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2017-06-21 21:24:41 +02:00
# Skinsdb Interface
## skins.get_player_skin(player)
Return the skin object assigned to the player. Returns default if nothing assigned
2017-06-21 21:24:41 +02:00
## skins.assign_player_skin(player, skin)
Check if allowed and assign the skin for the player without visual updates. The "skin" parameter could be the skin key or the skin object
2018-02-13 22:02:22 +01:00
Returns false if skin is not valid or applicable to player
2017-06-21 21:24:41 +02:00
## skins.update_player_skin(player)
Update selected skin visuals on player
## skins.set_player_skin(player, skin)
Function for external usage on skin selection. This function assign the skin, call the skin:set_skin(player) hook to update dynamic skins, then update the visuals
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2018-04-15 01:09:38 +02:00
## skins.get_skin_format(file)
Returns the skin format version ("1.0" or "1.8"). File is an open file handle to the texture file
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## skins.get_skinlist(assignment, select_unassigned)
Obsolete - use get_skinlist_for_player() or get_skinlist_with_meta() instead
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## skins.get_skinlist_for_player(playername)
Get all allowed skins for player. All public and all player's private skins. If playername not given only public skins returned
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## skins.get_skinlist_with_meta(key, value)
Get all skins with metadata key is set to value. Example:
skins.get_skinlist_with_meta("playername", playername) - Get all private skins (w.o. public) for playername
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## skins.register_skin(path, filename)
Registers a new skin based on the texture file path specified by `path` and `filename`.
* `path` (string): points to the parent directory of the texture `filename`.
Generally, this should be in the format `mymod.modpath .. "/textures"`.
* `filename` (string): full file name, without any path specifications.
The file name must adhere to [one of the accepted naming formats](textures/readme.txt).
Note: this function takes the following files into consideration:
1. `<path>/<filename>` (required)
* Main skin texture
2. `<path>/<filenamestem><separator>preview.png` (optional)
* Pre-generated preview image
3. `<path>/../meta/<filenamestem>.txt` (optional)
* Metadata regarding the skin
Return values:
* On failure: `false, reason`
* `reason` (string): human readable reason string (similar to `` errors)
* On success: `true, key`
* `key`: unique skins key for use with e.g. `skins.get(key)` for subsequent
fine-tuning of the skin registration.
2017-06-21 21:24:41 +02:00
##, object)
Create and register a new skin object for given key
- key: Unique skins key, like "character_1"
- object: Optional. Could be a prepared object with redefinitions
## skins.get(key)
Get existing skin object
HINT: During build-up phase maybe the next statement is usefull
local skin = skins.get(name) or
# Skin object
## skin:get_key()
Get the unique skin key
## skin:set_texture(texture)
Set the skin texture - usually at the init time only
## skin:get_texture()
Get the skin texture for any reason. Note to apply them the skin:set_skin() should be used
Could be redefined for dynamic texture generation
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## skin:set_hand(hand_node)
Set the hand node to be used with this skin
## skin:set_hand_from_texture()
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Register and set hand node based on skin texture.
Uses different model depending on get_meta("format") ("1.0" or "1.8")
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Only works on mod load
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2022-03-05 12:42:45 +01:00
## skin:get_hand()
Get hand node. Returns ItemStack
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2017-06-21 21:24:41 +02:00
## skin:set_preview(texture)
Set the skin preview - usually at the init time only
## skin:get_preview()
Get the skin preview
Could be redefined for dynamic preview texture generation
## skin:set_skin(player)
Hook for dynamic skins updates on select. Is called in skins.set_player_skin()
In skinsdb the default implementation for this function is empty.
2018-04-15 01:09:38 +02:00
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## skin:apply_skin_to_player(player)
Apply the skin to the player. Called in skins.update_player_skin() to update visuals
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## skin:set_meta(key, value)
Add a meta information to the skin object
Note: the information is not stored, therefore should be filled each time during skins registration
## skin:get_meta(key)
The next metadata keys are filled or/and used interally in skinsdb framework
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- name - A name for the skin
- author - The skin author
- license - THe skin texture license
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- assignment - (obsolete) is "player:playername" in case the skin is assigned to be private for a player
- playername - Player assignment for private skin. Set false for skins not usable by all players (like NPC-Skins), true or nothing for all player skins
- in_inventory_list - If set to false the skin is not visible in inventory skins selection but can be still applied to the player
- _sort_id - Thi skins lists are sorted by this field for output (internal key)
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## skin:get_meta_string(key)
Same as get_meta() but does return "" instead of nil if the meta key does not exists
## skin:is_applicable_for_player(playername)
Returns whether this skin is applicable for player "playername" or not, like private skins