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synced 2025-03-13 16:00:51 +01:00
Drop obsolete docs
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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
If you wish to compile the engine in linux yourself,
goto the \source directory. Run a 'make' in the subfolder 'Irrlicht'.
After this, you should be able to make all example applications in \examples.
Then just start an X Server and run them, from the directory where they are.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
If you want to compile only the Irrlicht Engine you should use XCode project available at source/Irrlicht/ directory. You can also use examples/BuildAllExamples.xcworkspace file to build the Irrlicht Engine + all examples.
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
The Win32-VisualStudio version is currently (Irrlicht 1.8) compiled with VS 2010 using the Windows 7.1 SDK as platform toolset.
You might get the necessary Windows Platform SDK here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/bb980924.aspx
To link to that Irrlicht.dll you need to set platform toolset in your VS version to the same target or re-compile the Irrlicht.dll using another platform toolset.
To re-compile Irrlicht for Win32-VisualStudio:
There are several project files for different VS versions in source/Irrlicht.
Irrlicht10.0.sln is for VS 2010
Irrlicht11.0.sln is for VS 2012
Irrlicht12.0.sln is for VS 2013
To compile Irrlicht + all examples and all tools check the BuildAllExamples_*.sln files in the examples folder.
For newer VS versions you have update one of those projects (VS usually can do that automatically when you open an older solution file).
Currently each of those solutions does set the platform toolset "Windows 7.1 SDK" (to be compatible to each other).
You might want to change that in the project settings and set it to your current version.
Make sure you use the same platform toolset in your application and in the engine.
Also when compiling examples each example has to use the same platform toolset as was used for the engine.
Platform should be Win32
Configuration is by default "Release"
But you can also chose "Debug" if you want Irrlicht with Debug information.
Static builds are possible but you have to additionally set the _IRR_STATIC_LIB_ define in the application when linking to a static Irrlicht.lib
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
If you wish to compile Irrlicht for Win32-gcc you have several choices.
1. You can work from within a MinGW shell.
Go to the folder source/Irrlicht and run the Makefile with:
make win32
Examples can be build by going into the folder of the example (for example examples/01.HelloWorld) and running the Makefile with:
make all_win32
2. Use the Code::Blocks IDE
There is a project file called Irrlicht-gcc.cbp in source/Irrlicht to compile just the engine.
Be sure to select a Windows target like "Win32 - release - accurate math - dll"
There is also Code::Blocks workspace file in the examples folder called BuildAllExamples.workspace
Again be sure to select a Windows target like "Win32 - release - accurate math - dll"
This workspace allows you to compile the engine together with all examples and tools.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
If you wish to compile Irrlicht for emscripten please check the documenation in examples/01.HelloWorld_emscripten.
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
Checklist for Irrlicht developers doing releases.
Note: Generally the more platforms, compilers, settings you can test the better. Ask for help for platforms which you don't own.
- - Run tests in the tests folder
- - Compile and run examples.
- - Compile and run the tools. Note that some tools are in the buildall-examples VS project files on Windows,
but on Linux command line you have to compile them individually.
- - check IRRLICHT_SDK_VERSION (in IrrCompileConfig.h)
- - check version number in the Makefile
- - update readme.txt (version number, supported compilers)
- - Add new release information (date+version-number) in changes.txt
- - go through folders if other .txt files still make sense (things change and updating those files tends to be forgotten)
- - run makedocumentation.sh in scripts\doc\irrlicht
- - run maketutorial.sh in scripts\doc\irrlicht (commit changed tutorial.html's)
(TBD - should we still release dll's? Newer and older VS builds are no longer compatible anyway)
- - run a clean build for buildAllExamples in the examples folder with the
target compiler for 32-bit and for release (old VS compiler - so far VS2010)
- - when possible compile the dll for MinGW on Windows (in release and with -s for smaller size)
- - when possible compile the dll for 64 bit (again with Visual Studio and release)
- - create a target directory, like irrlicht-1.8.1 for example
- - svn export to the target directory
- - copy the subfolders of doctemp into the doc folder of the target directory
careful, this should only be one(!) subfolder (we ended up with copies before, maybe Windows/Linux builds use different names?)
- - copy all .exe files (except test.exe) from bin\Win32-VisualStudio (.pdb's are not necessary)
- - copy Irrlicht.dll from bin\Win32-visualstudio
- - copy the files in lib\Win32-visualstudio
- - copy Irrlicht.dll from bin\Win64-VisualStudio
- - copy the files in lib\Win64-visualstudio
- - copy Irrlicht.dll from bin\Win32-gcc
- - copy the files in lib\Win32-gcc
- - remove the tests folder
- - remove scripts folder (if the release comes with docs, if you do a release
without docs for smaller filesizes then the script folder has to stay in).
