mirror of https://github.com/mt-mods/pipeworks.git synced 2025-03-14 00:20:38 +01:00

wielder.lua: set default ghost tool for node breaker to the hand, add stub implementation of can_tool_dig_node() to check if set tool can dig node

This commit is contained in:
thetaepsilon-gamedev 2017-10-14 18:51:57 +01:00
parent 366dd24e5b
commit f8cb55a60e

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@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ local function set_wielder_formspec(data, meta)
meta:set_string("infotext", data.description)
local can_tool_dig_node = function(nodename, toolcaps, toolname)
pipeworks.logger("can_tool_dig_node() STUB nodename="..tostring(nodename).." toolname="..tostring(toolname).." toolcaps: "..dump(toolcaps))
return true
local function wielder_on(data, wielder_pos, wielder_node)
data.fixup_node(wielder_pos, wielder_node)
if wielder_node.name ~= data.name_base.."_off" then return end
@ -293,7 +298,7 @@ if pipeworks.enable_node_breaker then
wield_inv_height = 1,
can_dig_nonempty_wield_inv = true,
ghost_inv_name = "ghost_pick",
ghost_tool = "default:pick_mese",
ghost_tool = ":", -- hand by default
fixup_node = function (pos, node)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
@ -346,17 +351,24 @@ if pipeworks.enable_node_breaker then
masquerade_as_owner = true,
sneak = false,
act = function(virtplayer, pointed_thing)
--local dname = "nodebreaker.act() "
local wieldstack = virtplayer:get_wielded_item()
local oldwieldstack = ItemStack(wieldstack)
local on_use = (minetest.registered_items[wieldstack:get_name()] or {}).on_use
if on_use then
--pipeworks.logger(dname.."invoking on_use "..tostring(on_use))
wieldstack = on_use(wieldstack, virtplayer, pointed_thing) or wieldstack
local under_node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under)
local on_dig = (minetest.registered_nodes[under_node.name] or {on_dig=minetest.node_dig}).on_dig
on_dig(pointed_thing.under, under_node, virtplayer)
wieldstack = virtplayer:get_wielded_item()
-- check that the current tool is capable of destroying the target node.
-- if we can't, don't dig, and leave the wield stack unchanged.
-- note that wieldstack:get_tool_capabilities() returns hand properties if the item has none of it's own.
if can_tool_dig_node(under_node.name, wieldstack:get_tool_capabilities(), wieldstack:get_name()) then
on_dig(pointed_thing.under, under_node, virtplayer)
wieldstack = virtplayer:get_wielded_item()
local wieldname = wieldstack:get_name()
if wieldname == oldwieldstack:get_name() then