2012-03-05 19:21:26 +01:00
2012-12-08 22:28:46 +01:00
-- Water turbine:
-- Active if flowing >water< above it
-- (does not work with other liquids)
2012-03-05 19:21:26 +01:00
minetest.register_node("mesecons_hydroturbine:hydro_turbine_off", {
2014-11-23 18:05:01 -05:00
drawtype = "mesh",
2017-02-12 13:57:30 -05:00
mesh = "jeija_hydro_turbine_off.obj",
2015-05-20 03:40:59 -04:00
tiles = {
2017-02-12 13:57:30 -05:00
2015-05-20 03:40:59 -04:00
2021-04-09 20:24:41 +02:00
use_texture_alpha = minetest.features.use_texture_alpha_string_modes and "opaque" or nil,
2014-11-23 18:05:01 -05:00
inventory_image = "jeija_hydro_turbine_inv.png",
2017-10-31 22:50:39 +01:00
is_ground_content = false,
2014-11-23 18:05:01 -05:00
wield_scale = {x=0.75, y=0.75, z=0.75},
2012-12-08 22:28:46 +01:00
groups = {dig_immediate=2},
2015-05-20 03:40:59 -04:00
description="Water Turbine",
2012-07-20 15:26:13 +02:00
paramtype = "light",
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
2014-11-23 18:05:01 -05:00
fixed = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5 },
2012-07-20 15:26:13 +02:00
2022-05-05 10:57:53 -04:00
sounds = mesecon.node_sound.metal,
2012-12-08 22:28:46 +01:00
mesecons = {receptor = {
state = mesecon.state.off
2017-10-07 00:44:49 +02:00
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
2012-03-05 19:21:26 +01:00
minetest.register_node("mesecons_hydroturbine:hydro_turbine_on", {
2014-11-23 18:05:01 -05:00
drawtype = "mesh",
2017-10-31 22:50:39 +01:00
is_ground_content = false,
2017-02-12 13:57:30 -05:00
mesh = "jeija_hydro_turbine_on.obj",
2014-11-23 18:05:01 -05:00
wield_scale = {x=0.75, y=0.75, z=0.75},
2015-05-20 03:40:59 -04:00
tiles = {
2017-02-12 13:57:30 -05:00
{ name = "jeija_hydro_turbine_turbine_top_bottom_on.png",
animation = {type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 128, aspect_h = 16, length = 1.6} },
{ name = "jeija_hydro_turbine_turbine_misc_on.png",
animation = {type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 256, aspect_h = 32, length = 0.4} }
2015-05-20 03:40:59 -04:00
2021-04-09 20:24:41 +02:00
use_texture_alpha = minetest.features.use_texture_alpha_string_modes and "clip" or nil,
2014-11-23 18:05:01 -05:00
inventory_image = "jeija_hydro_turbine_inv.png",
2013-04-28 12:40:08 +02:00
drop = "mesecons_hydroturbine:hydro_turbine_off 1",
2012-12-08 22:28:46 +01:00
groups = {dig_immediate=2,not_in_creative_inventory=1},
2012-08-01 15:58:19 +06:00
description="Water Turbine",
2012-07-20 15:26:13 +02:00
paramtype = "light",
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
2014-11-23 18:05:01 -05:00
fixed = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5 },
2012-07-20 15:26:13 +02:00
2022-05-05 10:57:53 -04:00
sounds = mesecon.node_sound.metal,
2012-12-08 22:28:46 +01:00
mesecons = {receptor = {
state = mesecon.state.on
2017-10-07 00:44:49 +02:00
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
2012-03-05 19:21:26 +01:00
2016-12-25 22:38:44 -06:00
local function is_flowing_water(pos)
local name = minetest.get_node(pos).name
local is_water = minetest.get_item_group(name, "water") > 0
local is_flowing = minetest.registered_items[name].liquidtype == "flowing"
return (is_water and is_flowing)
2012-03-05 19:21:26 +01:00
nodenames = {"mesecons_hydroturbine:hydro_turbine_off"},
interval = 1,
chance = 1,
2022-02-12 14:12:12 -05:00
action = function(pos)
2012-03-05 19:21:26 +01:00
local waterpos={x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}
2016-12-25 22:38:44 -06:00
if is_flowing_water(waterpos) then
2016-02-14 21:00:37 +01:00
minetest.set_node(pos, {name="mesecons_hydroturbine:hydro_turbine_on"})
2014-11-22 15:42:22 +01:00
2012-03-05 19:21:26 +01:00
nodenames = {"mesecons_hydroturbine:hydro_turbine_on"},
interval = 1,
chance = 1,
2022-02-12 14:12:12 -05:00
action = function(pos)
2012-03-05 19:21:26 +01:00
local waterpos={x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}
2016-12-25 22:38:44 -06:00
if not is_flowing_water(waterpos) then
2016-02-14 21:00:37 +01:00
minetest.set_node(pos, {name="mesecons_hydroturbine:hydro_turbine_off"})
2014-11-22 15:42:22 +01:00
2012-03-05 19:21:26 +01:00
2013-04-28 12:40:08 +02:00
output = "mesecons_hydroturbine:hydro_turbine_off 2",
2012-03-05 19:21:26 +01:00
recipe = {
2022-05-05 10:57:53 -04:00
{"","grup:stick", ""},
{"group:stick", "mesecons_gamecompat:steel_ingot", "group:stick"},
{"","group:stick", ""},
2012-03-05 19:21:26 +01:00