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2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
# textdomain: pipeworks
# License: CC-by-SA 4.0
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
# Author: pevernow <3450354617@qq.com>
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
## digilines interfacing
## init
Allow splitting incoming stacks from tubes=允许从管道中拆分传入堆栈
## autocrafter
Unknown item=通道
unconfigured Autocrafter: unknown recipe=未配置的自动工作台: 未知配方
unconfigured Autocrafter=未配置的自动工作台
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
'@1' Autocrafter (@2)=自动工作台 '@1' (@2)
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
paused '@1' Autocrafter=暂停的自动工作台
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
## compat-furnaces
Allow splitting incoming material (not fuel) stacks from tubes=允许从管子中分离进来的材料(不是燃料)堆
## decorative tubes
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
Airtight steelblock embedded tube=密封嵌入式铁块管道
Airtight panel embedded tube=密封嵌入式片状管道
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
## devices
Pump/Intake Module=泵/进气模块
Decorative grating=Decorative grating
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
Spigot outlet=龙头
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
Airtight Pipe entry/exit=密闭管进/出
Flow Sensor=流量传感器
Flow sensor (on)=流量传感器(上)
@1% full=满的@1 %
Expansion Tank (@1)=扩展水箱 (@1)
Fluid Storage Tank (@1)=储液罐 (@1)
Straight-only Pipe=直管
## filter-injector
(slot #@1 next)=(下一个插槽 : #@1)
@1 Filter-Injector=@1取物器
Sequence slots by Priority=优先顺序排列
Sequence slots Randomly=随机排列时隙
Sequence slots by Rotation=旋转顺序槽
Exact match - off=完全匹配-关闭
Exact match - on=完全匹配-开启
Prefer item types:=偏好物品类型 :
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
## legacy
## pipes
Pipe Segment=管道
Pipe Segment (legacy)=管道(旧版)
## routing tubes
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
Pneumatic tube segment=普通管道
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
Broken Tube=断管
High Priority Tube Segment=高优先级管段
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
Accelerating Pneumatic Tube Segment=加速管道
Crossing Pneumatic Tube Segment=定向管道
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
One way tube=单向管
## signal tubes
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
Detecting Pneumatic Tube Segment on=检测管道(运行中)
Detecting Pneumatic Tube Segment=检测管道
Digiline Detecting Pneumatic Tube Segment=Digiline检测管道
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
Digiline Detecting Tube=Digiline检测管
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
Conducting Pneumatic Tube Segment=传导管道
Conducting Pneumatic Tube Segment on=传导管道(运行中)
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
Digiline Conducting Pneumatic Tube Segment=Digiline传导式气动管道
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
Mesecon and Digiline Conducting Pneumatic Tube Segment=Mesecon和Digiline传导管道
Mesecon and Digiline Conducting Pneumatic Tube Segment on=Mesecon和Digiline传导管道运行中
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
## sorting tubes
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
Sorting Pneumatic Tube Segment=分类管道
Sorting pneumatic tube=分类管道
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
## teleport tube
channels are public by default=频道默认为公开
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
use <player>:<channel> for fully private channels=将<player>:<channel>用于完全私人的频道
use <player>;<channel> for private receivers=使用<player>;<channel>作为私人接收器
Teleporting Pneumatic Tube Segment=传送管道
unconfigured Teleportation Tube=未配置的传送管道
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
Sorry, channel '@1' is reserved for exclusive use by @2=抱歉,频道‘@1保留供@2专用
Sorry, receiving from channel '@1' is reserved for @2=抱歉,从频道'@1'接收的内容已保留给'@2'
Teleportation Tube @1 on '@2'=传送管'@1'在'@2'上
## trashcan
Trash Can=垃圾箱
## tube registration
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
Pneumatic tube segment (legacy)=普通管道(旧式)
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
## vacuum tubes
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
Vacuuming Pneumatic Tube Segment=拾取管道
Adjustable Vacuuming Pneumatic Tube Segment=高级拾取管道
Adjustable Vacuuming Pneumatic Tube Segment (@1m)=高级拾取管道(@1m)
2020-07-19 04:22:12 +02:00
## wielder
2020-09-05 08:25:58 +02:00
Node Breaker=方块破坏器