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9 Commits
master ... dev

Author SHA1 Message Date
bri cassa 5b1807beed [unifiedbricks] Fix missing textures 2023-12-13 21:26:02 +01:00
bri cassa c92191e290 Mods update
- 3d_armor
- basic_signs
- bonemeal
- digilines
- farming
- mobs_redo
- mobs_animal
- mobs_monster
- unifieddyes
2023-12-13 21:02:42 +01:00
bri cassa 9b8eedd976 [moreplants] Fix blueflower biome spawn 2023-11-26 18:57:16 +01:00
bri cassa ef549a8a33 [plantfife_modpack] Fix startup crash 2023-11-26 14:44:00 +01:00
bri cassa dfcb7903dd [unifiedbricks] Fix missing dependency to moreblocks 2023-11-26 14:38:53 +01:00
bri cassa e61ef53196 Mods update 2023-11-25 16:32:06 +01:00
bri cassa 8998ddfa00 Mods update 2023-06-11 15:09:51 +02:00
bri cassa 912d2c61da [snow] Fix skins mod support detection 2023-06-10 15:37:20 +02:00
bri cassa 6a64c3219f Remove craftguide and mods update
* 3d_armor
  - Refactor armors to be mods rather than hardcoded into API (#78)
  - Update LDoc helper scripts for separating armor into mods (#80)
  - Added Esperanto translation
  - more exhaustive attempt to display a wielded item w/
  wieldview (#84)
  - Update (#94)
  - Swedish translation (+refresh translations and remove outdated
  meta) (#97)
  - Update
  - add animations for use w/ the emote mod (#98)
  - Change Fire Protection Function (#100)
* ambience
  - player can set sound and music volumes which are saved
  - update license file
  - replace non-commercial sounds
  - resize screenshot to meet contentdb size limit
  - add license.txt
  - replace icecrack sound with free one
  - amend load msg's
* awards
  - Use client-side translation instead of intllib
  - Remove intllib from dependencies
  - Use GitLab CI instead of Travis
  - Save data at a regular interval
* bakedclay
  - add info to license.txt
  - update license.txt
  - remove technic_cnc dependency, register cnc nodes using
  - remove 0.4.x support for better 5.x mod compatibility
  - add 'stairsplus_clay_compatibility' setting
  - remove stack_max limit of 99 for [game] to handle instead.
* basic_materials
  - Add aluminum bar, strip and wire, gold strip and stainless steel
  bar and strip. (#16)
  - add first class support for repixture (#19)
  - add techage support (#20)
* bonemeal
  - added farming's asparagus, spinach, eggplant
  - add ginger
  - add helper function and new screenshot
  - update license.txt
  - add moretrees' poplar small sapling
  - add 'bonemeal.disable_deathbones_recipe' setting
  - can bonemeal barley, hemp, rye, oat, mint, sunflower seeds
  - add rice seed
  - add Everness support (thx imre84)
* chesttools
  - added mod.conf
  - prepared for colored chests (8 colors)
  - added colorwallmounted variant of chest
  - added right textures when pipeworks is installed
  - allow players who can access the chest to dig it
  - set infotext after swapping node
* climate_api: v1.2.0
  - make humidity timescale configurable via variable
  - Implement support for lighting_monoid
* digilines: Add ES locale and update the template (#77)
* farming
  - tweak crop levels on map, add strawberry if ethereal mod not
  - add strawberry rarity to farming.conf_example
  - change golden carrot recipe (carrot + gold lump)
  - added spinach; eggplant; asparagus; Chili Powder; new
  Onigiri (thanks Atlante for new textures), mapgen now inside own
  crop file, added new lucky blocks
  - update readme
  - add items to readme craftable list
  - change melon textures, complaints they looked too similar to
  - add ginger (thanks Atlante for textures)
  - remove some borrowed textures for new ones
  - add Esperanto translation (thx Jolesh)
  - add sugar cube
  - new sugar cube texture
  - change barley textures, increase steps to 8
  - new melon textures and license (thanks alerikaisattera)
  - new coffee crop textures by XSSheep
  - new popcorn texture by smoke_th
  - new pumpkin & jack o' lantern textures (thanks alerikaisattera)
  - add new pie textures
  - recipe for yellow dye using onion
  - update pie textures
  - add new burger texture (thanks Shadall)
* mesecons
  - Add recipe to straighten wire (#629)
  - Add Esperanto translation (#625)
  - Add option to disable printing inside a luacontroller (#633)
  - Add pitch variations for most noteblock sounds (#535)
* mobs
  - replace meatblock textures with own, add raw meatblock
* mobs_animal: add hairball item
* moreblocks: Add portuguese Brazilian language (#193)
* nether: v3.4 Add giant crystal geodes (#35)
* pipeworks: Add digilines to teleport tube and refactor code (#49)
* plantlife_modpack
  - Add German translation (#29)
  - Added Esperanto translation (#36)
* regional_weather: v1.2.0
  - v1.1.0 Enable shadows
  - v1.1.1 Add additional constraints
  - v1.2.0 Decrease strength of lighting effects
* scifi_nodes: add forcefield node (#75)
* skinsdb
  - Add uv wrapped 1.8 hand model (#74)
  - Add portuguese Brazilian language (#76)
  - Add compatibility w/ animations of the emote mod (#82)
  - Add hand_monoid support (#81)
* spears: Version 2.4 - Add pigiron
* technic
  - Add LV led and lamp
  - add recipes to grind all sand types into stone dust
  - Chainsaw: Add certain dftrees "fruit"-like nodes
  - Add Japanese translation (#613)
* tsm_pyramids: Version 1.0.4 - Respawn spawner entity on punch/load
* unified_inventory
  - Craft guide: Add support for colored items (#213)
  - Make bags support lite mode
  - Waypoints: Add teleportation button

