forked from nalc/homedecor_modpack
eliminates flint and steel (aliased to mt_game fire:flint_and_steel) eliminates fake_fire:fake_fire (aliased to mt_game fire:permanent_flame) mt_game already provides a "fake" fire in the form of a "permanent flame", strike a coal block with flint/steel to get it. modifies default ice block so that it can be "ignited" (ice fire on top) with mt_game flint/steel Fire mod must be enabled. However, fire damage is NOT required.
This is what I consider to be a fairly feature-filled home decor modpack. See the forum thread at for details about this modpack. Dependencies: unifieddyes and a Minetest engine build newer than 2017-01-23. Recommends: signs_lib, windmill, moreblocks, unified_inventory.