18f07ce50fActions: Added description. Fully implement helper methods for validating and evaluating expressions. Full implementation of declarative commands.
Hector Franqui
2018-01-13 10:12:17 -05:00
ff82f83c0bNPC: Add execution environment Actions: Rename 'actions' to 'command' Add skeleton method for declarative and control commands
Hector Franqui
2018-01-09 20:04:20 -05:00
9125aa334aActions: Replace "action" for "command". Add declarative and control commands comments and function signature (no implementation yet).
Hector Franqui
2018-01-09 19:04:51 -05:00
5f9afae5d9NPC: Support backward compatibility.
Hector Franqui
2017-10-19 21:51:16 -04:00
ec0392096fNPC: After interacting with NPC, original yaw is restored.
Hector Franqui
2017-10-19 21:47:35 -04:00
205bdf6eb1NPC: Use after_activate() callback to fix animation issue.
Hector Franqui
2017-10-18 15:09:00 -04:00
5bdc3c3c29NPC: Fix animation state not persistent on interaction/game restart. Action lock/unlock doesn't perform lock if movement state is sitting or laying. Right-click interaction can now be disabled in freeze action command. Upon NPC activation, animation is restored.
Hector Franqui
2017-10-18 09:05:08 -04:00
4a4dc724cdNPC: Fix issues with female and male skins. Fix naming issues with male skins. Improve coloring on male skins.
Hector Franqui
2017-10-16 18:48:02 -04:00
d95c8504ecPlaces: Add truly owned nodes. NPCs shouldn't override ownership anymore. Spawner: Add command "/restore_area" to clear up node ownership & usage in manually spawned places. "/restore_plotmarkers" now clean up node ownership & usage in mg_villages.
Hector Franqui
2017-10-07 11:28:38 -04:00
8a5e80e2cbPlaces: Allow finding alternative nodes when nodes are being used. Add owned and used properties to each owned/shared node. Actions: Allow to find alternative sittable/bed/furnace node if currently being used. Default occupation: Add alternative sitting finding. NPC: Log cleanup.
Hector Franqui
2017-10-05 18:53:46 -04:00
d92b729e19Fixed bugs related to door positioning, opening/closing, and finding positions in general.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-23 10:43:51 -04:00
43c69ffee4Spawner: Add search radius and height to manual spawn egg.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-21 20:03:01 -04:00
5a79b9a119Trade: Fix name for stone hoe.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-21 18:55:02 -04:00
d55ffd06fcSchedules: Allow to set trade list as a schedule property. Trade: Trading list now supports setting maximum sell count, buy count and how much to keep (in case of sell). Add price for empty bucket.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-21 18:53:43 -04:00
db415dee97Occupations: Change building type format to be more flexible. Spawner: Huge rework on logic to determine occupations. Warning! Completely incomprehensible code. Schedule: Improve schedule check enqueue and execution. Optimize walk_to_pos if used on distances < 3 Huge amounts of log cleanup. Places: Improve adding shared places. Improve orthogonal node scanning by using walkables and not one single node.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-15 14:51:37 -04:00
b02a78de6dDefault Farmer (WIP): Improve schedule entries, schedule check. Change to new building type format.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-15 14:47:04 -04:00
8cf1e932bcDefault Priest: Change building type definitions to new format.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-15 14:46:08 -04:00
866b25c63cPathfinder: Fix indentation. Improve path decorator to avoid jumping NPCs (in Minetest 0.5-dev)
Hector Franqui
2017-09-13 09:09:08 -04:00
70fd62825cActions: Fix bugs in dig and place actions. Fix bug in get_pos_argument() function. Optimize walk_to_pos task and improve usage of access node. Improve get_direction() by using vector.direction() and vector.round()
Hector Franqui
2017-09-13 09:06:58 -04:00
70c7a3c96fActions: Add mine animation to dig/place actions. Fix bug enabling wandering after dig action. Improved "random" dir functionality for walk_step to avoid getting NPC stuck. General formatting fixes.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-12 09:08:44 -04:00
245c2c32c2My first pull request. (#15)
2017-09-08 07:31:19 -05:00
ce47958144Actions: Fix bugs and improve dig and place action commands.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-07 08:51:50 -04:00
2a0b0aa538Occupations: Refactor all occupation defs into separate Lua files. Add WIP priest occupation. Add WIP (very WIP) farmer occupation.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-05 22:47:03 -04:00
6c3988a731Occupation: Add ability to set some of the NPCs properties. Currently, you can set: - Trader status - Whether to show or hide gift items hints NPC: Add enable/disable gift item hints flag Schedules: Allow to set the enable/disable gift item hints flag Dialogues: Add ability to choose from normal dialogues if hint dialogues are disabled.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-05 19:02:50 -04:00
8e5d6d03f4Spawner: Fix issue when "npcs" table is not present in restore_plotmarkers.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-01 18:27:17 -04:00
fe5a155177Fix bug with dialogues being cleared for NPCs on occupation init.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-01 18:15:53 -04:00
48eb8078b3Schedules: Add support to change flags in schedules.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-01 14:15:01 -04:00
939181284bSpawner: Add workplaces properly to the usable nodes.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-01 14:14:35 -04:00
40ac2a55a1Actions: Fix bug and add support for using access node.
