Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'

This commit is contained in:
bri cassa 2022-08-26 15:18:27 +02:00
commit 00146154b5
14 changed files with 320 additions and 3077 deletions

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@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ mobs:register_mob("mobs_monster:lava_flan", {
textures = {
blood_texture = "fire_basic_flame.png",
makes_footstep_sound = false,
sounds = {
random = "mobs_lavaflan",
war_cry = "mobs_lavaflan",
war_cry = "mobs_lavaflan"
walk_velocity = 0.5,
run_velocity = 2,
@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ mobs:register_mob("mobs_monster:lava_flan", {
view_range = 10,
floats = 1,
drops = {
{name = "mobs:lava_orb", chance = 15, min = 1, max = 1},
{name = "mobs:lava_orb", chance = 15, min = 1, max = 1}
water_damage = 8,
lava_damage = -1,
fire_damage = 0,
light_damage = 0,
immune_to = {
{"mobs:pick_lava", -2}, -- lava pick heals 2 health
{"mobs:pick_lava", -2} -- lava pick heals 2 health
fly_in = {"default:lava_source", "default:lava_flowing"},
animation = {
@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ mobs:register_mob("mobs_monster:lava_flan", {
punch_start = 20,
punch_end = 28
-- custom death function
on_die = function(self, pos)
local cod = self.cause_of_death or {}
@ -71,21 +73,27 @@ mobs:register_mob("mobs_monster:lava_flan", {
if math.random(4) == 1 then
mobs:add_mob(pos, {
name = "mobs_monster:obsidian_flan",
mobs:add_mob(pos, {name = "mobs_monster:obsidian_flan"})
if minetest.get_node(pos).name == "air" then
mobs:effect(pos, 40, "fire_basic_flame.png", 2, 3, 2, 5, 10, nil)
local nods = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(
{x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z},
{x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}, "air")
-- place flame if position empty and flame exists
if nods and #nods > 0
and minetest.registered_nodes["fire:basic_flame"] then
pos = nods[math.random(#nods)]
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "fire:basic_flame"})
mobs:effect(pos, 40, "fire_basic_flame.png", 2, 3, 2, 5, 10, nil)
glow = 10,
glow = 10
@ -95,21 +103,24 @@ mobs:spawn({
nodes = {"default:lava_source"},
chance = 1500,
active_object_count = 1,
max_height = 0,
max_height = 0
-- add spawn egg
mobs:register_egg("mobs_monster:lava_flan", S("Lava Flan"), "default_lava.png", 1)
mobs:alias_mob("mobs:lava_flan", "mobs_monster:lava_flan") -- compatibility
-- compatibility alias, only needed for servers who used the old mobs mod
mobs:alias_mob("mobs:lava_flan", "mobs_monster:lava_flan")
-- lava orb
minetest.register_craftitem(":mobs:lava_orb", {
description = S("Lava orb"),
inventory_image = "zmobs_lava_orb.png",
light_source = 14,
light_source = 14
minetest.register_alias("zmobs:lava_orb", "mobs:lava_orb")
@ -117,7 +128,7 @@ minetest.register_alias("zmobs:lava_orb", "mobs:lava_orb")
type = "fuel",
recipe = "mobs:lava_orb",
burntime = 80,
burntime = 80
@ -225,13 +236,12 @@ mobs:register_mob("mobs_monster:obsidian_flan", {
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "zmobs_lava_flan.x",
textures = {
blood_texture = "default_obsidian.png",
makes_footstep_sound = true,
sounds = {
random = "mobs_lavaflan",
-- war_cry = "mobs_lavaflan",
random = "mobs_lavaflan"
walk_velocity = 0.1,
run_velocity = 0.5,
@ -240,7 +250,7 @@ mobs:register_mob("mobs_monster:obsidian_flan", {
floats = 0,
drops = {
{name = "default:obsidian_shard", chance = 1, min = 1, max = 5},
{name = "default:obsidian", chance = 3, min = 0, max = 2},
{name = "default:obsidian", chance = 3, min = 0, max = 2}
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 8,
@ -260,6 +270,8 @@ mobs:register_mob("mobs_monster:obsidian_flan", {
-- add spawn egg
mobs:register_egg("mobs_monster:obsidian_flan", S("Obsidian Flan"),
"default_obsidian.png", 1)
@ -269,11 +281,9 @@ local mobs_griefing = minetest.settings:get_bool("mobs_griefing") ~= false
-- mese arrow (weapon)
mobs:register_arrow("mobs_monster:obsidian_arrow", {
visual = "sprite",
-- visual = "wielditem",
visual_size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5},
textures = {"default_obsidian_shard.png"},
velocity = 6,
-- rotate = 180,
hit_player = function(self, player)
player:punch(self.object, 1.0, {

View File

@ -31,6 +31,14 @@ mobs.fireball.png was originally made by Sapier and edited by Benrob:
-- (c) Sapier
-- Contact sapier a t gmx net
Textures created by wwar (cc0)
Textures created by wwar (CC0)
Textures and Model created by SirrobZeroone (CC0)

