mv", "technic:generator_mv")
@ -9,5 +10,5 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_generator({tier="MV", tube=1, supply=600})
technic.register_generator({tier="MV", tube=1, supply=600, tier_localized=S("MV")})
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-- MV grinder
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:mv_grinder',
@ -9,5 +11,5 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_grinder({tier="MV", demand={600, 450, 300}, speed=2, upgrade=1, tube=1})
technic.register_grinder({tier="MV", demand={600, 450, 300}, speed=2, upgrade=1, tube=1, tier_localized=S("MV")})
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-- A Hydro Turbine produces MV EUs by exploiting flowing water across it
-- It is a MV EU supplier and fairly high yield (max 1800EUs)
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local cable_entry = "^technic_cable_connection_overlay.png"
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ local run = function(pos, node)
meta:set_int("MV_EU_supply", eu_supply)
S("Hydro %s Generator"):format("MV").." ("..production_level.."%)")
S("@1 (@2%)", S("Hydro @1 Generator", S("MV")), production_level))
if production_level > 0 and
minetest.get_node(pos).name == "technic:hydro_turbine" then
technic.swap_node(pos, "technic:hydro_turbine_active")
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ local run = function(pos, node)
minetest.register_node("technic:hydro_turbine", {
description = S("Hydro %s Generator"):format("MV"),
description = S("Hydro @1 Generator", S("MV")),
tiles = {
@ -80,14 +81,14 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:hydro_turbine", {
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Hydro %s Generator"):format("MV"))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Hydro @1 Generator", S("MV")))
meta:set_int("MV_EU_supply", 0)
technic_run = run,
minetest.register_node("technic:hydro_turbine_active", {
description = S("Hydro %s Generator"):format("MV"),
description = S("Hydro @1 Generator", S("MV")),
tiles = {"technic_hydro_turbine_top_active.png", "technic_machine_bottom.png",
"technic_hydro_turbine_side.png", "technic_hydro_turbine_side.png",
"technic_hydro_turbine_side.png", "technic_hydro_turbine_side.png"},
@ -3,14 +3,8 @@
-- This file supplies electric powered glowlights
-- Boilerplate to support localized strings if intllib mod is installed.
local S
if (minetest.get_modpath("intllib")) then
S = intllib.Getter(minetest.get_current_modname())
S = function (s) return s end
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
function technic_homedecor_node_is_owned(pos, placer)
local ownername = false
@ -25,7 +19,7 @@ function technic_homedecor_node_is_owned(pos, placer)
if ownername ~= false then
minetest.chat_send_player(placer:get_player_name(), S("Sorry, %s owns that spot."):format(ownername) )
minetest.chat_send_player(placer:get_player_name(), S("Sorry, @1 owns that spot.", ownername) )
return true
return false
@ -113,7 +107,7 @@ minetest.register_node('technic:homedecor_glowlight_half_yellow', {
return itemstack
on_construct = function(pos)
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, "Yellow Glowlight (thick)")
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, S("Yellow Glowlight (thick)"))
on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher)
technic.inductive_on_punch_off(pos, 100, "technic:homedecor_glowlight_half_yellow_active")
@ -154,7 +148,7 @@ minetest.register_node('technic:homedecor_glowlight_half_yellow_active', {
return itemstack
on_construct = function(pos)
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, "Yellow Glowlight (thick)")
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, S("Yellow Glowlight (thick)"))
on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher)
technic.inductive_on_punch_on(pos, 0, "technic:homedecor_glowlight_half_yellow")
@ -194,7 +188,7 @@ minetest.register_node('technic:homedecor_glowlight_quarter_yellow', {
return itemstack
on_construct = function(pos)
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, "Yellow Glowlight (thin)")
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, S("Yellow Glowlight (thin)"))
on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher)
technic.inductive_on_punch_off(pos, 100, "technic:homedecor_glowlight_quarter_yellow_active")
@ -235,7 +229,7 @@ minetest.register_node('technic:homedecor_glowlight_quarter_yellow_active', {
return itemstack
on_construct = function(pos)
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, "Yellow Glowlight (thin)")
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, S("Yellow Glowlight (thin)"))
on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher)
technic.inductive_on_punch_on(pos, 0, "technic:homedecor_glowlight_quarter_yellow")
@ -276,7 +270,7 @@ minetest.register_node('technic:homedecor_glowlight_half_white', {
return itemstack
on_construct = function(pos)
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, "White Glowlight (thick)")
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, S("White Glowlight (thick)"))
on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher)
technic.inductive_on_punch_off(pos, 100, "technic:homedecor_glowlight_half_white_active")
@ -317,7 +311,7 @@ minetest.register_node('technic:homedecor_glowlight_half_white_active', {
return itemstack
on_construct = function(pos)
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, "White Glowlight (thick)")
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, S("White Glowlight (thick)"))
on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher)
technic.inductive_on_punch_on(pos, 0, "technic:homedecor_glowlight_half_white")
@ -357,7 +351,7 @@ minetest.register_node('technic:homedecor_glowlight_quarter_white', {
return itemstack
on_construct = function(pos)
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, "White Glowlight (thin)")
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, S("White Glowlight (thin)"))
on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher)