* 3d_armor
  - Preserve fall_damage_add_percent when setting player armor (#81)
  - Add and fix Brazillian Portuguese translation (#85)
  - add fake player check (#86)
  - remove reference to smartshop image (#88)
  - remove pointless dependency on bakedclay (#90)
  - typo correct (#92)
  - don't trigger armor:punch when max_hp decreases
* WorldEdit: Harden //mtschemprob against incorrect input
* areas: Fix chat command typo (#64)
* awards
  - Fix lumberjack award only working for default tree
  - Fix "On the Way" being added with no rails
* bakedclay
  - fix flowerpot order
* basic_meterials: make nodes digable in mcl* survival mode
* bonemeal
  - update rhubarb and strawberry growth
  - tidy helper function
  - change barley steps to 8
  - fix bonemeal take item on every use
  - code tidy
  - readme updated, thanks eschan145
  - only take item when used on bonemeal node
* chesttools
  - fixed crash
  - fix crash (fixes #2)
  - trigger pipeworks visual connection when placing a shared chest
  next to a pipe
* climate_api: v1.2.1
  - Optimize code and modernize API calls
  - v1.1.0 Enable shadow registration, improve indoor check
  - Fix bad mod.conf
  - lib/trigger: remove unrequired tests
  - Do nothing when no player online
  - Lower GSCYCLE: more cycles to skip
  - Try to disable MTG weather, reconfigure global cycle length,
  - Rework humidity system, fix bug regarding global influences not
  - v1.1.1 tweak humidity to consider biome even more
  - Add missing warning translation
  - Fix broken translation call
  - v1.2.1 Fix incorrect call to player_monoids
* darkage: fix unified_dyes integration (#14)
* digilines
  - Fix LCD Z-fighting in distant places, large coordinates
  - Don't record a protection violation when players aren't allowed to
  modify a node (#78)
* farming
  - add random seed for each registered decoration, tidy code
  - increase selection box to show crop has matured, fix strawberry
  plant issue, add step to rhubarb growth
  - fix strawberry issue
  - code consistency
  - tweak mint and pineapple spawning
  - fix translations to toolrank hoe's
  - localize math.random for cocoa generation
  - fix rhubarb_drops (thx Adam0207) and jaffa cake recipe (thx
  - fix ginger final select
  - remove ginger growing
  - fix onigiri typo (thx fluxionary)
  - add missing recipe
  - fix translation (thx fluxionary)
  - Add ABM labels
  - reduce onion colours to fix blur
  - capatalize spinach and asparagus descriptions
  - fix pea textures (thx fluxionary)
  - check for old wheat/cotton seeds and grow to stage_1 via abm
  - seeds made with register_plant function are placed in world and
  germinate into stage_1 of crop.
  - use farming seed placer function
  - return to default wet soil behaviour (within 3 nodes all axis)
  - tweak soil dry abm
  - placable mint and sunflower seeds, added waving to most crops
  - re-add rice seeds and recipe to dry into edible rice
  - rice crop has chance of giving more
  - junglegrass drops rice seed instead of rice food
  - fix turkish delight recipe (thx kiedtl)
* hangglider
  - [WIP] cleanup, remove old 0.4 code (#6)
  - fix fly upwards (#7)
  - Make areas warning time configurable (#8)
  - Fix mixed spaces+tabs
* hbsprint: Add LuaCheck and GitHub workflow (#32)
* home_workshop_modpack: fix crash due nil itemstack (#13)
* homedecor_modpack
  - add not in creative inventory group to bed extended since it is
  made by placing a bed over top of another
  - fix - quote
  on quote improper dor rotation which turned out to be badly applied
  model work around
  - restart smoke particle effects on reload (#48)
  - fix
  - fix all or edge cases for not caught by
  the last commit
  - fix - swap
  l to 1 in translations
  - Fix ugly looking fakegrass (#51)
  - Fix uncraftable items (#53)
  - fix burnable wood large table top (#54)
  - Fix lockable items having the same craft as the normal
  version (#55)
* item_drop: Fix error when picking up a node with deprecated tile
definition (#40)
* locks: add missing mod.conf
* maptools
  - Fix alpha texture warnings (#34)
  - Fix nodenames in the docs (#35)
* markers
  - replaced deprecated getpos function
  - Add dependency
  - Merge pull request #8 from nanepiwo/patch-1
  - Fix mod.conf
* mesecons
  - Handle invalid param2 in presets.lua (#623)
  - Fix typo in hydroturbine recipe (#624)
  - Add automated tests for some mods (#605)
  - Fix mvps receptor_off issue (#627)
  - Avoid deprecated item metadata accessors (#630)
  - Do not print the mesecons OK message
* mob_horse
  - code tidy
  - fix driver eye level
  - amend loaded msg
* mobs
  - check pos/def for nil value in add_mob function
  - tweak mod following to work better
