forked from nalc/areas
Compare commits
15 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
2184118a4b | |||
0c9815460a | |||
c2e3d073be | ||
9a5cdb2822 | ||
9024be24eb | ||
2deb6770f4 | ||
0bad0ec0ae | ||
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cba647225c | ||
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64b19c2594 | |||
d464d3484f |
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Commands
* `/remove_area <ID>` -- Removes an area that you own. Any sub-areas of that
area are made sub-areas of the removed area's parent, if it exists.
If the removed area has no parent it's sub-areas will have no parent.
If the removed area has no parent its sub-areas will have no parent.
* `/recursive_remove_areas <ID>` -- Removes an area and all sub-areas of it.
@ -19,10 +19,23 @@ local plants = {
["morefarming:seed_carrot"]="air", ["morefarming:seed_corn"]="air",
areas.registered_protection_conditions = {}
areas.registered_on_adds = {}
areas.registered_on_removes = {}
areas.registered_on_moves = {}
areas.callback_origins = {}
function areas:registerProtectionCondition(func)
table.insert(areas.registered_protection_conditions, func)
local debug_info = debug.getinfo(func, "S")
areas.callback_origins[func] = {
mod = core.get_current_modname() or "??",
source = debug_info.short_src or "??",
line = debug_info.linedefined or "??"
function areas:registerOnAdd(func)
table.insert(areas.registered_on_adds, func)
@ -101,56 +114,74 @@ function areas:getAreasIntersectingArea(pos1, pos2)
return res
-- Checks if the area is unprotected or owned by you
-- Returns smallest area at position and its id or nil.
-- If multiple areas have the same volume, larger id takes precedence.
function areas:getSmallestAreaAtPos(pos)
local smallest_area, smallest_id, volume
local smallest_volume = math.huge
for id, area in pairs(self:getAreasAtPos(pos)) do
volume = (area.pos2.x - area.pos1.x + 1)
* (area.pos2.y - area.pos1.y + 1)
* (area.pos2.z - area.pos1.z + 1)
if smallest_volume >= volume then
smallest_area = area
smallest_id = id
smallest_volume = volume
return smallest_area, smallest_id
-- Checks if the area is unprotected, open, owned by player
-- or player is part of faction of smallest area at position.
function areas:canInteract(pos, name)
if minetest.check_player_privs(name, self.adminPrivs) then
return true
local owned = false
for _, area in pairs(self:getAreasAtPos(pos)) do
if area.owner == name or then
return true
if area.openfarming then
-- if area is openfarming
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos).name
if player and minetest.registered_nodes[node] then
local wstack = player:get_wielded_item():get_name()
if wstack == "" then wstack = "hand" end
local area = self:getSmallestAreaAtPos(pos)
-- No area, player owns it or area is open
if not area
or area.owner == name
return true
elseif area.openfarming then
-- if area is openfarming
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos).name
if player and minetest.registered_nodes[node] then
local wstack = player:get_wielded_item():get_name()
if wstack == "" then wstack = "hand" end
if minetest.get_item_group(node, "plant") == 1 and (wstack == "hand" or minetest.registered_tools[wstack]) then
return true
if minetest.get_item_group(node, "plant") == 1 and (wstack == "hand" or minetest.registered_tools[wstack]) then
return true
if plants[wstack] ~= nil and plants[wstack] == node then
return true
if plants[wstack] ~= nil and plants[wstack] == node then
return true
if areas.factions_available and area.faction_open then
if (factions.version or 0) < 2 then
local faction_name = factions.get_player_faction(name)
if faction_name then
for _, fname in ipairs(area.faction_open or {}) do
if faction_name == fname then
return true
elseif areas.factions_available and area.faction_open then
if (factions.version or 0) < 2 then
local faction_name = factions.get_player_faction(name)
if faction_name then
for _, fname in ipairs(area.faction_open or {}) do
if factions.player_is_in_faction(fname, name) then
if faction_name == fname then
return true
for _, fname in ipairs(area.faction_open or {}) do
if factions.player_is_in_faction(fname, name) then
return true
owned = true
return not owned
return false
-- Returns a table (list) of all players that own an area
@ -5,11 +5,27 @@ API list
* `areas:registerHudHandler(handler)` - Registers a handler to add items to the Areas HUD. See [HUD](#hud).