technic.inductive_on_punch_off(pos, 100, "technic:homedecor_glowlight_quarter_white_active")
@ -398,7 +392,7 @@ minetest.register_node('technic:homedecor_glowlight_quarter_white_active', {
return itemstack
on_construct = function(pos)
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, "White Glowlight (thin)")
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 100, S("White Glowlight (thin)"))
on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher)
technic.inductive_on_punch_on(pos, 0, "technic:homedecor_glowlight_quarter_white")
@ -438,7 +432,7 @@ minetest.register_node('technic:homedecor_glowlight_small_cube_yellow', {
return itemstack
on_construct = function(pos)
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 50, "Yellow Glowlight (small cube)")
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 50, S("Yellow Glowlight (small cube)"))
on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher)
technic.inductive_on_punch_off(pos, 50, "technic:homedecor_glowlight_small_cube_yellow_active")
@ -479,7 +473,7 @@ minetest.register_node('technic:homedecor_glowlight_small_cube_yellow_active', {
return itemstack
on_construct = function(pos)
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 50, "Yellow Glowlight (small cube)")
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 50, S("Yellow Glowlight (small cube)"))
on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher)
technic.inductive_on_punch_on(pos, 0, "technic:homedecor_glowlight_small_cube_yellow")
@ -519,7 +513,7 @@ minetest.register_node('technic:homedecor_glowlight_small_cube_white', {
return itemstack
on_construct = function(pos)
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 50, "White Glowlight (small cube)")
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 50, S("White Glowlight (small cube)"))
on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher)
technic.inductive_on_punch_off(pos, 50, "technic:homedecor_glowlight_small_cube_white_active")
@ -560,7 +554,7 @@ minetest.register_node('technic:homedecor_glowlight_small_cube_white_active', {
return itemstack
on_construct = function(pos)
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 50, "White Glowlight (small cube)")
technic.inductive_on_construct(pos, 50, S("White Glowlight (small cube)"))
on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher)
technic.inductive_on_punch_on(pos, 0, "technic:homedecor_glowlight_small_cube_white")
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
-- Punching the radiator will toggle the power state of all attached appliances.
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local power_radius = 12
@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ local toggle_on_off_inductive_appliances = function(pos, node, puncher)
minetest.register_node("technic:power_radiator", {
description = "MV Power Radiator",
description = S("@1 Power Radiator", S("MV")),
tiles = {"technic_lv_cable.png", "technic_lv_cable.png", "technic_lv_cable.png",
"technic_lv_cable.png", "technic_lv_cable.png", "technic_lv_cable.png"},
groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2},
@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:power_radiator", {
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_int("MV_EU_demand",1) -- Demand on the primary side when idle
meta:set_int("connected_EU_demand",0) -- Potential demand of connected appliances
meta:set_string("infotext", "MV Power Radiator")
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Power Radiator", S("MV")))
on_dig = function(pos, node, digger)
@ -146,7 +148,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:power_radiator", {
label = "Machines: run power radiator",
label = S("Machines: run power radiator"),
nodenames = {"technic:power_radiator"},
interval = 1,
chance = 1,
@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ minetest.register_abm({
if eu_input == 0 then
-- No power
meta:set_string("infotext", "MV Power Radiator is unpowered");
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 is unpowered", S("@1 Power Radiator", S("MV"))));
-- meta:set_int("active", 1) -- used for setting textures someday maybe
meta:set_int("connected_EU_demand", 0)
@ -201,9 +203,8 @@ minetest.register_abm({
-- The appliance has power from this node. Spend power if it is on.
used_charge = used_charge + math.floor(meta1:get_int("EU_charge") / eff_factor)
meta:set_string("infotext", "MV Power Radiator is powered ("
..math.floor(used_charge / max_charge * 100)
.."% of maximum power)");
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 is powered (@2% of maximum power)", S("@1 Power Radiator", S("MV")),
math.floor(used_charge / max_charge * 100)))
if used_charge == 0 then
meta:set_int("MV_EU_demand", 1) -- Still idle
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:solar_array_mv 1',
recipe = {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ minetest.register_craft({
technic.register_solar_array({tier="MV", power=30})
technic.register_solar_array({tier="MV", power=30, tier_localized=S("MV")})
-- compatibility alias for upgrading from old versions of technic
minetest.register_alias("technic:solar_panel_mv", "technic:solar_array_mv")
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
minetest.register_alias("tool_workshop", "technic:tool_workshop")
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local tube_entry = "^pipeworks_tube_connection_wooden.png"
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ local workshop_demand = {5000, 3500, 2000}
local workshop_formspec =
"label[0,0;"..S("%s Tool Workshop"):format("MV").."]"..
"label[0,0;"..S("@1 Tool Workshop", S("MV")).."]"..
"label[1,4;"..S("Upgrade Slots").."]"..
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ local run = function(pos, node)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
local eu_input = meta:get_int("MV_EU_input")
local machine_name = S("%s Tool Workshop"):format("MV")
local machine_name = S("@1 Tool Workshop", S("MV"))
-- Setup meta data if it does not exist.