  - have mobs jump slightly when grown to avoid being caught in floor
  - add damage_radius and texture to mobs:boom()
  - tidy code
  - fix node position
  - revert node position (git gui test)
  - api.txt updated with mapgen_dirt entry
  - code tidy and default sounds fix
  - mobs_class made global (be careful anyone changing this)
  - fix smooth rotation jitters
  - localise math.deg
  - fix peaceful player check
  - add .uacheckrc file (thanks Niklp)
  - tidy some luacheckrc warnings
  - update .luacheckrc
  - add ignore to .luacheckrc
  - update settingtypes.txt
  - add ability to read 'looting_level' from tool definition and meta for extra drops
  - update punch sound to cc0 version
  - update license.txt
  - remove yaw clamping, causes mob jitters
  - check staticdata for egg capture
  - clean aliased mob staticdata
  - fix variable error (thx Niklp)
  - better water avoidance and escape
  - remove duplicate on_die info (thx Bastrabun)
  - update api.txt
  - update pathfinding defaults to add settings (thx Bla)
  - turn/animate mob on knockback, code tidy
  - add return true to on punch
  - add animation nil check
  - add mob_height_fix setting so it can be disabled.
  - add mob_hit_effect switch so mob highlights when punched
  - fix env timer issue
  - add check for 'injured' animation
  - fix type and update readme
  - code tidy, updated readme (thx eschan145)
  - add friendly_fire mob setting for arrows (thx eschan145)
  - fix friendly fire bug and add provide moveresult information to
  - fix nil check for on_spawn
  - fix flying mobs sinking into water
  - reset parent movement after baby born
  - add staticdata clean function, update api.txt
  - 2nd attempt at clamping yaw to stop spinny mobs
  - simplify yaw clamping
  - fix group attack anim reset, tidy code
  - mobs ordered to "stand", fix knockback
  - pause timer reset
  - better way to reset pause_timer with "stand" order
  - if min/max light set to 15, only kill mob with natural light
  - update api.txt
  - if max_light_damage is 16 then use natural light value to damage
  - when attacking dont call unecessary functions every step
  - tweak do_jump for better blockage checks
  - have separate get_nodes function for nodes around mob, update
  - add 'mob_node_timer_interval' and 'mob_main_timer_interval'
  settings to handle function timings
  - updated readme
  - fix jumping when on need to
  - added 'mobs_attack_creatura' setting for monsters to attack
  Creatura mob mobs
  - monsters will always attack creatura mobs, anything else will
  defend it's owner if attacked.
  - added check to be sure creatura mod enabled
  - tweak child textures when growing
  - add mtobjid mod to optional dependencies, stop mob count going
  below 0
  - remove htimer, tweak update_tag()
* mobs_animal
  - sheeps wont drop wool when killed if sheared (thx Mazes)
  - code tidy
  - have sheep spawn in mixed herds
  - add herd node check
  - fix dye'd sheep protection (thx Niklp)
  - update license.txt (need some licenses filled)
  - fix evil bunny
  - fix crash when no default
  - new sheep models by Sirrobzeroone to fix dark entity glitch when
  shaders enabled
  - fix bunny model with shader issues (thanks sirrobzeroone)
  - set very low water_damage so bunny,cow,kitten,panda,sheep,warthog
  avoids water
  - new sheep model, textures and code changes by sirrobzeroone (many
  - add low water damage level so sheep fear water
  - fix sheep dye bugs (nametag missing, double dye usage, dye'ing
  same colour sheep)
  - increase sheep spawn chance when ethereal active
  - re-add sheep spawn neighbor of "group:grass"
  - cows can be milked using both wooden bucket mods
  - tidy code, add special kitten spawn
  - proper positioning of grown sheep
  - fix evil bunny
  - tidy bunny code
  - remove test line
* mobs_monster
  - code tidy
  - change tree monster textures (mc issues)
  - change cobweb texture (mc issue)
  - update screenshot
  - fix lava_pick outputs (thanks fluxionary)
  - update license.txt
  - fix crash when no default
  - remove any older model mese monsters that haven't already
  - sand and stone monster models updated along with textures (thanks
  - disable friendly_fire for dungeon master (they can take a
  - readme updated (thanks eschan145)
  - remember mese monster type
  - new fireball texture
* moon_phases: v2.1.1 Fix bad mod.conf
* moremesecons
  - Fix comma typos (#27)
  - Fix error in command blocks (#30)
* moreores
  - Pass material to hoe registration (#48)
  - Add tool groups for use by various mods (#50)
  - Replace Travis CI with GitHub Actions (#51)
* moretrees
  - Divorce biome lib and cleanup code (#11)
  - fix resolves old