* `areas:registerProtectionCondition(func(pos1, pos2, name))` -
See [Protection Conditions](#Protection-Conditions)
* `areas:registerOnAdd(func(id, area))`
* `areas:registerOnRemove(func(id))`
* `areas:registerOnMove(func(id, area, pos1, pos2))`
Protection Conditions
With `areas:registerProtectionCondition(func(pos1, pos2, name))`
you can register rules to control whether to allow or prohibit the creation of an area.
Return values:
* `true` Forcefully allows the area creation. This overwrites the outcome of any
previously executed conditions, including the default ones registered by this mod.
* `false, errMsg` Disable the creation of the area and return an error message.
* `nil` (or no return value) Enable the creation of the area,
unless specified otherwise by the other registered callbacks.
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("set_owner", {
minetest.register_chatcommand("add_owner", {
params = S("<ParentID>").." "..S("<PlayerName>").." "..S("<AreaName>"),
description = S("Give a player access to a sub-area beetween two"
description = S("Give a player access to a sub-area between two"
.." positions that have already been protected,"
.." Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set."),
func = function(name, param)
@ -173,13 +173,46 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("find_areas", {
minetest.register_chatcommand("list_areas", {
description = S("List your areas, or all areas if you are an admin."),
params = S("[<name>]"),
description = S("List your areas. Admins can list all areas or those of a specific player."),
func = function(name, param)
local admin = minetest.check_player_privs(name, areas.adminPrivs)
local admin_show_summary = admin
local owner_name = name
if admin and #param > 0 then
owner_name = param
admin_show_summary = false
local areaStrings = {}
for id, area in pairs(areas.areas) do
if admin or areas:isAreaOwner(id, name) then
table.insert(areaStrings, areas:toString(id))
if admin_show_summary then
-- Summary per-player
local indices = {}
local counts = {} -- { [1] = name, [2] = count }, ...
for _, area in pairs(areas.areas) do
local i = indices[area.owner]
if i then
counts[i][2] = counts[i][2] + 1
table.insert(counts, { area.owner, 1 })
indices[area.owner] = #counts
-- Alphabatical name sorting
table.sort(counts, function (kv_a, kv_b)
return kv_a[1] < kv_b[1]
-- Output
for _, kv in ipairs(counts) do
table.insert(areaStrings, S("@1 : @2 area(s)", kv[1], kv[2]))
-- Detailed list
for id, area in pairs(areas.areas) do
if areas:isAreaOwner(id, owner_name) then
table.insert(areaStrings, areas:toString(id))
if #areaStrings == 0 then
@ -207,7 +240,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("recursive_remove_areas", {
areas:remove(id, true)
return true, S("Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.", id)
return true, S("Removed area @1 and its sub areas.", id)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
hud = {}
areas.hud[name] = hud
hud.areasId = player:hud_add({
hud_elem_type = "text",
[minetest.features.hud_def_type_field and "type" or "hud_elem_type"] = "text", -- compatible with older versions
name = "Areas",
number = 0xFFFFFF,
position = {x=0, y=1},
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ function areas:add(owner, name, pos1, pos2, parent)
return id
--- Remove a area, and optionally it's children recursively.
--- Remove a area, and optionally its children recursively.
-- If a area is deleted non-recursively the children will
-- have the removed area's parent as their new parent.
function areas:remove(id, recurse)
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ function areas:isSubarea(pos1, pos2, id)
-- Returns a table (list) of children of an area given it's identifier
-- Returns a table (list) of children of an area given its identifier
function areas:getChildren(id)
local children = {}
for cid, area in pairs(self.areas) do
@ -206,62 +206,93 @@ function areas:getChildren(id)
return children
-- Checks if the user has sufficient privileges.
-- If the player is not a administrator it also checks
-- if the area intersects other areas that they do not own.
-- Also checks the size of the area and if the user already
-- has more than max_areas.
-- checks all possible restrictions registered with
-- areas:registerProtectionCondition
-- builtin callbacks below
function areas:canPlayerAddArea(pos1, pos2, name)
local allowed = true
local errMsg
for i=1, #areas.registered_protection_conditions do
local res, msg = areas.registered_protection_conditions[i](pos1, pos2, name)
if res == true then
-- always allow to protect, no matter of other conditions
return true
elseif res == false then
-- there might be another callback that returns true, so we can't break here
allowed = false
-- save the first error that occurred
errMsg = errMsg or msg
elseif res ~= nil then
local origin = areas.callback_origins[areas.registered_protection_conditions[i]]
error("\n[Mod] areas: Invalid api usage from mod '" ..