if not eu_input then
@ -66,15 +67,15 @@ local run = function(pos, node)
if not repairable then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Idle"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Idle", machine_name))
meta:set_int("MV_EU_demand", 0)
if eu_input < workshop_demand[EU_upgrade+1] then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Unpowered"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Unpowered", machine_name))
elseif eu_input >= workshop_demand[EU_upgrade+1] then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Active"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Active", machine_name))
inv:set_stack("src", 1, srcstack)
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ local run = function(pos, node)
minetest.register_node("technic:tool_workshop", {
description = S("%s Tool Workshop"):format("MV"),
description = S("@1 Tool Workshop", S("MV")),
paramtype2 = "facedir",
tiles = {
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:tool_workshop", {
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Tool Workshop"):format("MV"))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Tool Workshop", S("MV")))
meta:set_string("formspec", workshop_formspec)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
inv:set_size("src", 1)
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:wind_mill_frame 5',
@ -51,23 +50,23 @@ end
local run = function(pos, node)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local machine_name = S("Wind %s Generator"):format("MV")
local machine_name = S("Wind @1 Generator", S("MV"))
local check = check_wind_mill(pos)
if check == false then
meta:set_int("MV_EU_supply", 0)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Improperly Placed"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Improperly Placed", machine_name))
elseif check == true then
local power = math.min(pos.y * 100, 5000)
meta:set_int("MV_EU_supply", power)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 (@2)", machine_name,
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Active @1 (@2 EU)", machine_name,
-- check == nil: assume nothing has changed
minetest.register_node("technic:wind_mill", {
description = S("Wind %s Generator"):format("MV"),
description = S("Wind @1 Generator", S("MV")),
tiles = {"technic_carbon_steel_block.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = {cracky=1, technic_machine=1, technic_mv=1},
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:wind_mill", {
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Wind %s Generator"):format("MV"))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Wind @1 Generator", S("MV")))
meta:set_int("MV_EU_supply", 0)
technic_run = run,
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local desc = S("Administrative World Anchor")
@ -48,12 +49,12 @@ local function forceload_on(pos, meta)
local function set_display(pos, meta)
meta:set_string("infotext", S(meta:get_int("enabled") ~= 0 and "%s Enabled" or "%s Disabled"):format(desc))
meta:set_string("infotext", meta:get_int("enabled") ~= 0 and S("@1 Enabled", desc) or S("@1 Disabled", desc))
"label[0,1;"..minetest.formspec_escape(S("Owner:").." "..meta:get_string("owner")).."]"..
"label[0,1;"..minetest.formspec_escape(S("Owner: @1", meta:get_string("owner"))).."]"..
(meta:get_int("locked") == 0 and
"button[3,1;2,1;lock;"..minetest.formspec_escape(S("Unlocked")).."]" or
@ -61,7 +62,9 @@ local function set_display(pos, meta)
(meta:get_int("enabled") == 0 and
"button[3,2;2,1;enable;"..minetest.formspec_escape(S("Disabled")).."]" or
"label[0,3;"..minetest.formspec_escape(S("Keeping %d/%d map blocks loaded"):format(#currently_forceloaded_positions(meta), #compute_forceload_positions(pos, meta))).."]")
"label[0,3;"..minetest.formspec_escape(S("Keeping @1/@2 map blocks loaded",
string.format("%d", #currently_forceloaded_positions(meta)),
string.format("%d", #compute_forceload_positions(pos, meta)))).."]")
minetest.register_node("technic:admin_anchor", {
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-- Fuel driven alloy furnace. This uses no EUs:
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:coal_alloy_furnace',
@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:coal_alloy_furnace_active", {
label = "Machines: run coal alloy furnace",
label = S("Machines: run coal alloy furnace"),
nodenames = {"technic:coal_alloy_furnace", "technic:coal_alloy_furnace_active"},
interval = 1,
chance = 1,
@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ minetest.register_abm({
if meta:get_float("fuel_time") < meta:get_float("fuel_totaltime") then
local percent = math.floor(meta:get_float("fuel_time") /
meta:get_float("fuel_totaltime") * 100)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Active"):format(machine_name).." ("..percent.."%)")
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Active (@2%)", machine_name, percent))
technic.swap_node(pos, "technic:coal_alloy_furnace_active")
@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ minetest.register_abm({
if not recipe then
if was_active then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s is empty"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 is empty", machine_name))
technic.swap_node(pos, "technic:coal_alloy_furnace")
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec)
@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ minetest.register_abm({
if fuel.time <= 0 then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Out Of Fuel"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Out Of Fuel", machine_name))
technic.swap_node(pos, "technic:coal_alloy_furnace")
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
if minetest.registered_nodes["default:furnace"].description == "Furnace" then
minetest.override_item("default:furnace", { description = S("Fuel-Fired Furnace") })
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local function deploy_node(inv, slot_name, pos, node, machine_node)
if node.param2 > 3 then return end
@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ end
local function make_constructor(mark, length)
minetest.register_node("technic:constructor_mk"..mark.."_off", {
description = S("Constructor Mk%d"):format(mark),
description = S("Constructor Mk@1", string.format("%d", mark)),
tiles = {"technic_constructor_mk"..mark.."_top_off.png",
@ -146,16 +145,16 @@ local function make_constructor(mark, length)
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local formspec = "size[8,9;]"..
"label[0,0;"..S("Constructor Mk%d"):format(mark).."]"..
"label[0,0;"..S("Constructor Mk@1", string.format("%d", mark)).."]"..
for i = 1, length do
formspec = formspec
.."label[5,"..(i - 1)..";"..S("Slot %d"):format(i).."]"
.."label[5,"..(i - 1)..";"..S("Slot @1", string.format("%d", i)).."]"
