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synced 2025-03-27 23:02:29 +01:00
Adds achievements to Minetest (plus a very good API).
by rubenwardy, licensed under MIT. With thanks to Wuzzy, kaeza, and MrIbby.
Majority of awards are back ported from Calinou's old fork in Carbone, under same license.
Registering Achievements
awards.register_achievement("mymod:myaward", {
description = "The title of the award",
-- Optional:
requires = { "amod:an_award" }, -- don't show this award or allow it to be unlocked
-- until required awards are unlocked
sound = {}, -- SimpleSoundSpec or false to play no sound
-- if not provided, uses default sound
image = "icon_image.png", -- uses default icon otherwise
background = "background_image.png", -- uses default background otherwise
trigger = { -- is only unlocked by direct calls to awards.unlock() otherwise
type = "trigger_type",
-- see specific docs on the trigger to see what else goes here
Registering Trigger Types
local trigger = awards.register_trigger(name, {
type = "", -- type of trigger, defaults to custom
progress = "%2/%2"
auto_description = { "Mine: @2", "Mine: @1×@2" },
on_register = function(self, def) end,
-- "counted_key" only, when no key is given (ie: a total)
auto_description_total = { "Mine @1 block.", "Mine @1 blocks." },
-- "counted_key" only, get key for particular award - return nil for a total
get_key = function(self, def)
return minetest.registered_aliases[def.trigger.node] or def.trigger.node
- "custom" requires you handle the calling of awards.unlock() yourself. You also need to implement on_register() yourself.
- "counted" stores a single counter for each player which is incremented by calling trigger:notify(player). Good for homogenous actions like number of chat messages, joins, and the like.
- "counted_key" stores a table of counters each indexed by a key. There is also
a total field (
) which stores the sum of all counters. A counter is incremented by calling trigger:notify(player, key). This is good for things like placing nodes or crafting items, where the key will be the item or node name.
Helper Functions
awards.register_on_unlock(func(name, def))
- name is the player name
- def is the award def.
- return true to cancel HUD
awards.unlock(name, award)
- gives an award to a player
- name is the player name
Included in the Mod
The API, above, allows you to register awards and triggers (things that look for events and unlock awards, they need to be registered in order to get details from award_def.trigger).
However, all awards and triggers are separate from the API. They can be found in init.lua and triggers.lua
Callbacks (register a function to be run)
"dig", "place", "craft", "death", "chat", "join" or "eat"
- dig type: Dig a node.
- node: the dug node type. If nil, all dug nodes are counted
- place type: Place a node.
- node: the placed node type. If nil, all placed nodes are counted
- eat type: Eat an item.
- item: the eaten item type. If nil, all eaten items are counted
- craft type: Craft something.
- item: the crafted item type. If nil, all crafted items are counted
- death type: Die.
- reason: the death reason, one of the types in PlayerHPChangeReason (see lua_api.txt) or nil for total deaths.
- chat type: Write a chat message.
- join type: Join the server.
- (for all types) target - how many times to dig/place/craft/etc.
- See Triggers
trigger = {
type = "dig",
node = "default:dirt",
target = 50,
trigger = {
type = "place",
node = "default:dirt",
target = 50,
trigger = {
type = "death",
reason = "fall",
target = 5,
trigger = {
type = "chat",
target = 100,
trigger = {
type = "join",
target = 100,
trigger = {
type = "eat",
item = "default:apple",
target = 100,
Callbacks relating to triggers
- awards.register_on_dig(func(player, data))
- data is player data (see below)
- return award name or null
- awards.register_on_place(func(player, data))
- data is player data (see below)
- return award name or null
- awards.register_on_eat(func(player, data))
- data is player data (see below)
- return award name or null
- awards.register_on_death(func(player, data))
- data is player data (see below)
- return award name or null
- awards.register_on_chat(func(player, data))
- data is player data (see below)
- return award name or null
- awards.register_on_join(func(player, data)
- data is player data (see below)
- return award name or null
Minetest Mod: Adds achievements.