origin.mod .. "' in callback registerProtectionCondition() at " ..
origin.source .. ":" .. origin.line)
return allowed, errMsg
-- Checks if the user has sufficient privileges.
areas:registerProtectionCondition(function(pos1, pos2, name)
local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(name)
if privs.areas then
-- always allow administrators to create areas
return true
-- Check self protection privilege, if it is enabled,
-- and if the area is too big.
if not self.config.self_protection or
-- Check self protection privilege
if not areas.config.self_protection or
not privs[areas.config.self_protection_privilege] then
return false, S("Self protection is disabled or you do not have"
.." the necessary privilege.")
-- MFF: megabuilders skip checks on size and number of areas
if not privs.megabuilder then
-- check if the area is too big
-- NALC: megabuilders skip checks on size and number of areas
areas:registerProtectionCondition(function(pos1, pos2, name)
local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(name)
if not privs.megabuilder then
local max_size = privs.areas_high_limit and
self.config.self_protection_max_size_high or
areas.config.self_protection_max_size_high or
(pos2.x - pos1.x) > max_size.x or
(pos2.y - pos1.y) > max_size.y or
(pos2.z - pos1.z) > max_size.z then
return false, S("Area is too big.")
(pos2.x - pos1.x + 1) > max_size.x or
(pos2.y - pos1.y + 1) > max_size.y or
(pos2.z - pos1.z + 1) > max_size.z then
return false, S("Area is too big.")
-- Check number of areas the user has and make sure it not above the max
local count = 0
for _, area in pairs(self.areas) do
if area.owner == name then
count = count + 1
-- Check number of areas the user has and make sure it not above the max
areas:registerProtectionCondition(function(pos1, pos2, name)
local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(name)
local count = 0
for _, area in pairs(areas.areas) do
if area.owner == name then
count = count + 1
local max_areas = privs.areas_high_limit and
self.config.self_protection_max_areas_high or
local max_areas = privs.areas_high_limit and
areas.config.self_protection_max_areas_high or
if count >= max_areas then
return false, S("You have reached the maximum amount of"
.." areas that you are allowed to protect.")
-- Check intersecting areas
local can, id = self:canInteractInArea(pos1, pos2, name)
-- checks if the area intersects other areas that the player do not own.
areas:registerProtectionCondition(function(pos1, pos2, name)
local can, id = areas:canInteractInArea(pos1, pos2, name)
if not can then
local area = self.areas[id]
local area = areas.areas[id]
return false, S("The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).",
||||, id, area.owner)
return true
-- Given a id returns a string in the format:
-- "name [id]: owner (x1, y1, z1) (x2, y2, z2) -> children"
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Faction doesn't exists=La faction n'existe pas
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Trouve les zones en utilisant une expression régulière Lua.
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Obtient des informations sur la configuration des zones et l’utilisation des zones.
Give a player access to a sub-area beetween two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Donne au joueur accès aux sous-zones entre deux positions qui ont déjà été protégées ; utilisez set_owner si vous ne voulez pas que la zone pricipale soit définie.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Donne au joueur accès aux sous-zones entre deux positions qui ont déjà été protégées ; utilisez set_owner si vous ne voulez pas que la zone pricipale soit définie.
Invalid regular expression.=Expression régulière invalide.
Limit: @1 areas=Limite: @1 zones.
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Protect your own area=Protège votre zone.
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Supprime les zones récursivement en utilisant un ID.
Remove an area using an ID=Supprime une zone en utilisant son ID.
Removed area @1=Zone @1 supprimée.
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Zone @1 et ses sous-zones supprimées.
Removed area @1 and its sub areas.=Zone @1 et ses sous-zones supprimées.
Removes all ownerless areas=Supprime toutes les zones sans propriétaire
Rename an area that you own=Renomme une zone qui vous appartient.
Self protection is disabled.=L’autoprotection est désactivée.
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Area position @1 set to @2=Position @1 de la zone définie à @2.
Position @1 set to @2=Position @1 définie à @2.
Position @1: =Position @1 :
Select an area by ID.=Sélectionnez une zone par son ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Sélectionnez une position en frappant un bloc.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Sélectionnez une position @1 en frappant un bloc.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Sélectionnez une position en frappant deux blocs.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Définit la position @1 de la région de protection de zone à votre position ou à celle spécifiée.