..";6,"..(i - 1)..";1,1;]"
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Constructor Mk%d"):format(mark))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Constructor Mk@1", string.format("%d", mark)))
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
for i = 1, length do
inv:set_size("slot"..i, 1)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local infinite_stacks = minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode")
and minetest.get_modpath("unified_inventory") == nil
@ -296,10 +296,9 @@ for zp = 0, 1 do
local pos = pointed_thing.above
if minetest.is_protected(pos, placer:get_player_name()) then
minetest.log("action", placer:get_player_name()
.. " tried to place " .. itemstack:get_name()
.. " at protected position "
.. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
minetest.log("action", S("@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3", placer:get_player_name(),
minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, placer:get_player_name())
return itemstack
@ -325,10 +324,9 @@ for zp = 0, 1 do
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
if is_supported_node(itemstack:get_name()) then
if minetest.is_protected(pos, placer:get_player_name()) then
minetest.log("action", placer:get_player_name()
.. " tried to place " .. itemstack:get_name()
.. " at protected position "
.. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
minetest.log("action", S("@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3", placer:get_player_name(),
minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, placer:get_player_name())
return itemstack
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local fs_helpers = pipeworks.fs_helpers
@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:injector", {
label = "Machines: run injector",
label = S("Machines: run injector"),
nodenames = {"technic:injector"},
interval = 1,
chance = 1,
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- The power monitor can be used to monitor how much power is available on a network,
-- similarly to the old "slave" switching stations.
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local cable_entry = "^technic_cable_connection_overlay.png"
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:power_monitor",{
nodenames = {"technic:power_monitor"},
label = "Machines: run power monitor",
label = S("Machines: run power monitor"),
interval = 1,
chance = 1,
action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ minetest.register_abm({
local supply = sw_meta:get_int("supply")
local demand = sw_meta:get_int("demand")
S("Power Monitor. Supply: @1 Demand: @2",
S("@1. Supply: @2 Demand: @3", S("Power Monitor"),
technic.EU_string(supply), technic.EU_string(demand)))
meta:set_string("infotext",S("Power Monitor Has No Network"))
meta:set_string("infotext",S("@1 Has No Network",S("Power Monitor")))
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
function technic.insert_object_unique_stack(pos, node, incoming_stack, direction)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
@ -40,7 +38,7 @@ end
function technic.register_alloy_furnace(data)
data.typename = "alloy"
data.machine_name = "alloy_furnace"
data.machine_desc = S("%s Alloy Furnace")
data.machine_desc = S("@1 Alloy Furnace", data.tier_localized)
data.insert_object = technic.insert_object_unique_stack
data.can_insert = technic.can_insert_unique_stack
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
technic.register_recipe_type("alloy", {
description = S("Alloying"),
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
local digilines_path = minetest.get_modpath("digilines")
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local tube_entry = "^pipeworks_tube_connection_metallic.png"
local cable_entry = "^technic_cable_connection_overlay.png"
@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ local function add_on_off_buttons(meta, ltier, charge_percent)
).."label[3.9,2.01;Allow splitting incoming 'charge' stacks from tubes]"..
).."label[3.9,2.01;"..S("Allow splitting incoming 'charge' stacks from tubes").."]"..
@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ local function add_on_off_buttons(meta, ltier, charge_percent)
).."label[3.9,2.51;Allow splitting incoming 'discharge' stacks]"
).."label[3.9,2.51;"..S("Allow splitting incoming 'discharge' stacks").."]"
return formspec
@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ function technic.register_battery_box(data)
"label[0,0;"..S("%s Battery Box"):format(tier).."]"..
"label[0,0;"..S("@1 Battery Box", data.tier_localized).."]"..
"label[1,3;"..S("Power level").."]"..
@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ function technic.register_battery_box(data)
if digilines_path then
formspec = formspec.."button[0.6,3.7;2,1;edit_channel;edit Channel]"
formspec = formspec.."button[0.6,3.7;2,1;edit_channel;"..S("edit Channel").."]"
if data.upgrade then
@ -196,7 +195,7 @@ function technic.register_battery_box(data)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
if not technic.is_tier_cable(below.name, tier) then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Battery Box Has No Network"):format(tier))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Has No Network", S("@1 Battery Box", tier_localized)))
@ -255,11 +254,11 @@ function technic.register_battery_box(data)
local charge_percent = math.floor(current_charge / max_charge * 100)
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec..add_on_off_buttons(meta, ltier, charge_percent))
local infotext = S("@1 Battery Box: @2 / @3", tier,
local infotext = S("@1 Battery Box: @2 / @3", tier_localized,
if eu_input == 0 then
infotext = S("%s Idle"):format(infotext)
infotext = S("@1 Idle", infotext)
meta:set_string("infotext", infotext)
@ -288,7 +287,7 @@ function technic.register_battery_box(data)
minetest.register_node("technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box"..i, {
description = S("%s Battery Box"):format(tier),
description = S("@1 Battery Box", data.tier_localized),
tiles = {
@ -312,7 +311,7 @@ function technic.register_battery_box(data)
local charge = meta:get_int("internal_EU_charge")
local cpercent = math.floor(charge / max_charge * 100)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Battery Box"):format(tier))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Battery Box", data.tier_localized))
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec..add_on_off_buttons(meta, ltier, cpercent))
meta:set_string("channel", ltier.."_battery_box"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
meta:set_int(tier.."_EU_demand", 0)
@ -337,7 +336,7 @@ function technic.register_battery_box(data)
if fields.edit_channel then
"field[channel;Digiline Channel;"..meta:get_string("channel").."]")
