Extend throwing.register_bow, change params order

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upsilon 2017-06-21 17:08:32 +02:00
parent 4930d2f518
commit 000c16d292
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: A80DAE1F266E1C3C
3 changed files with 51 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -39,11 +39,12 @@ Definition: definition table, containing:
* texture (essential): texture of the bow, shown in inventory.
* groups (optional): groups of the item.
* uses: number of uses of the bow (default is 50).
* allow_shot (optional): function(player, itemstack):
* allow_shot (optional): function(player, itemstack, index):
- player: the player using the bow
- itemstack: the itemstack of the bow
- should return true if the shot can be made, and false otherwise
- default for this is function(player, itemstack) return throwing.is_arrow(itemstack) end
- the default function checks that the arrow to be thrown is a registered arrow
- it can return a second return value, which is the new itemstack
* throw_itself (optional): whether the bow should throw itself instead of the arrow next to it in the inventory.
If present, allow_shot is ignored.
Default is false.
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ Definition: definition table, containing:
* target (optional, defaulting to throwing.target_both): what the arrow is able to hit (throwing.target_node, throwing.target_object, throwing.target_both).
* allow_protected (optional, defaulting to false): whether the arrow can be throw in a protected area
* on_hit_sound (optional): sound played when the arrow hits a node or an object.
* on_hit(pos, last_pos, node, object, hitter, data, self) (optional but very useful): callback function:
* on_hit(self, pos, last_pos, node, object, hitter, data) (optional but very useful): callback function:
- pos: the position of the hit node or object.
- last_pos: the last air node where the arrow was
- node and object: hit node or object. Either node or object is nil, depending
@ -79,15 +80,15 @@ Definition: definition table, containing:
- self: the arrow entity table (it allows you to hack a lot!)
- If it fails, it should return:
false[, reason]
* on_throw(pos, thrower, next_index, data, self) (optional): callback function: on_throw:
* on_throw(self, pos, thrower, itemstack, index, data) (optional): callback function: on_throw:
- pos: the position from where the arrow is throw (which a bit higher than the hitter position)
- thrower: an ObjectRef to the thrower player
- next_index: the index next to the arrow in the "main" inventory
- data: a data table associated to the entity where you can store what you want
- self: the arrow entity table
- If the arrow shouldn't be throw, it should return false.
- If the arrow shouldn't be thrown, it should return false.
* on_throw_sound (optional, there is a default sound, specify "" for no sound): sound to be played when the arrow is throw
* on_hit_fails(pos, thrower, data, self) (optional): callback function called if the hit failed (e.g. because on_hit returned false or because the area was protected)
* on_hit_fails(self, pos, thrower, data) (optional): callback function called if the hit failed (e.g. because on_hit returned false or because the area was protected)
-- Example:

View File

@ -32,14 +32,17 @@ function throwing.spawn_arrow_entity(pos, arrow, player)
local function shoot_arrow(itemstack, player, throw_itself)
local function shoot_arrow(itemstack, player, throw_itself, new_stack)
local inventory = player:get_inventory()
local arrow
if throw_itself then
arrow = player:get_wielded_item():get_name()
arrow = inventory:get_stack("main", player:get_wield_index()+1):get_name()
local index = player:get_wield_index()
if not throw_itself then
if index >= player:get_inventory():get_size("main") then
return false
index = index + 1
local arrow_stack = inventory:get_stack("main", index)
local arrow = arrow_stack:get_name()
local playerpos = player:getpos()
local pos = {x=playerpos.x,y=playerpos.y+1.5,z=playerpos.z}
@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ local function shoot_arrow(itemstack, player, throw_itself)
if luaentity.on_throw then
if luaentity.on_throw(pos, player, ((player:get_wield_index()+1) % inventory:get_size("main")) + 1, luaentity.data, luaentity) == false then
if luaentity:on_throw(pos, player, arrow_stack, index, luaentity.data) == false then
return false
@ -72,7 +75,13 @@ local function shoot_arrow(itemstack, player, throw_itself)
if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then
inventory:remove_item("main", arrow)
if new_stack then
inventory:set_stack("main", index, new_stack)
local stack = inventory:get_stack("main", index)
inventory:set_stack("main", index, stack)
return true
@ -106,7 +115,7 @@ local function arrow_step(self, dtime)
player:get_inventory():add_item("main", self.item)
if self.on_hit_fails then
self.on_hit_fails(pos, player, self.data, self)
self:on_hit_fails(pos, player, self.data)
@ -123,7 +132,7 @@ local function arrow_step(self, dtime)
if self.on_hit then
local ret, reason = self.on_hit(pos, self.last_pos, node, obj, player, self.data, self)
local ret, reason = self:on_hit(pos, self.last_pos, node, obj, player, self.data)
if ret == false then
if reason then
logging(": on_hit function failed for reason: "..reason)
@ -310,7 +319,10 @@ function throwing.register_bow(name, def)
if not def.allow_shot then
def.allow_shot = function(player, itemstack)
def.allow_shot = function(player, itemstack, index)
if index >= player:get_inventory():get_size("main") and not def.throw_itself then
return false
return throwing.is_arrow(itemstack)
@ -326,13 +338,15 @@ function throwing.register_bow(name, def)
local index = (def.throw_itself and user:get_wield_index()) or user:get_wield_index()+1
local res, new_stack = def.allow_shot(user, user:get_inventory():get_stack("main", index), index)
-- Throw itself?
if not def.throw_itself and not def.allow_shot(user, user:get_inventory():get_stack("main", user:get_wield_index()+1)) then
return itemstack
if not res then
return new_stack or itemstack
-- Shoot arrow
if shoot_arrow(itemstack, user, def.throw_itself) then
if shoot_arrow(itemstack, user, def.throw_itself, new_stack) then
if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then
itemstack:add_wear(65535 / (def.uses or 50))

