- Uncommented and changed a bit the lines of Casimir's redefinition of bucket:bucket_empty in ./minetestforfun_game/mods/bucket/init.lua to implement multiple buckets handle system, commented in an old commit (it was buggy, or something). The system has been modified a bit to prevent bugs from incompatibility between carbone's api (which the definition has been copied from) and minetestforfun_game's one.
- All the modifications done before 7845fd5f1f1aaa6eb96f27a4236ea0f66ceb8d84 are reverted
- Merged commits from http://github.com/minetest/minetest_game from 10 days ago to today. (concerning default mod)
TODO: Merge the other mods which have been reverted.
Add all the commits of Ombridride after the 7845fd5f1f1aaa6eb96f27a4236ea0f66ceb8d84 one.
Signed-off-by: LeMagnesium <mg.minetest@gmail.com>