@ -133,3 +133,5 @@ Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or disp
The area @1 does not exist.=La zone @1 n’existe pas.
Unable to get position.=Impossible d’obtenir la position.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Sous-commande inconnue : @1
Relative coordinates is not supported on this server. Please upgrade Minetest to 5.7.0 or newer versions.=
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Faction doesn't exists=La fazione non esiste
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Trova aree usando una espressione regolare Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Ottieni informazioni sulla configurazione e l'uso delle aree.
Give a player access to a sub-area beetween two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Dai a un giocatore l'accesso a una sotto-area tra due posizioni che sono già state protette, usa set_owner se non vuoi che sia impostato il parent.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Dai a un giocatore l'accesso a una sotto-area tra due posizioni che sono già state protette, usa set_owner se non vuoi che sia impostato il parent.
Invalid regular expression.=Espressione regolare non valida.
Limit: @1 areas=Limite: @1 aree
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Protect your own area=Proteggi la tua area
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Elimina ricorsivamente delle aree usando un ID
Remove an area using an ID=Elimina un'area usando un ID
Removed area @1=Eliminata l'area @1
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=Eliminata l'area @1 e le sue sotto-aree.
Removed area @1 and its sub areas.=Eliminata l'area @1 e le sue sotto-aree.
Removes all ownerless areas=
Rename an area that you own=Rinomina un'area che ti appartiene
Self protection is disabled.=L'auto-protezione è disattivata.
@ -133,3 +133,5 @@ Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or disp
The area @1 does not exist.=L'area @1 non esiste.
Unable to get position.=Impossibile ottenere la posizione.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Sotto-comando sconosciuto: @1
Relative coordinates is not supported on this server. Please upgrade Minetest to 5.7.0 or newer versions.=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<ID> [faction_name]=<ID> [имя_фракции]
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 передал вам территорию "@2" (ID @3).
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1 размером до @2x@3x@4.
A regular expression is required.=Не указано регулярное выражение.
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=Территория @1 не существует или Вы не имеете к ней доступа.
Area closed for faction members.=Территория закрыта для игроков из фракций.
Area closed.=Территория закрыта.
Area does not exist.=Территория не существует.
Area is open for members of: @1=Территория открыта для игроков из фракций: @1
Area opened.=Территория открыта.
Area protected. ID: @1=Территория защищена. ID: @1
Area renamed.=Территория переименована.
Area successfully moved.=Территория успешно перенесена.
Change the owner of an area using its ID=Изменить владельца территории по её ID
Faction doesn't exists=Фракция не существует.
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=Поиск территорий с использованием регулярных выражений Lua
Get information about area configuration and usage.=Получить информацию о конфигурации и использовании защиты территорий.
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=Дать игроку доступ к выделенной территории, создав дополнительный регион. Используйте set_owner, если вы не хотите привязки к родительской территории.
Invalid regular expression.=Неверное регулярное выражение.
Limit: @1 areas=Ограничение: @1 территорий(я)
Limit: no area count limit=Ограничение: нет ограничений на кол-во территорий
List your areas, or all areas if you are an admin.=Вывести список доступных Вам территорий или всех существующих территорий, если вы администратор.
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=Переместить (или изменить размер) территории.
No matches found.=Совпадений не найдено.
No visible areas.=Нет доступных территорий.
Owner changed.=Владелец изменён.
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=Игроки, имеющие привилегию "@1" могут защищать до @2 территорий
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=Защитить территорию между двумя позициями и дать игроку доступ к ней без привязки к родительскому региону.
Protect your own area=Защитить вашу территорию
Recursively remove areas using an ID=Рекурсивное удаление территорий (вместе с дочерними) по его ID
Remove an area using an ID=Удаление территории по его ID
Removed area @1=Удалена территория @1
Removed area @1 and its sub areas.=Удалена территория @1 и её дочерние территории.
Removes all ownerless areas=Удалить все бесхозные территории (без владельца)
Rename an area that you own=Переименовать территорию, которой вы владеете.
Self protection is disabled.=Защита своих территорий отключена.
Self protection is enabled.=Защита своих территорий включена.
That area doesn't exist.=Территория не существует.
The player "@1" does not exist.=Игрок "@1" не существует.
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=Открыть/закрыть территорию для других игроков
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=Открыть/закрыть территорию для игроков вашей фракции.
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=Вы можете управлять всеми территориями (привилегия "areas")
You can protect areas=Вы можете защищать территории
You can't protect that area.=Вы не можете установить защиту на эту территорию.