"field[channel;"..S("Digiline Channel")..";"..meta:get_string("channel").."]")
elseif fields["fs_helpers_cycling:0:split_src_stacks"]
or fields["fs_helpers_cycling:0:split_dst_stacks"]
or fields["fs_helpers_cycling:1:split_src_stacks"]
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local cable_tier = {}
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ local function item_place_override_node(itemstack, placer, pointed, node)
return itemstack
function technic.register_cable(tier, size)
function technic.register_cable(tier_localized, size, tier)
local ltier = string.lower(tier)
cable_tier["technic:"..ltier.."_cable"] = tier
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ function technic.register_cable(tier, size)
minetest.register_node("technic:"..ltier.."_cable", {
description = S("%s Cable"):format(tier),
description = S("@1 Cable", tier_localized),
tiles = {"technic_"..ltier.."_cable.png"},
inventory_image = "technic_"..ltier.."_cable_wield.png",
wield_image = "technic_"..ltier.."_cable_wield.png",
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ function technic.register_cable(tier, size)
for p, i in pairs(xyz) do
local def = {
description = S("%s Cable Plate"):format(tier),
description = S("@1 Cable Plate", tier_localized),
tiles = {"technic_"..ltier.."_cable.png"},
groups = table.copy(groups),
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
function technic.register_centrifuge(data)
data.typename = "separating"
data.machine_name = "centrifuge"
data.machine_desc = S("%s Centrifuge")
data.machine_desc = S("@1 Centrifuge", data.tier_localized)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
technic.register_recipe_type("separating", {
description = S("Separating"),
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
-- handles the machine upgrades every tick
function technic.handle_machine_upgrades(meta)
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
function technic.register_compressor(data)
data.typename = "compressing"
data.machine_name = "compressor"
data.machine_desc = S("%s Compressor")
data.machine_desc = S("@1 Compressor", data.tier_localized)
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
technic.register_recipe_type("compressing", { description = S("Compressing") })
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
function technic.register_electric_furnace(data)
data.typename = "cooking"
data.machine_name = "electric_furnace"
data.machine_desc = S("%s Furnace")
data.machine_desc = S("@1 Furnace", data.tier_localized)
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
function technic.register_extractor(data)
data.typename = "extracting"
data.machine_name = "extractor"
data.machine_desc = S("%s Extractor")
data.machine_desc = S("@1 Extractor", data.tier_localized)
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
technic.register_recipe_type("extracting", { description = S("Extracting") })
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
function technic.register_freezer(data)
data.typename = "freezing"
data.machine_name = "freezer"
data.machine_desc = S("%s Freezer")
data.machine_desc = S("@1 Freezer", data.tier_localized)
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
technic.register_recipe_type("freezing", { description = S("Freezing") })
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local fs_helpers = pipeworks.fs_helpers
local tube_entry = "^pipeworks_tube_connection_metallic.png"
@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ function technic.register_generator(data)
local generator_formspec =
"label[0,0;"..S("Fuel-Fired %s Generator"):format(tier).."]"..
"label[0,0;"..S("Fuel-Fired @1 Generator", data.tier_localized).."]"..
local desc = S("Fuel-Fired %s Generator"):format(tier)
local desc = S("Fuel-Fired @1 Generator", data.tier_localized)
local run = function(pos, node)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ function technic.register_generator(data)
{method = "fuel", width = 1,
items = fuellist})
if not fuel or fuel.time == 0 then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Out Of Fuel"):format(desc))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Out Of Fuel", desc))
technic.swap_node(pos, "technic:"..ltier.."_generator")
meta:set_int(tier.."_EU_supply", 0)
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ function technic.register_generator(data)
if burn_totaltime == 0 then burn_totaltime = 1 end
local percent = math.floor((burn_time / burn_totaltime) * 100)
meta:set_string("infotext", desc.." ("..percent.."%)")
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 (@2%)", desc, percent))
local form_buttons = ""
if ltier ~= "lv" then
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
function technic.register_grinder(data)
data.typename = "grinding"
data.machine_name = "grinder"
data.machine_desc = S("%s Grinder")
data.machine_desc = S("@1 Grinder", data.tier_localized)
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
technic.register_recipe_type("grinding", { description = S("Grinding") })
@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ local function register_dust(name, ingot)
local lname = string.lower(name)
lname = string.gsub(lname, ' ', '_')
minetest.register_craftitem("technic:"..lname.."_dust", {
description = S("%s Dust"):format(S(name)),
description = S("@1 Dust", S(name)),
inventory_image = "technic_"..lname.."_dust.png",
if ingot then
@ -103,8 +102,8 @@ register_dust("Chernobylite", "technic:chernobylite_block")
register_dust("Chromium", "technic:chromium_ingot")
register_dust("Coal", nil)
register_dust("Copper", "default:copper_ingot")
register_dust("Lead", "technic:lead_ingot")
register_dust("Gold", "default:gold_ingot")
register_dust("Lead", "technic:lead_ingot")
register_dust("Mithril", "moreores:mithril_ingot")
register_dust("Silver", "moreores:silver_ingot")
register_dust("Stainless Steel", "technic:stainless_steel_ingot")
@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ for p = 0, 35 do