View File

@ -1,41 +1,183 @@
local S = mobs.intllib_monster
-- Mese Monster by Zeg9
local mese_monster_types = {
-- mese_monster_red
y_min = -20,
y_max = -1000,
damage = 2,
reach = 3,
hp_min = 15,
hp_max = 25,
armor = 80,
skins = {"mobs_mese_monster_red.png"},
immune_to = {
{"default:pick_wood", 0},
{"default:shovel_wood", 0},
{"default:axe_wood", 0},
{"default:sword_wood", 0}
drops = {
{name = "default:mese_crystal", chance = 15, min = 0, max = 1},
{name = "default:mese_crystal_fragment", chance = 2, min = 0, max = 1}
arrow_override = function(self)
self.velocity = 6
self.damage = 2
-- mese_monster_green
y_min = -1001,
y_max = -2000,
damage = 3,
reach = 3,
hp_min = 20,
hp_max = 30,
armor = 75,
skins = {"mobs_mese_monster_green.png"},
immune_to = {
{"default:pick_wood", 0},
{"default:shovel_wood", 0},
{"default:axe_wood", 0},
{"default:sword_wood", 0},
{"default:pick_stone", 0},
{"default:shovel_stone", 0},
{"default:axe_stone", 0},
{"default:sword_stone", 0}
drops = {
{name = "default:mese_crystal", chance = 12, min = 0, max = 1},
{name = "default:mese_crystal_fragment", chance = 1, min = 0, max = 1}
arrow_override = function(self)
self.velocity = 6
self.damage = 2
-- mese_monster_blue
y_min = -2001,
y_max = -3000,
damage = 3,
reach = 4,
hp_min = 25,
hp_max = 35,
armor = 70,
skins = {"mobs_mese_monster_blue.png"},
immune_to = {
{"default:pick_wood", 0},
{"default:shovel_wood", 0},
{"default:axe_wood", 0},
{"default:sword_wood", 0},
{"default:pick_stone", 0},
{"default:shovel_stone", 0},
{"default:axe_stone", 0},
{"default:sword_stone", 0},
{"default:pick_bronze", 0},
{"default:shovel_bronze", 0},
{"default:axe_bronze", 0},
{"default:sword_bronze", 0}
drops = {
{name = "default:mese", chance = 15, min = 0, max = 1},
{name = "default:mese_crystal", chance = 9, min = 0, max = 2},
{name = "default:mese_crystal_fragment", chance = 1, min = 0, max = 2}
arrow_override = function(self)
self.velocity = 7
self.damage = 3
-- mese_monster_purple
y_min = -3000,
y_max = -31000,
damage = 4,
reach = 5,
hp_min = 30,
hp_max = 40,
armor = 60,
skins = {"mobs_mese_monster_purple.png"},
immune_to = {
{"default:pick_wood", 0},
{"default:shovel_wood", 0},
{"default:axe_wood", 0},
{"default:sword_wood", 0},
{"default:pick_stone", 0},
{"default:shovel_stone", 0},
{"default:axe_stone", 0},
{"default:sword_stone", 0},
{"default:pick_bronze", 0},
{"default:shovel_bronze", 0},
{"default:axe_bronze", 0},
{"default:sword_bronze", 0},
{"default:pick_steel", 0},
{"default:shovel_steel", 0},
{"default:axe_steel", 0},
{"default:sword_steel", 0}
drops = {
{name = "default:mese", chance = 9, min = 0, max = 1},
{name = "default:mese_crystal", chance = 6, min = 0, max = 2},
{name = "default:mese_crystal_fragment", chance = 1, min = 0, max = 3}
arrow_override = function(self)
self.velocity = 8
self.damage = 4
-- Mese Monster by SirrobZeroone
mobs:register_mob("mobs_monster:mese_monster", {
type = "monster",
visual_size = {x = 10, y = 10}, -- Got scale wrong in blender by factor of 10 - S01
passive = false,
damage = 3,
attack_type = "shoot",
attack_type = "dogshoot",
damage = 4,
reach = 4,
shoot_interval = 0.5,
arrow = "mobs_monster:mese_arrow",
shoot_offset = 2,
shoot_offset = 0.75,
--arrow_override = function(self)
-- self.velocity = 20
knock_back = true,
hp_min = 10,
hp_max = 25,
armor = 80,
collisionbox = {-0.5, -1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
collisionbox = {-0.75, -0.5, -0.75, 0.75, 2.5, 0.75},
visual = "mesh",
mesh = "zmobs_mese_monster.x",
mesh = "mobs_mese_monster.b3d",
textures = {
blood_texture = "default_mese_crystal_fragment.png",
makes_footstep_sound = false,
sounds = {
random = "mobs_mesemonster",
damage = "default_glass_footstep"
view_range = 10,
walk_velocity = 0.5,
run_velocity = 2,
walk_velocity = 1,
run_velocity = 3,
jump = true,
jump_height = 8,
can_leap = true,
fall_damage = 0,
fall_speed = -6,
stepheight = 2.1,
immune_to = {
{"default:pick_wood", 0},
{"default:shovel_wood", 0},
{"default:axe_wood", 0},
{"default:sword_wood", 0}
drops = {
{name = "default:mese_crystal", chance = 9, min = 0, max = 2},
{name = "default:mese_crystal_fragment", chance = 1, min = 0, max = 2},
@ -46,17 +188,129 @@ mobs:register_mob("mobs_monster:mese_monster", {
lava_damage = 1,
light_damage = 0,
animation = {
speed_normal = 15,
speed_run = 15,
stand_start = 0,
stand_end = 14,
