Most significant changes: [3d_armor] - Make all admin armor to protect from drowning - Fix armor radiation values were not not summed up [WorldEdit] - Add tooltip to WorldEdit GUI button - Make //clearobjects remove unknown objects - Colorize command references in chat output - Allow rotation with //mtschemplace [areas] - Short summary print in /list_areas for admins - Allow relative coordinates in /area_pos[12] - Use smallest area at given position [basic_materials] - Fix silicon not appearing in recipe book [bonemeal] - add coniferous litter deco [claycrafter] - Update recipes to use groups [digilines] - Disallow LCD messages that aren't strings or numbers [farming] - Enable strawberry - all grass have the chance of dropping seeds - seed drops from short grass more rare (thx skaapdev) - re-add bronze hoe recipe - hoes can deal damage to mobs and players - add vegan butter and jerusalem artichokes. - new popcorn, potato salad texture [hangglider] - Preserve colour on repair by crafting [homedecor_modpack] - show players sitting in seats [mesecons] - Changes to torch and delayer appearance [mobs] - stop swimming mobs going above water surface - added infotext and mob follows improvements (thx Kazooo) - add mob hearing feature [mobs_animal] - have chance of chicken dropping a feather - better butter [mobs_monster] - add particle effect and sound when lava pick cooks node [moremesecons] - Make mesechest more reliable [nether] - Toolranks support [pipeworks] - fix nodebreaker not ejecting replacement items [plantlife_modpack] - make pebbles and their desert variant break with fist [scaffolding] - changed wooden scaffolding to group:wood [scifi_nodes] - add recipe for `screen3` - add some missing crafts - add transparent vent and mesh [serverguide] - Rewrite of custom informations for NALC [skinsdb] - Clean up skin listing [technic] - Add granite brick node - Add compressor recipes for nether brick and lump - Add grinding recipe for nether lump + refactor grinder recipes - Add compressor recipes for nether racks [unified_inventory] - Option to hide uncraftable items
All mods used by nalc-server