  legacy code for small varients that was missed when removing biome
  - manual merge and
  resolve conflicts
  - Ensure ethereal is a compatible version if loaded (#21)
  - Player placed fruits have param2 set to 1 (#24)
  - Improve and add missing Spanish strings (#27)
  - fix gennotify ids table being corrupted when clear decorations is
  called (#28)
  - Fix some typos in tree names in the biome decoration defs
* names_per_ip: Fix call to deprecated function warning (#9)
* nether
  - Use Minetest_game fences API if it's available (#57)
  - Add gravel sounds to lava crust (#58)
  - fumaroles: don't extinguish fires outside of the nether (#60)
  - fix the sky in the nether caverns when using climate_api (#61)
  - A fix for Netherrack slab being called Deep Netherrack slab (#63)
  - Update localization files
  - add some French translations
  - restore string key in template
  - Hide unknown nodes under the nether bug (#72)
* pipeworks
  - check if target is protected before trying to break/place a node,
  so as not to trigger protection violations (#42)
  - check if machine is protected before trying to break/place a
  node (#43)
  - fix
  - Store teleport tube DB more compactly (#45)
  - Prevent vacuum tubes breaking themselves and refactor code (#51)
  - make minor bugfixes to restore compat with mineclone2
  - make all nodes diggable in mcl* survival mode
  - Fix deprecated call to `player:get_look_pitch()`
  - Use sane default i3 inventory settings when missing (#57)
  - log when items teleport through tubes (#66)
  - cache teleport tube logging setting
  - Support setting teleport tube `can_receive` by digilines (#68)
* plantlife_modpack
  - add bush leaves to leaves group (#31)
  - restrict tree fern growth (#32)
  - limit bush duping (#33)
  - add node dig/placement predictions (#34)
  - fix upside-down vines ends (#37)
  - fix - add
  use_texture_alpa param to nodes that have textures with alpa
* quartz: Update to mt5 translation system (#12)
* regional_weather
  - Modernize API calls
  - increase puddle transparency, tweak player speed buffs
  - Move check for MTG weather to Climate API instead
  - Reconfigure fog to only show up in the morning and always heavy,
  remove puddle sound
  - Remove unused translation
* scifi_nodes
  - Set more fitting node sounds (#74)
  - increase line length for luacheck
  - register some nodes to the `letters` mod (#76)
  - add `facedir` param2type to lightbars and liquidpipes (#77)
  - use `colorwallmounted` with a single letter registration (has 32
  - fix deprecated `minetest.env` calls
* signs_lib
  - add setting for custom edit priv (#15)
  - handle interactions w/ explosions (#14)
  - fix unconditional access to `default` global (#16)
  - don't emit translation strings to the log (#17)
* skinsdb
  - Remove mesh hand node when player exits (#84)
  - Filename seperator setting to fix #54 (#83)
* technic
  - Document lead and sulfur
  - Supply converter: demany only the needed power (#577)
  - Unify and simplify LED/Lamp node definition
  - Chainsaw: Partial rewrite, various improvements (#607)
  - Export technic_music_player_top.png to PNG, run optipng
  - Chests: Use prepend styling and re-order elements (#608)
  - Batteries: Workaround to fix discharge (#609)
  - Supply converter: Charge batteries again
  - Add register_cable_tier API function (#612)
  - Fix battery box charging on Windows
  - Fix battery box charging issues caused by out of sync functions
  - Document a few derived textures
  - Wrench: Fix node registration from other mods
* technic_armor: Use the correct branch name
* toolranks
  - Create LICENCE
  - Update
* tsm_pyramids
  - Fix crash if mummy dies in fire
  - Remove useless .gitattributes
  - Remove giant useless .gitignore
  - Add .mailmap for Wuzzy
  - Rename one of the engraving stones (Man→Human)
  - Add min_minetest_version
* unified_inventory
  - Update German translation (#211)
  - Elaborate the use of NS()
  - Bags: Disallow moving bags into themselves
  - Tidy and comment filtering functions
  - API doc: use Minetest style
  - Add setting to hide disabled buttons (#217)
  - Remove dependency on farming (#219)
  - Improve scroll height calculation (#220)
  - Centre page number label and move refill/trash labels (#221)
  - Improve group matching for 'copy to craft'
  - Purge recipes with invalid ingredients
  - Document and replace sounds
  - Fix search not working after page flip
* unifieddyes
  - Airbrush: Fix dye selection by not relying on internal behaviour
  of minetest.serialize (#10)
  - fix
  - syntac formating for translation files(remove whitespace) - make
  wuzzy happy
2023-06-09 22:29:57 +02:00
62 changed files with 60 additions and 64 deletions