local ingot = "technic:uranium"..psuffix.."_ingot"
local dust = "technic:uranium"..psuffix.."_dust"
minetest.register_craftitem(dust, {
description = S("%s Dust"):format(string.format(S("%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium"), p/10)),
description = S("@1 Dust", S("@1%-Fissile Uranium", string.format("%.1f", p/10))),
inventory_image = "technic_uranium_dust.png",
on_place_on_ground = minetest.craftitem_place_item,
groups = {uranium_dust=1, not_in_creative_inventory=nici},
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local moretrees = minetest.get_modpath("moretrees")
local dye = minetest.get_modpath("dye")
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ local function register_tree_grinding(name, tree, wood, extract, grinding_color)
inventory_image = inventory_image .. "^[colorize:" .. grinding_color
minetest.register_craftitem(grindings_name, {
description = S("%s Grinding"):format(S(name)),
description = S("@1 Grinding", S(name)),
inventory_image = inventory_image,
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local fs_helpers = pipeworks.fs_helpers
local tube_entry = "^pipeworks_tube_connection_metallic.png"
@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ function technic.register_base_machine(data)
@ -117,11 +116,11 @@ function technic.register_base_machine(data)
meta:set_int(tier.."_EU_demand", machine_demand[EU_upgrade+1])
technic.swap_node(pos, machine_node.."_active")
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Active"):format(machine_desc_tier))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Active", machine_desc_tier))
if meta:get_int("src_time") < round(result.time*10) then
if not powered then
technic.swap_node(pos, machine_node)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Unpowered"):format(machine_desc_tier))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Unpowered", machine_desc_tier))
@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ function technic.register_base_machine(data)
if not room_for_output then
technic.swap_node(pos, machine_node)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Idle"):format(machine_desc_tier))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Idle", machine_desc_tier))
meta:set_int(tier.."_EU_demand", 0)
meta:set_int("src_time", round(result.time*10))
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local have_ui = minetest.get_modpath("unified_inventory")
technic.recipes = { cooking = { input_size = 1, output_size = 1 } }
@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ local function register_recipe(typename, data)
local recipe = {time = data.time, input = {}, output = data.output}
local index = get_recipe_index(data.input)
if not index then
print("[Technic] ignored registration of garbage recipe!")
print(S("[Technic] ignored registration of garbage recipe!"))
for _, stack in ipairs(data.input) do
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ function technic.get_recipe(typename, items)
local index = get_recipe_index(items)
if not index then
print("[Technic] ignored registration of garbage recipe!")
print(S("[Technic] ignored registration of garbage recipe!"))
local recipe = technic.recipes[typename].recipes[index]
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
function technic.register_solar_array(data)
local tier = data.tier
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ function technic.register_solar_array(data)
-- To take care of some of it solar panels do not work outside daylight hours or if
-- built below 0m
local pos1 = {}
local machine_name = S("Arrayed Solar %s Generator"):format(tier)
local machine_name = S("Arrayed Solar @1 Generator", data.tier_localized)
pos1.y = pos.y + 1
pos1.x = pos.x
pos1.z = pos.z
@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ function technic.register_solar_array(data)
meta:set_int(tier.."_EU_supply", charge_to_give)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Idle"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Idle", machine_name))
meta:set_int(tier.."_EU_supply", 0)
@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ function technic.register_solar_array(data)
groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, technic_machine=1, ["technic_"..ltier]=1},
connect_sides = {"bottom"},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
description = S("Arrayed Solar %s Generator"):format(tier),
description = S("Arrayed Solar @1 Generator", data.tier_localized),
active = false,
drawtype = "nodebox",
paramtype = "light",
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
local digilines_path = minetest.get_modpath("digilines")
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local cable_entry = "^technic_cable_connection_overlay.png"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ local function set_supply_converter_formspec(meta)
"field[0.3,0.5;2,1;power;"..S("Input Power")..";"..meta:get_int("power").."]"
if digilines_path then
formspec = formspec..
"field[2.3,0.5;3,1;channel;Digiline Channel;"..meta:get_string("channel").."]"
"field[2.3,0.5;3,1;channel;"..S("Digiline Channel")..";"..meta:get_string("channel").."]"
-- The names for these toggle buttons are explicit about which
-- state they'll switch to, so that multiple presses (arising
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ local function set_supply_converter_formspec(meta)
formspec = formspec.."button[0,1;5,1;mesecon_mode_0;"..S("Controlled by Mesecon Signal").."]"
if meta:get_int("enabled") == 0 then
formspec = formspec.."button[0,1.75;5,1;enable;"..S("%s Disabled"):format(S("Supply Converter")).."]"
formspec = formspec.."button[0,1.75;5,1;enable;"..S("@1 Disabled", S("Supply Converter")).."]"
formspec = formspec.."button[0,1.75;5,1;disable;"..S("%s Enabled"):format(S("Supply Converter")).."]"
formspec = formspec.."button[0,1.75;5,1;disable;"..S("@1 Enabled", S("Supply Converter")).."]"
