- Added dumpnodes mod, creating /dumpnodes command which can be used by admins
to drop the nodenames and top tiles' images for every node on the server in
the aim of beginning a process designed to generate automatically the
colors.txt file needed by minetestmapper
- Tweak the coins drop (only silver and gold now)
- Creeper no longer drop coins
- Fix minotaur mob
- Add and tweak yeti mob (spawn / drops / light damage)
- Update spreadsheet
- many other small tweaks
- Fixed minotaur's rotation in its b3d file
- Added blend file for minotaur (if anyone wants to modify it again)
- Removed the `rotate` line in sarangay.lua
- Add Yeti monster (not over), spawn on snow biome, attack with snowball(arrow), equivalent to Mese Monster but in surface
- Add Minotaur monster (not over), move slowly and attack sowly, but do big damage
- Fix the "colisionbox" and "view range" of the zombie
- Wolf can now be tamed into dog - he has modified skills (3 damages, move more slower, different texture, run and walk more slowly)
- NPC now do 4 damage when tamed (6 damage when neutral/enemy)
- Updated food mod (now splitted between food, containing the API, and food_basic, containing the items/craft recipes)
- Added food's items un hud/hunger.lua
- Prepared the update of Minotaur (renamed this mob minotaur)
- NPC tamed with 4 diamonds now do 4 damage (before 6)
- Wolf can now be tamed in exchange of 4 "raw_meat" and become dog, the dog can be healed with "raw_meat" (need to be change, maybe conflicted)
- The dog mob is less powerful than the wolf (-2 damage, less walk/run velocity) => the explanation for this "nerf" is simple, the dog is almost free, compared to the NPC who costs 4 diamonds ! :)
- Add one sound when wolfs attack
- One small fix for the zombie monster
- Add a pre-alpha version of yeti, many things missing for the moment (yeti is a monster who spawns in snow biome and attack wit snowball)
- The Ghoat animal is passive, he eats flowers on his way, drop raw_meat if you kill it. But be carful, if you attack him, he will hit you back ! (like cow/warthog and other passive monster who can defend himself)
- Warthogs now spawn on default:dirt and default:junglegrass, this change is made because we move progressively the warthog in jungle