2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
--- Quests core.
-- @module core
2015-03-03 22:04:01 +01:00
-- Boilerplate to support localized strings if intllib mod is installed.
local S
if minetest.get_modpath("intllib") then
S = intllib.Getter()
-- If you don't use insertions (@1, @2, etc) you can use this:
S = function(s) return s end
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
local empty_callback = function(...) end
2015-03-03 22:04:01 +01:00
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
--- Registers a quest for later use.
-- There are two types of quests: simple and tasked.
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
-- * Simple quests are made of a single objective
-- * Taked quests are made of tasks, allowing simultaneous progress
-- within the quest as well as branching quest objectives
-- Both quest types are defined by a table, and they share common information:
-- {
-- title, -- Self-explanatory. Should describe the objective for simple quests.
-- description, -- Description/lore of the quest
-- icon, -- Texture name of the quest's icon. If missing, a default icon is used.
-- startcallback, -- Called upon quest start. function(playername, questname, metadata)
-- autoaccept, -- If true, quest automatically becomes completed if its progress reaches the max.
-- endcallback, -- If autoaccept is true, gets called at the end of the quest.
-- -- function(playername, questname, metadata)
-- abortcallback, -- Called when a player cancels the quest. function(playername, questname, metadata)
-- periodicity -- Delay in seconds before the quest becomes available again. If nil or 0, doesn't restart.
-- }
-- In addition, simple quests have a number-type `max` element indicating the max progress of the quest.
-- As for tasked quests, they have a table-type `tasks` element which value is like this:
-- tasks = {
-- start = {
-- title,
-- description,
-- icon,
-- max -- Max task progress
-- },
-- another_task = {
-- [...],
-- requires = {"start"},
-- -- Table of task names which one must be completed for this task to unlock.
-- -- To to task completion groups (i.e. where ALL must be compileted), pass said names in a (sub)table.
-- availablecallback,
-- -- Called when the task becomes available.
-- -- function(playername, questname, metadata, taskname, enablingtaskname)
-- -- enablingtaskname is a string or a table of strings, depending on the condition that unlocked the task
-- }
-- something = {
-- [...],
-- requires = {"start"},
-- disables_on = {"another_task"},
-- -- Same as `requires`, but *disables* the task (it then does not count towards quest completion)
-- disablecallback,
-- -- Called when the task becomes disabled.
-- -- function(playername, questname, metadata, taskname, disablingtaskname)
-- -- disablingtaskname is a string or a table of strings, depending on the condition that locked the task
-- }
-- }
-- In this previous example the 2 last tasks enables once the `start` one is completed, and the
-- last one disables upon `another_task` completion, effectively making it optional if one
-- completes `another_task` before it.
-- @param questname Name of the quest. Should follow the naming conventions: `modname:questname`
-- @param quest Quest definition `table`
-- @return `true` when the quest was successfully registered
-- @return `false` when there was already such a quest, or if mandatory info was omitted/corrupt
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
function quests.register_quest(questname, quest)
if (quests.registered_quests[questname] ~= nil) then
return false -- The quest was not registered since there already a quest with that name
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
quests.registered_quests[questname] = {
title = quest.title or S("missing title"),
description = quest.description or S("missing description"),
icon = quest.icon or "quests_default_quest_icon.png",
startcallback = quest.startcallback or empty_callback,
autoaccept = quest.autoaccept or false,
callback = quest.callback or empty_callback,
endcallback = quest.endcallback or empty_callback,
abortcallback = quest.abortcallback or empty_callback,
periodicity = quest.periodicity or 0
local new_quest = quests.registered_quests[questname]
if quest.max ~= nil then -- Simple quest
new_quest.max = quest.max or 1
new_quest.simple = true
if quest.tasks == nil or type(quests.task) ~= "table" then
quests.registered_quests[questname] = nil
return false
new_quest.tasks = {}
local tcount = 0
for tname, task in pairs(quest.tasks) do
new_quest.tasks[tname] = {
title = quest.title or S("missing title"),
description = quest.description or S("missing description"),
icon = quest.icon or "quests_default_quest_icon.png",
max = quest.max or 1,
requires = quest.requires,
availablecallback = quest.availablecallback or empty_callback,
disables_on = quest.disables_on,
disablecallback = quest.disablecallback or empty_callback
tcount = tcount + 1
if tcount == 0 then -- No tasks!
quests.registered_quests[questname] = nil
return false
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
return true
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
--- Starts a quest for a specified player.