Hector Franqui
2017-09-01 14:13:13 -04:00
ba6348663bDialogues: Fix bug when not having custom trade offers.
Hector Franqui
2017-08-31 17:59:46 -05:00
c9eb3b0ef4Spawner: Workplaces are properly assigned to NPC. If a workplace is assigned to a NPC, it is not used by any other NPC. "/restore_plotmarkers" command also restores the workplace so it can be used by other NPCs. Occupations: Dialogues are registered on occupation registration.
Hector Franqui
2017-08-31 09:11:43 -04:00
706a5cf188Add occupation name to entity properties.
Hector Franqui
2017-08-29 18:16:48 -05:00
e85a8161c3Change names to match convention.
Hector Franqui
2017-08-29 18:12:21 -05:00
df56e44bbdAdd workplaces support. Places: Workplaces are now usable nodes. Plotmarkers around a building can be scanned and their information stored into current plotmarker. Slightly optimize plotmarker search. Occupations: Add test "priest" occupation definition. Fix lots of bugs in initialization code. Spawner: Add ability to determine occupation name out of surrounding workplaces. Assign occupation to spawned NPC using simple algorithm. Others: Reduce log noise a bit. Fix some warnings.
Hector Franqui
2017-08-29 14:54:57 -04:00
59bb430e62Spawner: Nearby plotmarkers are now scanned for all mg_villages:plotmarkers. Places: Usable nodes now include workplaces Small bug fixes. Relationships: Small bugfix with gift item response. Occupations: Add work node descriptions. Experimental "priest" occupation.
Hector Franqui
2017-08-28 15:43:57 -04:00
4c102a70a4Spawner: Large code refactor to remove dependency on plotmarkers. Most spawner functions can now be called without giving a plotmarker. Move scanning functions to places.lua. Places: Cleanup and add more area-scanning functions. Schedules: Bugfix where schedules weren't being executed due to wrong "end" order in the do_custom() function. Data: Moved random data to "data" folder. Textures: Add 14 male textures and 10 female textures. Occupations: Small tweaks to "default_basic" occupation.
Hector Franqui
2017-08-25 09:31:45 -04:00
4c0e2b574aTemporary fix for male textures issue.
Hector Kio
2017-08-11 10:44:57 -04:00
3edc959d3aDialogues: Finish implementation of registered dialogues. Ported all trade dialogues to use new dialogue system.
Hector Franqui
2017-07-19 14:00:29 -04:00
b5dc9926cdAdd 5 additional male textures. Rename child textures to be more representative.
Hector Franqui
2017-07-13 19:05:39 -04:00
bff013bc44Utilities: Add simple utility code to work with arrays and Lua tables
Hector Franqui
2017-07-13 19:04:00 -04:00
5eceb09cdbRandom data: Separate random data in different files for better classification. Add registrations as well.
Hector Franqui
2017-07-13 19:02:40 -04:00
e79fb91ff3Dialogues: Re-write dialogues to allow Minetest's like registration system instead of the actual table lookup system. In general, dialogues now are registered in similar fashion as nodes, entities and others are registered in Minetest. Relationships: Re-write to the way favorite/disliked items are defined, now allow Minetest's like registration as well. Random data: Random data now includes registrations for gift items and dialogues.
Hector Franqui
2017-07-13 19:01:28 -04:00
bf935fd091Dialogues: Fix bug with NPCs being frozen if 'Esc' button was pressed to exit dialogue
Hector Franqui
2017-06-29 19:01:03 -04:00
6141af11aaRelationships: Increase gift timer and relationship decrease timer to more usual values. Fixed small bug on giving unliked items.