.gitmodules vendored
View File

@ -283,9 +283,6 @@
[submodule "cozy"]
path = cozy
url =
[submodule "craftguide"]
path = craftguide
url =
[submodule "death_messages"]
path = death_messages
url =

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 1869d4b0c35679afd5210eabdbe3e6c70f48faa6
Subproject commit 6b2f83e8e39780a3bdb6507f3badbe98040f0083

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit abc9efeeb8cccb3e23c055414941fed4a9871b9a
Subproject commit 341014f94a78ac61eea953dd1bb917827b1d8dd7

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit f7d54237f60ad3d5649985c73dfa618bc605c5cb
Subproject commit 0e444c726cf6f131cae312480ee2fd32e181536a


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit a8cacee8cc53a0f16583be1b116cbb022f6ee87d
Subproject commit 2fda1adbd7649b8b9d74913d6e6bff8eeb9a5390


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 4da55e06e827be4f51f15a9e73d8ef74e4b23394
Subproject commit aceec98b09f065691c78a61c52234573aea7bd44

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit b98f6c38f170e57e0954bdb859b44d5145e4015d
Subproject commit 7fcd97d172d051edcd351217db7b0a2e3d5c49b8

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit b9ac85790df6416085870d8acbb7eb4a3f5d4040
Subproject commit e4a122dfdd991f5a3af27c9a84418fddf22fad49

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 6f4f80bdc6c153c3e7745f182c5e1f2e30f14b50
Subproject commit ba05a4c98307988456a47830e5210daa02bfe370