-- @param playername Name of the player
-- @param questname Name of the quest, which was registered with @{quests.register_quest}
-- @param metadata Optional additional data
-- @return `false` on failure
-- @return `true` if the quest was started
2015-07-15 17:14:03 +02:00
function quests.start_quest(playername, questname, metadata)
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
local quest = quests.registered_quests[questname]
if quest == nil then
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
return false
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
if quests.active_quests[playername] == nil then
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
quests.active_quests[playername] = {}
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
if quests.active_quests[playername][questname] ~= nil then
return false -- the player already has this quest
if quest.simple then
quests.active_quests[playername][questname] = {value = 0, metadata = metadata}
quests.active_quests[playername][questname] = {metadata = metadata}
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
quests.show_message("new", playername, S("New quest:") .. " " .. quest.title)
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
return true
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
local function check_active_quest(playername, questname)
return not(
playername == nil or
questname == nil or
quests.registered_quests[questname] == nil or -- Quest doesn't exist
quests.active_quests[playername] == nil or -- Player has no data
quests.active_quests[playername][questname] == nil -- Quest isn't active
--- Updates a *simple* quest's status.
-- Calls the quest's `endcallback` if autoaccept is `true` and the quest reaches its max value.
-- Has no effect on tasked quests.
-- @param playername Name of the player
-- @param questname Quest which gets updated
-- @param value Value to add to the quest's progress (can be negative)
-- @return `true` if the quest is finished
-- @return `false` if there is no such quest, is a tasked one, or the quest continues
-- @see quests.update_quest_task
2015-07-15 17:14:03 +02:00
function quests.update_quest(playername, questname, value)
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
if not check_active_quest(playername, questname) then
return false -- There is no such quest or it isn't active
if value == nil then
return false -- No value given
local plr_quest = quests.active_quests[playername][questname]
if plr_quest.finished then
return false -- The quest is already finished
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
local quest = quests.registered_quests[questname]
plr_quest.value = plr_quest.value + value
if plr_quest.value >= quest.max then
plr_quest.value = quest.max
if quest.autoaccept then
quest.endcallback(playername, questname, plr_quest.metadata)
return true -- the quest is finished
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
return false -- the quest continues
--- Updates a *tasked* quest task's status.
-- Calls the quest's `endcallback` if autoaccept is `true` and all the quest's enabled
-- tasks reaches their max value.
-- Has no effect on simple quests.
-- @param playername Name of the player
-- @param questname Quest which gets updated
-- @param taskname Task to update
-- @param value Value to add to the task's progress (can be negative)
-- @return `true` if the quest is finished
-- @return `false` if there is no such quest, is a simple one, or the quest continues
-- @see quests.update_quest
function quests.update_quest_task(playername, questname, taskname, value)
if not check_active_quest(playername, questname) then
return false -- There is no such quest or it isn't active
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
local quest = quests.registered_quests[questname]
if taskname == nil or quest.tasks[taskname] == nil or value == nil then
return false
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
local plr_quest = quests.active_quests[playername][questname]
if plr_quest.finished then
return false -- The quest is already finished
plr_quest.value = plr_quest.value + value
if plr_quest.value >= quest.max then
plr_quest.value = quest.max
if quest.autoaccept then
quest.endcallback(playername, questname, plr_quest.metadata)
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
return true -- the quest is finished
return false -- the quest continues
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
--- Confirms quest completion and ends it.