You can't protect that area: @1=Вы не можете установить защиту на территорию: @1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=У Вас нет необходимой привилегии ("@1").
You don't own that area.=Вы не являетесь владельцем этой территории.
You have @1 areas.=У вас @1 территорий.
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=Вам выдан доступ к территории #@1.
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=У вас увеличенный лимит на кол-во создаваемых вами защищённых территорий
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=У вас есть необходимая привилегия ("@1").
You need to select an area first.=Сначала необходимо выделить территорию.
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=Неверное использование, см. /help @1.
### hud.lua ###
### init.lua ###
Can administer areas.=Может управлять территориями.
Can protect areas.=Может создавать защищённые территории.
Can protect more, bigger areas.=Может создавать защищённые территории больше территорий и с бОльшим размером.
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 - принадлежит @2.
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=Территория слишком велика.
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=Возможность защиты территорий отключена или же Вы не имеете необходимых привилегий.
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=Территория пересекается с @1 [@2] (@3).
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=Вы достигли максимально допустимого количества на создание защищённых территорий.
### legacy.lua ###
Converted areas saved. Done.=Готово. Сконвертированные территории сохранены.
Converting areas…=Конвертирование территорий…
Error loading legacy file: @1=Ошибка загрузки файла с устаревшим форматом: @1
Invalid version number. (0 allowed)=Неверный номер версии. (поддерживается 0)
Legacy file loaded.=Файл с устаревшим форматом загружен.
Loads, converts, and saves the areas from a legacy save file.=Загружает, конвертирует и сохраняет территории из файла с устаревшим форматом.
Table format updated.=Формат обновлён.
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<не_установлена>
Area @1 selected.=Территория @1 выбрана.
Area position @1 set to @2=Позиция @1 установлена в @2
Position @1 set to @2=Позиция @1 установлена в @2
Position @1: =Позиция @1:
Select an area by ID.=Выбрать территорию по её ID.
Select position @1 by punching a node.=Установите позицию @1, ударив по блоку.
Select positions by punching two nodes.=Установите позиции, ударив по двум блокам.
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=Установить позицию @1 для выбора защищаемой территории
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=Установить позиции 1 и/или 2, ударяя по блокам, или вывести ранее установленные позиции
The area @1 does not exist.=Территория @1 не существует.
Unable to get position.=Не удалось получить позицию.
Unknown subcommand: @1=Неизвестная под-команда/аргумент.
Relative coordinates is not supported on this server. Please upgrade Minetest to 5.7.0 or newer versions.=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<ID> [faction_name]=<保护区编号> [派系名称]
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 已将保护区“@2”(编号 @3)的控制权交与您。
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1,最大为 @2x@3x@4。
A regular expression is required.=需要正则表达式。
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=保护区 @1 不存在,或并非由您拥有。
Area closed for faction members.=保护区已对派系成员关闭。
Area closed.=保护区已关闭。
Area does not exist.=保护区不存在。
Area is open for members of: @1=保护区已对以下派系的成员开放:@1
Area opened.=保护区已开放。
Area protected. ID: @1=成功进行保护。 保护区编号:@1
Area renamed.=保护区已重新命名。
Area successfully moved.=成功移动保护区。
Change the owner of an area using its ID=通过保护区编号改变其拥有者
Faction doesn't exists=派系不存在
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=使用 Lua 正则表达式寻找保护区
Get information about area configuration and usage.=获得保护区配置与使用的资讯。
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=授予其他玩家已有保护区内一部分地方、两个座标之间区域的的存取权。如果不想上级保护区被设定,请使用 /set_owner。
