Fix minetest-mods/moreblocks#98
Caused by cf1b054a998a67b06e97c2e022537bf8516abdfb, 6a996eb86ae447a156bcae53a1b23b62ca5d5bb9 and minetest/minetest_game@2f46103ff8.
For some unknown reason `default:glass` and `obsidian:glass` have `paramtype2 = "glasslikeliquidlevel"`. After the refactor of `stairsplus/registrations.lua`, all of the source node's defs are passed along to `stairsplus:register_all()`. Prior to cf1b054a998a67b06e97c2e022537bf8516abdfb the paramtype2 setting was discarded.
A regression caused the description of slabs to revert to the source block's description. This commit fixes the regression and adds descriptions which were missing for the recently added slabs (two_sides, three_sides, and three_sides_u).
Closes minetest-mods/moreblocks#96
The appended '_bottom' is left over from an older naming convention and relies
on an alias to avoid unknown nodes showing up in the saw's left-over bin.
- Use colorization of the default glass texture
- Remove snappiness from compressed dirt
- Turn spaces into tabs for the first line of all-faces pine and aspen trees
Tar already exists in building_blocks, and the recipe to cook it comes into conflict with what's in streetsmod, where gravel can be cooked into asphalt. However, the texture for it is retained in case it needs to be derived from again in the future.
Dirt can be collected in as much quanitites as cobblestone can be, so in place of tar is a way to pack dirt when so much of it is collected.
The compressed dirt shares most properities with the compressed cobble, except that can be dug by hand, but digging it takes as long as with gravel. Its texture is a recolor of this mod's tar block.
In addition, a function for dirt sound has been added, and compressed dirt makes use of it.
The new node is inspired in part by a counterpart on the Xanadu server, where there is also a counterpart to compressed cobble.
This to account for the fact that vessel shelves can now be used here. Additionally, really loop back to cobblestone in relationship to the stone tile and its variants.
- Enable many nodes to be rotated by the screwdriver
- Reduce redundancy of the the wood tiles; use the screwdriver to achieve them
- Add extra crafts dealing with empty shelves
- Get rid of snappiness in all blocks; it's only useful for plants
- Loop between stone tile, its variants, and cobblestone
Only make aliases automatically for stairs and slabs from MTG stairs mod. Let other mods worry about aliasing themselves. Fixes minetest-mods/moreblocks#45
* Refactor stairsplus registrations
- Reorganize and remove redundant code.
- Remove sunlight_propagates=true and default to paramtype="light".
This causes cut blocks to have a shadow but not completely block light.
- Fix several bugs (#90, #91, #92).
* Readd sunlight_propagates=true for compatibility.
* Make wool sawable
Based on my simple research enabling wool should not cause major slowdowns.
Code pasted from gloopblocks
* List wool as optional dependancy
* Added check for wool dependancy
* Make life easier for translators
* Tweak some nodes
- Add function for recently-added metal sounds, and make copper patina use this sound
- Add all the wood tiles to the wood group
- Make empty bookshelf usable as fuel for half the time of book and vessel shelves (for 15 seconds)
* Return the books when crafting enpty bookshelves
* Removed Junglwood fences -> Alias with default:fence_junglewood
* Removed Jungle stick -> Alias with default:stick
* Removed unnecessary redefinitions because all the overridden options are the same as in minetest_game.
The code
not type(fields.drop) == "table"
was always false because it compares a boolean with a string,
not (type(fields.drop) == "table")
is the intended logic.