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ if get_setting("arrow") then
target = throwing.target_both,
allow_protected = true,
on_hit_sound = "throwing_arrow",
on_hit = function(pos, _, node, object, hitter)
on_hit = function(self, pos, _, node, object, hitter)
if object then
object:punch(hitter, 1, {
full_punch_interval = 1,
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ if get_setting("golden_arrow") then
target = throwing.target_object,
allow_protected = true,
on_hit_sound = "throwing_arrow",
on_hit = function(pos, _, _, object, hitter)
on_hit = function(self, pos, _, _, object, hitter)
object:punch(hitter, 1, {
full_punch_interval = 1,
damage_groups = {fleshy = 5}
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ if get_setting("dig_arrow") then
tiles = {"throwing_arrow_dig.png", "throwing_arrow_dig.png", "throwing_arrow_dig_back.png", "throwing_arrow_dig_front.png", "throwing_arrow_dig_2.png", "throwing_arrow_dig.png"},
target = throwing.target_node,
on_hit_sound = "throwing_dig_arrow",
on_hit = function(pos, _, node, _, hitter)
on_hit = function(self, pos, _, node, _, hitter)
return minetest.dig_node(pos)
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ if get_setting("dig_arrow_admin") then
description = "Admin Dig Arrow",
tiles = {"throwing_arrow_dig.png", "throwing_arrow_dig.png", "throwing_arrow_dig_back.png", "throwing_arrow_dig_front.png", "throwing_arrow_dig_2.png", "throwing_arrow_dig.png"},
target = throwing.target_node,
on_hit = function(pos, _, node, _, _)
on_hit = function(self, pos, _, node, _, _)
groups = {not_in_creative_inventory = 1}
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ if get_setting("teleport_arrow") then
tiles = {"throwing_arrow_teleport.png", "throwing_arrow_teleport.png", "throwing_arrow_teleport_back.png", "throwing_arrow_teleport_front.png", "throwing_arrow_teleport_2.png", "throwing_arrow_teleport.png"},
allow_protected = true,
on_hit_sound = "throwing_teleport_arrow",
on_hit = function(_, last_pos, _, _, hitter)
on_hit = function(self, _, last_pos, _, _, hitter)
if minetest.get_node(last_pos).name ~= "air" then
minetest.log("warning", "[throwing] BUG: node at last_pos was not air")
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ if get_setting("fire_arrow") then
description = "Torch Arrow",
tiles = {"throwing_arrow_fire.png", "throwing_arrow_fire.png", "throwing_arrow_fire_back.png", "throwing_arrow_fire_front.png", "throwing_arrow_fire_2.png", "throwing_arrow_fire.png"},
on_hit_sound = "default_place_node",
on_hit = function(pos, last_pos, _, _, hitter)
on_hit = function(self, pos, last_pos, _, _, hitter)
if minetest.get_node(last_pos).name ~= "air" then
minetest.log("warning", "[throwing] BUG: node at last_pos was not air")
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ if get_setting("build_arrow") then
description = "Build Arrow",
tiles = {"throwing_arrow_build.png", "throwing_arrow_build.png", "throwing_arrow_build_back.png", "throwing_arrow_build_front.png", "throwing_arrow_build_2.png", "throwing_arrow_build.png"},
on_hit_sound = "throwing_build_arrow",
on_hit = function(_, last_pos, _, _, hitter)
on_hit = function(self, _, last_pos, _, _, hitter)
if minetest.get_node(last_pos).name ~= "air" then
minetest.log("warning", "[throwing] BUG: node at last_pos was not air")
@ -196,12 +196,16 @@ if get_setting("drop_arrow") then
tiles = {"throwing_arrow_drop.png", "throwing_arrow_drop.png", "throwing_arrow_drop_back.png", "throwing_arrow_drop_front.png", "throwing_arrow_drop_2.png", "throwing_arrow_drop.png"},
on_hit_sound = "throwing_build_arrow",
allow_protected = true,
on_throw = function(_, thrower, next_index, data)
data.itemstack = thrower:get_inventory():get_stack("main", next_index)
data.index = next_index
thrower:get_inventory():set_stack("main", next_index, nil)
on_throw = function(self, _, thrower, _, index, data)
local inventory = thrower:get_inventory()
if index >= inventory:get_size("main") or inventory:get_stack("main", index+1):get_name() == "" then
return false, "nothing to drop"
data.itemstack = inventory:get_stack("main", index+1)
data.index = index+1
thrower:get_inventory():set_stack("main", index+1, nil)
on_hit = function(_, last_pos, _, _, hitter, data)
on_hit = function(self, _, last_pos, _, _, hitter, data)
minetest.item_drop(ItemStack(data.itemstack), hitter, last_pos)
on_hit_fails = function(_, thrower, data)