Hector Franqui
2017-06-27 18:39:13 -04:00
e70888c3e5Fix bug with 'ignore' nodes when some map areas are not fully loaded but NPC try to perform actions on them.
Hector Franqui
2017-06-27 18:38:28 -04:00
cc56446206NPC: (WIP) Schedule properties support adding one or multiple items to NPC inventory, and support taking one item from NPC inventory. Attempt to fix child textures issue (2).
Hector Franqui
2017-06-21 21:07:36 -04:00
7110c49b42Spawner: Avoid multiple spawning by not replacing the mg_villages:plotmarker, but just override its definition. NPC: (WIP) Support change properties on schedules.
Hector Franqui
2017-06-21 07:16:11 -04:00
fd4cec0d63Spawner: Assign sits, furnaces and storage nodes to spawned NPCs. Small basic schedule change: NPCs now sit from 12-1 on whatever sit they 'own'. Fixed /restore_plotmarkers not clearing all metadata. NPC: Attempted to add a fix for the children growing on their own (due to mobs_redo).
Hector Franqui
2017-06-19 21:03:24 -04:00
3df43ab580Spawner: Assign sits, furnaces and storage nodes to spawned NPCs. Small basic schedule change: NPCs now sit from 12-1 on whatever sit they 'own'. Fixed /restore_plotmarkers not clearing all metadata. NPC: Attempted to add a fix for the children growing on their own (due to mobs_redo).
Hector Franqui
2017-06-19 20:54:26 -04:00
c19ea70242Spawner: Add clearing of 'replaced' string to /restore_plotmarkers
Hector Franqui
2017-06-18 11:19:33 -04:00
fb549e7f93Pathfinder: Drop jumper.lua's pathfinder in favor of MarkBu's pathfinder with slight modifications, as the later one supports 3D paths. Clean up old pathfinder code. Add path decoration to MarkBu pathfinder's generated paths. Change actions.lua and places.lua to use the new pathfinder. Properly modify README.md.
Hector Franqui
2017-06-17 11:47:51 -04:00
e1bf931064Relationships: change texture of smoke to use default's mod texture
Hector Franqui
2017-06-17 11:45:57 -04:00
caa39d97abNPC: Fixed bugs around new logs and npc chat functions. Fixed bug with child texture.
Hector Franqui
2017-06-17 10:22:00 -04:00
a91160ecc6NPC: Cleaned up debugging logs. Standarized logs to have different levels. Show by default only INFO, ERROR log messages. Dialogues: Standarized function for NPC chat messages. Removed trader.lua and trader_test.lua which are part of old 'mobs_npc' mod.
Hector Franqui
2017-06-17 09:44:25 -04:00
bf0f643e3eNPC: Changed general issue with names. Now names are a dedicated variable, not anymore a nametag. NPC names aren't visible anymore. Spawner: Added NPC statistics to plotmarkers. Add statistics-based spawning for a more balanced, family-type spawning of NPCs.
Hector Franqui
2017-06-17 09:08:29 -04:00
adeeecd43ePathfinding (WIP): Use MarkBu's pathfinder mod as the new pathfinder. Actions: Modify walk_to_pos to use new pathfinding code. Allow support for giving positions as strings or tables referring to specific places on Places Map. Spawner: Assign beds to NPCs. Increase amount of NPCs now being spawned as they are able to reach top floor beds. Places: Slight overhaul and changes. Add more info to places. NPC: Hide nametag.
Hector Franqui
2017-06-14 18:42:36 -04:00
d4e8744cfbSpawner: Assign entrance door to every NPC spawned. Increased ABM chance to make NPC spawning less laggy. Improved building scanning, finally now has correct data for scanning nodes. Places: Finding entrances is limited now to MTG doors.
Hector Franqui
2017-05-19 14:36:11 -04:00
1d1a56592bActions: Rewrite API to use executor function + constants of commands. Re-write NPC add action/task functions, do_custom() to use new actions API. Spawner: Find building entrances (WIP) Places: Fix numerous bugs with add/get places functions. Actions: Fix bugs with sittable task.
Hector Franqui
2017-05-13 13:17:45 -04:00
9b3d458872Spawner: Part 1: Add initial code to find doors front/behind position. Detect first floor nodes.
Hector Franqui
2017-05-05 18:34:16 -04:00