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec)
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ local run = function(pos, node, run_stage)
technic.EU_string(input), from,
technic.EU_string(input * remain), to))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Has Bad Cabling"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Has Bad Cabling", machine_name))
if to then
meta:set_int(to.."_EU_supply", 0)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ technic.redundant_warn = {}
local mesecons_path = minetest.get_modpath("mesecons")
local digilines_path = minetest.get_modpath("digilines")
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local cable_entry = "^technic_cable_connection_overlay.png"
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:switching_station",{
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Switching Station"))
meta:set_string("active", 1)
meta:set_string("channel", "switching_station"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
meta:set_string("formspec", "field[channel;Channel;${channel}]")
meta:set_string("formspec", "field[channel;"..S("Channel")..";${channel}]")
local poshash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos)
technic.redundant_warn.poshash = nil
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ technic.powerctrl_state = true
minetest.register_chatcommand("powerctrl", {
params = "state",
description = "Enables or disables technic's switching station ABM",
description = S("Enables or disables technic's switching station ABM"),
privs = { basic_privs = true },
func = function(name, state)
if state == "on" then
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ end
nodenames = {"technic:switching_station"},
label = "Switching Station", -- allows the mtt profiler to profile this abm individually
label = S("Switching Station"), -- allows the mtt profiler to profile this abm individually
interval = 1,
chance = 1,
action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
@ -265,13 +265,13 @@ minetest.register_abm({
if meta:get_int("active") ~= 1 then
meta:set_string("infotext",S("%s Already Present"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext",S("@1 Already Present", machine_name))
local poshash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos)
if not technic.redundant_warn[poshash] then
technic.redundant_warn[poshash] = true
print("[TECHNIC] Warning: redundant switching station found near "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
print(S("[TECHNIC] Warning: redundant switching station found near @1", minetest.pos_to_string(pos)))
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ minetest.register_abm({
PR_nodes, BA_nodes, RE_nodes = get_network(pos, pos1, tier)
--dprint("Not connected to a network")
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Has No Network"):format(machine_name))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Has No Network", machine_name))
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ local function switching_station_timeout_count(pos, tier)
label = "Machines: timeout check",
label = S("Machines: timeout check"),
nodenames = {"group:technic_machine"},
interval = 1,
chance = 1,
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ minetest.register_abm({
if nodedef then
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Has No Network"):format(nodedef.description))
meta:set_string("infotext", S("@1 Has No Network", nodedef.description))
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
name = technic
depends = default, pipeworks, technic_worldgen, basic_materials
optional_depends = bucket, screwdriver, mesecons, mesecons_mvps, digilines, digiline_remote, intllib, unified_inventory, vector_extras, dye
optional_depends = bucket, screwdriver, mesecons, mesecons_mvps, digilines, digiline_remote, unified_inventory, vector_extras, dye
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ or complex internal structure should show no radiation resistance.
Fractional resistance values are permitted.
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local rad_resistance_node = {
["default:brick"] = 13,
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ end
if minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_damage") then
label = "Radiation damage",
label = S("Radiation damage"),
nodenames = {"group:radioactive"},
interval = 1,
chance = 1,
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ local griefing = technic.config:get_bool("enable_corium_griefing")
for _, state in pairs({"flowing", "source"}) do
minetest.register_node("technic:corium_"..state, {
description = S(state == "source" and "Corium Source" or "Flowing Corium"),
description = (state == "source") and S("Corium Source") or S("Flowing Corium"),
drawtype = (state == "source" and "liquid" or "flowingliquid"),
tiles = {{
name = "technic_corium_"..state.."_animated.png",
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ if rawget(_G, "bucket") and bucket.register_liquid then
"Corium Bucket"
S("Corium Bucket")
@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ minetest.register_abm({
if griefing then
label = "Corium: griefing",
label = S("Corium: griefing"),
nodenames = {"technic:corium_source", "technic:corium_flowing"},
interval = 4,
chance = 4,
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local function set_can_wear(itemstack, level, max_level)
local temp
@ -36,7 +36,11 @@ function technic.register_can(d)
local charge = get_can_level(itemstack)
if charge == data.can_capacity then return end
if minetest.is_protected(pointed_thing.under, user:get_player_name()) then
minetest.log("action", user:get_player_name().." tried to take "..node.name.." at protected position "..minetest.pos_to_string(pointed_thing.under).." with a "..data.can_name)
minetest.log("action", S("@1 tried to take @2 at protected position @3 with a @4",
@ -63,7 +67,11 @@ function technic.register_can(d)
local charge = get_can_level(itemstack)
if charge == 0 then return end
if minetest.is_protected(pos, user:get_player_name()) then
minetest.log("action", user:get_player_name().." tried to place "..data.liquid_source_name.." at protected position "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos).." with a "..data.can_name)
minetest.log("action", S("@1 tried to place @2 at protected position @3 with a @4",
minetest.set_node(pos, {name=data.liquid_source_name})
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ for _, node in pairs(nodes) do
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
technic.register_power_tool("technic:chainsaw", chainsaw_max_charge)
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-- Original code comes from walkin_light mod by Echo
-- http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2621
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local flashlight_max_charge = 30000
local S = technic.getter
technic.register_power_tool("technic:flashlight", flashlight_max_charge)
