Many small adjustments :
- 10% less for the spawn rate of the Creeper
- Dirt Monster now spawn also on DryGrass, and the spawn rate is increased by 5%
- Dungeon Master now spawn on sandstone, and now only under -250
- Mese Monster now spawn on sandstone, and now only under -125
- Minotaur now spawn only on DryGrass, and the spawn rate is increased of +20%
- NPC spawns rate is increased by 300%, BUT the NPC now spawns on many nodes ! ("Beach" Sand, Jungle Grass, Dirt, Dirt With Grass)
- Oerkki now spawn on sandstone and below -75
- Spider spawns rate is decreased by 30% due to the new mapgen (jungletrees have less leaves)
- Stone Monster now spawn on sandstone, only under -25
- Wolf spawns rate is increased by 5%
- Zombies now spawn 10% lesser
- Added @paly2 's concept of using the IRC bot in order to send death message in IRC
- Chmod-ed files
- Added a fake init.lua to make 'sounds' look like a mod
This branch was completly f*cked up, we couldn't find a way to update it without throwing piles of merge conflicts, even with patches.
Runes are defaultly disabled. The file will be updated, as well as many files in the repository
- Tweak the coins drop (only silver and gold now)
- Creeper no longer drop coins
- Fix minotaur mob
- Add and tweak yeti mob (spawn / drops / light damage)
- Update spreadsheet
- many other small tweaks
- Fixed minotaur's rotation in its b3d file
- Added blend file for minotaur (if anyone wants to modify it again)
- Removed the `rotate` line in sarangay.lua
- Add Yeti monster (not over), spawn on snow biome, attack with snowball(arrow), equivalent to Mese Monster but in surface
- Add Minotaur monster (not over), move slowly and attack sowly, but do big damage
- Fix the "colisionbox" and "view range" of the zombie
- Wolf can now be tamed into dog - he has modified skills (3 damages, move more slower, different texture, run and walk more slowly)
- NPC now do 4 damage when tamed (6 damage when neutral/enemy)
- Prepared the update of Minotaur (renamed this mob minotaur)
- NPC tamed with 4 diamonds now do 4 damage (before 6)
- Wolf can now be tamed in exchange of 4 "raw_meat" and become dog, the dog can be healed with "raw_meat" (need to be change, maybe conflicted)
- The dog mob is less powerful than the wolf (-2 damage, less walk/run velocity) => the explanation for this "nerf" is simple, the dog is almost free, compared to the NPC who costs 4 diamonds ! :)
- Add one sound when wolfs attack
- One small fix for the zombie monster
- Add a pre-alpha version of yeti, many things missing for the moment (yeti is a monster who spawns in snow biome and attack wit snowball)
- The Ghoat animal is passive, he eats flowers on his way, drop raw_meat if you kill it. But be carful, if you attack him, he will hit you back ! (like cow/warthog and other passive monster who can defend himself)
- Warthogs now spawn on default:dirt and default:junglegrass, this change is made because we move progressively the warthog in jungle
- They are very similar to the Dirt Monster, but they are more slower, has more heath, and less armor, they do the same amount of damage and give the same samount of coins
- Remove the Stonemonster in the Nether Forest, remplaced by Zombies
- Merged api :
- little tweaks on yaw computing system and position handling when blasting
- Centralisation of the explosion function used by both dungeon masters and
creepers : checks are made differently but still present in the function
- Merged dungeon masters
- Changed type of creepers from kamikaze to explode
- Tweaked a bit rebase script