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit d357709339670f91b3591542ddd6006cd6b6464c
Subproject commit 53aefab9a23e593abb8b5e32486f07733b962686

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit c8edc24ad2a9c9dd59b309049fee118d99af738c
Subproject commit 7f35f861d88b2db17c7bc45f5c67835a49bc0f38

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit a56116e8ab50405431e4f862b9fcfcb58f725bc3
Subproject commit c23277284a45cbc3bf2b6a1f3c6a6a3e66244d05

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 5125b9b07b91be9ce9839ca95ec2fc2bb7ba57e1
Subproject commit 2714c14444f83cb5f6373e359fd58522a1a5c117

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 00eac777d71f98b98b08113c83261e3738ad2a7c
Subproject commit e13bb490d1be47931455c55beac351752793422d


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit e89aae809289852f3f0c8038fe95e3dbca5fcd1c
Subproject commit 5a04858fc0893f3e70cc57a9289541744af8f0b5

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit f3799989435d1f7a6e4307572dafd93a79410f15

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit cfd084c709f7485035991045914627cb5d2f135a
Subproject commit 9227671f4ebf07e9fc20d00b5cc57f5b99b994e5

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit f5b2521e4b8270bb3cc54a675d9dc90bc79644f2
Subproject commit 98f364c0ccc3c37948c491f420ce6a18cc9a6cac

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 31101de3456c258f3bdeede17f127461719f54b5
Subproject commit 501e9e302ecf8b49a57a0a92764f2378ff728e13

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit cd67eb2d19aa8c3a7381c862228dc26b8e60d0bc
Subproject commit 2c708abd8816b08679b61068446259101f66abbc

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit b8943369c6815428482138db99d511383592a55e
Subproject commit b9cb4871a870f641f7c9f55596069d077f40ece5

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 40b911e18426a78ba9c4d07363a31b6cfebaec86
Subproject commit 1fd279435c391736ece2893fefd47c1497727770

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 0f8f31d5c8d5167b0d7fe549a3028ead98b4947e
Subproject commit 8e189f01fa961ecdb9c64f9072305c8893f43997


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit bb8b755362de07e17e4a67b2b0c962bab189c398
Subproject commit fc46594dbb7c0da0d96cf01f15b0950f753df69a

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit cae46704eb6311dc6d3281dc65568c3eece9192c
Subproject commit 88ca34203dbf6a148910ec9f80d7f310803e00df

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 0e3a251da522ddc188be376b6ff2c13bd0ed1663
Subproject commit e389885f328670d3aff964dbc71287315fbc5dbf


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 79b8186ed8e7e865193642c7e6d81090c032b8db
Subproject commit f36403bcf9c1ce2cf477e00e492e72883104e5b2

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit c4d54b083aad33e129c4fc1e4d5e984ab1e95f97
Subproject commit 5da0dc08cf55ee43e0381967dfe88478ed8565bb

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 1c1a2ec08b3fc0b4de4adc3cbb8573368af66ae5
Subproject commit 355b1af4766bdc4d2498f869f5ccdcc8ca4a9227

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 4ecc69451886d5614bfc43395264766f42393c44
Subproject commit 1fcfd2a98d30f1644ec8eaba54e8708eef8af393

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit af59d1e2b7e2be3970bca05b515b6b90497ab6bf
Subproject commit e36feea1a41fd2d57ca2a63df1f64334e06714ed


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Subproject commit 83f0b901a4e0e127129c290d727af710da79d15a
Subproject commit be7b6bc5fedcd100418e621269dfed013c7e5898

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Subproject commit 5d5b9848535c604a58259bfba43aee7c7e53eff6
Subproject commit 4ada017824dabcd4c36ba6e1323f4a8b9dace221

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Subproject commit 00146154b5f216a60ccd402c81e8a8e1de57decf
Subproject commit 7893b94f6e4b8a5ce7364b8d1100125adbb014af

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Subproject commit f9182cae3f78b832e253d3ffc82cb7ff6a67cf8b
Subproject commit 79992a04454aef0d0915c9a1536238f6e4640382

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Subproject commit 7bd7a6600886fa6d13ecc6d3fd0ba67cd9d4df0e
Subproject commit 7077a16ac5efdd10751c9581c540fcbcfda2a80d

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Subproject commit 9423c32f5bc398eb3012b889b2844b9896c22abd
Subproject commit ad319f1e304533c2d63aa21eeaf1a1a5f0ee16ea