minetest.register_alias("technic:light_off", "air")
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
local max_charge = {50000, 200000, 650000}
local power_usage_per_node = {200, 500, 800}
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = 'technic:mining_drill',
@ -249,14 +249,14 @@ local function mining_drill_mk2_setmode(user,itemstack)
if meta["mode"]==nil then
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk%d modes."):format(2))
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk@1 modes.", "2"))
if mode>=5 then mode=1 end
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("Mining Drill Mk%d Mode %d"):format(2, mode)..": "..mining_drill_mode_text[mode][1])
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2: ", "2", string.format("%d", mode))..mining_drill_mode_text[mode][1])
@ -272,14 +272,14 @@ local function mining_drill_mk3_setmode(user,itemstack)
if meta["mode"]==nil then
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk%d modes."):format(3))
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk@1 modes.", "3"))
if mode>=6 then mode=1 end
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("Mining Drill Mk%d Mode %d"):format(3, mode)..": "..mining_drill_mode_text[mode][1])
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2: ", "3", string.format("%d", mode))..mining_drill_mode_text[mode][1])
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ end
technic.register_power_tool("technic:mining_drill", max_charge[1])
minetest.register_tool("technic:mining_drill", {
description = S("Mining Drill Mk%d"):format(1),
description = S("Mining Drill Mk@1", "1"),
inventory_image = "technic_mining_drill.png",
stack_max = 1,
wear_represents = "technic_RE_charge",
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ minetest.register_tool("technic:mining_drill", {
minetest.register_tool("technic:mining_drill_mk2", {
description = S("Mining Drill Mk%d"):format(2),
description = S("Mining Drill Mk@1", "2"),
inventory_image = "technic_mining_drill_mk2.png",
wear_represents = "technic_RE_charge",
on_refill = technic.refill_RE_charge,
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ technic.register_power_tool("technic:mining_drill_mk2", max_charge[2])
for i = 1, 4 do
technic.register_power_tool("technic:mining_drill_mk2_"..i, max_charge[2])
minetest.register_tool("technic:mining_drill_mk2_"..i, {
description = S("Mining Drill Mk%d Mode %d"):format(2, i),
description = S("Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2", "2", string.format("%d", i)),
inventory_image = "technic_mining_drill_mk2.png^technic_tool_mode"..i..".png",
wield_image = "technic_mining_drill_mk2.png",
wear_represents = "technic_RE_charge",
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ for i = 1, 4 do
minetest.register_tool("technic:mining_drill_mk3", {
description = S("Mining Drill Mk%d"):format(3),
description = S("Mining Drill Mk@1", "3"),
inventory_image = "technic_mining_drill_mk3.png",
wear_represents = "technic_RE_charge",
on_refill = technic.refill_RE_charge,
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ technic.register_power_tool("technic:mining_drill_mk3", max_charge[3])
for i=1,5,1 do
technic.register_power_tool("technic:mining_drill_mk3_"..i, max_charge[3])
minetest.register_tool("technic:mining_drill_mk3_"..i, {
description = S("Mining Drill Mk%d Mode %d"):format(3, i),
description = S("Mining Drill Mk@1 Mode @2", "3", string.format("%d",i)),
inventory_image = "technic_mining_drill_mk3.png^technic_tool_mode"..i..".png",
wield_image = "technic_mining_drill_mk3.png",
wear_represents = "technic_RE_charge",
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ local mining_lasers_list = {
local allow_entire_discharging = true
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
output = "technic:laser_mk1",
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ end
for _, m in pairs(mining_lasers_list) do
technic.register_power_tool("technic:laser_mk"..m[1], m[3])
minetest.register_tool("technic:laser_mk"..m[1], {
description = S("Mining Laser Mk%d"):format(m[1]),
description = S("Mining Laser Mk@1", string.format("%d", m[1])),
inventory_image = "technic_mining_laser_mk"..m[1]..".png",
range = 0,
stack_max = 1,
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
technic.register_power_tool("technic:prospector", 300000)
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ minetest.register_tool("technic:prospector", {
local charge_to_take = toolmeta.look_depth * (toolmeta.look_depth + 1) * look_diameter * look_diameter
if toolmeta.charge < charge_to_take then return end
if toolmeta.target == "" then
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Right-click to set target block type")
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), S("Right-click to set target block type"))
if not technic.creative_mode then
@ -68,29 +68,29 @@ minetest.register_tool("technic:prospector", {
(toolmeta.target ~= "" and
"label[0,1.5;Current target:]"..
"label[0,1.5;"..S("Current target:").."]"..
"item_image[0,2.5;1,1;"..toolmeta.target.."]" or
"label[0,1.5;No target set]")..
"label[0,1.5;"..S("No target set").."]")..
(pointed and
"label[3.5,1.5;May set new target:]"..
"label[3.5,1.5;"..S("May set new target:").."]"..
"button_exit[3.5,3.65;2,0.5;target_"..pointed..";Set target]" or
"label[3.5,1.5;No new target available]")..
"label[0,4.5;Region cross section:]"..
"button_exit[3.5,3.65;2,0.5;target_"..pointed..";"..S("Set target").."]" or
"label[3.5,1.5;"..S("No new target available").."]")..
"label[0,4.5;"..S("Region cross section:").."]"..
"label[3.5,4.5;Set region cross section:]"..
"label[3.5,4.5;"..S("Set region cross section:").."]"..
"label[0,6;Region depth:]"..
"label[0,6;"..S("Region depth:").."]"..
"label[3.5,6;Set region depth:]"..
"label[3.5,6;"..S("Set region depth:").."]"..
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
local sonic_screwdriver_max_charge = 15000
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
technic.register_power_tool("technic:sonic_screwdriver", sonic_screwdriver_max_charge)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
local S = technic.getter
local mesecons_materials = minetest.get_modpath("mesecons_materials")
minetest.register_tool("technic:treetap", {
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ minetest.register_craftitem("technic:rubber", {
label = "Tools: tree tap",
label = S("Tools: tree tap"),
nodenames = {"moretrees:rubber_tree_trunk_empty"},
interval = 60,
chance = 15,
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local vacuum_max_charge = 10000 -- 10000 - Maximum charge of the vacuum c
local vacuum_charge_per_object = 100 -- 100 - Capable of picking up 50 objects
local vacuum_range = 8 -- 8 - Area in which to pick up objects
local S = technic.getter
local S = minetest.get_translator("technic")
technic.register_power_tool("technic:vacuum", vacuum_max_charge)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user