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VanessaE's Unified Dyes ======================= This is a pretty extensive dyes mod, which has the sole purpose of supplying a complete set of colors and a few greys, all of which are intended to be used by other mods as needed to make colored objects. It uses Ironzorg's Flowers mod as the source of the actual pigments. Flowers can be had from one of the links below, or as part of neko259's Nature Pack. In total, this mod provides 77 colors and greys. Dependencies: flowers Recommends: buckets, junglegrass License: For the buckets of paint, cc-by-sa 3.0. For everything else, WTFPL. Usage instructions, technical information ========================================= Colors Creating a particular color of dye is pretty simple - just harvest coal, cactus, or the appropriate flowers and start smelting them and crafting the results together to get the various colors. There are 12 base colors, which are formed as follows (the degree figure is that color's hue on a standard HSV color wheel, and is what is used in the textures supplied with this mod): Red (0°): smelt one rose (yields 2 portions of red dye) Orange (30°): smelt one tulip (yields 2) or mix red+yellow (yields 2) Yellow (60°): smelt one yellow dandelion (yields 2) Lime (90°): mix yellow + green (yields 2) Green (120°): smelt one cactus or one waterlily (yields 2), or mix yellow + blue (yields 2) Aqua (150°): mix green + cyan (yields 2) Cyan (180°): green + blue (yields 2) Sky blue (210°): mix cyan + blue (yields 2) Blue (240°): Smelt one viola (yields 2) Violet (270°): mix blue + magenta (yields 2) or mix 2 blues + 1 red (yields 3) Magenta (300°): Mix blue + red (yields 2) Red-violet (330°): mix magenta + red (yields 2) Greys ----- There are also three shades of grey plus pure black and pure white (figures in parenthesis indicate the intended brightness of the shade, relative to white): Black (0%): smelt one piece of coal (yields 2) Dark grey (25%): mix one portion of white paint with two portions of black dye (yields 3) Medium grey (50%): mix one white and one black (yields 2) Light grey (75%): Mix two white and one black (yields 3) White (100%): See below. White Paint ----------- To get the white paint mentioned above, first smelt some cobble into smooth stone as usual. Then, smelt one smooth stone block to get 10 portions of Titanium Dioxide. Finally, craft one portion of that with a bucket of water and one piece of jungle grass. Yields one bucket of white paint. Darker colors ------------- To obtain a medium-brightness (66%) version of a given color, mix the desired base color from the list above with one portion of black dye (for example, medium lime = lime + black). All such mixtures yield two portions of the final color. To obtain a dark (33%) version of a given color, use two portions of black dye along with the base color, which yields three portions of the final color. Low-saturation colors --------------------- To get the low saturation (50%) version of one of the base colors, mix one or more of white, black, or a shade of grey with the desired base color: Dark, low saturation: dark grey paint + color (yields 2), or two blacks + 1 white + color (yields 4). For example, dark, low-saturation red = red + dark grey paint, or red + two black + one white. Medium brightness, low saturation: medium grey paint + color (yields 2), or black + white + color (yields 3). For example, medium, low-saturation green = green + medium grey, or green + black + white. Bright, low saturation: light grey + color (yields 2), or 1 black + 2 whites + color (yields 4). For example, bright, low-saturation blue = blue + light grey, or blue + black + 2 white. RGB values ---------- All RGB values and filenames for all colors and shades of grey are represented in the file "colors.txt" (which is generated with the bash script "listcolors.sh"), included in the distribution directory. Misc. Notes ----------- If you need to use /give commands, the node names are of the following format: unifieddyes:{nothing or "medium_" or "dark_"}{color}{nothing or "_s50"}. For example, low saturation dark yellow would be "unifieddyes:dark_yellow_s50", while bright, full-saturation red would simply be "unifieddyes:red". See the texture filenames in the textures/ folder for further hints - all of the item names follow the same format as the filenames, save for having a colon (:) instead of the first underscore (_). Semi-automatic generation of new textures ========================================= Obviously, in order for this mod to be useful, you'll need textures to use with your crafting recipes. If you plan to support the entire range of colors supplied by this mod, there is a BASH script included in the distribution directory, named gentextures.sh, which will, with an appropriately- colored and appropriately-named source texture, generate a complete set of colored and greyscale textures based on that first one. This script requires bc (the calculator program) to handle some basic math regarding the hue adjustments, and Imagemagick's "convert" program handles all of the actual conversions. To make this script for your mod, open it in your favorite editor and change the TEXTURE variable near the top of the file to whatever your particular mod will use as the basis of its texture filenames. For example, the default is cotton, so the files created by the script will be named cotton_xxxxxx.png for each of the supported colors. Then, using your favorite image editor, create a single version of your desired texture. Draw it in the brightest, deepest shade of RED you can muster without losing any detail, and save it out. Ideally, you will want the average color of the texture, when taking into account all bright and dark areas, to be as close as possible to the hex value #FF0000 (0 degrees, 100% saturation, pure red) without losing any appreciable #detail Save this source texture out with a filename of red_base_whatever.png, where "whatever" is the same name you used in the TEXTURE variable above. The default cotton setting, thus, would need a filename of red_base_cotton.png. Copy the gentextures.sh script to the same directory where you placed the base texture, chmod 755 gentextures.sh if necessary, and run it using the usual dot-slash notation: ./gentextures.sh The program will exit immediately if it can't find the base texture it needs (i.e. if you didn't supply it, or if you named it wrong, or if it isn't it in the same directory as the script). Otherwise, the program will create a new folder named generated-textures/ and then iterate through all of the hues and shades that are supported by unifieddyes (though this is done manually, not by reading anything from the mod). All of the output files will be placed in that folder. Use your favorite image browser or file manager to review the results, and if they're right, copy them over to the textures/ folder in your mod.
Unified Dyes expands the standard dye set from 15 to up to 256 colors (depending on the object to be colored)