Invalid regular expression.=正则表达式无效。
Limit: @1 areas=限制:@1个保护区
Limit: no area count limit=限制:无数量限制
List your areas, or all areas if you are an admin.=列出您拥有的保护区,或对于管理员而言,列出所有保护区。
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=移动一保护区至目前座标,或改变其大小。
No matches found.=找不到匹配项。
No visible areas.=没有保护区可供查阅。
Owner changed.=拥有者已修改。
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=拥有“@1”权限的玩家最多可以保护 @2 个保护区
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=授予其他玩家两个座标之间区域的控制权,而不设定上级保护区
Protect your own area=对您自己的地区施加保护
Recursively remove areas using an ID=通过保护区编号移除保护区以及其所有子保护区
Remove an area using an ID=通过保护区编号移除一保护区
Removed area @1=保护区 @1 已移除
Removed area @1 and its sub areas.=保护区 @1 以及其所有子保护区已移除。
Removes all ownerless areas=移除所有无主保护区
Rename an area that you own=重新命名您拥有的保护区
Self protection is disabled.=自我保护被禁用。
Self protection is enabled.=自我保护被启用。
That area doesn't exist.=保护区不存在。
The player "@1" does not exist.=玩家“@1”不存在。
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=切换保护区开放状态(如开放,所有玩家均可互动)
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=切换保护区对派系成员的开放状态
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=您是保护区管理员(拥有“area”权限)
You can protect areas=您可以建立保护区
You can't protect that area.=您无法保护该区域。
You can't protect that area: @1=您无法保护该区域:@1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=您没有所需权限(“@1”)
You don't own that area.=您并不拥有该保护区。
You have @1 areas.=您有 @1 个保护区。
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=您已被授予保护区 #@1 的控制权。 使用 /list_areas 以查看您的保护区。
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=您拥有延伸保护权限(拥有“areas_high_limit”权限)
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=您拥有所需权限(“@1”)
You need to select an area first.=请先选择范围。
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=无效用法,请参见 /help @1。
### hud.lua ###
### init.lua ###
Can administer areas.=可以管理保护区
Can protect areas.=可以进行保护
Can protect more, bigger areas.=进行保护时,数量以及体积上限提高。
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 被 @2 保护。
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=区域过大。
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=自我保护被禁用,或您没有所需权限。
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=区域与 @1 [@2] (@3) 重叠。
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=您的现有保护区数量已达到所允许的上限。
### legacy.lua ###
Converted areas saved. Done.=转换后的保护区已经保存。 完成。
Converting areas…=正在转换保护区……
Error loading legacy file: @1=载入旧档案时发生错误:@1
Invalid version number. (0 allowed)=无效版本号。(允许值:0)
Legacy file loaded.=旧档案已载入。
Loads, converts, and saves the areas from a legacy save file.=载入、转换并储存旧存档中的保护区。
Table format updated.=表格格式已更新。
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<未设定>
Area @1 selected.=保护区 @1 已选择。
Area position @1 set to @2=保护区座标 @1 已设定为 @2。
Position @1 set to @2=保护区座标 @1 已设定为 @2。
Position @1: =保护区座标 @1:
Select an area by ID.=通过保护区编号选择区域
Select position @1 by punching a node.=请击打方块以设定保护区座标 @1 的位置。
Select positions by punching two nodes.=请击打两个方块,以设定保护区座标的位置。
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=将保护区座标 @1 的位置设定为您目前的位置或提供的座标
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=击打方块设定保护区座标,或获得其座标资讯
The area @1 does not exist.=保护区 @1 不存在。
Unable to get position.=无法获得座标。
Unknown subcommand: @1=子指令不明:@1
Relative coordinates is not supported on this server. Please upgrade Minetest to 5.7.0 or newer versions.=此服务器不支援相对座标。请更新Minetest至5.7.0或之后的版本。
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
# textdomain: areas
### chatcommands.lua ###
<ID> [faction_name]=<保護區編號> [派系名稱]
@1 has given you control over the area "@2" (ID @3).=@1 已將保護區「@2」(編號 @3)的控制權交與您。
@1 spanning up to @2x@3x@4.=@1,最大爲 @2x@3x@4。
A regular expression is required.=需要正則表達式。
Area @1 does not exist or is not owned by you.=保護區 @1 不存在,或並非由您擁有。
Area closed for faction members.=保護區已對派系成員關閉。
Area closed.=保護區已關閉。
Area does not exist.=保護區不存在。
Area is open for members of: @1=保護區已對以下派系的成員開放:@1
Area opened.=保護區已開放。
Area protected. ID: @1=成功進行保護。保護區編號:@1
Area renamed.=保護區已重新命名。
Area successfully moved.=成功移動保護區。
Change the owner of an area using its ID=通過保護區編號改變其擁有者