- - create a zip file
- - figure out how to fix unix access right for shell-scripts in the zip file (my
trick so far is: unzip in Linux, set +x for all .sh files, zip again)
- - upload the zip-file somewhere, then download it again on all platforms and do
another quick test with that file (do examples still run, can you compile)
- - give the link to the zip out on the mailinglist for others to look at
- - Upload new documentation (the content of doc/html) to: web.sourceforge.net
(sftp protocol, user and passwd are your sourceforge account, the folder
might not be shown - but you can still cd into it!):
Best create first a folder with a new name, copy stuff in there, test (just
check the website), rename old folder and give new folder the "docu" name.
Then you can delete the old folder if you want.
- - upload the zip by logging in to sourceforge and using the "Files" menu (needs
admin privileges and it's the 'Files' menu between 'Summary' and 'Reviews').
The target is in one of the Irrlicht SDK subfolders. Then click the "i" beside
the file and "select all" to make it the active download.
- - write a forum post, tell everyone in facebook, reddit, your friends...
- - login to wordpress at http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/wp-login.php, update the
downloads section and write a release post.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
The Irrlicht Engine SDK version 1.9
Welcome to the Irrlicht Engine SDK.
Content of this file:
1. Directory Structure Overview
2. How To Start
3. Requirements
4. Release Notes
5. License
6. Contact
1. Directory Structure Overview
You will find some directories after uncompressing the archive of the
SDK. These are:
\bin The compiled library Irrlicht.DLL and some compiled demo
and example applications, just start them to see the
Irrlicht Engine in action. Windows only.
\doc Documentation of the Irrlicht Engine.
\examples Examples and tutorials showing how to use the engine with
\include Header files to include when programming with the engine.
\lib Libs to link with your programs when using the engine.
\media Graphics and sound resources for the demo applications and
\source The source code of the Irrlicht Engine. This code is
not needed to develop applications with the engine,
but it is included to enable recompilation and
debugging, if necessary.
\tools Useful tools (with sourcecode) for the engine.
2. How to start
To see the engine in action in Windows, just go to the \bin\Win32-VisualStudio
directory, and start some applications. There should also be an
application named Demo.exe which should show the most
interesting features of Irrlicht.
To start developing own applications and games with the engine take
a look at the 01.HelloWorld example in the \examples directory.
There is also a .html file with a tutorial which should be
easily comprehensible.
The Irrlicht Engine is a static lib under linux. A precompiled version can be
generated from the sources using the Makefile in source/Irrlicht. Run 'make' in
that subfolder. After this you should be able to 'make' all
example applications in /examples by calling the buildAllExamples script. You
can run the examples then from the bin folder.
It is also possible to use Irrlicht as shared object
(libIrrlicht.so.versionNumber). Use the proper makefile target for this by
running 'make sharedlib' in the source folder. See the Makefile for details.
For OSX you can find an XCode project file in source/Irrlicht/MacOSX. This will
build the libIrrlicht.a library necessary to create the apps.
3. Requirements
You can use one of the following compilers/IDEs to develop applications
with Irrlicht or recompile the engine. However, other compilers/IDEs may
work as well, we simply didn't test them.
* gcc 4.x
* Visual Studio 2010(10.0)-2013(12.0)
* Code::Blocks (& gcc or visual studio toolkit)
If you ever want to (re)compile the engine yourself (which means you don't
want to use the precompiled version) you need the following:
* Windows:
* Needed: PlatformSDK (which usually comes with all IDEs, download
it separately for MSVC Express 2005)
* Optional: DirectX SDK, for D3D9 support
* Optional: DirectX SDK prior to May 2006, for D3D8 support
* Linux:
* Needed: XServer with include files
* Optional: OpenGL headers and libraries (libGL.so) for OpenGL support
XF86VidMode [package x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev] or XRandr
(X11 support libraries, the latter two for fullscreen mode)
* OSX:
* Needed: XCode and Cocoa framework
* Needed: OpenGL headers and libraries
4. Release Notes
Informations about changes in this new version of the engine can be
found in changes.txt.
Please note that the textures, 3D models and levels are copyright
by their authors and not covered by the Irrlicht engine license.
5. License
The license of the Irrlicht Engine is based on the zlib/libpng license.
Even though this license does not require you to mention that you are
using the Irrlicht Engine in your product, an acknowledgement
would be highly appreciated.
Please note that the Irrlicht Engine is based in part on the work of
the Independent JPEG Group, the zlib, and libpng. This means that if you use
the Irrlicht Engine in your product, you must acknowledge somewhere
in your documentation that you've used the IJG code and libpng. It would
also be nice to mention that you use the Irrlicht Engine and the zlib.
See the README files in the jpeglib and the zlib for
further informations.
The Irrlicht Engine License
Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgement in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be clearly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
6. Contact
If you have problems, questions or suggestions, please visit the
official homepage of the Irrlicht Engine:
You will find forums, bugtrackers, patches, tutorials, and other stuff
which will help you out.
If want to contact the team of the engine, please send an email to
Nikolaus Gebhardt:
Please also not that parts of the engine have been written or contributed
by other people. Especially: (There are probably more people, sorry if I forgot one.