-- When the mod handles the end of quests himself, e.g. you have to talk to somebody to finish the quest,
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
-- you have to call this method to end a quest
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
-- @param playername Player's name
-- @param questname Quest name
-- @return `true` when the quest is completed
-- @return `false` when the quest is still ongoing
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
function quests.accept_quest(playername, questname)
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
if check_active_quest(playername, questname) and not quests.active_quests[playername][questname].finished then
if quests.successfull_quests[playername] == nil then
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
quests.successfull_quests[playername] = {}
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
if quests.successfull_quests[playername][questname] ~= nil then
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
quests.successfull_quests[playername][questname].count = quests.successfull_quests[playername][questname].count + 1
quests.successfull_quests[playername][questname] = {count = 1}
quests.active_quests[playername][questname].finished = true
2015-03-27 12:56:43 +01:00
for _,quest in ipairs(quests.hud[playername].list) do
if (quest.name == questname) then
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername)
2015-07-15 14:32:39 +02:00
player:hud_change(quest.id, "number", quests.colors.success)
2015-03-27 12:56:43 +01:00
2015-07-15 17:59:16 +02:00
quests.show_message("success", playername, S("Quest completed:") .. " " .. quests.registered_quests[questname].title)
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
minetest.after(3, function(playername, questname)
quests.active_quests[playername][questname] = nil
2015-03-27 12:56:43 +01:00
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
end, playername, questname)
return true -- the quest is finished, the mod can give a reward
return false -- the quest hasn't finished
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
--- Aborts a quest.
-- Call this method when you want to end a quest even when it was not finished.
-- Example: the player failed.
-- @param playername Player's name
-- @param questname Quest name
-- @return `false` if the quest was not aborted
-- @return `true` when the quest was aborted
2015-07-15 17:14:03 +02:00
function quests.abort_quest(playername, questname)
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
if not check_active_quest(playername, questname) then
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
return false
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
if quests.failed_quests[playername] == nil then
quests.failed_quests[playername] = {}
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
if quests.failed_quests[playername][questname] ~= nil then
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
quests.failed_quests[playername][questname].count = quests.failed_quests[playername][questname].count + 1
quests.failed_quests[playername][questname] = { count = 1 }
quests.active_quests[playername][questname].finished = true
2015-03-27 12:56:43 +01:00
for _,quest in ipairs(quests.hud[playername].list) do
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
if quest.name == questname then
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername)
2015-07-15 14:32:39 +02:00
player:hud_change(quest.id, "number", quests.colors.failed)
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
local quest = quests.registered_quests[questname]
quest.abortcallback(playername, questname, quests.active_quests[playername][questname].metadata)
quests.show_message("failed", playername, S("Quest failed:") .. " " .. quest.title)
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
minetest.after(3, function(playername, questname)
quests.active_quests[playername][questname] = nil
2015-03-27 12:56:43 +01:00
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00
end, playername, questname)
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
--- Get quest metadata.
-- @return Metadata of the quest, `nil` if there is none
-- @return `nil, false` if the quest doesn't exist or isn't active
-- @see quests.set_metadata
2015-07-15 17:14:03 +02:00
function quests.get_metadata(playername, questname)
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
if not check_active_quest(playername, questname) then
return nil, false
2015-07-15 17:14:03 +02:00
return quests.active_quests[playername][questname].metadata
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
--- Set quest metadata.
-- @return `false` if the quest doesn't exist or isn't active
-- @return `nil` otherwise
-- @see quests.get_metadata
2015-07-15 17:14:03 +02:00
function quests.set_metadata(playername, questname, metadata)
2015-07-24 13:29:15 +02:00
if not check_active_quest(playername, questname) then
return false
2015-07-15 17:14:03 +02:00
quests.active_quests[playername][questname].metadata = metadata
2015-03-02 20:32:42 +01:00