Faction doesn't exists=派系不存在
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=使用 Lua 正則表達式尋找保護區
Get information about area configuration and usage.=獲得保護區配置與使用的資訊。
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=授予其他玩家已有保護區內一部分地方、兩個座標之間區域的的存取權。如果不想上級保護區被設定,請使用 /set_owner。
Invalid regular expression.=正則表達式無效。
Limit: @1 areas=限制:@1個保護區
Limit: no area count limit=限制:無數量限制
List your areas, or all areas if you are an admin.=列出您擁有的保護區,或對於管理員而言,列出所有保護區。
Move (or resize) an area to the current positions.=移動一保護區至目前座標,或改變其大小。
No matches found.=找不到匹配項。
No visible areas.=沒有保護區可供查閱。
Owner changed.=擁有者已修改。
Players with the "@1" privilege can protect up to @2 areas=擁有「@1」權限的玩家最多可以保護 @2 個保護區
Protect an area between two positions and give a player access to it without setting the parent of the area to any existing area=授予其他玩家兩個座標之間區域的控制權,而不設定上級保護區
Protect your own area=對您自己的地區施加保護
Recursively remove areas using an ID=通過保護區編號移除保護區以及其所有子保護區
Remove an area using an ID=通過保護區編號移除一保護區
Removed area @1=保護區 @1 已移除
Removed area @1 and its sub areas.=保護區 @1 以及其所有子保護區已移除
Removes all ownerless areas=移除所有無主保護區
Rename an area that you own=重新命名您擁有的保護區
Self protection is disabled.=自我保護被禁用。
Self protection is enabled.=自我保護被啓用。
That area doesn't exist.=保護區不存在。
The player "@1" does not exist.=玩家「@1」不存在。
Toggle an area open (anyone can interact) or closed=切換保護區開放狀態(如開放,所有玩家均可互動)
Toggle an area open/closed for members in your faction.=切換保護區對派系成員的開放狀態
You are an area administrator ("areas" privilege).=您是保護區管理員(擁有「area」權限)
You can protect areas=您可以建立保護區
You can't protect that area.=您無法保護該區域。
You can't protect that area: @1=您無法保護該區域:@1
You don't have the necessary privilege ("@1").=您沒有所需權限(「@1」)
You don't own that area.=您並不擁有改保護區。
You have @1 areas.=您有 @1 個保護區。
You have been granted control over area #@1. Type /list_areas to show your areas.=您已被授予保護區 #@1 的控制權。使用 /list_areas 以查看您的保護區。
You have extended area protection limits ("areas_high_limit" privilege).=您擁有延伸保護權限(擁有「areas_high_limit」權限)
You have the necessary privilege ("@1").=您擁有所需權限(「@1」)
You need to select an area first.=請先選擇範圍。
### chatcommands.lua ###
### pos.lua ###
Invalid usage, see /help @1.=無效用法,請參見 /help @1。
### hud.lua ###
### init.lua ###
Can administer areas.=可以管理保護區
Can protect areas.=可以進行保護
Can protect more, bigger areas.=進行保護時,數量以及體積上限提高。
### interact.lua ###
@1 is protected by @2.=@1 被 @2 保護。
### internal.lua ###
Area is too big.=區域過大。
Self protection is disabled or you do not have the necessary privilege.=自我保護被禁用,或您沒有所需權限。
The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).=區域與 @1 [@2] (@3) 重疊。
You have reached the maximum amount of areas that you are allowed to protect.=您的現有保護區數量已達到所允許的上限。
### legacy.lua ###
Converted areas saved. Done.=轉換後的保護區已經保存。完成。
Converting areas…=正在轉換保護區……
Error loading legacy file: @1=載入舊檔案時發生錯誤:@1
Invalid version number. (0 allowed)=無效版本號。(允許值:0)
Legacy file loaded.=舊檔案已載入。
Loads, converts, and saves the areas from a legacy save file.=載入、轉換並儲存舊存檔中的保護區。
Table format updated.=表格格式已更新。
### pos.lua ###
<not set>=<未設定>
Area @1 selected.=保護區 @1 已選擇。
Area position @1 set to @2=保護區座標 @1 已設定爲 @2。
Position @1 set to @2=保護區座標 @1 已設定爲 @2。
Position @1: =保護區座標 @1:
Select an area by ID.=通過保護區編號選擇區域
Select position @1 by punching a node.=請擊打方塊,以設定保護區座標 @1 的位置。
Select positions by punching two nodes.=請擊打兩個方塊,以設定保護區座標的位置。
Set area protection region position @1 to your location or the one specified=將保護區座標 @1 的位置設定爲您目前的位置或提供的座標
Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or display the region=擊打方塊設定保護區座標,或獲得其座標資訊
The area @1 does not exist.=保護區 @1 不存在。
Unable to get position.=無法獲得座標。
Unknown subcommand: @1=子指令不明:@1
Relative coordinates is not supported on this server. Please upgrade Minetest to 5.7.0 or newer versions.=此伺服器不支援相對座標。請更新Minetest至5.7.0或之後的版本。
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Faction doesn't exists=
Find areas using a Lua regular expression=
Get information about area configuration and usage.=
