- Uncommented and changed a bit the lines of Casimir's redefinition of bucket:bucket_empty in ./minetestforfun_game/mods/bucket/init.lua to implement multiple buckets handle system, commented in an old commit (it was buggy, or something). The system has been modified a bit to prevent bugs from incompatibility between carbone's api (which the definition has been copied from) and minetestforfun_game's one.
- Dungeon masters cannot destroy nodes in excluded table neither nodes of
group unbreakable, neither nether's nodes.
- Tweak of a global variable in seawrecks (aka. choosen_ingot)
- Highlandpools create real lakes now, and not water flower over the
- Trouvable à partir de -256 en petite quantité
- Trouvable à partir de -512 en quantité décente
- Trouvable à partir de -1024 en grande quantité « parfois »
- Chunk énorme de diamants réduit de moitié
- All the modifications done before 7845fd5f1f are reverted
- Merged commits from http://github.com/minetest/minetest_game from 10 days ago to today. (concerning default mod)
TODO: Merge the other mods which have been reverted.
Add all the commits of Ombridride after the 7845fd5f1f one.
Signed-off-by: LeMagnesium <mg.minetest@gmail.com>
functions.lua :
- abm des cactus et papyrus modifiées (la pousse est plus lente)
- abm des papyrus modifiée (ne pousse que sur la dirt/dirt with grass)
(Le reste c’est des prises de Carbone)
- game.conf (MAJ OK)
- default/boat/ (MAJ OK)
- craftitems.lua (MAJ OK)
- furnace.lua (not tweaked because it’s a total rewrite from
- init.lua (petites modifs et remise du son/texte à la connexion de
nouveaux joueurs)
- player.lua (reprise des modifs de carbone sur l’animation du
- tools.lua (on remet l’ancien)
- default/doors (MAJ OK, crafts modifiés)
- default/dye (MAJ OK)
- default/fire (MAJ OK)
- default/stairs (MAJ OK)
Mg, c’est à faire :
- default/textures/ (j’ai fait une bêtise, faut remettre les textures
grass/grass_side du minetest_game, et le water/water animated de
- I hope there is no problem. I see a lot of new stuff in the vanilla
game. I keep a backup on another computer to restore the state of the
repository if there is a problem.