See http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/author.html for more informations)
Christian Stehno (hybrid) Contribution Coordinator/Developer
Michael Zeilfelder (cutealien) Developer
Patryk Nadrowski (Nadro) Developer
Yoran Bosman (Yoran) Webserver administrator
Gareth Davidson (bitplane) Developer/ Forum admin
Thomas Alten (burningwater) Wrote the burningsvideo software rasterizer
Luke P. Hoschke (luke) Wrote the b3d loader, the new animation system, VBOs and other things
Colin MacDonald (rogerborg) All hands person
Ahmed Hilali (blindside) The shader and advanced effects man
Dean Wadsworth (varmint) OSX port maintainer and game developer
Alvaro F. Celis (afecelis) Lots of work in the community, for example video tutorials about Irrlicht, forum admin
John Goewert (Saigumi) Wrote some tutorials for the Irrlicht Engine and doing admin stuff
Jam Takes care of moderating the forums and keeps them clean from those evil spammers.
Many others (this list hasn't been updated in a while, but they are often mentioned in changes.txt)
Etienne Petitjean wrote the MacPort of the engine
Mark Jeacocke Wrote lots of helpful comments and ideas in the forums and per email.
Julio Gorgé Created the 'Unofficial DirectX 9.0 Driver for the Irrlicht Engine'
Andy Spurgeon Wrote the Dev-Cpp tutorial.
André Simon Wrote the Codewarrior tutorial.
KnightToFlight Created the unoffical terrain renderer addon for the Irrlicht Engine.
Jon Pry Wrote the code to load compressed TGA files.
Matthew Couch Wrote the tokamak integration tutorial.
Max Winkel Wrote the splitscreen tutorial.
Gorgon Zola Wrote the ODE integration tutorial.
Dean P. Macri Sent in code for curved surfaces and PCX Loading.
Sirshane Made several bug fixes, sent in code for making the mouse cursor invisible in Linux.
Matthias Gall Sent in code for a spline scene node animator and reported lots of bugs.
Mario Gruber Suggested triangle fan drawing and sent in code for this.
Ariaci Spotted out a bug in the ATI driver.
Dr Andros C Bragianos Improved texture mapping in cube scene node.
Philipp Dortmann Sent in code for stencil buffer support for OpenGL.
Jerome Nichols Created the Irrlicht/Ruby interface located at irr.rubyforge.org
Vash TheStampede Sent code for missing Draw2DLine() implementations
MattyBoy XBOX support suggestions
Oliver Klems createImageFromData() method suggestion/implementation
Jox really, really a lot of bug fixes, and the LMTS file loader
Zola Quaternion method additions
Tomasz Nowakowski various bug fixes
Nicholas Bray stencil shadow bug fixes with OpenGL
REAPER mouswheel events for scrollbar
Calimero various bug fixes like vector2d operators
Haddock bugfix in the linked list
G.o.D XML parser fix
Erik Zilli Translated some of the tutorials from my stuttering english into real english. :)
Martin Piskernig Linux bugfixing and testing
Soconne Wrote the original terrain renderer were Irrlichts terrain renderer of Irrlicht is based on it.
Spintz GeoMipMap scene node, terrain renderer of Irrlicht is based on it.
Murphy McCauley OCT file loader, MIM tools
Saurav Mohapatra IrrCSM, and lots of addons, suggestions and bug reports
Zhuck Dimitry My3D Tools
Terry Welsh Allowed me to use the textures of his 'Parallax Mapping with Offset Limiting' paper for the parallax demo of Irrlicht
rt Wrote the original .png loader for Irrlicht
Salvatore Russo Wrote the original .dmf loader for Irrlicht
Vox Various bug reports and fixes
atomice Contributed code for a ms3d loader enhancement
William Finlayson OpenGL RTT, GLSL support and the reflection 2 layer material for OpenGL.
Delight Various code contributions for Irrlicht.NET (particle system, basic shader support and more)
Michael Zoech Improved GLSL support
Jean-loup Gailly, Mark Adler Created the zlib and libpng
Guy Eric Schalnat, Andreas Dilger, Glenn Randers-Pehrson and others Created libpng
The Independent JPEG Group Created JPEG lib
Dr Brian Gladman AES Created aesGladman
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
You might have to recompile the engine to get library files in here.
Check the readme.txt in the corresponding bin folders for more information.
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
You might have to recompile the engine to get library files in here.
Check the readme.txt in the corresponding bin folders for more information.
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
You might have to recompile the engine to get library files in here.
Check the readme.txt in the corresponding bin folders for more information.
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
You might have to recompile the engine to get library files in here.
Check the readme.txt in the corresponding bin folders for more information.
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
This branch is used for development of the OpenGL-ES drivers for Irrlicht.
There will be drivers for ogl-es 1.x and 2.x at some time, but we'll start
with 1.x first. Both drivers will be separate drivers, loosely based on the
OpenGL driver.
The branch is based on SVN/trunk and will be updated only very slowly. It's
not intended for regular use besides when working with ogl-es development.
Reference in New Issue
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