
luacheck ContentDB

Provides cross compatibility between games and mods for sounds and crafting materials.

Thanks to:

  • MisterE, OgelGames, and Blockhead for naming advice/suggestion.
  • luk3yx, Blockhead, BuckarooBanzai for bouncing ideas on the concept of this mod.


See DEV.md for detailed documentation.

Directly supported games and mods

Games Sounds Materials Textures
Minetest Game x x x
MineClone2 x x
Mineclonia x x
Hades Revisited x x
Farlands Reloaded x x x
Exile x
KSurvive 2 x


  • basic_materials
  • mesecons_materials
  • moreores
A mod that aims to facilitate other mods to be game agnostic by handling sounds and crafting.
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