walk_start = 15,
walk_end = 38,
run_start = 40,
run_end = 63,
punch_start = 40,
punch_end = 63,
speed_normal = 18,
speed_run = 18,
walk_start = 10,
walk_end = 41,
walk_speed = 20,
run_start = 10,
run_end = 41,
run_speed = 30,
stand_start = 60,
stand_end = 83,
shoot_start = 100,
shoot_end = 113,
die_start = 125,
die_end = 141,
death_speed = 25,
die_loop = false,
jump_start = 150 ,
jump_end = 168,
jump_loop = false,
punch_start = 175,
punch_end = 189
on_spawn = function(self)
local pos = self.object:get_pos()
-- quick update self function
local function update(self, def)
self.object:set_properties({textures = def.skins})
-- added by mobs_redo
self.hp_min = def.hp_min
self.hp_max = def.hp_max = math.random(self.hp_min, self.hp_max)
self.damage = def.damage
self.reach = def.reach
self.armor = def.armor
self.immune_to = def.immune_to
self.drops = def.drops
self.arrow_override = def.arrow_override
-- Normal spawn case
for name, def in pairs(mese_monster_types) do
if pos.y <= def.y_min and pos.y >= def.y_max then
update(self, def)
return true
-- player using egg
-- direction sets type N = red, E = green, S = blue, W = purple
-- Just for fun - S01
local objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 10)
for i, obj in ipairs(objects) do
if minetest.is_player(obj)
and obj:get_wielded_item():get_name() == "mobs_monster:mese_monster" then
local degree = (360 + math.deg(obj:get_look_horizontal())) % 360
local compass_sel
if degree > 45 and degree <= 135 then compass_sel = 4
elseif degree > 135 and degree <= 225 then compass_sel = 3
elseif degree > 225 and degree <= 315 then compass_sel = 2
else compass_sel = 1
local def = mese_monster_types[compass_sel]
update(self, def)
return true
-- catch case if all else fails random it
update(self, mese_monster_types[math.random(4)])
return true
-- mese arrow (weapon)
minetest.register_craftitem("mobs_monster:mese_crystal_fragment_arrow", {
description = S("Mese Monster Arrow"),
inventory_image = "mobs_mese_arrow.png",
groups = {not_in_creative_inventory = 1}
mobs:register_arrow("mobs_monster:mese_arrow", {
visual = "wielditem",
visual_size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25},
textures = {"mobs_monster:mese_crystal_fragment_arrow"},
velocity = 8,
rotate = 180,
damage = 2,
hit_player = function(self, player)
player:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = self.damage},
}, nil)
hit_mob = function(self, player)
player:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = self.damage},
}, nil)
hit_node = function(self, pos, node)
@ -67,7 +321,7 @@ mobs:spawn({
max_light = 7,
chance = 5000,
active_object_count = 1,
max_height = -20,
max_height = -20
@ -78,40 +332,10 @@ mobs:register_egg("mobs_monster:mese_monster", S("Mese Monster"), "default_mese_
mobs:alias_mob("mobs:mese_monster", "mobs_monster:mese_monster") -- compatiblity
-- mese arrow (weapon)
mobs:register_arrow("mobs_monster:mese_arrow", {
visual = "sprite",
-- visual = "wielditem",
visual_size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5},
textures = {"default_mese_crystal_fragment.png"},
--textures = {"default:mese_crystal_fragment"},
velocity = 6,
-- rotate = 180,
hit_player = function(self, player)
player:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = 2},
}, nil)
hit_mob = function(self, player)
player:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = 2},
}, nil)
hit_node = function(self, pos, node)
-- 9x mese crystal fragments = 1x mese crystal
local f = "default:mese_crystal_fragment"
output = "default:mese_crystal",
recipe = {
{"default:mese_crystal_fragment", "default:mese_crystal_fragment", "default:mese_crystal_fragment"},
{"default:mese_crystal_fragment", "default:mese_crystal_fragment", "default:mese_crystal_fragment"},
{"default:mese_crystal_fragment", "default:mese_crystal_fragment", "default:mese_crystal_fragment"},
recipe = {{f, f, f}, {f, f, f}, {f, f, f}}

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Lava Flan
Mese Monster
- These mobs are territorial and spawn below -20 and will fire mese shards at passers by, so best avoided. Will drop mese when killed.
- These mobs are territorial and spawn below -20 and will fire mese shards at passers by, so best avoided. The deeper you go the tougher they seem to get. Will drop mese when killed.

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