Give a player access to a sub-area beetween two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=
Give a player access to a sub-area between two positions that have already been protected, Use set_owner if you don't want the parent to be set.=
Invalid regular expression.=
Limit: @1 areas=
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Protect your own area=
Recursively remove areas using an ID=
Remove an area using an ID=
Removed area @1=
Removed area @1 and it's sub areas.=
Removed area @1 and its sub areas.=
Removes all ownerless areas=
Rename an area that you own=
Self protection is disabled.=
@ -133,3 +133,5 @@ Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2 by punching nodes, or disp
The area @1 does not exist.=
Unable to get position.=
Unknown subcommand: @1=
Relative coordinates is not supported on this server. Please upgrade Minetest to 5.7.0 or newer versions.=
@ -22,6 +22,37 @@ local function posLimit(pos)
local parse_relative_pos
if minetest.parse_relative_number then
parse_relative_pos = function(x_str, y_str, z_str, pos)
local x = pos and minetest.parse_relative_number(x_str, pos.x)
or tonumber(x_str)
local y = pos and minetest.parse_relative_number(y_str, pos.y)
or tonumber(y_str)
local z = pos and minetest.parse_relative_number(z_str, pos.z)
or tonumber(z_str)
if x and y and z then
return, y, z)
parse_relative_pos = function(x_str, y_str, z_str, pos)
local x = tonumber(x_str)
local y = tonumber(y_str)
local z = tonumber(z_str)
if x and y and z then
return, y, z)
elseif string.sub(x_str, 1, 1) == "~"
or string.sub(y_str, 1, 1) == "~"
or string.sub(z_str, 1, 1) == "~" then
return nil, S("Relative coordinates is not supported on this server. " ..
"Please upgrade Minetest to 5.7.0 or newer versions.")
minetest.register_chatcommand("select_area", {
params = S("<ID>"),
description = S("Select an area by ID."),
@ -47,20 +78,25 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("area_pos1", {
privs = {},
func = function(name, param)
local pos
local found, _, x, y, z = param:find(
"^(-?%d+)[, ](-?%d+)[, ](-?%d+)$")
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
if player then
pos = vector.round(player:get_pos())
local found, _, x_str, y_str, z_str = param:find(
"^(~?-?%d*)[, ](~?-?%d*)[, ](~?-?%d*)$")
if found then
pos = {x=tonumber(x), y=tonumber(y), z=tonumber(z)}
elseif param == "" then
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
if player then
pos = player:get_pos()
return false, S("Unable to get position.")
local get_pos, reason = parse_relative_pos(x_str, y_str, z_str, pos)
if get_pos then
pos = get_pos
elseif not get_pos and reason then
return false, reason
elseif param ~= "" then
return false, S("Invalid usage, see /help @1.", "area_pos1")
if not pos then
return false, S("Unable to get position.")
pos = posLimit(vector.round(pos))
areas:setPos1(name, pos)
return true, S("Area position @1 set to @2", "1",
@ -74,20 +110,25 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("area_pos2", {
.." location or the one specified", "2"),
func = function(name, param)
local pos
local found, _, x, y, z = param:find(
"^(-?%d+)[, ](-?%d+)[, ](-?%d+)$")
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
if player then
pos = vector.round(player:get_pos())
local found, _, x_str, y_str, z_str = param:find(
"^(~?-?%d*)[, ](~?-?%d*)[, ](~?-?%d*)$")
if found then
pos = {x=tonumber(x), y=tonumber(y), z=tonumber(z)}
elseif param == "" then
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
if player then
pos = player:get_pos()
return false, S("Unable to get position.")
local get_pos, reason = parse_relative_pos(x_str, y_str, z_str, pos)
if get_pos then
pos = get_pos
elseif not get_pos and reason then
return false, reason
elseif param ~= "" then
return false, S("Invalid usage, see /help @1.", "area_pos2")
if not pos then
return false, S("Unable to get position.")
pos = posLimit(vector.round(pos))
areas:setPos2(name, pos)
return true, S("Area position @1 set to @2", "2",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user