upsilon b9c78c92b2
Make the data table different for each arrow
I found myself discovering, while re-reading this code (and judging it not so readable, despite myself being its author), that data table of each arrow was in fact a single reference shared between all entities corresponding to an arrow of the same type.
I'm really sorry about this and the catastrophes it may have caused (e.g., it made it easy to duplicate an item using a drop arrow by throwing a random item, and then throwing the item to duplicate before the first arrow hit the ground: both arrows would then produce the stack that was thrown last). I hope no player discovered this on a server that used this mod.

(Also, I don't really see the point of the make_arrow_def function anymore, so I removed it. I wrote this too long ago to remember why I would write such code.)
2020-02-16 18:20:37 +01:00


Developed by the Eurythmia team

This mod is an API for registering throwing and throwable things.

Mods based on this API:

  • throwing_arrows is a compatible replacement for the throwing mod by PilzAdam.
  • sling is a mod written by @tacotexmex that enables item stack and single item throwing of any item.
  • Native American Village, by Steamed-Punk, adds, among many other various items, a tomahawk that can be thrown.


The settings are the following:

throwing.velocity_factor = 19
throwing.horizontal_acceleration_factor = -3
throwing.vertical_acceleration = -10

throwing.allow_arrow_placing = false

throwing.bow_cooldown = 0.2


There are two available functions in the mod API:

function throwing.register_bow(name, definition)
Name: Bow name. If it doesn't contain ":", the "throwing:" prefix will be added.
Definition: definition table, containing:
  * description (highly recommended): description of the bow.
  * texture (essential): texture of the bow, shown in inventory.
  * groups (optional): groups of the item.
  * uses: number of uses of the bow (the default is 50).
  * allow_shot (optional): function(player, itemstack, index, last_run):
    - player: the player using the bow
    - itemstack: the itemstack of the bow
    - index: index of the arrow in the inventory
    - last_run: whether this is the last time this function is called before actually calling `spawn_arrow_entity`.
      Currently, `allow_shot` is actually run twice (once before the delay, and once after).
    - should return true if the shot can be made, and false otherwise
    - the default function checks that the arrow to be thrown is a registered arrow
    - it can return a second return value, which is the new itemstack to replace the arrow after the shot
  * throw_itself (optional): whether the bow should throw itself instead of the arrow next to it in the inventory.
    The default is false.
  * cooldown: bow cooldown. Default is setting throwing.bow_cooldown
  * function spawn_arrow_entity(position, arrow, player): defaults to throwing.spawn_arrow_entity
  * sound: sound to be played when the bow is used
  * delay: delay before throwing the arrow

-- Example:
throwing.register_bow("bow_wood", {
	itemcraft = "default:wood",
	description = "Wooden Bow",
	texture = "throwing_bow_wood.png"

itemcraft, craft_quantity, description, tiles, on_hit_sound, on_hit[, on_throw[, groups]]
function throwing.register_arrow(name, definition table)
Name: Arrow name. If it doesn't contain ":", the "throwing:" prefix will be added.
Definition: definition table, containing:
  * tiles (essential): tiles of the arrow.
  * target (optional, defaulting to throwing.target_both): what the arrow is able to hit (throwing.target_node, throwing.target_object, throwing.target_both).
  * allow_protected (optional, defaulting to false): whether the arrow can be throw in a protected area
  * on_hit_sound (optional): sound played when the arrow hits a node or an object.
  * on_hit(self, pos, last_pos, node, object, hitter, data) (optional but very useful): callback function:
    - pos: the position of the hit node or object.
    - last_pos: the last air node where the arrow was
    - node and object: hit node or object. Either node or object is nil, depending
      whether the arrow hit a node or an object.
    - hitter: an ObjectRef to the thrower player.
    - data: a data table associated to the entity where you can store what you want
    - self: the arrow entity table (it allows you to hack a lot!)
    - If it fails, it should return:
      false[, reason]
  * on_throw(self, pos, thrower, itemstack, index, data) (optional): callback function: on_throw:
    - pos: the position from where the arrow is throw (which a bit higher than the hitter position)
    - thrower: an ObjectRef to the thrower player
    - next_index: the index next to the arrow in the "main" inventory
    - data: a data table associated to the entity where you can store what you want
    - self: the arrow entity table
    - If the arrow shouldn't be thrown, it should return false.
  * on_throw_sound (optional, there is a default sound, specify "" for no sound): sound to be played when the arrow is throw
  * on_hit_fails(self, pos, thrower, data) (optional): callback function called if the hit failed (e.g. because on_hit returned false or because the area was protected)

-- Example:
throwing.register_arrow("arrow", {
	itemcraft = "default:steel_ingot",
	craft_quantity = 16,
	description = "Arrow",
	tiles = {"throwing_arrow.png", "throwing_arrow.png", "throwing_arrow_back.png", "throwing_arrow_front.png", "throwing_arrow_2.png", "throwing_arrow.png"},
	target = throwing.target_object,
	on_hit_sound = "throwing_arrow",
	on_hit = function(pos, _, _, object, hitter)
		object:punch(hitter, 1, {
			full_punch_interval = 1,
			damage_groups = {fleshy = 3}

If the item to throw is an arrow registered using throwing.register_arrow, the entity used will be the entity automatically registered by this function. Otherwise, if its definition contains a throwing_entity field, this field will be used as the entity name if it is a string, otherwise it will be called as a function(pos, player) that has to spawn the object and return the corresponding ObjectRef. If the item is neither an arrow nor has a throwing_entity field, the corresponding __builtin:item will be used.

Extendable throwing implementation by the Eurythmia Team. This is a mod for Minetest.
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