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Subproject commit 708c8ea8df5e0893ea5f918148e63c74f6205822
Subproject commit db6918297c3f2b447cc813faf20266a57a1b32c6

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Subproject commit 8043b9d7116d8a5d27ad29acd92bad76a5ce35d6
Subproject commit 73566f0f75e84df75f122ae7ff9cb95090f1b2c8

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Subproject commit 4bf92e471a180907f348a40c4fc4a2182d38da34
Subproject commit cae249a88a6bcb9e277aae0ba109e7fddd76f33f

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Subproject commit aaa0ba123b97be6e20357c2faa8436e870183a79
Subproject commit fdd341ac71919ea389b903f2b1655a1bf352aae4

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Subproject commit 6737210d5dc2a72315349163b33a7fb8c44d8e5e
Subproject commit 563b8a6c5c0e759586439b377de0e390cd4816a3


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 1df107ab941c119ce810501993b6d13c559ed8ea
Subproject commit 96a7ac29773216ce2031bdf20da8666afb9617cb

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Subproject commit b11cb37123751ce3804a7145974c4ca359e60f6e
Subproject commit 2f9f9a7b544f6c9266f97206d9dd9fbf78881e0b

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Subproject commit 079a5c1ff8b6d5f4160d24c1444773b35ddf3c59
Subproject commit ee51e847df6305d3f8a0e61156537e91448b57ad

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Subproject commit 1cd8491447c2bdf241efee9a2037fd0732e2bda3
Subproject commit 512528fc46177294dbecf8b7ccd1f48cba9ef519


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Subproject commit 3b520ff47a9b9c4c580ed4b0bf760c55a4853f84
Subproject commit 0693b2b079683d553d6cf6bbdefcd558e6928b17

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Subproject commit 4b44f25ef89947e0c7fcd28d65df8327e5674153
Subproject commit 6c150faaafac0126a835f5598c02a150617db980

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Subproject commit c649c290ab000a0c70c8d4a608b7e8a97d3a06ca
Subproject commit cc5f1bea5af8397dfc0a39e45ab5b31be0102211

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Subproject commit 8aafe6608cba8a95e792efb973cb8fc5d0f1e44e
Subproject commit e3878080650fdd5482b8fc1c8c124092c494b13e

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Subproject commit b769824d249b432a4f4f6a659aa6dae1a09071a8
Subproject commit 271c10907396ae17853e2d55001f719a5db1f1ba


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Subproject commit e3164a196323261632f7361a1ea1ddf2ed9a6bc0
Subproject commit d1d6a701fb2fa281d3391e3e41b4a2d4f22eebfd


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 2100c74a21bfc447c8bd37476948caeca675d6d6
Subproject commit 4514a8d0a11fb4c283579ab5da28e84a5be54587

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Subproject commit bce5306abea765fed1fdfeb775ed3abd21ff2863
Subproject commit 49d4105a2b7b782e49d68db0229b2a64542bf5b5

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Subproject commit d3e5dadbba73a1d897d38a37107df97ae520cfb8
Subproject commit f19d57f6fc0e526c5fee33d6d37a658b960304a7

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Subproject commit 31f0cf5f868673dc82f24ddc432b45c9cd282d27
Subproject commit dfc724fa0669dc20f6c1f374af71b7bc4c237bf1

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Subproject commit aac3cded36ac7930995ea1912edabf75c1cd0141
Subproject commit 5201827f9c7f11b642bf264060462c44d218ea6c

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Subproject commit d4d89c5cc4c4bcb02eae3436454632b2ad185ddf
Subproject commit 8837f4d707c8b55dabc38a131e5c890a3b5a22c5

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit a977ec47fd73b1eb44b115ab8a3d3b17f0c0a001
Subproject commit cb6e60249725fa3831bb2ebedfcef20fb27fbd3a

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit a083365df9de55a121edae8a2dea6d61f319be07
Subproject commit 919c6861e6683386882084919a27075f057626e0

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Subproject commit 878377301f376b21d4d4529da2a5c082f49792fe
Subproject commit ecd05bfd908d2ec30e6ee29c8787aacff134885f


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Subproject commit 1faa6586517f037859f506fe43bfd901a1850074
Subproject commit 0f62057622ee6b0f72cf7c0d4099e7212ad525da